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Minutes of Town Board Meetings

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Minutes of 03/26/2007

March 30th, 2007

Carroll Board of Selectmen
Meeting Minutes
March 26, 2007
"These minutes of the Town of Carroll Select Board have been recorded by its Secretary. Though believed to be accurate and correct they are subject to additions, deletions and corrections by the Select Board at its next meeting when the Board votes its final approval of the minutes. They are being made available at this time to conform to the requirements of New Hampshire RSA 91-A:2."

Minutes recorded by Susan Kraabel, Secretary.

Board members present: Bonnie Moroney, Allen Strasser, Rena Vecchio

The meeting was called to order at 7:03 PM.

Members of the public present: Roberta McGee, Eleanor Brauns, Mike Gooden, Tom Gately, Ann Fabrizio, Carmine Fabrizio, John Trammell, Kelly Trammell, Ben Jellison, Bill Smalley, Donna Foster, John Burt, John Gardiner, Doug Bews

The board announced the approval of bills and signing of checks.

Selectman Strasser moved to approve the minutes of 03/19/2007 as amended. The original minutes made no mention of the vote to increase John Trammell’s salary effective April 1, and they indicated Selectman Vecchio had voted to accept minutes from the 03/12/07 meeting when in fact she abstained from voting because she had not been on the board for that meeting. Both these items have been corrected. Selectman Moroney seconded the motion, and it was passed unanimously.

The report from Stan Borkowski is posted on the bulletin board.

The Police Department facility was next discussed. Evan Karpf has inspected it and reported to the selectmen. A claims adjuster will be here on Wednesday morning to inspect damage from the water leaks. Chairman Moroney suggested that part of the Building Committee get together to discuss options for a police facility. Fun Towne is for sale or we could perhaps build a stand alone facility comparable to what was done in Lancaster. Gorham was contacted, and the trailer they had is already spoken for. Questions about costs for a new building and whether the police could wait for a safety complex to be built were answered that timing was such that we’d have to have a special town meeting for the money, but that the safety complex was far costlier than a small police station. Housing fire apparatus involves significant structural differences and costs. Stan Borkowski has been informed of the current problems and will visit the police facility as soon as possible.

Meeting rules and procedures tabled from last week were tabled again. Selectman Vecchio who had asked for the continuance, had not had time to speak to John Trammell and requested another continuance.

The secretary had spoken to Ron Cote about his request to meet with the board, and had set a tentative date for April 16. Since Selectman Strasser will not be available, Mr. Cote will be contacted again and asked to reschedule for April 23 at 6:30 PM. The secretary will also get the 2007 equalization ratio information to the selectmen.

Property tax abatements were approved and signed for the AMC and Frederick Temple. Mr. Temple’s property is being deeded to the town for non-payment of taxes, and the 2006 Payment in Lieu of Tax agreement with the AMC was found to be enforceable. In response to questions about what happens in 2007, Selectman Strasser said that while the AMC is exempt from federal tax, that does not mean they are exempt from all taxation. Because they say they’re an educational institution, certain exemptions will probably have to be made for square footage used for education. Doug Bews pointed out that the AMC must come to the town to justify their exempt status. There are reports due from them April 15 and June 1 regarding their tax status. Selectman Vecchio expressed the need to be updated on what’s going on with the AMC and other issues as well, what’s legal and what’s not. Selectman Strasser offered to forward emails from the attorney on the AMC matter. Chairman Moroney suggested talking to Bernie Waugh about the next steps to be taken.

The following documents were approved and signed.

MS2 Report of Appropriations
Veterans’ Tax Credit – Brodeur
Budget Committee Oaths of Office
Tom Gately
Karen Moran
Bonnie Moroney
Carmine Fabrizio
Lori Hogan
Ben Jellison
Thank you letter to S. Collins – Coos County

In discussing the MS2, Selectman Strasser said we need to contact Atty. Waugh and ask him to write a letter to the PUC notifying them that we are not going to be putting $15,500 in the Rosebrook CIAC fund this year. He also asked for authority to write a letter to that effect to Mike Brunetti of Celebration Associates. Selectman Vecchio suggested this letter be passed through the Chairman at least before it’s sent.

In discussing the Tax Credit for George Brodeur, it was mentioned that he’d applied for a Woodheating Energy Systems Exemption as well as the Veterans’ Tax Credit. It’s not known if the town has adopted that exemption but it will be researched.

John Gardiner came before the board to ask what selectmen wanted the building committee to do regarding the police station relocation. He said he does have a copy of the plans for the Lancaster station, would be available to look at Fun Towne as a possibility. It was suggested that the present committee be involved in looking for a home for the police. Mr. Gardiner will set up a meeting and contact committee members.

The secretary said Brenda Ladd from the county had called to explain that Incentive Funds would not be available for the Recreation Program in 2007. Applications will be accepted through June, and a decision about 2008 funds will be made be early August. They will review our application as part of the 2008 process.

One payment item that had been missed last week was brought up. The 2007 budget includes money to fund an increase in payments to Mr. Borkowski from $15/hr to $16.50. Selectman Vecchio asked if things had improved with him recently, as she had heard several complaints last year about him not returning calls, and not providing adequate service to the town. It was noted that he’s one of the few qualified inspectors, that he is reporting to the board on a weekly basis, and that things have improved. Chairman Moroney moved to increase his rate to $16.50. Selectman Vecchio seconded, and the motion was passed unanimously.

The secretary reported that Mr. Borkowski had met with John D’Urso this morning. Mr. D’Urso is in the process of foreclosing on the Rt. 3 Bell property, and will get that all cleaned up. He also told Mr. Borkowski that he has a letter from the selectmen authorizing the second trailer on his Little River Road property. None of the current selectmen were aware of such a letter, and would like to see a copy of it, as they expect that any permission for the trailer would be for temporary use. It was noted that two houses can’t be placed on one lot. Mr. Gardiner said he thought Mr. D’Urso had applied for a repo business to be run out of his home, and that he and John Bell had been partners at one time. Mr. D’Urso has not decided what he’ll do with Hank’s General Store, and was told by Mr. Borkowski that several inspections were in order before he could open any kind of business there.

As she will not be here next week, Selectman Vecchio asked whether meetings are held when only 2 selectmen are able to attend. Normally nothing major would be voted on, but meetings are held.

Selectman Strasser suggested that next week they need to go through the warrant articles to make sure everything that was passed in the election is being acted on. He then stated he’d received a call regarding his appointment to the Planning Board. It was suggested that there are too many residents from Bretton Woods on the board, and as a result Selectman Strasser recommended that Selectman Vecchio be the selectmen’s representative. Selectman Strasser also suggested he and Chairman Moroney make a list of all the committees that need participation from the selectmen, and the three of them can divide up responsibility. Chairman Moroney said Donna Foster expressed an interest in being an alternate member of the Planning Board. Chairman Moroney moved to name Selectman Vecchio as member and Ms. Foster as alternate member to the Planning Board. Selectman Strasser seconded the motion, and it passed unanimously.

At 7:45 PM, as there was no additional business, Chairman Moroney declared the meeting ended, and moved to go into executive session regarding personnel and town aid. This was seconded by Selectman Strasser. The board was polled, and went into executive session.

At the close of executive session, Chairman Moroney made a motion to return to public session and seal the minutes from executive session; Selectman Strasser seconded and the motion passed unanimously. The meeting ended at 8:30 PM.