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Minutes of August 15 and email August 14

August 16th, 2006

Carroll Budget Committee
Minutes of August 15, 2006

Meeting was called to order at 7:05 p.m. by the Chair. In attendance: Linda Dowling, Tom Gately, Karen Moran, Carmine Fabrizio, Ken Mills, Bonnie Moroney. Pam Walsh was excused. Public present: Bill Dowling., Claire Gritzer, John Gardiner.

Motion was made by Tom to accept the minutes of July 11, 2006 Carmine seconded, all in favor.

John Gardiner spoke on behalf of the New Building Committee and provided a summary of the monthly meetings held beginning in January 2006.
* Committee has a ten year timeline which shows items which need imminent attention within the first 3 years, items which are probable and should be addressed within the subsequent 3 years, and items which are possible over the subsequent 4 years.
* Funding sources for such projects are Capital Reserve Funds, Long Term Bonds, Grants, and General Fund warrants.
* Tax maps have been reviewed to determine specifically what properties are owned by the town. At their February 2006 meeting, Rick Brown provided a summary of the police station needs in order to comply with a variety of RSAs Jeff Duncan provided an update for fire station needs.
* Kevin Scribner from the North Country Council discussed a capital improvement plan.
* They have discussed with Provan and Lorber a concept plan for the current town hall property (cost estimate$6,200), and Mike Coture and Dan Hebert who have designed several police/fire stations throughout the state.
* Billy Rines indicated the highway garage needs several repairs, there is a need for a 3-5 ton dump truck, a utility truck for use by the water department.
* Claire indicated the library has many needs.
* $2,000 for a topographical mapping of the town hall property was found in one of the recycling center expense line items. Funds for CIP also provided by recycling center
* Bill Dowling attended a seminar to understand the best manner to accomplish capital improvements.
* Fieldstone Lane fire apparatus usage not as safe as Rt 3 to the lights which have an actuator allowing all of the lights to be turned red for safe passage.
* It was determined that the Mooseland property is a possible location for a new safety building (police/fire) as it puts the Base Rd entrance at 3.7 miles and the Mount Washington Hotel Rd entrance at 4.5 miles which is how the Insurance Standards are calculated (ISO).
* Opinion of the Committee that it is not reasonable to build a fire station on the Bretton Woods end of town if the Mooseland property can be utilized as more centralized.
* Committee focus is 1. Police/Fire, 2. Library, 3. Town Offices, 4. Highway Garage
* If new police/fire station is constructed, the current station can be used by the Highway department for a few years.
* Discussion about legislature authorizing an increase of 1% to the 8% rooms and meals tax, proceeds of which will be kept in town for the construction, maintenance etc of the safety complex.

Discussion then ensured about the mechanisms available for taking of land if past due in taxes, or by eminent domain.

The Planning Board by law must have a master build out plan for the town.

Discussion ensued about the article “When No Means No” and the use of revenue funds vs. capital reserve funds.

Linda received a letter from the White Mountain Shopper indicating that the ad cost for meeting notices is $3.75 per column inch. Karen motioned to use the Shopper to notice meetings, Tom seconded, all in favor.

Discussion ensued about the October 3, 2006 Selectmen’s budget and the fact that it will not be ready until month end. Karen suggested Linda speak with Sue Kraabel to determine when the budget will be available. The review schedule will have to be adjusted.

Bonnie indicated that the BMSI new server and general ledger format are in the pipeline which will provide for more accurate reporting and availability to pull activity by department. The current systems are still not communicating as they should be. Revenue worksheet continues to reflect zero for the property tax. Worksheet cannot be reliably reviewed.

The Budget and Finance Workshop to be held on 9/28 will be attended by Ken Mills (if available) and Linda Dowling at a cost of $35 each to be expensed through account 01-4150-10-806, Budget Committee Expenses.

Tom asked if the Selectboard has acted on the items brought to their attention as a result of the July 11 meeting. There has been no action on the false alarm suggestion (fire and police).

Committee was informed that there will be a Public Hearing on 8/21/06 to discuss the Fahey Bridge/Old Town Road access issues.

Bonnie said a selectman drafted a letter (which was made public) to the town of Bethlehem regarding possible money to be received if Carroll emergency services respond to the new development being constructed on Rt 3 south in Bethlehem. Bonnie indicated that there needs to be an estimate made of how much it would cost both the fire and police to provide services.

Regarding pay for people on the safety committee, it was noted that most activity will occur during the regular business day, therefore extra pay is not needed.

Linda wanted to do away with the Town Administrator line item (zero dollars), Bonnie said the selectboard wants to put forth a proper warrant article for a town administrator who can act as a building and health inspector. Health inspector by RSA must be a resident of the state.

Karen asked Bonnie who had been appointed by the moderator to serve on the committee to find a new police chief and was told: Chuck Jellison, Jim Covey, Evan Karpf, and John Sweeney. Bonnie offered to be the representative of the selectboard.

Regarding the town retirement for outgoing Police Chief John Gardiner, Karen asked if the town had paid for the refreshments. Bonnie said no, she had paid for it. Discussion ensued.

An “email” meeting was held on August 14. Email attached.

Karen motioned to adjourn the meeting at 9:10, Ken seconded. All in favor. Next meeting will be held September 12, 2006 at 7:00.

Respectfully submitted,
Karen Moran, Secretary

E-mail meeting of August 14, 2006:

-----Original Message-----
From: Linda Dowling
Sent: Monday, August 14. 2006 11:49am
To: Karen Moran; Carmine Fabrizio; Pam Walsh; Ken Mills; Bonnie Moroney
CC: Claire Gritzger; Evan Karfp
Subject: Tonight

Hi All
Just got info that the Sel in the middle is going to try a slight of hand move again tonight. He’s planning to go into a non-public for a department head meeting. He’s out by 2 counts there. Also(and this is just a rumor) he intends to present all the department budgets not the department heads. If true, that’s strike 3. I plan on being at the meeting armed with my trusty RSAs. What I want to know is, are you with me as a Committee? I realize this is a meeting and will need to be put in the minutes at our next meeting.
Also, I copied 2 members of the public for a reason, not to say this meeting was public. I will explain further at our meeting.

In reply, the following email was sent:
From: Karen Moran
Sent: Monday, August 14, 2006 11:55am
To: Linda Dowling, Carmine Fabrizio, Pam Walsh, Ken Mills, Bonnie Moroney
CC: Clarie Gritzer, Evan Karpf
Subject: RE: Tonight

Hi-without any understanding of the specific statures that appear to be on the verge of breaking, I am not sure what the concern is. Also, regarding the budgets, because you said it is based on rumor, do you have a sense of what the other 2 selectboard members know? Because of all of the information brought forth at the meeting last week, I had intended to go tonight, but because I spent the better part of the weekend painting my house, I am afraid tonight I am going to bed instead. If you are aware of facts which are in violation of state statutes, you certainly have my full support. You can discuss rumors and the possible violation of statutes, but remember, rumors are just that.