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Minutes of Town Board Meetings

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Minutes from the Nov. 10, 2010 meeting

November 14th, 2010

November 10, 2010

Members present: Tom Gately, Lori Hogan, Becki Pike, Mike Shea and Bonnie Moroney

Excused: Jim Covey, and Carmine Fabrizio

Guests: Maryclare Quigley, Becki Peterson, Nate Smith and Joan Karpf, Linda Dowling

Meeting called to order at 7:05 by Lori

Motion was made by Tom to accept the minutes as amended with the Nov 3, 2010 not Nov 2, 2010, Mike second and it was passed.

Roll call taken for members, all present except Jim Covey, and Carmine Fabrizio

Old business:

It was decided to hold off on old business till the end of the meeting, so that the budgets could be done first.

New business:

Maryclare said that the information she handed out also included Sue’s for Treasurer.

Sue’s were: 01-4130.10-135 Treasurer $4158.00 no change
01-4150.10-801 Bank Service Charges $1,200, Sue asked for this to be increased because of extra bounced check charges that they were getting.
01-4150.10-809 Travel Expense $600.00 of that total is for Sue, to take dept to bank.

Becki said that her’s consisted of:
01-4310-10.136 Town Clerk & Tax Collector Salary $33,475.00
01-4130.10-137 Deputy Town clerk, $13,000.00. Bonnie asked if the amount for Kelly to work on the water was included in that, and she said no, that is why she could take it down some, as that amount had been moved to the water dept.
01-4150.10-900 Town Clerk Tr. Exp State Only $1,100.00 this is for when the state mandated Becki that she has to go to the band two times per week, and this money is given back by the state, but it is put under the expected revenues. Maryclare said that it was put on the MS7 but wasn’t sure what line, but would check into it.

Maryclare said that she had gone through her budget and tried to come up with a 10% cut, but there weren’t too many things that could be cut, so the only solution that she could come up with was to cut the hours in the office. Changing the Admin. Assit. And the Selectman’s Office Staff to a 35 hour work week. That would consist of 3 – 10 hour days and one 5 hour day.
01-4130.10-130 Salaries Selectman $2,100.00
01-4130.10-131 and 132 Salaries Selectman $1.800.00 each.
01-4150.10.110 Administrative Assistant would be lowered to $26,528.00 plus the $1,500 that is under the Welfare line for a total of $28,028.00. that would be with the 3% increase
01-4150.10-111 Selectman’s Office Staff this would also be 35 hours, so it would be $19,089.00, plus $3,000 for planning board, $2,000.00 for ZBA and $1,500.00 for Welfare and also to include the 3%.
01-4150.10-113 Budget Comm. Clerk Salary, she said to leave this at $1.00 as this will be an elected position in 2011.
10-4150.10-114 Sel. Office Overtime was taken down to $0.
01-4150.10.250 Tax Map was lowered to $4,000.00
01-4150.10-260 Town report that was lowered to $2,000, but she said that it couldn’t be lowered much more then that.
01-4150.10-301 Auditing that is contract price, so that stayed at $14,000.00
01-4150.10-390 Office Equipment was lowered to $1,000.00
01-4150.10-603 Office Equipment Maintenance was left at $1,000.00
01-4150.10-604 Ass. Dues these are all staying the same, so it remained at $1, 4000.00
01-4150.10-620 Office supplies stayed at $5,000.00
01-4150.10-621 Computer Software Support this is set price so that was increased to $10,000.00
01-4150.10-622 Manatron (Proval) this is the software that Becki needs for the tax system from the state $1,610
01-4150.10-625 Postage was lowered to $2,600.00
01-4150.10-740 Telephone lowered to $2,600.00
01-4150.10-800 Town Officers Expense $1.00
01-4150.10-802 Advertisements was lowered to $900.00
01-4150.10-803 Registrars Fees, this is a Becki and it was increased to $1,000.00
01-4150.10-804 Misc. was increased to $900.00
01-4150.10-805 Training $1,200.00 Maryclare reminded that this includes all, the office, staff and the select board.
01-4150.10-808 Comstar Billing Fee this is contract type agreement, to that was increased to $1,350.00
01-4150.10-809 Travel Expenses, $1,300.00 it was reminded that $600.00 of that amount is Sue going to the bank and the rest is for any training or mileage from the office and the select board.

01-4152.10-22 Property Assessing. $30.000.00 it was found out that we are under contract so we are no allowed to take the amount down as low as the select board had hoped to.
01-4153.10-200 Legal Expense down to $18,000.00
01-4155.10-200 Retirement $57,764.00 down some due to cut hours
01-4155.10-201 $21,186.00 down some due to cut hours
01-4155.10-202 Medicare $9184.00 down some due to cut hours
01-4155.10-300 Employee Insurance $148,128.00 Maryclare said she left this alone, as there was discussion of changing or looking into other insurances, but that if we stayed the same it was going to be a 2% reduction, but that Jeremy was changing his status so that would be more or less a wash.
01-4155.10-301 Unemployment Comp $797.00
01-4196.10-520 Town Insurance $30.782.00
01-4196.20.520 Worker’s Compensation $21,789.00 this is under Primex and it is being looked into for another company.
01-4196.20.521 Worker’s Comp. audit. $0.
01-4199.10-100 Contingency was lowered to $5,000.00
01-4199.10-200 Dog costs, $300.00
01-4240.10-201 Timber Inspections $500.00
01-4240.10-203 Third Party Review $1,000.00
01-4316.10-200 Street lighting $16,000.00
01-4326.10-200 Septic disposal $750.00
01-4441.10-200 Direct Assistance $15,000.00
01-4441.10-201 Administration $3,000.00
01-4583.10-200 Memorial Day $500.00
01-4711.10-200 Prin. Long Term Note Landfill and Water $59,623.00
01-4721.10-200 Int. Long Term Note Landfill and Water $34,313.00

Lori asked Maryclare if the Principal Long Term notes will be separate later, and Maryclare said no that they would stay together.

Lori asked it the adjustment of hours had been approved by the select board, and Maryclare said yes they had just done so Monday night. She asked what the hours would be for the public and Maryclare said that it would be 8am to 3 pm and they would work from 8am to 6 pm. Lori was concerned that the closing of the office on Friday would reflect against the Budget committee trying to lower the budget. Bonnie said why would it when the Select board approved it last night; it has nothing to do with the budget committee. Lori said that maybe the select board could visit that and see if there is another option. Mike said that the employees were to be commended for lowering their own hours in order to help with the budget.

Joan asked what the advertisement expense was for? Maryclare, they had to put town meeting notices in, advertisement for bids on any jobs they put out, etc.

Maryclare said that it would make a reduction of that budget of $11,082.00.

Budget Committee budget was presented by Lori,

01-4150.10-806 Budget Comm. Expense would stay at $50.00
01-4150.10-807 Budget Training /Mileage would be left at $200.00 as there would be new members coming on board next year.

Recreation Dept, was presented by Nate Smith
Nate explained that there had been two different budgets presented to the select board, and that he was going to present the second one done by Lori.
01-4520.10-100 Counselors $7.000.00
01-4520.10-200 Telephone $400.00 it was explained that this was a pay phone but mandatory that they have one up there during the summer months.
01-4520.10-201 Equipment and supplies $1.00
01-4520.10-300 Parties $1.00
01-4520.10-310 Ski Program $1,500.00
01-4520.10-320 Field/Court Repair $2,000.00 they need to buy special mile base paint for the field and a line painting machine.
01-4520.10-321 Rec. Building repair $500.00
01-4520.10-501 Transportation $500.00
01-4520.10-806 Staff Training $500.00

Tom asked about the large decrease in counselor salary and it was because of decrease in the number of participants.
It was asked it the program took from other towns, and they said yes as long as it does not impact the amount of counselors that would be needed.

Tom made motion to accept the proposed budgets from the evening. Lori asked him to remove his motion as we had not voted on accepting the salary changes as of yet and she wanted to visit lowering 01-4240.10-203 Third Party Review down to $1,000.00
Tom removed his motion.
Motion to accept 01-4130.10-130 thru 132 Mike motioned, Tom second and it passed.
01-4150.10-250 thru 900 Tom motioned to accept, Becki second and it was passed.
01-4152.10-200 Property Assessing under contract for $30,000.00 Tom motioned and Mike second, and it passed.
01-4153.10-200 Legal expenses for $18,000.00 Tom motioned, Mike second and it passed.
It was decided to table 01-4155.10-200 thru 301 and 01-4196.10-520 thru 521.
01-4199.10-100 thru 01-4240.10-203 Tom motioned, Becki second and it passed.
01-4316.10-200 Street lighting. It was discussed about turning part of the lights off. Bonnie said that the select board had discussed this and it had been either tried or voted on in the passed and not accepted well at all. But if the budget committee wanted to move forward they were on their own. Tom motioned to accept the proposed $16,000.00, Mike second and it passed.
01-4326.10-200 Septic Disposal for $750.00 Tom motioned to accept, Mike second and it passed.
01-4441.10.200 thru 01-4721.10-200 Tom motioned to accept, Becki second and it passed.
Tom motioned to accept the budget for the budget committee, Becki second and it passed.
01-4520.10-100 thru 01-452.10-806 Recreation Dept. Tom motioned to accept, Becki second and it passed. Lori abstained.

Old business, Bonnie went over the questions that had been sent to Maryclare.

Why was the library not giving the mileage money in the check last year? It was a mistake that will receive it this year.

Do you have the anticipated revenues and the report from the state? Both were printed and given to the members.

Do we have the figures from setting the tax rates? Copies made and handed out to each member.

01-4190.10-800 Registration fees, could you please tell us what the $67.00 is for.
Evan – DEP Registration for $55.00 and Stan – NH Fire Prevention Soc.

01-4192.10-900 Misc. for ZBA what is the $85.00 for that is there?
Land use Regs – books and NCC Sept. I looked at the past 5 years and the cost has been posted on both Misc. and T&T at various times.

Bonnie read over the sheets on the setting of tax rates and what was used in order to give the tax payers a lower tax rate for this year.

There will be no meeting on Nov. 24th, Happy Thanksgiving. The next meeting will be Dec. 1st and presenting their budgets will be:
Transfer Station
Town of Carroll Chamber of Commerce
Emergency Management

Tom motioned to adjourn the meeting at 8:43PM and Becki second.