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Minutes of Town Board Meetings

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June 12th, 2009

Town of Carroll Planning Board
June 4, 2009

“These minutes of the Town of Carroll Planning Board have been recorded by its Secretary. Though believed to be accurate and correct they are subject to additions,
deletions and corrections by the Planning Board at its next meeting when the Board votes its final approval of the minutes. They are being made available at this time to conform to the requirements of New Hampshire RSAS 91-A:2.”

Members of the Board present: Chairman Evan Karpf, Donna Foster, Ernie Temple, Charlie Cohn

Member of the Public present: Walter Elander, Andy Nadeau, Greg Robinson, Eric McCormick, Dave Bicknell, Bill Rines

Minutes taken by Rena Vecchio, Secretary

Pledge of Allegiance

Meeting called to order at 7:00 PM
Chairman Evan Karpf declared there was a quorum and asked the board to review the minutes of April 2, 2009. The Chairman said he would entertain a motion to accept. Ernie Temple made a motion to: accept the minutes of April 2, 2009 as written. Donna Foster seconded and the minutes passed with Ernie abstaining, as he had not been present at that meeting. The board was asked to review the minutes of May 7, 2009. Ernie Temple made a motion: to accept the minutes of May 7, 2009 as written. Donna Foster seconded and the minutes passed unanimously with Charlie Cohn abstaining, as he had not been present at that meeting.

Correspondence was then read. On June 20, 2009, The Carbon Coalition will host the first annual Local Energy Committee state-wide training and information sharing conference for energy reduction efforts at the local level. The Conference is “intended to assist NH communities working toward reducing energy use and green house emissions.” Please contact the secretary if interested in attending.

Chairman Karpf read an invitation from Paradigm “to attend a free pipeline safety emergency response program.” The Program is offered in several cities in New Hampshire and Maine. The program has a lot to do with familiarizing people with Dig-Safe, “know what’s below before you start digging.”

Greg Robinson came before the board with an application for a minor subdivision at 260 Route 115, Map 202, Lot 23. The Chairman asked Mr. Robinson if he would sign the application and he did so. At that point Ernie Temple made a motion: to accept the Robinson application for a minor subdivision, Map 202, Lot 23 in the Town of Carroll, that is zoned Rural. Donna Foster seconded, and the motion passed unanimously. Ernie Temple made a motion: to go into a Public Hearing for the Robinson minor sub-division. Donna Foster seconded and the motion passed unanimously.

Greg Robinson handed out the map of his property and stated that he wants to carve off 2 acres out of the 14 acres of his lot. The 2 acres would have the existing 3 bedroom house, that has its own utilities already, including town water. The 2 acres would have its own driveway that already services the house. The Robinson’s would like to have the house on its own property. Even though the house has its own septic now, the state requires a test be done, to see if it can hold a septic system elsewhere on the property, in case the existing system fails. This is a requirement for sub-divisions. Chairman Karpf asked if the driveway was to service both pieces of the lot. Greg stated that the existing driveway will serve only the house and the right of way will service the other 12+ acres.

Chairman Karpf asked if the public had any questions. Dave Bicknell asked if there was a proposal to put in a new home on the 2 acre lot. Mr. Robinson explained that the
little “square” on the lot was the existing home and that the other “square” was where they were testing to see if the land could support another septic system in case of the failure of the 20 year old existing system. It is a requirement of the state to protect the owners of the new subdivision. This property belonged to the Vendt’s before it was sold to the Robinsons in May of 2008.

Chairman Karpf said he would entertain a motion to approve the application. Charlie Cohn made a motion: to approve the Robinson minor subdivision as proposed.
Ernie Temple seconded, and the motion passed unanimously. The Chairman and secretary signed the 3 copies for the Town of Carroll and the mylar, that is to be sent in to the Registry by the secretary next week.

Next on the agenda was the Bretton Woods Land Company, LLC, with an application for a lot line adjustment, submitted by Horizons Engineering, PLLC, Map 210, Lot 5. This is zoned Residential 2. Eric McCormick was asked to sign the application.

Chairman Karpf stated that the application was now complete, and asked the secretary to confirm that the ad had been in the papers, fees were paid and abutters notified. Ernie Temple made a motion: to accept the application from Bretton Woods Land Company, LLC, for a lot line adjustment within the Dartmouth Brook subdivision, Map 210, Lot 5. This property is in Bretton Woods and is zoned Residential 2. Donna Foster seconded, and the motion passed unanimously. Ernie Temple made a motion: to go into a Public Hearing for a lot line adjustment for the Bretton Woods Land Company, LLC. Donna Foster seconded, and the motion passed unanimously.

Chairman Karpf opened the Public Hearing by asking Eric McCormick to speak on the lot line adjustment. Eric said that the Dartmouth Brook subdivision was broken down into phases. Bretton Woods is on Phase1 and that this subdivision was focusing on Spaulding Lane, which is the first section to be built. At this time on Spaulding Lane, there are proposed, 6 single family homes and one 4 unit condo. What they are proposing is to swap out 2 single family homes off of Spaulding Lane, for 2 duplexes off of Whittier’s Lane. Charlie Cohn asked if they were going to keep coming back for changes on the plan that had already been approved. Eric replied that he did not expect that to be the case. Ernie stated that the use does not change, that the lot changes in size, but the end result does not change.

The lots are as listed at Spaulding Lane:
1. DB-5 will now be Lots DB-5 and DB-74
2. DB-7 will now be Lots DB-7 and DB-67
These lots, DB-5 and DB-7, were to house single family homes but will now be duplexes.
The lots at Whittier’s Lane:
1. DB-67 will now be Lot DB-66
2. DB-74 will now be Lot DB-75
These lots, DB-67 and DB-74, were to house the duplexes but will now be single family home lots.

The Chair asked for a motion: to approve the lot line adjustment as presented by Bretton Woods Land Company, LLC, Map 210, Lot 5, within the Dartmouth Brook subdivision, survey #H4707, project # 09155, dated May 26, 2009. The change in the design of the structures are from 2 single family homes to 2 duplexes. The Lots DB-5 and DB-7, single family home lots, will be DB-5 and DB-74, DB-7 and DB-67, duplex lots.The lots DB-67 and DB-74, duplex lots, will now be DB-66 and DB-75, single family home lots. Ernie Temple moved the motion, Charlie Cohn seconded and the motion passed unanimously.

Next on the agenda was the discussion of the Bonded Items at the Mount Washington Hotel. The issues to be resolved are the maintenance road at the Mount Washington Hotel and the roadway details at the Hotel front entry drive. The Chairman read a letter of approval from Chief Duncan on the maintained year round 16’ gravel road to access the back side of the Hotel. The Chairman stated that he would entertain a motion: to accept the design of a 16’ gravel emergency access road behind the hotel as Chief Duncan has written his approval that it is adequate. Ernie Temple moved the motion, Charlie Cohn seconded and the motion passed unanimously.

The next item was the installation of 4’ gravel shoulders on the front entry drive of the Hotel. The applicant has decided to install the 4’ gravel shoulders. The only difference would be to replace the crushed gravel with crushed aggregate. Jim Murn from Provan and Lorber has written to the board that crushed aggregate “is an acceptable substitute for crushed gravel.”

Chairman Karpf said he would entertain a motion: to accept the design change, as approved by Provan and Lorber, from crushed gravel to crushed aggregate. Ernie Temple moved the motion, Donna Foster seconded and the motion passed unanimously. The Chair asked for the Hotel/Walter Elander from Horizons Engineering, to stay in touch with Provan and Lorber on releasing the bonds. It will make it easier on both sides that way.

There was a letter from Chief Duncan submitted to the PLBD regarding “third party review”. Donna Foster was asked to read the letter to the public. Please find the letter attached.

There being no new or old business, Charlie Cohn made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Ernie Temple seconded and the motion passed unanimously.