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Minutes of Town Board Meetings

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Minutes of 05/03/2010

May 7th, 2010

Carroll Board of Selectmen
Meeting Minutes
May 3, 2010

"These minutes of the Town of Carroll Select Board have been recorded by its Secretary. Though believed to be accurate and correct they are subject to additions, deletions and corrections by the Select Board at its next meeting when the Board votes its final approval of the minutes. They are being made available at this time to conform to the requirements of New Hampshire RSA 91-A:2."

Minutes recorded by Maryclare H. Quigley

Board members present: Christopher Hancock, Bonnie Moroney. Mark Catalano was excused. It was noted that Selectman Catalano’s absence was due to re-admittance to the hospital as a result of having his appendix removed the week before. He was wished well by all.

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM by Chairman Hancock

Members of the public present: Roberta McGee, Bill Dowling, Linda Dowling, “Ike” Ikasalo, Mike Gooden, Ken Mills, Joan Karpf, Evan Karpf, Tom Gately, Scott Sonia, John Trammell, Kelly Trammell, Bill Smalley, Frank Maturo, “Mac” McQueeney

Pledge of Allegiance

Linda Dowling and Ike Ikasalo were in attendance with video equipment and Chairman Hancock read the following statement: “This meeting is being taped by a private citizen. It is not done under the auspices of the town and is not an official record of the town.”

The board announced the approval of bills and signing of checks.

Chairman Hancock made a motion to accept the minutes from April 26, 2010, as written. Selectman Moroney seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.

Scott Sonia introduced himself as the Superintendent of the Water Department and gave an update as it became its own department last fall. He’s been working with Scott Hayes of Iron Mountain Water Works, on researching necessary repairs as well as upgrades and maintenance of the town’s water system and noted we’ve had issues. The latter included the faulty Ross valve which was the culprit for last summer’s water emergency. Mr. Sonia had a slide presentation and showed the Pump House which included, among other mechanisms to run the system – the faulty valve. He explained this gave false information of the system as it was mostly closed -- and he also stated the system goes back to 1995/96. Discussion of the valve took place and Mr. Sonia, with Mr. Hayes and Mr. Rich Laviollette, who installed the electronic structure of the overall system in 1995/96, were able to identify issues so Messrs. Sonia and Hayes could then replace and/or eliminate certain outdated, problematic components and improve the system’s reliability with the town water system. The new mag-meter gets its readings from magnetic currents going through the pipe. Mr. Sonia was also able to show and briefly explain the various workings of the system within the Pump House.

He added that another issue is the buildup of ice in the water tanks and went on to explain that in New York, a similar-size tank had ice buildup and the town had a fire which drew water out so fast the ice stayed at the top where it formed. When it let go, it dropped so hard it was forced right out through the bottom of the tank. It was noted the Cherry Mountain tank fills first then to Little River Road tank, and eventually they balance themselves out.

The water meters are all in and have had the first bills sent. The meters are showing actual usage for the first time and the Department is working with people to try to get them to stop running water during the winter as a preventive measure against freezing. They are working on making repairs and finding leaks which had previously been undetected.

Mr. Sonia was commended on his presentation and on the job he is doing in the department.

Joan Karpf reiterated concerns regarding finances that she had raised before and asked again about money being put aside for the future. It was stated that the article that passed for $9,500 to be put into the capital reserve fund in this year’s warrant is a first step to planning. It was also noted that the work currently being done means the pump is running less which also results in usage being way down. Mr. Sonia noted that doing month for month comparisons using April, 2009, and April, 2010, showed over four million gallons of water being pumped in 2009, while only somewhat over two million gallons were pumped in 2010. Leak detection will be done again soon, Mr. Sonia said. Kelly Trammell spoke to Mrs. Karpf’s concerns and said the breakdown of the water bills is: the base rate is for fixed expenses; the usage rate is for variable expenses, and the fixed rate is that amount which goes to the capital reserve fund. Mrs. Karpf also brought up the debt over the bond. She talked again about who should be paying for the bond, as well as the differences shown in the annual reports compared with the Treasurer’s report. Selectman Moroney said responsibility for the bond had been discussed by the Select Board of several years ago and they decided it should be the Water Department, so for two years, that department covered it. It was brought back as town responsibility as the auditor at the time said that is where it actually belongs and it was also noted the whole town voted on the bond, not just the actual users. It was suggested that when Sue Kraabel returns from vacation, she be asked if she would explain this again and which may make it easier to understand.

The following items were approved and signed.

Water Warrant – Brown
Water Abatement – Hogan (Police Station building)
Sign Permit – Andrew Smith/9 Remick Lane, LLC (Realty Office in Bretton Woods)
Town Hall Use Permit Application – Smalley and one with the name withheld as it is for a
surprise birthday party

Under Other, Roberta McGee asked if an ad could be put in the paper again for people with deeds and/or knowledge of them for the Straw Cemetery to please come forward. The Cemetery Trustees are still trying to map out the cemetery and are having a very difficult time. They had put the ad in last year and didn’t have any response to it, but are hoping for some response this year. Chairman Hancock made a Motion to: Put the ad in the paper as requested. Selectman Moroney seconded and the Motion passed unanimously.

Ken Mills stated he saw that the sweeper had been out and about and just wanted to say the guys are doing a real nice job.

There being no further business, Chairman Hancock made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Selectman Moroney seconded and the motion passed unanimously. Chairman Hancock declared the meeting ended at 7:36 p.m. The next meeting will be Monday, May 10, 2010.