Selectboard Meeting Minutes

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Minutes of 9/24/2024

September 24th, 2024

Carroll Board of Selectmen
Meeting of the Select Board
Meeting Minutes
September 24TH, 2024

“These minutes of the Town of Carroll Select Board have been recorded by its Secretary. Though believed to be accurate and correct they are subject to additions, deletions, and corrections by the Select Board at its next meeting when the Board votes its final approval of the minutes. They are being made available at this time to conform to the requirements of New Hampshire RSA 91-A:2.”

Minutes recorded by: Meg Basnar
Board Members: Bonnie Moroney, John Greer, Jules Marquis
Members of the Public: Tadd Bailey, Karen Moran, John Trammell, Brian Mycko, Imre Szauter, Mike Gooden, Rena & Bill Vecchio, Jeff Duncan, Austin Alvarez

Meeting called to order at 5:00 p.m.

Pledge of Allegiance

Signing of bills and manifests completed prior to this meeting.

Selectperson Moroney motioned to approve the minutes of 9/17/2024, Selectman Marquis seconded this motion. All in favor none opposed. Motion to approve minutes of 9/17/2024 passed.

The Select Board was presented with the Health Trust MPAD Plan Rate Package. Selectperson Moroney made a motion to approve and have the Chair sign. Selectman Marquis seconded. All in favor, none opposed. Motion to approve and have the Chair sign the Health Trust MPAD Plan Rate Package passed.

Chairman Greer stated he planned to discuss some residents feedback on the Town Hall/Public Safety Building sign but decided not to as none of those who voiced concerns were present at the meeting.


Chairman Greer recognized Austin Alvarez who presented the budget for the Planning Board as Aron Foti was unable to attend the budget presentation. Alvarez informed there is no increase in the requested budget for 2025 and would like to encumber the funds for the Master Plan if North Country Council does not submit an invoice prior to December. Chairman Greer reminded all in attendance that there is an open house for the Master Plan at the Town Hall Community Room on Wednesday, September 25th from 4pm to 7pm and encouraged attendance. Total requested budget for the Planning Board for 2025 is $4,847 with the remaining amount due to North Country Council for the Master Plan at $28,448.80.

Chairman Greer recognized Karen Moran who presented the budget for the Zoning Board of Adjustment. Moran discussed line item changes which included an increase in postage from $0 to $250, due to an estimation of 3-4 hearings with approximately 6 abutters each. An increase in advertisements from $100 to $250 with the anticipation of 5 notices of public hearings. Moran informed that these expenses are offset by the cost to the applicant. Training and travel decreased from $700 to $500 due to trainings being online or free, with the funds to be used as mileage reimbursement in the event that an out-of-town training opportunity becomes available. Moran continued that software/maps/GIS is a shared cost with the Planning Board, and the zoning ordinance review/update line was increased to $500 so that any cost to review ordinances is properly identified. Selectperson Moroney reported she has reviewed the changes since the vote to rescinding the Planning Special Revenue Fund passed in 2024 which has changed how the postage and advertising is reflected. Moroney recommended removing the budget amounts for postage and advertising since the cost is covered by the applicants and the town is not asking the tax payers to cover these costs. This change reduced the proposed budget for Zoning Board of Adjustment from $2,600 to $2,100.

Chairman Greer recognized Selectperson Moroney who presented the budget for Treasurer, which was submitted by Annette Marquis. Moroney reported on a requested overall increase from 2024’s budget of $7,020 to $7,500 for 2025. Requested increases include $20 more for Deputy Treasurer, $310 more for Treasurer, and $150 more for training and travel.

Chairman Greer recognized John Trammell who presented the 2025 requested budget for Emergency Management. Trammell reported on a slight increase in the EOC line due to issues with radios and frequencies, and a decrease in the line for the Emergency Operation Plan, which was completed in 2024. Overall proposed budget for Emergency Management is $7,103 which is down $1,497 from 2024.

Chairman Greer recognized Police Chief Bailey presented his requested budget for 2025 and reviewed line item changes with the Select Board. These changes include a 3% raise for employees and an increase of $12,000 to the part-time/secretary line. Steffanie Apostle has been working as the part-time secretary who has been a great help in assisting with 91 A requests and billing which frees Chief Bailey up to do more police work rather than paperwork. Chief Bailey reported on an increase of $100 in the copier lease, and a reduction of $400 in the fuel line which is based on monthly usage. Bailey reported in a slight increase of $200 in the line for the telephone and an increase of $96 in licensing fees. Bailey increased the computer line by $500 to begin replacing computers and decreased the clothing line by $500. Bailey reported the taser/blood testing line has decreased by $1,000 due to the 5 year plan with taser as a result of passing warrant article 12 in 2024. Bailey informed his overall requested budget increased by $19,971 for 2025.

Chairman Greer recognized Chief Duncan who presented the requested budget for Fire/Ambulance. Duncan provided an overview of 2024 and expectations for 2025 to the Select Board, reporting on an overall increase in calls for both ambulance and fire in 2024. Duncan stated that currently we are 73.2% of the way through 2024 and as of the date of this meeting he is 73.19% through his budget. Duncan stated increases in spending for 2024 were due to increases in overtime, addressing suspension issues in the ambulances, servicing and testing the hoses, pumps and ladders, and the cost of equipping the vehicle from the Police Department. Duncan requested a 3% increase in pay for Fire Chief salary and a 3.9% increase for full time positions. Officer salary is up 5% to cover the number of officers to cover on call shifts during the night. Duncan reported the new ambulance is expected to arrive in October and requested an overall increase of 2.95% in the Fire/Ambulance budget for 2025.Selectperson Moroney inquired on the testing of the fire extinguishers, Duncan informed this is done by Impact Fire and was rolled into the GB line for buildings and maintenance.

Chairman Greer presented the budget for Health Officer as Sandy Pothier and Ken Mills were not in attendance. Total requested Health Officer budget for 2025 is $1,310 and is down $100 from 2024.

No items to follow up.

Chairman Greer discussed the crack in the Safety Building parking lot which will be repaired by Central Paving when they are available.
Chairman Greer discussed complaints he received from residents regarding pot holes and uneven pavement on Route 3 and requested the Director of Public Works reach out to the State. Chief Bailey stated some of the State crews are currently busy due to repairs from flooding. Chairman Greer stated he would reach out to Dave Scalley and request he reach out to the State. Selectperson Moroney recommended Chairman Greer reach out to the State DOT himself as Chairman of the Select Board of the Town of Carroll.

Chief Bailey asked about the sign for the Town Hall/Public Safety Building. Selectperson Moroney informed that the Director of Public Works has been pursuing this and the first contractor he reached out to was booked and Moroney recommended Sonia reach out to the manufacturer, Barlo Signs to see if they can install. Moroney reported she needs a quote for the cost of installation.

Chairman Greer reported on the repairs to the siding on the Town Hall and informed all the siding on the front of the building has been replaced using the correct nails and correct spacing of the nails for that specific siding. Greer states work on the building will continue and areas should be able to be touched up to match the rest of the building and estimated an additional 4-6 days to complete the job.

At 5:37 p.m. Chairman Greer made a motion to enter non-public for legal. Selectman Marquis seconded, roll call vote to enter non-public for legal passed unanimously.

At 6:50 p.m. Chairman Greer made a motion to leave non-public and return to public. Chairman Marquis seconded. All in favor, none opposed.

At 6:51 p.m. Selectperson Moroney made a motion to seal the minutes. Selectman Marquis seconded. Roll call vote to seal the minutes passed unanimously.

Selectperson Moroney made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Selectman Marquis seconded. All in favor, none opposed. Motion to adjourn passed at 6:52 p.m.

Next meeting of the Select Board is scheduled for Tuesday October 1st 2024 at 5:00 p.m. in the Community Room of the Carroll Town Hall.