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APPROVED Minutes of 9/12/2011

September 24th, 2011

Carroll Board of Selectmen
Meeting Minutes
September 12, 2011
APPROVED 9/19/2011
"These minutes of the Town of Carroll Select Board have been recorded by its Secretary. Though believed to be accurate and correct they are subject to additions, deletions and corrections by the Select Board at its next meeting when the Board votes its final approval of the minutes. They are being made available at this time to conform to the requirements of New Hampshire RSA 91-A:2."

Minutes recorded by Maryclare Quigley, Secretary

Board members present: Mark Catalano, Bonnie Moroney, Bill Dowling.

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM by Chairman Catalano

Members of the public present: Roberta McGee, Evan Karpf, Joan Karpf, Linda Dowling, Frank Maturo, Carmine Fabrizio, Ann Fabrizio, Sue Kraabel, Kelly Trammell, Mike Gooden, Tom Watson, Jeremy Oleson, Jeff Duncan, John Trammell, Bill Vecchio, Rena Vecchio, Karen Moran, Scott Sonia, Bill Smalley, Ben Jellison, Dan Walker, Melissa Jellison, Greg Hogan, Lori Hogan

Pledge of Allegiance

Frank Maturo and Linda Dowling filmed the meeting.

The Board announced the approval of bills and signing of checks.

Selectman Dowling made a Motion to: Accept the minutes of August 29, 2011, as written and Selectman Moroney seconded. The Motion was approved unanimously.

Selectman Dowling commented that the only way the money received (for which the Public Hearing for Unanticipated Funds was held the previous week) could be used next year is by encumbering the funds with a signed contract. There had been some discussion about this if the money is not used this year. Selectmen Catalano and Moroney agreed.

Thomas Watson, Esq. attended on behalf of CNL and Bretton Woods Land Development Co. With the sale of the property in August, the new company (CNL, et al) was named as holders of the bond previously held by BW Land Development Co. As a result, BW Land Development Co. formally requested they be released from any and all obligation thereto. As the Selectmen are the Town authority for bonds, the Planning Board referred the matter with their approval after they took care of some “housekeeping issues” as noted by Evan Karpf. These included making sure the correct completion date was noted. Town Counsel Bernie Waugh had reviewed the matter and gave the wording for the letter the Selectmen would sign for the release one the bonds showing the new holder name with dates and the powers of attorney were in hand. As the town was in receipt of the latter and all was in order, Selectman Dowling made a Motion to: Sign the letter releasing Bretton Woods Land Co. from any obligation to the bond. Chairman Catalano seconded and the Motion passed unanimously.

Kelly Trammell spoke on the use of credit cards in the Town Office about which she had researched substantially and come to the Board previously. However, before any decisions were made, there were some questions regarding the handling the State portion of the money for registrations and they wanted to be as sure as they could that there were no hidden costs. Mrs. Trammell advised the Board the only thing different is that we will have to be a one-check town and we must have a separate account for Motor Vehicle money, which will be an 8 cent daily fee for the Treasurer to transfer the money. It had been established that all costs of accepting payment by credit card for anything will be covered by the customer. She reiterated the town needs to change the website, request permission from the State to be a one-check town, and authorize that the Town Clerk, with the Treasurer’s okay, may transfer the money in place of the Treasurer as may be required. The Treasurer, Sue Kraabel, advised the Board there is an RSA that allows the Select Board to authorize the Town Clerk to transfer money to the State. Chairman Catalano asked what the length of the contract with the merchant services is and Mrs. Trammell said she wasn’t sure there was an actual contract. She said they will be using the vendors spoken of previously, such as Interware who provides the card reader, sets it up, makes sure the money gets transferred, etc. Selectman Dowling said he will call tomorrow to find out if there are any time limits or constraints. Payments made on holidays came up and it was suggested someone might have to come into the office to make the money transfers but Mrs. Kraabel said the bank does not transfer money on those days. It was noted for the Town’s part, the money will be handled through the Laconia Savings Bank. It was reiterated that the Notchnet fee for set up is $2,700 to be paid over two years. Mrs. Trammell asked if the Selectmen would be comfortable making a motion contingent upon the length of the contract for Interware (merchants services) that it is no more than one year or it is pay as you go, approval as one-check town, the new website, and the transfer of money. Chairman Catalano made a Motion to: Move forward with the four bullet points as laid out and if the time period is a year or less, to go with it, if more, to come back. Selectman Moroney seconded and the Motion passed unanimously. It was stated while eventually all bills may be paid by credit card, it will probably start first with Motor Vehicles in the Town Office and as the website is developed, others will be added, as well as online payments. Chairman Catalano thanked Mrs. Trammell for her hard work on this issue. Mrs. Kraabel reminded the Board they had to approve a motion to give the Town Clerk authorization to move money. It was pointed out that being a one-check town means all the money goes to the Motor Vehicle account and transfers will be made to the State account and to the Town account, and this is the only money affected. Chairman Catalano made a Motion to: Put the process in place to authorize Becki Pederson, Town Clerk, to transfer money. Selectman Moroney seconded and the Motion passed unanimously.

Evan Karpf said he had been requested by the Planning Board to present their budget. He said they reduced where they could and it came out to about a 21% reduction.

2011 2012
Secretary 3,000 3,000
Board Salaries 1,000 500
Postage 400 100
Office Supplies 100 100
Advertising 500 400
Legal 3,000 1,000
North Country Counc. 2,033 2,062.06
Circuit Rider 1 1
Registration Fees 15 15
Engineering 3,000 3,000
Misc. 1 1
Code Enfor. Officer 1 1
Train/Travel 700 700
Maps 1 1
Master Plan 1 1
Good/Welfare 100 1

TOTAL 13,754 10,882.06

Dr. Karpf said the budget was prepared based on business for the past few years. The lines reduced were salaries (number of meetings and that he doesn’t take a salary), postage advertising legal and engineering. The training/travel line didn’t change as it’s important for members to become educated and dues for North Country Council had increased for this year. Discussion of the Code Enforcement Officer ensued and it was stated there should be some money put on that line. There was a Warrant Article this year from the Special Revenue Account, which had not been approved last year, so it included two years’ worth of deposits. If there is not enough money this year or if the warrant article is not approved, we need money to be able to pay the salary. It was decided the warrant article amount will be determined at the end of the year which is believed will be about $6,000 or $7,000 and the remainder for the estimated $12,000 will come from the budget. It was pointed out this is split between the budgets for the Planning Board and Property Inspections budget and the balance will be around $5,000 or $6,000, half of which will go in this budget.

Dr. Karpf spoke to the Select Board about outstanding engineering fees for about a year. He recommends that the Board take action and send a letter regarding. He said it is about $3,700. Chairman Catalano asked the Secretary about this and she said the Planning Board Secretary would have the information and she could send out another reminder.

Ben Jellison asked for clarification that the entire Planning Board will be elected in 2012. When it was verified that they will, Mr. Jellison said they should take that into account for the Salaries line as there may be a different person elected to Chair who will take the payment. Dr. Karpf said the budget was based on roughly five people attending twelve meetings – as not everybody attends every meeting and there really haven’t been meetings every month. Rena Vecchio said she is concerned if this is under budgeted and that the new board should know. She said she feels it should reflect seven members attending all twelve meetings. It was agreed and the Board Salaries line was increased.

Dr. Karpf then presented the Health Officer Budget as follows. He noted he reduced the travel line.

2011 2012
Salary 1 1
Travel 250 100
Budget 75 75
Office Supplies 50 50

TOTAL 376 226

The Board thanked Dr. Karpf.

Joan Karpf followed with the Zoning Board of Adjustment and the Conservation Commission.
She said they’ve only had two meetings so far this year and looked at he history of meetings over a few years, thus based it on four meetings for 2012.

2011 2012
Secretary 2,000 1,000
Board Salaries 400 200
Postage 100 50
Office Supplies 50 50
Advertisements 250 200
Legal Expenses 1,000 1,000
Misc 1 1
Workshops 200 200
Engineering 0 1

TOTAL 4,001 2,702

Mrs. Karpf said as had been already stated, education is very important and this year will be the beginning of phasing in elected members, so there should be new members who will attend the training workshops. Also, there is now an RSA that says the ZBA can request the services of an engineer so she added the line because of that possibility.

Mrs. Karpf went on to the Conservation Commission. She gave a synopsis of what they do which includes monitoring and doing inventory of natural resources and fish, working with numerous Ammonoosuc River committees and programs, reviewing wetland applications, and working with NH Fish and Game and Pondicherry Wildlife Preserve to name a few. She said the budget has changed and decreased a bit as dues have gone up for 2012 and there are fewer members to attend the workshops.

2011 2012
Annual LCIP Monitoring 10 5
NHACC Membership 175 185
Workshops 150 135
ARLAC Donation 50 50
Operating Expense 65 50

TOTAL 450 425

Selectman Dowling asked about Dr. Field’s report as he is interested in Route 302 East. Mrs. Karpf said it is in draft form but will bring the information to the Planning Board when it is available.

The Board thanked Mrs. Karpf.

Bill Vecchio, Chairman of the Budget Committee presented that budget which he explained is rather small. He said it actually increased to better reflect the cost of paper and ink and to allow all seven members the ability to attend the budget workshop, expressing the importance of education as we have heard here tonight. Mr.Vecchio said the budget this year did not have enough money in it and two members paid for themselves. He requested money so those two members could be reimbursed. The Secretary said she had the fee for Mr. Catalano allocated to the Financial Administration budget so it would be only one member who would have to be reimbursed. The Board agreed and thanked Mr. Vecchio. Mr. Vechio asked for copies of the budgets presented tonight.

Lori Hogan presented the Recreation Committee budget which was the last for this meeting. She said it was cut about 50% last year, so it was very difficult trying to meet the request this year.

2011 2012
Counselors 7,000 8,262
Telephone 400 400
Equipment & Supplies 1 1
Parties 1 1
Ski Program (Buses only) 1,500 1,500
Field/Court Repair 2,000 500
Building Repair 500 250
Transportation 500 500
Staff Training 500 500

TOTAL 12,402 11,914

Mrs. Hogan said it’s a challenge doing this budget not knowing how many children will attend the summer program, which is the majority of it. The counselor line shows an increase as this summer they had to bring in an additional one. They are required to have a pay phone due to their remoteness and the water, they have it put on winter service, but there is still a fee for that. Staff Training remains the same as that can vary greatly depending on who is hired. As noted, they did cut it where they could. Mrs. Kraabel said there were donations in memory of Bill Wright and asked what they are doing with them. Mrs. Hogan said it is their intention to raise more money to put with it and improve the basketball court given Mr. Wright’s love of the sport.
The Board thanked Mrs. Hogan.

The Selectmen opened the only sealed bid received for the Fire Department pick-up truck which was from Edward Quigley for $530. Selectman Moroney made a Motion to: Accept the bid. Selectman Dowling seconded and it passed unanimously.

Fire Chief Jeff Duncan thanked the Board for allowing the ambulance and new Fire Department pick-up truck to be brought up again. Chief Duncan said the State budget is in and there seems to be nothing earth-shattering over the next three months that he’s aware of so he was inquiring if the Selectmen will release the funds to make the purchases or not. He said at the least there is money earning nothing because it’s sitting in an account from which it may be withdrawn. If they could make a decision and it is against the purchases, they could move this money into an account where it would earn some interest. Chief Duncan said that the bid quote was frozen until September 1, and they have run out of 2011 trucks which was what was priced out. He went on to say if they are going to say no, to say it, but he needs to put money into the vehicles for maintenance if they are keeping them – he doesn’t want to, but he will not have a choice. He said being 70 percent through 2011, it’s time to move forward if they can and he needs guidance. Discussion took place again about the low mileage and the necessity of replacing. Chief Duncan said it’s to keep two reliable vehicles and things wear out – yes, the mileage is fairly low and that’s why they got the good trade-in value. He said he had given the replacement schedule to the Selectmen years ago. Evan Karpf said he called the company from whom they plan to purchase and he was told it would be good for 150,000 to 180,000 miles, short of body rot. Chief Duncan said based on that they’re talking keeping an ambulance for 35 years – obviously there are different perception of keeping, years versus mileage. He spoke of finding evidence of reliability and that when transporting someone in an emergency, there must be reliability. Ben Jellison said there is always talk of the engine, which is important, but there is also the matter of technology and equipment which is ever changing and no one talks about this or the hours or the care given -- what happens in the back. It was stated the same manufacturer sells to Londonderry and they change every three years. It was stated the CIP said 2012 to replace the ambulance and Chief Duncan was asked why it was bumped up a year. He responded because he didn’t want to have to do two vehicles in 2017, as per the CIP. He reiterated that there have been at least eight Selectmen and twelve years since the replacement schedule was set. It was pointed out that the man Selectman Dowling spoke with at the company earlier was not the same as the one Dr. Karpf spoke with recently. When asked about the low mileage and the good trade-in, Chief Duncan said it is because it won’t necessarily be sold as an ambulance but more likely the chassis will be sold for another truck. He also said these are based on standards and restrictions.

Karen Moran said she appreciates the discussion, but thought it was settled in March when the voters approved these warrant articles. Chairman Catalano said there had been a spending freeze on the town on any item absolutely not necessary to provide service and for the town to operate. Rena Vecchio stated she meant no disrespect, but asked when the spending freeze was put in place and why it was okay for the Selectmen to choose to further reduce the valuation for Mr. Catalano’s property in an abatement issue. Chairman Catalano said because this was to do with his father, it is implying they pick and choose which they absolutely do not. He said he takes great exception to what is being insinuated and that it was a very thinly veiled accusation. Mrs. Vecchio responded that it was nothing of the kind, and that anyone who knows her knows that she does not “veil” anything – if she has something to say, she comes out and says it. It was pointed out that the Chairman stepped down for that discussion and then he went on to say that had to do with an abatement that had been submitted and it was the refunding of a taxpayer’s money. There was further discussion regarding assessments by private firms and the town’s firm and to fight it would have cost the town more money. Mrs. Vecchio thanked them for the explanation.

When Chief Duncan repeated his question, Chairman Catalano said he was still not comfortable about releasing the money. As he did not get the information he was looking for from the financial review, he wants to look further into the budget. It was determined the Select Board will finalize their budget on October 17 for taking it to the Budget Committee. Chief Duncan said he needs to get the work done but does not want to put town money into vehicles unnecessarily and Chairman Catalano said he felt he should do the work, that he won’t make a decision before October 17. When asked what they can do to provide more information, the Chairman said to explain the changes, etc., and answer why they need a new ambulance. Mr. Jellison said he felt this was done at the deliberative session. Joan Karpf said she had a question as she’s on the Budget Committee and something that bothered her was there were no questions asked and no one knew what was in the revenue fund. Also, she said she knows the state requires equipment in the back can only be used based on the trained personnel and she has heard Chief Duncan say they are losing people and he is not capable of finding any. Chief Duncan said he got several questions from this and would like to respond to each. First, he said he shows the Budget Committee all his budget numbers AND revenue numbers and he cannot push people to ask questions. Second, the fulltime people are hired based on their level of EMT Intermediate which involves training to use the equipment and both he and Jeremy have that training and third, the equipment they have is only at the level that can be used. Mrs. Karpf said they just bought a new defibrillator and asked if everyone can run that at the level to which it may be used. Chief Duncan said absolutely, there are no features that they cannot use and added if they had them, it would have cost a lot more. Regarding personnel, Chief Duncan said people are not volunteering as they used to, and it is not just here but everywhere. He said they are losing people to age as well as that they are discouraged about what is going on with the ambulance. He said providing people in ten years is up to the town also, not just himself. Chairman Catalano said he would be happy to have anyone provide reasons why money spent on a new ambulance would be smarter than putting money into the current one. He repeated because the report was less than adequate, his suggestion is to spend the money to get the vehicle fixed. When Chief Duncan asked for a motion to not buy, Chairman Catalano said he didn’t think one was needed. Chief Duncan said waiting to find out the financial health of the town could take twenty years. An evaluation was done and they either found horrible things or they didn’t – at some point they have to determine if the town is healthy or not. When asked if they would have another company do the financial review, Chairman Catalano said they’re going to do it themselves and he is looking for help on it. Chief Duncan said he would help and has offered everything he could. Chief Duncan then asked about the pick-up truck and Chairman Catalano said he was done talking until budgets are in. Selectman Dowling said he had said October 17, when Chief Duncan asked for a time period. Chief Duncan further stated he is looking for closure and Chairman Catalano said if there’s anything that needs to be done between now and October 17, he should do it. Ben Jellison asked how town entertainment was a necessity for the operation of the town and Chairman Catalano said he was refusing to answer that and suggested he go back and look at the minutes.

Scott Sonia spoke about the $6,626.03 that was reimbursed to the town for damage to water equipment from an accident in May, 2010. He said he would like to use this to make repairs to the cathodic protection system at the Little River Road water tank. He said he had been in contact with the manufacturer and received a quote of $6,248 to complete the job. After brief discussion, Chairman Catalano made a Motion to: Use $6,248 for fixing and installation and Selectman Moroney seconded. The motion passed with two yeas and one nay. Selectman Dowling said it should go to bid as we have a bid policy. Mr. Sonia said there aren’t many who do this and he wanted to stay with the manufacturer of the tank. Chairman Catalano said there is a policy and he was remiss in suggesting it go forward without following it. After brief discussion, Chairman Catalano made a Motion to: Get information together as quickly as he can and if no other bids can be provided to go with this bid, but if there are, we should finish the bid process The Secretary reminded they already had an approved motion and something should be done with that. Chairman Catalano then made the Motion to: Rescind the previous motion and move forward with this one. Selectman Dowling seconded. The motion passed with two yeas and one opposed.


The Secretary had received a the annual survey from the Coalition Communities and regarding meetings, receiving information, etc., and showed it to the Board. They felt it was okay as it was.

Chairman Catalano brought up a hole in Old Town Road that a property owner had called to our attention. He looked at it and said it was not near the work the town recently did. Greg Hogan said it was all taken care of as his part time helper, Chad, had filled it in on his own time. The Chairman noted Old Town Road is not maintained by the town and asked if letters should go to the people. Selectman Moroney said because of the bridge, part of the road is a Class V road and not maintained for winter travel. Selectman Dowling said it is a court-ordered Class VI road as the town signed off on it years ago.

Chairman Catalano had a procedural question about when the Board voted on adopting the RSA that when they vote on recommending or not recommending warrant articles if they voted that the number would be shown. Selectman Dowling said yes, they did.

Chairman Catalano asked if we had heard anything from Carol Coppola and the Secretary said we had not.

Chairman Catalano said the employee manual is being revised and that everyone who wanted to submitted questions. These have all been gone over and he thanked the employees who did. He said there were a lot of good ideas and believes most of them have been implemented in the manual. September 21 at 6 p.m., was set for a non-public meeting with the employees. Jeff Duncan asked if it would be possible to get a copy of the new manual before the meeting. We’re working toward that. The Select Board will get their copies first whenever it is.

Chairman Catalano said he had attended the Chamber of Commerce meeting and signage was brought up. He said he told them the town is not trying to harm businesses or people as they just want to be sure all are complying with town and state standards. He said he had asked the members to make sure they are in compliance as that would help greatly.

It was discussed to ask the appraisal company, CNP, if they could possibly do a statistical update/analysis as quickly as possible and what the cost would be. Chairman Catalano said this help to get a better idea of the abatement process and hopefully avoid or resolve the matter. Kelly Trammell noted when she had spoken with Phil, from CNP, previously he said there wasn’t a lot we can do as we are bound by DRA. Sue Kraabel asked what an analysis is going to do and Chairman Catalano reiterated that it might help put values closer to where they should be before tax bills go out or at least allow for budgetary and planning purposes for the town. Mrs. Kraabel said if he was suggesting values be changed in one section of town or another, that it couldn’t be done and was not allowed by DRA. It was decided to speak with both the appraisal company and the DRA.

Evan Karpf said a while ago he had spoken to the Board about his and Bruce Seymourian’s voluntary removal of signs for beautification, etc. At the time, he said he didn’t want to lose the ability to put the sign back up and had requested letters for both of them from the Board to that effect. As he hasn’t received his letter yet he was just reminding that it needs to be done.

Selectman Dowling said he just heard tonight that one of the police officers had been in an accident. Selectman Moroney said Chief Trammell and Sgt. Smalley had come to tell her Saturday and she sent emails to the other two Selectmen as she said she would. Selectman Dowling said he didn’t get his. Chairman Catalano said he knew about it as he had been on the scene shortly after it happened. Selectman Dowling’s email address will be checked to make sure all have it correctly.

Chairman Catalano said he had received an email from Town Counsel, Bernie Waugh, who advised that the Board terminate the contract for Carol Coppola. Therefore, he made a Motion to: Terminate the contract with Coppola-Rockburn as of tonight. Selectman Dowling seconded and the motion passed with 2 yeas and 1 abstention. The bill hasn’t been paid yet, but they’ll figure out what they’ll pay at some point.

Police Chief John Trammell said one of the police vehicles had been involved in an accident and was out of service. When all the information and reports are received he will give them to the Select Board.

Jeff Duncan said some time ago ordinances had been brought before the Board and he would like to have them moved on. There have been complaints of noise/fireworks late at night, but there is nothing to support enforcement. He knows there is an ordinance that deals with this issue and would like it to be finalized so it can be used. This will be on the agenda next week.
Mr. Duncan also said at the last meeting Chairman Catalano brought up about home sales in Bretton Woods and he wasn’t sure about what had been sold in this end of town. Mr. Duncan said in the past 12 months there have been nine residential properties sold and the average sale price was $167,000 which is 13% below their assessed value. There were also seven pieces of property sold and six permits for new houses. Chairman Catalano said he has a realtor pulling the information together for him as well.

Rena Vecchio asked if they could make Attorney Waugh’s email about the Coppola report public. Chairman Catalano said he’d rather not and feels that legal counsel would not want them too.

Ben Jellison said he was told that Selectman Dowling said to cut 25% from the budget would mean personnel would have to be cut. He asked if this were a rumor or if it’s true and if so, where do they see the personnel being cut. Selectman Dowling asked who said this and Mr. Jellison said he’d rather not say, but that he does have names. Selectman Dowling said it’s not correct as the Board has not made any decisions. Mr. Jellison asked Selectman Dowling if he said that and Selectman Dowling said he did not. Mr. Jellison thanked him.

Sue Kraabel said when she signed checks earlier, there had been one for Bernie Waugh and part of the amount was for more than $500 to get the town’s documents back from the Staples case several years ago. She asked if there was a reason our police couldn’t have done it. Chairman Catalano said he understood that it had to be done through the Court system as the records were held in the Attorney General’s office. Mrs. Kraabel said it was her understanding that the Police could have done it and saved all that money. Chairman Catalano asked Chief Trammell to check to see if the Police could have done it. Chief Trammell will inquire as to the normal procedure.

Greg Hogan spoke of his part time person and said he would like to have him through the end of the month. Originally when they spoke of hiring, they thought it would be someone who would be just for mowing and would be going back to school. However, Chad’s worked out very well and is able to do much more than they anticipated the person in this position would be able to do. Because of this, Mr. Hogan said he’s gotten things done he didn’t expect to and there are a few that he’d like to do. The Board said if he has the money in his budget, it is fine with them.

Mr. Hogan also asked about using town equipment, the chipper and truck specifically, to clear the brush and paint the steps going from St. Margaret’s Road up to the Cemetery. He said they really can’t be used as they are and it would not only be for the townspeople but would be part of beautification as well. Roberta McGee said she talked with the secretary for the parish and she was very pleased this was being considered. She also said the church would be willing to pay for materials and labor. There was discussion about using town equipment and further that it was for a church. Evan Karpf said he appreciates what Mr. Hogan is trying to do and understands the Board’s hesitation so he will be happy to volunteer his tractor and chipper. All thanked Dr. Karpf for his generosity.

Bill Vecchio said the energy audits, etc. that he is working on with PSNH and North Country Council are moving forward and they are also looking other things that could be done. There is the possibility of buying power elsewhere, but he does not recommend this as it is very volatile. They are also going to do a full inventory of street lights to be sure what we are being billed for is what we actually have. Presently we are paying for 132 street lights. Robert McGee said at one point the town went through this and every other light was removed. This was not enough, so they used different bulbs and it was so unsatisfactory, they went back to everything the way it had been. She hopes they’re not going to start removing lights again!

As there was no further business, the Board was polled and went into non-public session for town aid and personnel matters at 10:03 p.m.

At the close of Non-Public Session, Chairman Catalano moved to return to Public Session and seal the minutes from Non-Public Session. Selectman Moroney seconded and the Motion passed unanimously.

There being no further discussion, Chairman Catalano made a Motion to: adjourn the meeting. Selectman Moroney seconded and the Motion passed unanimously. Chairman Catalano declared the meeting ended at 11:15 p.m. The next meeting will be Monday, September 19, 2011.