Planning Board Minutes

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PB Minutes of 2-13-25

February 13th, 2025

Town of Carroll Planning Board
Meeting Minutes
February 13, 2025
5:00 PM
“These minutes of the Town of Carroll Planning Board have been recorded by its secretary. Though believed to be accurate and correct, they are subject to additions, deletions, and corrections by the Planning Board at its next meeting when the Board votes its final approval of the minutes. They are being made available at this time to conform to the requirements of New Hampshire RSA 91-A:2.”
Planning Board Members Present: Austin Alvarez (Vice Chair), Rena Vecchio, Jules Marquis, Paula Murphy, Don Jones
Public Present: Tom Parks, Brian Mycko, Joan Karpf, Evan Karpf, Fire Chief Jeff Duncan
Minutes Taken By: Steffanie Apostle

Item #1: Meeting was called to order at 5:00pm
Item #2: Pledge of Allegiance
Item #3: Attendance / Quorum
Attendance was taken and Quorum was met

Selectboard Member Brian Mycko was present in the audience as general public

Chair Alex Foti was not at the meeting so Vice Chair Austin Alvarez ran the meeting

Rena Vecchio asked if Brian Mycko was there as a Selectman or the general Public

Brian Mycko said he was there as general public

Item #4: Approval of Minutes – January 9, 2025

Austin Alvarez asked if the board had read the book of minutes from the last meeting that was 23 pages long.

Steffanie Apostle said with Echo Lake she felt like she couldn’t just give a summary because she didn’t want to miss anything important.

There was a spelling error on page 20 of the meeting minutes. Jules was spelled as Jukes and needs to be corrected
Jules Marquis made a motion to accept the minutes as amended and Paula Murphy seconded the motion. All Board member were in favor and motion passed to accept minutes as amended

Item #5: Echo Lake – Continuation from 1-9-25

Austin Alvarez said that Echo Lake asked for a continuation to the 3/6/25 meeting. Austin Alvarez asked the Board if they had any questions in regards to Echo Lake as they were inundated with late submittals

Rena Vecchio asked why Echo Lake wanted the continuation

Steffanie Apostle said Echo Lake had reached out to Alex Foti requesting the continuation because Kevin Leonard the Town Engineer had not been able to complete his technical review in time for the meeting

Rena Vecchio asked why Echo Lake had reached out to Alex Foti and not Steffanie Apostle who was the secretary

Paula Murphy seconded that question as that is not the protocol. Echo Lake should have reached out to Steffanie Apostle and not Alex Foti

Austin Alvarez said all their documents had not been submitted in a timely manner. They would have had to submit the full package by February 3rd for tonight’s meeting (2/13/25) and a lot of them were after the fact.

Steffanie Apostle said that the Planning Board had asked for one complete application with everything in it and they did not supply that. They brought in a smaller application to be added to the first application

Austin Alvarez agreed that what they brought in was a supplemental application. Austin Alvarez said it is becoming a little confusing with the approval of Phase I and the ongoing discussion for Phase II with the duplexes and now with the conversion to condominiums

Paula Murphy said she had taken some time to read through the Town’s Zoning Ordinances and the Subdivision Regulations and has made some notes about what she thought needed to be addressed and what they should be doing. Paula Murphy made the suggestion that when Echo Lake comes to the next meeting that the Board actually sits down with them to go through the application page by page so the Board can ask them where everything is in the application. As Austin Alvarez said they have changed so many things so many times. Now they just brought in an addendum and Paula Murphy said she was concerned that this may set a precedent and they need to make sure everything is complete and if it takes the Board going through the application page by page it should be done.

Austin Alvarez said Echo Lake needed to have something in to them 10 days prior to the 3/6/25 meeting.

Steffanie Apostle said she would make sure she lets Echo Lake know that

Jules Marquis asked if the Board still wanted it all in one book/application

Austin Alvarez said that would be nice

Jules Marquis told Steffanie Apostle to make sure Echo Lake knows it has to be all in one book/application

Rena Vecchio said that at the last meeting the Board also requested a new application with the correct name Twin Peaks

Austin Alvarez said they did submit some things with the name Twin Peaks

Steffanie Apostle said it should be just one application so the board is not sitting there flipping through different applications and addendums trying to find information

Austin Alvarez asked if there were any comments from the public before we moved on to the next item on the agenda

Tom Parks asked if because there is going to be a new application if there will be new abutters notices sent out? Tom Parks said he only asks because at the last meeting it seemed like the Planning Board was kind of going to accept the application and the Board was going to allow Echo Lake to feed in parts of the Site Plan; there were like 12 things marked N/A

Austin Alvarez said they did address most of the N/A’s

Tom Parks said he understood but the application was incomplete. If you went to the doctors and put N/A for your age they are going to make you redo it

Austin Alvarez said they did submit another document that addressed some of the things. There are still some things that have not been addressed. Anything they were requesting a waiver on they did provide an explanation which was what the Planning Board asked for. Its not a one piece; there is about 6 different submittals

Steffanie Apostle asked if we were re-noticing the abutters

Austin Alvarez said we should. The abutters should know we are having another meeting on March 6, 2025 to discuss whatever latest application, modifications, plats or descriptions we are talking about

Rena Vecchio asked for a copy of the abutters

Steffanie Apostle said it was in one of their applications but not the most recent one. Steffanie Apostle will send them to Rena Vecchio

Joan Karpf said she wanted to make some clarifications and asked if it was voted on by the Planning Board that this project is not a PUD (Planned Unit Development)

Austin Alvarez said it was not a PUD

Joan Karpf said she understood the attorney said that

Austin Alvarez said that was correct

Joan Karpf asked if the lawyer explained why? When looking at the uses in 401.3 it says a person should not use any lot in any zone of the Town unless it’s listed on the chart. Did the attorney direct the Board to what on the chart gave them permission to put a condo on that lot?

Paula Murphy said no

Austin Alvarez said he didn’t believe so

Joan Karpf said according to you there is nothing on that chart that indicates you’re allowed to permit a condominium in that zone

Austin Alvarez said he didn’t believe it was prohibited

Rena Vecchio said the State law says we can’t prohibit a condominium

Joan Karpf said what your saying to me is you all agree that there is nothing on this chart that gives you permission

Jules Marquis said the lawyer told them that if they are going from duplexes to condominiums there was nothing that we can do about it

Joan Karpf asked if he said why he felt that way

Steffanie Apostle said it was a State Law

Joan Karpf asked if he said anything about how you go about putting the condos on that lot in regards to our Zoning Ordinances

Austin Alvarez said as long as a condo was a permitted use

Joan Karpf said to be permitted it has to be on this chart

Austin Alvarez said just recently something was passed so it didn’t necessarily have to be on the chart

Joan Karpf said she didn’t know if that was legal and only because if it is not on the chart as that has happened before in the Town, they would need to go for a variance

Austin Alvarez said we did not talk about that with legal

Joan Karpf said she was a little confused as to how the Planning Board is making this decision

Austin Alvarez said this decision was made a long time ago

Joan Karpf said she thought that the Planning Board may have misunderstood what the attorney was saying. If the Planning Board didn’t mind Joan Karpf would like to explain what she thinks they attorney was saying

Rena Vecchio said she was not open to Joan Karpf’ s thoughts because Rena Vecchio did not know what Joan Karpf’ s interpretation was. Rena Vecchio didn’t know if it was right or wrong

Joan Karpf said the Board didn’t have to say if it was right or wrong she was just asking if they would listen to her

Don Jones said the Planning Board didn’t have expertise so he didn’t know why the board would even consider this

Rena Vecchio agreed with Don Jones statement. Rena Vecchio also told Joan Karpf she was not there for the meeting with the lawyer so this would just make it cloudy water

Joan Karpf said she was looking for clarification on where the Board stood. How the Board is interpreting what the lawyer said and how they are interpreting the ordinances

Don Jones said we don’t interpret the lawyer; we take their advice in counsel. Don Jones asked the board if they agreed with that statement and the Board agreed

Joan Karpf said the attorney was right in what they were saying; our ordinance does allow condominiums but if you are not reading the ordinance properly, you’re not addressing the project the way the ordinance would allow you to

Austin Alvarez said we would look at that before the next meeting

Joan Karpf said if the Board was not going to look into that to let her know because she is in a time frame to appeal the decision

Austin Alvarez said we would get her an answer

Joan Karpf said if you have decided it’s a PUD then she will begin her appeal

Austin Alvarez said it was not a PUD

Joan Karpf said; then the Board agrees it is not a PUD

Rena Vecchio said the lawyer said it absolutely was not

Joan Karpf said the lawyer said its definitely not a PUD

Paula Murphy reiterated what the lawyer had said.

Bob Carey said he thought the Mount Washington project was a PUD, and he wasn’t sure if it was their scope was bigger. Bob Carey thought the board has a lot of experience with subdivisions and they have basically run them through a PUD analysis. What the Town Is most concerned with is health & safety. Is the Town going to be protected? Bob Carey said he wouldn’t go back to the PUD analysis he would keep moving forward

Austin Alvarez said he didn’t believe they talked about permitted use, that happened a long time ago when they first proposed this

Joan Karpf said the Planning Board was basically addressing this project not knowing what was permitted in the Town

Austin Alvarez said that was not what he was saying. He was saying that would have been addressed in the beginning when the idea was proposed

Joan Karpf asked the Board if they could show her on the chart how this was permitted

Austin Alvarez said he was hoping to have answers for her on March 6th

Fire Chief Jeff Duncan said in a nutshell the question on this is going from multi family to duplexes then to condos and what the ordinance says. Residential Business you are allowed one house on one lot and you have to have a one-acre lot. There are other areas of the Town such as Bretton Woods that allows condos. This area of Town is Residential Business and needs a one-acre lot. So, if they are proposing everything on one lot because they removed the lot lines

Austin Alvarez said they would only have one lot

Fire Chief Duncan said that’s not allowed in that area of the Town

Joan Karpf said it was actually allowed but if she can’t explain how it works, she will just go through the appeal process

Tom Parks asked if someone on the Board could tell him how many primary buildings were allowed on one lot in a Residential Business area

Austin Alvarez said this was a condominium

Jules Marquis said it depends on the size of the lot

Tom Parks said a condominium was just the form of ownership

Rena Vecchio said you are allowed one ADU (Accessory Dwelling Unit) and it does not have to be attached to the main building

Tom Parks said 1 ADU is allowed but the condominium is 27 buildings

Austin Alvarez said it was based on the condo standard and was reviewed by the State

Joan Karpf asked to approach the Board one more way. She asked the Board if everyone agreed that this property that they are going to put the condominiums on is removing the lot lines

The Board agreed

Joan Karpf asked the Board if they all agree that there is going to be more than one primary building on the entire acreage

The Board agreed

Jules Marquis said that each unit has a certain lot

Joan Karpf said limited common area. Joan Karpf said that everyone can agree we are removing lot lines and putting in more than one primary residence

Austin Alvarez said we are putting in condominiums

Joan Karpf asked if she could read the Towns definition of what a PUD is

• A development granted a Conditional Use permit by the Planning Board to enable flexibility and thereby promote a higher quality of large-scale development by considering project proposals based upon a comprehensive, integrated plan rather than the specific constraints applicable to piecemeal lot-by-lot development under conditional zoning
Joan Karpf said what she was reading is a PUD is not going lot by lot so there is no lots

Jules Marquis said condominiums are a different animal

Tom Parks said a condominium is a form of ownership

Joan Karpf said for the record she wanted to tell the Board what 501 in the zoning ordinance says about Principle use and Buildings

• There shall be only one principle use and one principle building on a lot unless otherwise approved as part of a Planned Unit Development. A business complex or commercial property with related uses shall be considered a single principle use for this purpose. A garage is to be used for storage of vehicles and shall in no way be used for residential purposes
Joan Karpf said everyone agrees that there are no lots. Everyone agrees that there will be more than one primary building and both of those by definition are part of a PUD

Austin Alvarez said he knew we had asked that of legal

Jules Marquis said they asked the lawyer on more than one occasion

Austin Alvarez said they told us this was not part of a PUD it was a condominium and that is the answer we got. The Board can not answer that question tonight but we will investigate it

Joan Karpf said the reason she was saying this was because when you are doing a PUD its 701 in the ordinance and that requires additional requirements besides the usual application

Austin Alvarez said there are a few of them in Town on Route 3 North

Joan Karpf said it wouldn’t have been a PUD unless it had no lot lines and more than one building

Tom Parks asked Austin Alvarez what kind of buildings they were that Austin Alvarez was referring to

Austin Alvarez said there were three buildings

Tom Parks said there were three primary buildings on one lot. Tom Parks found it interesting that was considered a PUD with three buildings on one lot and this one with 27 buildings on one lot was not.

Austin Alvarez said that was because this one will fall under a condominium

Tom Parks said a condominium is only the form of ownership

Rena Vecchio said they had no control over it

Joan Karpf said the Town had no control over what the State regulates in regards to the business part of it, but they did have the ability to design the plot of land, that is the Planning Board role

Austin Alvarez said the Board would take the action and look into it

Brian Mycko asked if Austin Alvarez was talking about buildings over by Pike

Austin Alvarez said yes that was the one

Brian Mycko said that was because it is on commercial property

Joan Karpf said it had nothing to do with if it was a condominium. If it is designed as something without lot lines and designed as something with more than one primary building on it by definition in the Towns Ordinances is a Planned Unit Development

Austin Alvarez said to table this for now and when we come back to the next meeting, we will have more information

Steffanie Apostle said she would reach out to the lawyer to get some clarification on why he feels it is not a PUD

Austin Alvarez said we will also have to see where condominiums fit into the Zoning Ordinances

Paula Murphy said it was very vague because of local regulations. The State allows local Ordinances to come into play. Paula Murphy said she agreed with Joan Karpf and it should be a PUD. If you read through the Zoning Ordinances front to back and then read through the Subdivision Regulations it seems to be the only place a condominium could fall

Austin Alvarez said a subdivision in our Zoning Regulations says you can convert from a project to a condominium

Fire Chief Duncan said only in a Residential 2, Bretton Woods area

Austin Alvarez said he wasn’t sure how we had got this far

Fire Chief Duncan said they just came forward with the condo documents two months ago

Brian Mycko said he thought that they were just trying to confuse the board and everyone with all of these changes. Make sure you dot your I’s and cross your T’s

Paula Murphy said we just have to make sure we follow our Ordinances

Tom Parks said his concern is that if you just let this go on as it is and don’t address the PUD issue it sets a precedent for anyone in a residential area that they can just convert their land into condominiums and fill It with buildings

Austin Alvarez said they would have to go through the State to do a condominium

Joan Karpf said the State doesn’t do the design of the property the Board does and that is what she is asking the Board t do

Austin Alvarez said they would do that

Joan Karpf said the Board was not doing that based off the ordinance

Austin Alvarez said the Board would investigate

Joan Karpf thanked the Board

Rena Vecchio said they had addressed the PUD and they were told it was not a PUD

Joan Karpf said there are two attorneys at a court case; one is right and one is wrong. Just because it comes out of an attorney’s mouth doesn’t mean it is accurate

Rena Vecchio said in regards to Joan Karpf lawyer example, Joan Karpf was a person and Rena Vecchio herself Is a person and both of them have different ideas. Rena Vecchio said she didn’t know who was right who was wrong

Joan Karpf said she just wanted to make sure they understood why she was bringing it to their attention

Austin Alvarez said they understood

Rena Vecchio said she thought it was a good idea to put it back to the lawyer for comments

Austin Alvarez asked to table this and move onto Other Business on the agenda

Evan Karpf asked if Echo Lake had the approval of the subdivision for the duplexes

Austin Alvarez said they had approval for Phase I and a conditional approval of Phase II

Evan Karpf said now they are changing to condominiums. They said they won’t increase the density if they go to condominiums. They are out 5.1 million dollars and they are really concerned so why are they changing them to condominiums

Austin Alvarez said so they could make more money

Jules Marquis said that way they can build a few and sell them, build a few more and sell them

Evan Karpf asked about the density because that was his concern. Evan Karpf thought with condominiums they could come back and fill in the spaces with additional units

Jules Marquis said no

Rena Vecchio said no

Paula Murphy asked if their conditional land could be developed

Evan Karpf asked if they could convert that land and make more condominiums

Austin Alvarez said Echo Lake said this is the greatest number of buildings they could fit there

Evan Karpf asked what assurance does the Board have that they will follow their statement

Jules Marquis said they have shown us the same layout, nothing was changing

Austin Alvarez said the Board will approve it with a specific number of buildings and units. It also shows all the buildings on their plan

Evan Karpf said he would not be here for the March 6th meeting but he was asking the Board for some type of assurance that if this does get approved and go through the density will stay the same

Jules Marquis said they already had that assurance

Evan Karpf said he didn’t know the legality of their statement so he was asking the Board to have some other type of assurance

Fire Chief Jeff Duncan asked if he could talk about his other business because it was going to come back full circle into this. Fire Chief Jeff Duncan asked the Planning Board if they were aware of all the Legislative bills coming forward in this session.

The Planning Board was not

Fire Chief Jeff Duncan said that he got a list today from the Fire Marshall and some of the House Bills could be catastrophic to the Planning Board. Fire Chief Jeff Duncan had a list that he outlined some of them on. One of them was to eliminate the ability of the Planning Board to approve or deny a proposal based on the number of bedrooms which all of a sudden allows them to put in 10-bedroom unit as opposed to 3-bedroom units. There are about 10 bills that will directly affect the Planning Board’s power. There is something in there about the inability for the Town to have a water issue. Everything we are dealing with now has some type of legal bill in the House Senate that directly affects this and none of them are giving the Board power. If the bills go through, and some of them do get cut they are going to horrifically affect the Planning Boards power to govern this project down the line. If these bills go through as they are, they can turn these units into 10–15-bedroom units and there is nothing the town can do.

Austin Alvarez said he didn’t understand that because if they submit an application to the State, they have to describe exactly what they are doing

Fire Chief Jeff Duncan said that wouldn’t be the case if they all pass

Rena Vecchio said as of now they are just proposed, they have not been approved yet

Fire Chief Duncan said House Bill 457 is relevant to Zoning restrictions based on the number of dwelling units and the number of dwelling units will be going away. The Planning Board will not be able to judge on that

Rena Vecchio said she thought the State could judge

Fire Chief Jeff Duncan said it’s not about that; it’s about them taking the Power away from the Planning Board

Rena Vecchio said doesn’t that go back to if they are applying for septic, you have to have a certain amount

Fire Chief Jeff Duncan said they would have to build a septic to reflect the number of people under the roof. Another one would be allowing subdivision regulations concerning water supply; everything we are dealing with is House Bill 568

Steffanie Apostle asked if that meant the Town had a water concern the Town can’t say no

Fire Chief Jeff Duncan said that was correct

Steffanie Apostle asked if the State was going to come put out the Towns fires

Rena Vecchio asked if the list had dates on it

Fire Chief Jeff Duncan said it did. The Fire Marshall sent Fire Chief Jeff Duncan the list based on things with fire issues and as he started to read through it and look the Bills up, he realized how catastrophic it would be to the Board. Fire Chief Jeff Duncan said the Planning Board really needs to go into this and do their homework because there are a lot of things coming this year that if they are approved is going to make the Planning Board useless. Fire Chief Jeff Duncan said he doesn’t mean this in a bad way but he felt like the power is going to be taken away from the Towns on how to govern their own Town. Fire Chief Jeff Duncan told the Board that they need to get in the process of being aware of what is coming. One thing the Town has talked about was rehab units and housing. If they pass these bills anyone can put a rehab anywhere in the Town of Carroll; they could put one in a condominium over in Bretton Woods and there would be nothing the Town could do about it. You want to see property values in this Town plummet; put a heroine recovery center in the middle of Stickney Circle. The things coming down the road are catastrophic. The Planning Board needs to dot their I’s and cross their T’s when they are doing stuff here and get it done. Doors are going to be wide open for projects like this to run a whole bunch of stuff through in the future.

Rena Vecchio said they also had to start calling and get in touch with the State Representative

Fire Chief Jeff Duncan said the comment period on some of these had already closed

Steffanie Apostle asked if the list told them when something will either be approved or denied

Fire Chief Jeff Duncan said it tells you when and where. Fire Chief Jeff Duncan read a lot of them that pertain to him as the Fire Department and a lot of them also affect him as the ambulance. There are so many bills that are going to regulate the Planning Board and what they can do.

Austin Alvarez asked Fire Chief Jeff Duncan how he got the list

Fire Chief Jeff Duncan said the Fire Marshall sent him a copy and he would forward a copy to Steffanie Apostle to give to the Board.

Steffanie Apostle said she would make sure the Planning Board received a copy of the list

Fire Chief Jeff Duncan said if we approve this now with 4 bedrooms and these bills pass as they are, the ability of the Planning Board if they say we want to go from 4 bedrooms to 10 bedrooms, The Planning Board will have no authority

Steffanie Apostle asked if that was the case if this was approved before the Bils passed

Rena Vecchio asked how far back can they go

Fire Chief Jeff Duncan said once this is approved, they would not be able to touch what has been built but they could for the remaining 24 units

Austin Alvarez said the Board should check into these

Steffanie Apostle said she would check with the lawyer on these

Austin Alvarez asked Fire Chief Jeff Duncan what he was searching for

Fire Chief Jeff Duncan said they were sent to him from the Fire Marshall

Austin Alvarez asked Fire Chief Jeff Duncan if he was looking at things that would affect the Fire Department

Fire Chief Jeff Duncan said when you click on the Bill, it will give you a synopsis of the bill, what is coming forward, and how it will affect the Board to a certain degree

Brian Mycko told Austin Alvarez to go on the State’s website and there is a drop-down box that he can look for them. There is a Bill out there right now to eliminate car inspections, there is one that will affect the Energy Commission and carbon credits

Fire Chief Jeff Duncan said one of the bills makes it illegal to store an electric vehicle inside

Brian Mycko said some of the bills were dumb

Fire Chief Jeff Duncan said to us they are dumb, then all of a sudden, they get a couple votes and next thing you know its illegal to store an electric vehicle inside a garage. We need to be careful of what’s coming down the road. Fire Chief Jeff Duncan said he has never seen so many come forward that will affect the Planning & Zoning Boards.

Rena Vecchio said she thought the move was to take power away from people, it’s the whole movement in big government also

Austin Alvarez said it was probably a reflection of what Towns have been allowing

Fire Chief Jeff Duncan said they seem harmless on the surface like the rehab facility, nobody is arguing that they are not needed but what it says here is you can put them in anywhere without permits or anything else from the Town. Now all of a sudden there is a rehab in Town and you have alcohol, drugs and opiates. If short term rentals don’t pan out for someone the State will give them boatloads of money to open one

Austin Alvarez said they will take that under advisement

Item #6: New / Other Business

Steffanie Apostle wanted to discuss the dates that the Master Plan Committee will be presenting the new Master Plan chapters to the Planning Board

• Session 1 will be 2/27/25 from 3:00pm-4:30pm at the Town Hall in the Community Room. They will discuss chapters 1 & 2 (A&B) Accommodations & Building Businesses
• Session 2 will be 3/20/25 from 3:00pm – 4:30pm at the Town Hall in the Community Room. They will discuss chapters 3 & 4 (C&D) Connecting Carroll & Designing Community
• Session 3 will be 4/24/25 from 3:00pm – 4:30pm at the town Hall in the Community Room. They will discuss Chapter 5 (E ) Environmental
Steffanie Apostle provided the Board with a summary sheet that gave some detail into what will be discussed. North Country Council was hesitant to give out any more information as they want it to be more of an open forum

Austin Alvarez asked if they were going to get any more info because what was provided was just an outline

Steffanie Apostle said she didn’t believe they would be getting any additional information

Austin Alvarez said according to our own rules we need something in advanced if we are going to be accepting this

Steffanie Apostle said she believed it was just a discussion

Rena Vecchio said this will be for the Board or anyone else from the public to comment

Austin Alvarez asked if it would be better for North Country Council to give them all of the chapters beforehand

Rena Vecchio said they did not have them

Steffanie Apostle said they were not complete

Austin Alvarez said if they were not getting any more info prior to the meeting then they would comment about the chapters at the following meeting

Steffanie Apostle said she would check with North Country Council to see what they want

Austin Alvarez reminded everyone to try to make it to these meetings. These meetings will be in addition to the regularly scheduled Planning Board meetings. Austin Alvarez asked if this was open to the public

Steffanie Apostle said she believed they were but would double check with North Country Council

Rena Vecchio said if this was open to the public it should be advertised

Steffanie Apostle said she had already put them on the website and on the Towns calendar

Brian Mycko suggested a different time because people will still be working at 3:00pm

Rena Vecchio said this was the time that North Country Council had available. Rena Vecchio reminded the Board we had a big community engagement open to the public that lasted a few hours and brought in some of the residents. We had some good food donated by local companies

Paula Murphy said people can still submit comments

Rena Vecchio said if they can’t make it to the meeting then they can write down what they want and submit it to Steffanie Apostle to be read out loud

Item #7: Adjourn

Jules Marquis made a motion to adjourn the meeting
Rena Vecchio seconded the motion
All were in favor
Meeting was adjourned at 5:46pm