Selectboard Meeting Minutes

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Minutes of 5/14/2024

May 21st, 2024

Carroll Board of Selectmen
Meeting of the Select Board
Meeting Minutes
May 14th, 2024

“These minutes of the Town of Carroll Select Board have been recorded by its Secretary. Though believed to be accurate and correct they are subject to additions, deletions, and corrections by the Select Board at its next meeting when the Board votes its final approval of the minutes. They are being made available at this time to conform to the requirements of New Hampshire RSA 91-A:2.”

Minutes recorded by: Meg Basnar
Board Members: Bonnie Moroney, John Greer, Jules Marquis

Members of the Public: Jeff Duncan, Dave Scalley, Bill & Rena Vecchio, Mike Gooden, Chris & Judy Pappas, Imre Szauter, Brian Mycko, Greg Hogan, Mike Hogan, Paula Murphy, Cathy Conway

Pledge of Allegiance

Signing of bills and manifests completed prior to this meeting.

Selectperson Moroney motioned to approve the minutes of 4/30/2024. Selectman Marquis seconded this motion, all in favor none opposed. Motion to approve minutes of 4/30/2024 passed.
The Select Board was presented with a driveway permit for Woodcrest Lane. Selectperson Moroney made a motion to approve and sign. Selectman Marquis seconded this motion. All in favor, none opposed. Motion to approve and sign Woodcrest Lane driveway permit passed.

The Select Board was presented with a driveway permit for BW Service Road. Selectperson Moroney made a motion to approve and sign. Selectman Marquis seconded this motion. All in favor, none opposed. Motion to approve and sign BW Service Road driveway permit passed. Selectperson Moroney made a motion to approve BW Service Road as a private road. Selectman Marquis seconded, all in favor, none opposed. Motion to approve BW Service Road as a private road passed.

The Select Board was presented with a Supplementary Water Warrant for six locations. Selectperson Moroney made a motion to approve and sign. Selectman Marquis seconded this motion. All in favor, none opposed. Motion to approve and sign Supplementary Water Warrant for all six locations passed.

Selectman Greer discussed the 2017 Water Study done for the Town of Carroll by the Dufrense Group. Greer recognized this document as a guide to assist with planning improvements to water infrastructure in the town. Selectman Greer also informed that Dufrense Group did a study for the Echo Lake project and stated that when combined both phases would use 30,000 GPD and the Dufrense Group study indicated the Town has the capacity to pump 500,000 GPD. Greer also informed that peak water usage is 160,000 and stated even with phase 1 & 2 of Echo Lake usage would not reach 200,000 GPD while having the ability to pump 5000,000 GPD. He continues stating this is why the Water Commission approved Echo Lake phase 2, with stipulations set by Fire Chief Duncan.
Selectman Greer asked Cathy Conway of Horizons Engineering, if they assist communities with grants. Conway informed that Horizons often assists communities with developing funding sources. Conway informed that there are more complex grants Horizons does not work on, but stated Horizons does assist communities with DES SRF Programs, drinking water trust fund, and ARPA funds.
Selectman Greer stated that the Town is not currently in “dire straits” but should be thinking on improving water infrastructure, applying for grants, and establishing a plan for improvement.
Selectman Marquis reminded all that part of the issue is the prevalence of 6” pipes in the water system and its limiting effect on the ability to move volume.
Selectperson Moroney reminded all that there are still many houses that have not been calculated in to this study. Moroney continued, informing that she has sent out three letters to engineering companies looking for input and recommendations on how the Town should proceed regarding improving the water infrastructure. Selectman Marquis informed he has been speaking with Caitlyn Robinson, Director of Economic Development who writes grants for state funding and feels it would be beneficial to hire a grant writer. Selectperson Moroney asked former head of Public Works Greg Hogan if a map of the Town’s water lines has been completed. Hogan informed that this is not completed but it is close.
The Selectboard discussed possible ways to improve the water system but ultimately decided to wait on further discussion until more information and recommendations are obtained from engineers contacted prior to this meeting by Selectperson Moroney. This topic will be followed up with at the next Select Board meeting.

Bill Vecchio of the Energy Commission (EC)was recognized to present the Select Board with an update on completed, underway and considered projects. Vecchio reviewed the Button Up workshop, discussed the progress of the LED Streetlight warrant article, and informed on a free NHDES energy audit of well pumps/variable frequency drives possibly in June. Vecchio continued to discuss the EC’s work with Melissa Elander of Clean Energy NH (CENH), as well as a no cost & no obligation battery storage study by CENH. There will be a presentation by the Community Power Coalition of NH at the next EC meeting scheduled for June 12th. Vecchio continued and informed on additional projects being considered by the Commission regarding solar pv for the Safety Building and the Town Hall rooftop, as well as the potential lease of the brownfields land to a solar developer to provide the Town with a steady stream of income. Vecchio also discussed an opportunity to learn more about grant opportunities for the installation of EV charging stations in Town, as well as how the EC could provide assistance and advice should the Town decide to replace the Highway Garage. Vecchio answered questions and expanded on information upon request.

Selectman Marquis discussed a contract for a grant writer which he had presented to the Select Board for review prior to this meeting. Marquis encouraged action regarding grant writing services due to approaching deadlines. Cathy Conway provided information to the Select Board on the grant process. Selectman Greer informed that Conway had provided this information to him prior to this meeting and expressed his gratitude. The Select Board discussed completing the pre application. Selectman Greer suggested asking Conway to assist with completing the pre application. Greer was cautioned that this could present a conflict of interest as Conway has come before the Select Board as well as the Water Commission for other projects in town. Selectman Marquis recommended utilizing the services of New Hampshire Community Loan Fund to assist with grant identification and grant writing. Selectman Greer informed he had already read the contract which was provided to the Board prior to the meeting for review. Greer was uncomfortable with the hourly rate of $150/hour, Marquis informed there is a grant for $2000 that could be utilized to pay for those services. Conway informed that Horizons often completes these applications as a marketing effort, and stated other firms may do the same things. The Select Board discussed funding options and determined they would table this discussion and gather more specific information regarding how they would like to improve the infrastructure. The Selectman’s Assistant will reach out to North Country Council to see what resources are available. The Select Board informed that they would consult engineers, determine the best course of action and which grants are available and appropriate, then pursue funding options with a clearer picture of the town’s needs.

The Select Board recognized Imre Szauter who informed on a need to renew the pest control contract. He discussed reasons for renewal, and previous experience with Presidential Pest Control. Selectman Greer made a motion to spend $1800 with a pest control company which will treat the buildings as needed and return as needed for 6 months. Selectman Marquis seconded, all in favor, none opposed, motion to spend $1800 on pest control passed. Selectman Marquis recommended adding this as a budget line item for 2025. Selectman Greer recommended seeking competitive quotes.

The Select Board recognized Imre Szauter who informed on the Fire Station entrance and damage as the result of strong winds during a prior storm. Szauter offered several solutions to the Board one of which would be provided by One Source and would cost $1793.86 and would include installation. Discussion followed regarding alternate solutions and how best to address the issue in the future. The Selectman’s Assistant provided information regarding budget lines to potentially cover the expense. Chris Pappas informed he will reach out to the Fire Auxiliary, Selectperson Moroney recommended waiting on making a motion to expend funds at this time.


The Select Board recognized Dave Scalley who began discussion of Fieldstone Lane. He informed the current plans to make changes to the island would impact his ability to utilize the garage bay doors and would only leave 34 feet for the trucks. Scalley provided the Select Board with photos he took as visual examples and stated the current plans would create a bottle neck and asked the Select Board why changes are being made to the opening. Selectperson Moroney informed the current plan is to reduce the entrance to 50 feet and that the purpose of making changes to Fieldstone Lane is to address safety concerns and to slow down traffic going in and out. Moroney informed the State recommended the current plan and discussed the approved driveway permit obtained from the State in mid-December 2023. Moroney informed the current plan is a result of conversations with the State over several months. The Select Board discussed the cost and funding options planned to address Fieldstone Lane. Moroney explained the intent was not to hurt a business, but to address a safety concern. Scalley suggested an alternate solution to slow traffic in the area which would be to install a “speed hump” not a speed bump, at his cost. Scalley informed these are used all over New England and are gradual and would not interfere in plowing. Selectman Greer stated a hump sounds less expensive than the proposed changes to Fieldstone Lane and would not interfere with the existing business. The recommendation was made to run the proposed speed hump by Scott Sonia prior to installation. Selectman Greer made a motion to table Fieldstone Lane and have Dave Scalley work with Scott Sonia regarding installation of a speed hump. Selectman Marquis seconded. All in favor none opposed, motion passed.

Selectperson Moroney discussed her progress with working on warrant article #7. She informed on utilizing documents from Conway and working with the Fire Chief on inspection requirements and safety. Moroney stated that it appears Conway covers all rentals, not just short-term rentals. The Selectman’s Assistant read the Town of Conway’s regulation to the Select Board. Moroney requested permission from the Select Board to reach out to legal for clarification regarding how Carroll’s warrant article is written and how that would impact the registration process moving forward. The Select Board agreed. Rena Vecchio inquired if the Planning Board was aware of the work done thus far. Moroney informed that she has been working with the Land Use Secretary to formalize the documents, then they will be presented to the Planning Board. Moroney welcomed participation from members of the Planning Board regarding this article should they like to be more involved.

Selectman Greer informed he submitted a request to legal to come up with a plan to make sure that requirements from the Town regarding maintenance of private roads or other stipulations are continued even after the initial project is completed. Greer informed he is waiting to hear from legal regarding this and will report back once he has more to share.

Selectperson Moroney requested permission from the Select Board to read the answer from legal regarding the issue of building permits. The Select Board was in favor of this, no objections from the board. Moroney read the email from legal where the attorney stated she was asked to contact “the State Building Code Review Board regarding the proposed zoning amendment. I spoke with the Chair today. He shared with me that there is a lot of confusion around this new requirement and that other towns have had the same problem. Unfortunately, by statute, the proposed amendment cannot be implemented this year. However, the Chair recommended that we send the proposed amendment to him and the Board so they can complete a curtesy review. If the Board finds that the proposed amendment is permissible, it can be resubmitted to the Board for review next year with an expectation of approval. If it is approved next year, it can be put on the warrant again. I sent the Chair our proposed amendment this afternoon.” Moroney informed this has resulted in warrant article #2 being on permanent hold until next year because it was not sent through the correct channels by legal prior to being added to the ballot.

Selectman Greer recognized Selectperson Moroney who shared a letter she submitted to the Planning and Zoning Boards following a conversation with a concerned citizen regarding the Echo Lake development and the restrictions of modular or manufactured homes in the zoning ordinances. Selectperson Moroney informed she will be going to the Planning Board because she feels these are things that need more attention. Moroney states she is aware that nothing can be done at this point however, work can be done to clarify and follow the ordinances. Both replies from the Planning Board Chair regarding this letter were read during the meeting. Discussion followed regarding the definition of modular and manufactured homes. Selectperson Moroney suggested clearer definitions going forward regarding manufactured, modular and mobile homes and better guidelines.

Selectperson Moroney informed that the roof of one building at the Rec area is falling apart. Moroney requested permission to gather some pricing regarding repairing the roof and potentially putting on a metal roof.

The Select Board recognized Dave Scalley who stated that Rosie Foley pulled a building permit in 2019, the previous Board had extended the permit, and Foley came in today asking for one more extension. Scalley informed that the exterior work is done and all that remains is the interior work. Scalley stated he is requesting another year extension on her behalf because the project is taking longer than expected due to increased cost. Selectman Greer made a motion to approve the extension of Rosie Foley’s building permit for another year. Selectman Marquis seconded, all in favor, none opposed. Motion to extend Rosie Foley’s building permit on Paquette Drive for an additional year passed.

Scalley continued with an additional request regarding demolition permits and roofing permits. Scalley informed that if someone applies for a demolition permit there must be testing for asbestos however, if someone applies for a roofing permit no asbestos testing is required. Scalley requested permission for this resident to be exempt from asbestos testing on the roofing shingles for his shed. Selectperson Moroney made a motion to allow the Building Inspector to make the decision on a demolition whether or not there is a need for asbestos testing to be done. Selectman Marquis seconded, all in favor, none opposed. Motion passed.

The Select Board recognized Cathy Conway. Conway requested the Water Commission issue her a letter of decision, informing that the state subdivision requires proof of approval to allow the sub division to connect to Town water for domestic use. Selectman Greer stated he is in favor of this and would like to include the additional requirements such as the fire pond. Selectman Greer informed he will write this letter.

Selectman Greer recognized Mike Hogan who stated he would like town bags to be free for residents. Hogan stated he was at the Transfer Station and observed a van full of garbage reportedly from a rental property. Hogan feels it is unfair that rental properties do not have to pay for town bags. Selectman Marquis informed this is not illegal and the property taxes are still being paid. Chief Duncan informed that the issue may improve when the Bretton Woods recycling opens.

Selectman Greer informed that the Garden Club will be having a plant giveaway at the Memorial Day Barbeque. Plants are free but donations are accepted.

Selectperson Moroney reminded all in attendance that the Fishing Derby Saturday morning on the 25th. The Historical Society will be setting up in the Town Hall Community Room Saturday, Sunday, and Monday of the weekend of the 25th. The parade will be on Monday the 27th at 11am followed by a BBQ at the Fire Station.

The next meeting of the Select Board will be held on Tuesday May 28th, 2024 at 5 p.m.

At 7:05 p.m. Selectperson Moroney made a motion to go into non-public for legal. Selectman Marquis seconded the motion. Motion to go non-public for legal passed.

At 7:54 p.m. Selectperson Moroney made a motion to return to public session and seal the minutes. The motion was seconded Selectman Marquis. Motion to return to public session and seal non-public minutes passed unanimously.

Selectperson Moroney made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:55 p.m. Selectman Marquis seconded this motion. All in favor, none opposed. Motion to adjourn passed, meeting adjourned at 7:55 p.m.