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Minutes of Town Board Meetings

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Minutes of 9/11/2017

September 18th, 2017

Carroll Board of Selectmen
Meeting Minutes
September 11, 2017

“These minutes of the Town of Carroll Select board have been recorded by its Secretary. Though believed to be accurate and correct they are subject to additions, deletions and corrections by the Select Board at its next meeting when the Board votes its final approval of the minutes. They are being made available at this time to conform to the requirements of New Hampshire RSA 91-A:2.”

Minutes recorded by Maryclare H. Quigley, Secretary

Board members present: Brian Mycko, Paul Bussiere, David Scalley

Members of the public present: Michael Hogan, Dianne Hogan, Imre Szauter, Jeremy Oleson, Bonnie Moroney, Greg Hogan, Don Monahan, Evan Karpf, Wayne Mycko, Patti Mycko

Pledge of Allegiance

The Board announced the approval of bills and signing of manifests.

Selectman Scalley made a Motion to: Accept and approve the minutes of 08/28/2017 as written. Selectman Bussiere seconded and the Motion passed unanimously.

Don Monahan, President of the Snowmobile Club, came to inquire if the Board might exempt property taxes for the Club if they bought a piece of land. He said he hadn’t yet brought his proposal to his Board yet as he is trying to get all the information together before he does so. He said they have an opportunity to purchase about an acre of land on which they could construct a simple building to use as a Clubhouse, which they have never had. He said they will never have a well or septic. It will be the same as Lancaster’s, near the bottom of the hill going into town. He said theirs has been tax exempt since 1999. He said the Club is a 501 C-7 and has always been very community-minded, doing things for the community as well as individual citizens. He said it is a good deal financially with access to the trails and did not want to divulge the location of the land until everything is in place. As the Board was not sure if they could do this or not, they asked the Secretary to look into it and told Mr. Monahan they hope to have an answer by the next meeting. Don thanked the Board for their time.

Bonnie Moroney spoke to the Board about a dinner to raise money for the Fire Department for equipment for their forestry truck. She said they had done very well with the yard sale in August, which raised about a third of the necessary funds, and they want to do another event in November. They can use the hall at St. Patrick’s Church, but they need a Certificate of Insurance and there is a use agreement which needs to be signed by a representative of the Select Board. The Secretary has already spoken with our insurance company and the Certificate is forthcoming – just awaiting dates, as is the Agreement. Selectman Scalley made a Motion: For Chairman Mycko to sign the Agreement and Selectman Bussiere seconded. The Motion passed unanimously and Chairman Mycko will stop by the office to sign when the Agreement is completed with the dates, etc. Mrs. Moroney thanked the Board.

Bonnie Moroney then said the land on Little River Road that the water tank is on is about 2.5 acres. She explained that many years ago, her grandmother allowed the Town to put the tank on her property and that a number of years ago, the Water Department looked into putting electricity to the tank in order to be able to install water stirrers if the opportunity arose. They were told by the then-Public Service that they would not install electricity if the Town did not own the property. Mrs. Moroney said the family is now looking at selling their property and have interest in the other lot of 100 or so acres, so she was offering the Town the 2.5 acres. She said it is appraised for $31,400 but would accept $20,000 from the Town and offered a copy of the tax bill. It was noted this property is located in Bethlehem and the Town pays the taxes on the tank while the owner pays the taxes on the land. The Board said they did not know if this is anything they can do or if it has to go on the warrant in March and asked the Secretary to look into it.

Imre Szauter, Chair of the Building Committee, reported on their meeting of August 31st. He said the architect, Peter Stewart, had finalized and refined the plans based on comments and suggestions by the Committee and guests. The Library was moved to be more prominent and visible. He said there will be an Informational Meeting on Thursday, September 28, at 7 p.m. Peter Stewart will lead discussion on conceptual drawings, floor plans and elevations; and Allan Clark will give a summary of issues surrounding the Fire Department and the Town Hall as well as estimate of cost and property tax implication. He said the conceptual drawings as they are, after several iterations, are frozen; however, he also cautioned that these are not construction plans. The Committee voted to do a mailing for the meeting to 787 property owners after all duplicates and town officials/committee members are removed. This will be mailed between the 15th and 20th; flyers will be posted around town; and newspaper ads will be in the Democrat on September 6 and the Caledonian Record on September 20. Mr. Szauter announced expenses and balances of the Building Committee’s line items;
$2,500 budget for advertising and miscellaneous: $871.40 spent; $1,628.60 remaining.
$60,000 Warrant Article 5: $7,011.25 spent; $52,988.75 remaining. The Committee’s next meeting is September 14, 9 a.m. at the Town Hall. As always, minutes, agendas, etc. are posted on the Town’s website. It was asked where the September 28 meeting will be held if there’s a big turnout and Mr. Szauter responded that this is what we have so this is what we have to use -- referring to the current meeting room at the Town Hall. The Board thanked Mr. Szauter.

Fire Chief and E-911 Coordinator, Jeremy Oleson, said he took it upon himself to change the Driveway Permit slightly, so it reflects accurately what it actually does—allows for a driveway to be put in, initiates a 911 physical address, and is used for mapping. He said he does feel there should be an increase in the fee, which is currently $25, as the actual hard cost is at least $50. There was also discussion about charges for costs or damages in the town right-of-way; i.e. paving or repaving driveway entrances. He said he used a combination of the State driveway permit as well as other towns’. He said he is doing the measuring now as too often applicants were only guessing. Selectman Bussiere said he is comfortable increasing the fee to $50 or $75 to make sure our costs are covered. Selectman Scalley made a Motion to: Approve the fee of $75 for the Permit. Selectman Bussiere seconded and it passed unanimously.

The schedule for 2018 proposed budgets was discussed and the Board asked the Secretary to set this up. They will approve this at the next meeting.

The following items were approved and signed:

Driveway Permit – ITW Realty Trust
Certificates of Occupancy – Lisowitch; Santoro Selectman Scalley abstained on both of these
as he was involved in his role as Building Inspector.
Water Warrant – Rollins; Barlas; Boyko; O’Brien

Before starting on Follow-Up Items, Chairman Mycko led all in observing a moment of silence for the victims of September 11.

After thanking the attendees, Chairman Mycko proceeded with:

Follow-Up Items:

Town Credit Cards – The Secretary said Annette Marquis, Town Treasurer, had planned to be in attendance, but a change had arisen so she asked the Secretary to say she is prepared to move forward with credit cards as soon as the Board approves a policy. She also asked to make it known that these will be through the Bank of NH and that Selectmen personal information is not required as they are not applying for cards. It will be her own information, which they already have from her paperwork for being a check signatory.

The members reviewed the policy. Selectman Bussiere referred to page 3, line 3, “up to and including TERMINATION of employment and in accordance with applicable Town Employee Manual Policy.” He asked that “and” between “employment” and “in accordance” be removed. Therefore, Selectman Scalley made a Motion to: Approve the Credit Card Policy as written with “and” removed from page 3, and for the Selectmen to sign when it is ready.” Selectman Bussiere seconded and it passed unanimously.

Bldg. Permit Application and Process including Fees – Tabled.

Building Inspector – Tabled. Tied in with above


Selectman Scalley as representative to Parks and Recreation advised they will be doing “Trunk or Treat” at the Rec area on October 7.

Selectman Scalley asked how many signed pages of the new Employee Manual were received and the Secretary said all of them; all full-time and regular-part-time employees have a copy in their files and have received a copy.

The Secretary had a delivery form for the new Backhoe/Loader which was not listed and which needed to be signed. Selectman Bussiere made a Motion to: Sign the form and Selectman Scalley seconded. The Motion passed unanimously.
Greg Hogan asked about the heating system at the Transfer Station – whether it would be oil or propane. He said he didn’t care, but wanted to know as it would be needed soon. Selectman Bussiere felt they should stay with oil given the location and the use for other equipment. It was asked what the proposed new town building would be and they were told it would be propane. After brief discussion, Chairman Mycko made a Motion to: Go with propane. Selectman Scalley seconded and it passed 2 to 1.

Greg Hogan then talked about what the town can handle water-wise; i.e. customers, which he said was a question that came up when the new water policy was being done. He said there is a development that was originally approved a number of years ago with wells, but now is looking to be on the town system. He said he is hoping to look for grants as he would like to do something professionally as far as an assessment or audit. He said the water assessment from last year for which we had to put money in the budget for a match, is completed and came in under budget. Therefore, he wants to use the remainder of that money if he finds another program. The Secretary said that money was raised for a specific purpose and she is not sure if it may be used for something else, but will check on it. Chief Oleson said it is important to do something like this in case bigger developers come forward – and he also spoke about the possibility of impact fees, which subject has been brought up in the past. It was noted these or the developer would cover the cost of upgrades, etc. The question was asked if this could mean putting in another tank, to which he was told it could. Selectman Scalley asked if we needed a new tank or well, if all taxpayers or just water users would pay for it. Bonnie Moroney answered that all taxpayers would pay as it goes toward the value of the town. It was also stated for developers or developments that we could put in a provision to alleviate some costs.

Imre Szauter said regarding storage of town records, that he was given information that anything required to be kept less than ten years can be in electronic form and more than ten years may be electronic, but paper copies must also be kept. He said there is a provision for an Electronic Records Committee and asked the Selectmen to start or re-start a committee, or otherwise look into what will be needed to be kept for paper records for storage space as this could add quite a bit to the cost for the new building. He requested that this take place between now and March.

Imre Szauter also asked, if the building passes, what the rules to use the Community Room might be. He said he would ask that the Selectmen draft these rules as to, kinds of events, capacity, insurance requirements, etc. He asked if this could be done prior to the Deliberative Session in February.

As there was no further business, the Board was polled at 8:01 p.m. to go into non-public session, per RSA 91-A-3 for town aid: Selectman Bussiere, yes; Selectman Scalley, yes; Chairman Mycko, yes.

At the close of non-public session at 8:32 p.m., Selectman Bussiere moved to return to public session and seal the minutes from non-public session. Selectman Scalley seconded and the Motion passed.

There being no further discussion, Selectman Scalley made a Motion to adjourn the meeting. Selectman Bussiere seconded and the Motion passed. Chairman Mycko declared the meeting ended at 8:35 p.m.

The next meeting is Monday, September 25, 2017.