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Amended PB Minutes of 8.15.24

August 15th, 2024

Town of Carroll Planning Board
Meeting Minutes
August 15, 2024

“These minutes of the Town of Carroll Planning Board have been recorded by its secretary. Though believed to be accurate and correct, they are subject to additions, deletions, and corrections by the Planning Board at its next meeting when the Board votes its final approval of the minutes. They are being made available at this time to conform to the requirements of New Hampshire RSA 91-A:2.”

Planning Board Members Present: Austin Alvarez, Jules Marquis, Paula Murphy, Rena Vecchio, Don Jones

Public Present: Carol Alvarez, David Scalley, Syed Nuruzzaman, Cathy Conway, Attorney Andrew Sullivan, Fire Chief Jeff Duncan, Keegan Rice

Minutes Taken By: Steffanie Apostle
Vice Chair Austin Alvarez ran the meeting on place of Chairperson Alex Foti who was not in attendance

Item 1: The meeting was called to order by Austin Alvarez at 5:00 p.m.

Item 2: Pledge of Allegiance

Item 3: Attendance taken; Quorum Met

Autin Alvarez introduced the Planning Board Members in attendance which were Paula Murphy, Jules Marquis, Rena Vecchio & Don Jones

Item 4: Approval of Minutes – July 25, 2024

Minutes were approved as they were. Jules Marquis made a motion to approve them, Paula Murphy seconded them. All were in favor, none opposed, Rena Vecchi abstained as she was not present at the July 25, 2024 meeting. Motion approved

Item 5: Echo Lake Subdivision change – 26 Lots to 1 Lot with Condominiums

Attorney Andrew Sullivan & Cathy Conway came before the Planning Board for a consultation for Echo Lake. They are interested in Changing their plans from 26 lots to 1 lot with condominiums.
Attorney Sullivan explained that right now there are 26 lots with each lot being a duplex lot. As such each lot could become its own independent condominium. Attorney Sullivan introduced Keegan Rice from Badger Peabody & Smith who will be marketing them and suggested to have one Master Condominium that will make sure the Homeowners Association will be organized and funding on a regular basis. The lots in a condominium concept you will have a unit which is the building and then a limited common area such as the decks and usually some type of limited area front and side area of the yard. The limited common area of each unit will be smaller than the existing lots to allow commoner to go through with lawn mowers and things of that sort. By enlarge its going to look exactly the same, the same road, the same drainage and water except its going to be one Master Condominium instead of 26 duplex lots. This will add more uniformity in terms of the build outs as well as the operation. Solid lines on the plan will switch into little dotted lines with limited common area.
Cathy Conway said the buildings, the driveways, everything is staying the same. They are not adding square footage or anything like that.
Attorney Sullivan said because it is a condominium DES requires a subdivision approval from the condominium and the Planning Board will have to approve a condominium site plan. There will be no individual lots it will just be one big lot. In terms of landscaping, fencing everything is staying the same.
Paula Murphy asked if they are still planning on the same type structures and is this Phase I and Phase II inclusive or is it separate
Attorney Sullivan said yes, they were the same type structures and said there were a number of ways to do that. Right now, they are doing a condominium rider for 10 builds, 3 units a piece and they are doing each unit as a Phase. Mostly that is for FHA financing. They are probably going to keep the phasing for the purposes of what they have already designed in tact. So, it will be a Phase I and a Phase II and 1 condominium. They haven’t decided yet if Phase II will be convertible land. When you submit a condominium to get AG approval all land had to be submitted that you’re going to build on, but you can carve out a piece and say this part is convertible and they are not going to submit it to the AG yet, they have 5 years to submit that and then they would have to do an amendment to the plans and submit that and that would become part of the buildable and sellable condominium which would be driven by marketing and everything else. Attorney Sullivan said he was glad that was brought up because it’s a question for the Planning Board. Right now, they have been told they can’t get a Certificate of Occupancy until certain things are done in Phase I, arguably there are going to be no Phases except for the way they build them out. They don’t want to be tied in where they have to do everything for all 26 units, financially can’t be done. They need to start selling some of these so they can roll them into the next ones. Another thing Attorney Sullivan wanted to ask was, they are going to be ready to sell and they are ready to bond anything the Board wants them to but they need a certificate of occupancy for what they have now. Attorney Sullivan said it was going to take him 3 months easy to get the AG approval. So, when he says he is ready to sell he will not have a condominium for 3 months.
Cathy Conway said they are doing a final submission to Kevin Leonard and AOT tomorrow. They have had several conversations and have met all the technical requirements so they believe they are there. Cathy Conway reminded everyone that because they will be doing Phase II within 5 years, they had to include some AOT stuff into Phase I such as fire ponds that need to be constructed as part of Phase I.
Attorney Sullivan said if for some reason they are not complete on what’s known as Phase I they are asking the Town and willing to bond whatever remaining dollars are necessary to get it done to get the occupancy permits because by 3 months they will have the AG and there are 3 complete buildings now just sitting there. There is no reason they can’t be sold, they are done.
Austin Alvarez confirmed those would be in Phase I, and that would be 6 units
Syed Nuruzzaman is worried they will collect mold and expenses of running heat for empty buildings.
Rena Vecchio, they couldn’t give them an ok today its just a consultation. Rena asked if they were looking for a certificate of occupancy for buildings that are not even condo’s yet
Attorney Sullivan said no they can’t do that. Its only the ones that are completed. If they otherwise meet the building standards and are ready for a certificate of occupancy but for some reason the site work isn’t finished, if they fully bond whatever the Town and Cathy Conway come up with as necessary plus whatever override the town wants then they would ask for the certificate of occupancy because the work is going to get done and the Town would have the funding secured.
Cathy Conway said the current bond has not been reduced so its there and 90% of the work has been done and is mor than adequate enough to cover what is remaining.
Rena Vecchio asked if the bond and the money that goes to Kevin Leonard at Northpoint Engineering separate things
Cathy Conway said they were. There is an account that the Town keeps separate for payment to Northpoint Engineering and then Syed has a bond for the work being done
Syed Nuruzzaman confirmed that he has a bond for the roadwork being done and he has an account with the Town for Kevin Leonard at Northpoint Engineering
Attorney Sullivan said that in a not-too-distant future he will be coming back to the Planning Board with the condominium site plan that will lay out where the units will be located and where the limited common area boundaries are
Cathy Conway asked the board if they are doing site plan and subdivision approval. She was looking for what kind of approval the Board wanted for this conversion.
Austin Alvarez said she needed to submit a subdivision based on the Town documents.
Cathy Conway asked if it was just a subdivision or a subdivision and a site plan.
Attorney Sullivan said that what towns usually do is mix them up. Technically it’s a subdivision but sooner or later they will have to have a condominium site plan. It could be a subdivision and a site plan at the same time.
Cathy Conway said she was aware they could be done at the same time; she was just trying to find out how many applications she has to submit. She wants to make sure they are doing what the Town wants.
Austin Alvarez asked for thought from the board
Rena Vecchio said she had not come in looking up that information because she thought it was just them telling us what they wanted to do.
Attorney Sullivan said for the Towns purposes they need a subdivision for his purposes he needs a condominium site plan signed by the Town.
Austin Alvarez said that was going to be a procedure.
Attorney Sullivan said for him its going to be 3 months to get AG approval
Cathy Conway recognized they wouldn’t make the September meeting as there needs to be a 21-day notice, so that brings them to October and the Town will take 2 meetings to accept so the earliest they could do was November.
Attorney Sullivan said he can’t file with the AG until he has a site plan that signed
Rena Vecchio asked if this was just for Phase I or the whole area
Attorney Sullivan said they were going to do the entirety on the site plan but they may submit to the AG in phases due to finances.
Austin Alvarez asked if in his documents was an offering
Attorney Sullivan said in his declaration he will spell all that out. A 52-unit condominium with 26 buildings. With unit 1 -X now, and the rest will be convertible land with a special boundary for the section of convertible land. Its all submitted the land but not submitted as condominiums except for what they do right now.
Paula Murphy asked about the restaurant plan and the motel and what is going to happen with that
Attorney Sullivan said that was on a separate lot and he did not know what was going to happen with that
Cathy Conway asked for clarification what she needed to submit because there is very different information required for both applications. She just wants to be clear on what she needs to bring to the Town for approval.
Austin Alvarez said he was looking at the zoning and right now it says condominium conversions is considered a subdivision of land and shall be subject to subdivision review by the Planning Board. But they have done a lot of work already, he wasn’t sure what they were going to do plan wise but it will need to be presented.
Cathy Conway said how she sees it changing from what they have already presented is once Attorney Andy Sullivan and Syed Nuruzzaman tell her how they want it established with the limited common area and the common area will have to be put on the plan.
Austin Alvarez said they will have 2 times the number of units they have now
Cathy Conway agreed with that because each unit will be its own as opposed to a duplex so it will be double the number of units.
Rena Vecchio said that would then be a site plan
It was agreed Cathy Conway was going to need a site plan and a subdivision plan
Attorney Sullivan said he was going to check with the condominiums where there is convertible land, typically conversion condominiums mean it’s a warehouse or something you’re converting an existing structure as opposed to creating condominiums that have never been sold. He will review that and send a memo to Steffanie Apostle.
Dave Scalley asked if they were changing the first 3 buildings to condominiums, converting them
Attorney Sullivan said they had never been sold and never put on the market
Dave Scalley said that right now they were duplexes
Attorney Sullivan said right now they are built as duplexes but do not have certificate of occupancies. He hears where Dave Scalley is coming from
Chief Jeff Duncan had a question, more based on their marketing. How are you going to sell them and how are they going to be used
Attorney Sullivan said as a condominium
Chief Duncan asked if they were going to have 1 person that lives there a long time or will they be used as short-term rentals
Attorney Sullivan said that was up to whoever buys them
Chief Duncan said business vs. inspection codes is a huge difference. It depends on who is using them and how they are using them how the Towns inspects them.
Attorney Sullivan said they are approved for residential condominiums.
Chief Duncan read to the board the following: 1-2 family dwelling shall be limited to buildings containing not more than 2 dwelling units and each dwelling unit and is occupied by members of the single family, with not more than 3 outsiders in any accommodated and rented rooms. Chief Duncan's questions is, is this gong to be a family moving in there with less than 3 people, if not these buildings are not 1-2 family dwellings, they are rooming and lodging houses.
Chief Duncan read off the description of rooming and lodging houses as follows: The requirements of this chapter shall apply to all buildings that provide sleeping accommodations to 16 or fewer persons on either a transient or permanent basis with or without meals or without separate cooking facilities for individual occupants as provided in Chapter 24.
Chief Duncan said it really depends on who is living in these how they inspect it. What makes a difference in that is lodging and rooming require sprinklers, if it’s a 1-family living in these it doesn’t. We are not getting a definition of is this going to be a family living in there or is it going to be rented out. By this definition a rental unit under 30 days wouldn’t be allowed.
Attorney Sullivan said that was for Chief Duncan to enforce. We are just creating residential units like any other condominium unit in the world
Chief Duncan said that they all need to be sprinkled
Attorney Sullivan said no they don’t, its going to be bought to use by the owners and what Chief Duncan is talking about is the use and they can’t control the use
Chief Duncan said you can if you put a deed in them that says how you can use them.
Attorney Sullivan said if they buy a condominium unit, they are going to use it the way they want to
Chief Duncan said every association has their regulations of how it can be used. You know going in that this can’t be used for more than 3 non-familial members
Attorney Sullivan said that under federal law we can’t control if they have more than 3 kids or 4 kids
Chief Duncan said absolutely but that they can control is the word transient. The State will never give a definition of family
Attorney Sullivan said that under Federal Law the Towns ordinance doesn’t fly
Chief Duncan said for family, but the transient part does. If you rent these out for less than 30 days then it becomes lodging and rooming. How are you planning on renting these out
Attorney Sullivan said they are not planning on renting them out, they are planning on selling them as living units.
Chief Duncan asked if Attorney Sullivan was going to advise that they don’t do that in their documents
Attorney Sullivan said they would have to discuss that
Chief Duncan said he thinks that’s something that is hugely important. He would not want to go to each of these homes and say you rented it out as a unit on short term you now have to go sprinkler this
Attorney Sullivan said that many condominiums have a restriction for not less than a year lease. Then they come back and ask what about this and we fight over it. I won a few of them. They impose that regulation after the fact, and that’s above your rights
Chief Duncan said that they have been asking to see the HOA’s since day 1.
Cathy Conway said that the HOA’s for Phase I have been recorded
Chief Duncan asked if there was anything like this in them about restrictions
Attorney Sullivan said no
Chief Duncan said he thinks that this board might want to be aware of that
Cathy Conway said she believed they had this conversation about calling these lodging units and she believed the decision was that they are not and she does not want to reopen a can of worms they have already talked about
Rena Vecchio said they need to make sure that the can of worms we talked about then is the same as the can of worms we are talking about now.
Paula Murphy said it needs to be clear
Attorney Sullivan said he would like to look at the minutes because he knows we have had this conversation before
Chief Duncan said he has been trying to get how these are going to be used and he got no answers
Rena Vecchio asked for a copy of the HOA
Attorney Sullivan said he would send them over to us
Rena Vecchio and Paula Murphy said they didn’t know they had the HOA in place
Cathy Conway said they wrote and recorded everything for Phase I. They contemplated Phase II but that was not done
Austin Alvarez said you probably still have the Phases
Attorney Sullivan said the Phases are for building out not legal purposes. He will be doing the condominium rules, by-laws, etc. They are contemplating terminating the HOA because it will become Condominium Unit Association. It will say virtually the same thing. They will examine those minutes, he remembers going back and forth with the fire code and stuff and his memory is very clear, they were not lodging.
Chief Duncan said that they were assuming each one of the units will be sold to an individual that was going to be living in that condo, not that each one a condo like Bretton Woods where some of them live there but a lot of them are rented. The transient in something that is not yet built that would be a lodging room.
Attorney Sullivan said he thinks we are putting the cart before the horse. They are designed and marketed as residential units. If someone uses in a manner that we don’t approve
Chief Duncan said they needed to be aware that manner exists. You don’t sell it to somebody and don’t tell them. Make them aware if they are going to use them like this, they will need to add sprinklers
Attorney Sullivan said he could certainly add that in there but he can’t regulate, that’s up to the Fire Department
Dave Scalley said if it is not in the condo documents than we have no feet to enforce it
Attorney Sullivan said we do
Dave Scalley said no we don’t. Before its built if you write the condo documents to situate what they can and can’t do then we can enforce it
Attorney Sullivan asked how this was different than the conversation they had a year ago
Chief Duncan said it’s not and that’s why he was pushing for the docs
Attorney Sullivan said the panel board approved it
Chief Duncan said they approve a lot of things he doesn’t agree with
Attorney Sullivan said so in effect if they do nothing then we don’t listen, we got it.
Chief Duncan said and then you get the Town in a whole bunch of lawsuits. This is more for this board to hear than you
Attorney Sullivan asked who is suing who
Chief Duncan said they will probably sue the owners who are going to come back and sue the people that sold it because they find out they can’t use it as a short term rental without x,y &z.
Attorney Sullivan asked if the Town had a short-term rental ordinance
Chief Duncan said they voted one in last year
Attorney Sullivan said then that would be applicable
Chief Duncan said it didn’t go into that because the way it was done was not appropriate.
Attorney Sullivan said its not enacted but you are working on it, most towns are, and once that’s enacted it will be applicable
Chief Duncan said yes and no.
Paula Murphy said that puts the burden on the potential home owner that if they want to rent it, they need to put in a sprinkler system.
Chief Duncan said do you know what its like to put in after the fact
Austin Alvarez said Chief Duncan is bringing up a good point so its worth consideration and how you write the condo document
Attorney Sullivan said he had no problems putting in what the current ordinances are and this, that and the other thing
Chief Duncan said life safety laws. Making sure people are aware
Attorney Sullivan said when you sell a condominium you have to give a public offer statement. A public offer statement includes the declaration of by-laws. He just did one for Rye and it was 400 pages.
Austin Alvarez said they are very long
Attorney Sullivan said they made him put every conceivable thing in there like how to mow the lawn. Attorney Sullivan asked Chief Duncan to email him that he has no problem putting in the declaration. He still wants to see the other minutes because he knows we have had this conversation.
Chief Duncan said he has a letter that he wrote to Cathy Conway in August of last year and there was no answer to it. He had actually even used rooming & lodging and dormitory
Attorney Sullivan said he remembered that and responded to it
Austin Alvarez asked Cathy Conway if that rang a bell
Cathy Conway said she knows they had a conversation abut this being lodging, dormitory not a dwelling unit and she thought the decision was that it was a dwelling unit so that’s how they proceeded
Attorney Sullivan said that was also his recollection
Chief Duncan said that was the way we went forward because it was specifically called 2 separate owners and the thought was just going to be those people living in them. A condo to Chief Duncan most of them in this town are used as short-term rental properties
Attorney Sullivan asked if his recollection was the board agreed that was not lodging
Chief Duncan said it went forward as that so whether or not I remember it that way that’s probably how it went
Austin Alvarez said that will be fine you can point that out to us
Attorney Sullivan said fair enough
Rena Vecchio said its in the minutes but once again we are not talking duplexes anymore, we are talking condo’s the idea is everything starts fresh.
Paula Murphy agreed
Dave Scalley said they are trying to get a certificate of occupancy so if they are going to start fresh what does that mean?
Austin Alvarez said they have to consider all the work you have done
Rena Vecchio said we have to consider the zoning ordinance
Dave Scalley said they can use a lot of their plans they currently have
Austin Alvarez said that was what he was thinking. They have certainly done a lot of work already but it has to be submitted as a subdivision.
Rena Vecchio said I don’t think we should say its just going to be accepted because we haven’t seen it yet
Austin Alvarez said we are aware of the work they have done
Cathy Conway said that brought up another point. As an example, if they don’t change any of the roadways or any of the drainage are we going to have to go back through 3rd party engineering review of all that. You say it’s like starting over, so that’s an additional thing. If we change none of that because there is no reason for any of that to change. That’s additional expense for Syed to have another review of something that’s already been reviewed and hasn’t been changed. Cathy Conway just wants everyone to understand what the level of effort is going to be if you said we are starting all over. Those kinds of things, the road is in, they submitted as-built plans on July 12th, its those kinds of things they don’t feel need to be redone but she wants that clarified that those kinds of things are not going to have to be redone
Attorney Sullivan said if we have to start from scratch quite frankly it’s not worth it
Rena Vecchio said this is a consultation, you’re not going to get a what you can’t do
Attorney Sullivan said he understands, that he is just saying that they have something that is 80-90% done and if we have to go through 6-8 months of multiple reviews it’s not worth it
Austin Alvarez said his thought was because they had already done all this work when they submit the new application, they need to reference the work they have done to our satisfaction
Dave Scalley said the work they have already done and Kevin Leonard had inspected is not going to change
Rena Vecchio agreed but said that has to come from the board when they bring it forth
Cathy Conway said as an example they got a waiver for a curb radius, are they going to have to ask for that again because that matters for what they present. She likes the notion of this is what we have done and this is where we are at but if they have to re-present that and ask for a waiver again that changes the game a little bit for Syed
Austin Alvarez said we also have Kevin Leonard and he can weigh in, he is the consultant for the Town and can weigh in for whatever you present
Cathy Conway said her concern is she presents what’s been approved and then it is disapproved and she understands that is a chance they take for changing this
Austin Alvarez said he didn’t see that happening
Jules Marquis asked if all the work for the water will need to be re-approved
Austin Alvarez said they need to point that out
Cathy Conway said water has been approved and installed for Phase I and approved for Phase II but not installed yet
Austin Alvarez said they needed to be reasonable
Rena Vecchio agreed but said things like the waiver need to be brought back in because this is going to be a whole new file. Weather they say yes or no, she didn’t see them saying no but it doesn’t mean it can’t happen, but you need these things for the files for condo’s not duplexes
Dave Scalley said to Cathy Conway everything that you have already gotten approved such as the road and design include that with this new application so the board is aware of it
Paula Murphy said they needed to show what was going to be different, what they are going to change
Jeff Duncan said that they have done the roads already but that they would need to resubmit it and he hoped that everything was done. The issue he sees is everything here was designed to be done Phase I done and completed then Phase II. It’s pretty straight forward in all of their guidelines that the infrastructure is complete before the houses are built.
Attorney Sullivan said not before they are built
Paula Murphy said before they are occupied
Chief Duncan said yes and no, because the infrastructure has to be there during construction
Dave Scalley said they can build whatever they want on the property but they can’t use it or sell it before they get a certificate of occupancy
Attorney Sullivan said that it was all bonded
Austin Alvarez said that gets back to the phasing thing
Attorney Sullivan said they would bond the portion they are building. The stuff that’s not being built doesn’t have to be bonded, it’s not being built
Chief Duncan said that was where he was getting at, if they are doing it in a Phase or something like that, that’s fine but right now he knows today where their next 6 planned units are and he knows the infrastructure for them are fine. When you start to consider this a whole project with 24, he does not know where those condos are being put so the road and infrastructure needs to be completed to wherever that unit is going to be.
Paula Murphy said getting back to what they need to submit on a Mylar so they can lay it on top of the current design and see what going to change, what’s becoming open space or being taken away and maybe they don’t need a new drawing
Rena Vecchio said they will still need new drawings because the current one says duplexes. Rena spent months digging up information for a lawsuit that was between 2 people that ended up being part of the Town so it is important to have your ducks in a row which they were not back then and that place suffered for it
Cathy Conway said she would put a package together that has all the previous approvals in it including state permits and local approvals. Her concern is the redesigning such as the curb radius waiver and if we were to change our minds on that Syed just spent all this money building a road
Austin Alvarez said we can consider this the first part as the consultation and conceptual but they will need to come back in with an application for the subdivision with a site plan
Syed Nuruzzaman asked if we could proceed sooner
Cathy Conway said they could not because it has to be submitted 21 days before hand and she couldn’t make September even if she had staff available
Austin Alvarez said cut off would be September 12th and they would go through the application first and the details after
Austin Alvarez asked if the board had anything else
Dave Scalley wanted some information from Syed Nuruzzaman. What’s the plan for the certificate of occupancies for the 3 buildings he has now
Attorney Sullivan said they are almost there but don’t have the site work done and they can’t sell until they can get condominium approval and he thinks he can get that in 3 months. In 3 months, they will be looking for an occupancy permit and if anything is not quite done, they will have more than enough bonding. So, he is asking if it is bonded for the remaining site work, we will be asking for a certificate
Dave Scalley said he has been through the building’s multiple times with multiple builders to make sure they are getting everything done and there is still some stuff left in 2 of the buildings but they are almost there
Cathy Conway asked if in terms of the site work its really the 4 ponds and they submitted as-builts a month ago and has not heard on those, and those can be done fairly quickly and paving the entrance. In her opinion that is what is left for site work to be done
Dave Scalley asked if Kevin Leonard had already inspected the road
Cathy Conway did not know if he had
Chief Jeff Duncan asked if the remaining units were going to be built this year
Attorney Sullivan said they wanted to sell what they had done first
Chief Jeff Duncan said prior to anything being built back there the fire ponds needed to be operational
Cathy Conway said they would be it was part of the drainage in Phase I, they have to have all that in place
Attorney Sullivan said it would not be an issue
Cathy Conway said her question on Phase II was the State said you can’t use those hydrants Chief Duncan wants to use them.
Chief Duncan said he did not receive anything from the state saying he can’t use the hydrants
Cathy Conway asked about a letter from Randy Swazey
Chief Duncan said that was DES saying you can’t use over 1,500 gallons a minute which they don’t plan on doing. They will only use them for a small fire anything bigger will be the ponds
Cathy Conway thinks there is conflict and wants to know who has the upper hand the town or the state
Chief Duncan said his thought was he had never seen them restrict anything because if they did that, they would restrict every hydrant in this town.
Austin Alvarez said we could ask Kevin Leonard
Cathy Conway said they used a separate party for the water analysis the Dufrene Group. That’s where they got the 1,200 gallons per minute
Chief Duncan said the 1,200 gallons per minute isn’t specifically 1,200 gallons it’s the speed of which that will drain it down to a level of where water needs to be boiled
Austin Alvarez told them they have some input for their application and they can shoot for the 12th of September to come back to the board in October
Cathy Conway said she needed to know what was going to be limited common land and what’s going to be common land so it can be shows appropriately on plans
Attorney Sullivan said he would send it to her
Syed Nuruzzaman asked the board to speed up the process so that his houses do not sit vacant and then they can work on the motel also
Nothing else from the board or the public

Item #6: Other Business

Rena Vecchio talked a little about the Master Planning Committee that she is running. They have met twice July & August. They are moving along to a public hearing on September 25th that will be a big community engagement in the community room at the town hall where they will set some booths up for Historical Society, Snowmobile Club, Joan Nicosia is going to do a conservation booth, a kid’s booth and a traffic booth.
Austin Alvarez asked if there will be publicity, its important for public input and wants Bretton Woods accounted for in the Master Plan
Rena Vecchio said there will be and they are doing a flyer and wants to post it on Facebook. Flyers will be posted at stores handed out at transfer station and pancake breakfast and things of that sort.
Meeting was adjourned at 6:00pm