Board of Adjustment Meeting Minutes

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ZBA Minutes of 1-9-2025

January 9th, 2025

Town of Carroll Zoning
Meeting Minutes
January 9, 2025
6:30 PM
“These minutes of the Town of Carroll Zoning Board have been recorded by its secretary. Though believed to be accurate and correct, they are subject to additions, deletions, and corrections by the Zoning Board at its next meeting when the Board votes its final approval of the minutes. They are being made available at this time to conform to the requirements of New Hampshire RSA 91-A:2.”
Zoning Board Members Present: Andy Smith (Chair), Brian Mycko (Selectboard Rep), Janet Merner, Bill Briggeman
Public Present: Mike Spinelli
Minutes Taken By: Steffanie Apostle
Item 1: The meeting was called to order by Andy Smith at 6:30pm
Item 2: Pledge of Allegiance
Item 3: Attendance Taken; Quorum Met
Brian Mycko introduced himself to the Board. He is the new Selectman Rep and has taken over for John Greer who stepped down
Item 4: Approval of Meeting Minutes June 13, 2024
Minutes provided in the folder to the Board were incorrect and did not show the voting for the prior meeting. Minutes that were emailed to the Board prior to the meeting were the correct ones
On page 3 of the minutes the name Andy Sullivan should be Andy Smith
Motion made by Bill Briggeman to accept as amended and 2nd was made by Janet Merner
All were in favor, motion passed and minutes approved as amended

Item 5: Mike Spinelli – 348 Parker Road Consult on Subdivision & Variance
Mike Spinelli presented a drawing to the Zoning Board for what he would like to do at 348 Parker Road. Mike Spinelli bought the property last year and was looking into subdividing it. Initially they were trying to subdivide into (3) lots with a hammer head so they would have enough frontage. Mike Spinelli came up with a subdivision plan for (2) lots that would have enough frontage (382 ft.) on 115 but only (50 ft.) on the Parker Road side which would need a variance approval. The goal was to eliminate the octopus looking lot line and put a caveat for the second lot that it can’t be subdivided.
Another option would be for Mike Spinelli to build on the octopus arm to get the frontage needed but they were looking to have the parcel map without the weird lot line. The only thing Mike Spinelli would do in the future is sell some land to the National Forest.
Brian Mycko asked if they would be able to get a driveway in
Mike Spinelli said the driveway was already there
Brian Mycko asked how steep the driveway was because of the concern for the ability of fire trucks being able to get up there
Mike Spinelli said it was not steep at all and there was only (1) hump. The driveway was used to remove the mobile homes that were on the property.
Janet Merner asked Mike Spinelli what the total frontage was
Mike Spinelli told Janet Merner it was 382 ft off of Route 115 but only 50 ft. on the Parker Road side
Andy Smith asked if the hammerhead would go away
Mike Spinelli said yes
Andy Smith asked where he would build the homesite and if it was going to go under the power lines
Mike Spinelli said that wasn’t power lines. It was an easement on the property that wasn’t in the deed.
The Board discussed with Mike Spinelli a few other options he could do so he would not need a variance approval.
Andy Smith said he couldn’t say the ZBA would approve or deny the application but there seemed to be other options Mike Spinelli wouldn’t need Zoning Board approval for.
Janet Merner said that a variance is a hard one to approve if there are other options available
Andy Smith said to Mike Spinelli he could still come for the variance but if there are other solutions
Janet Merner said she understood the want to have the property a specific way but we are in New Hampshire. New Hampshire has different topography to work with. Janet Merner herself said she liked that there were funky things because we don’t live in the city and the properties are a little more interesting
Andy Smith said there wasn’t a clear-cut answer
Janet Merner said if you had found something like a huge boulder 300’ down or something else that you can’t move and would need to work around that’s what the variance is really for
Andy Smith said if Mike Spinelli could find a way to make the frontage he wouldn’t need to come back to the Zoning Board for approval. Andy Smith said he wouldn’t put a big wager that the Zoning Board would be able to find enough hardship to meet the criteria to grant Mike Spinelli the variance
Andy Smith also made a suggestion about a possible subdivision that would leave lot #1 with control of the land but can’t build on it
Mike Spinelli said that would make it so he wouldn’t need a fence
Janet Merner said her daughter lived in Wisconsin and all of the lots there are tight and on top of each other. The walk ways for people to use go right through properties and you are not allowed to have any fences and they limit the greenery you can have
Brian Mycko said he had friends that lived in Tennessee and it was the same thing - a path through your yard between the houses for walk ways. Very tight quarters
Mike Spinelli was going to think about other options and make a decision on what he wanted to do
Item 6: New Business / Other
Andy Smith talked about the open position for Zoning Board
Brian Mycko said it was in the new Town Newsletter as an announcement
Andy Smith said his expired in March of 2025 so he would be running again
Brian Mycko told him the dates to register are 1/22/25 – 1/31/25 and to see Becki Pederson at the Town Hall for that
Andy Smith reviewed everyone’s current terms
• Andy Smith was up March of 2025
• Janet Merner was up in March of 2027
• Anita Greer was up in March of 2026
• Karen Moran was up in March of 2026
• Diane Rombalski was annual
• Bill Briggeman was up in March of 2027

Meeting was adjourned at 7:10pm