Selectboard Meeting Minutes

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Minutes of 10/1/2024

October 1st, 2024

Carroll Board of Selectmen
Meeting of the Select Board
Meeting Minutes
October 1st, 2024

“These minutes of the Town of Carroll Select Board have been recorded by its Secretary. Though believed to be accurate and correct they are subject to additions, deletions, and corrections by the Select Board at its next meeting when the Board votes its final approval of the minutes. They are being made available at this time to conform to the requirements of New Hampshire RSA 91-A:2.”

Minutes recorded by: Meg Basnar
Board Members: Bonnie Moroney, John Greer, Jules Marquis
Members of the Public: Scott Sonia, Imre Szauter, Mike Gooden, Brian Mycko, Bobbi Amirault, Dave Scalley

Meeting called to order at 5:00 p.m.

Pledge of Allegiance

Signing of bills and manifests completed prior to this meeting.

Selectperson Moroney motioned to approve the minutes of 9/24/2024, Selectman Marquis seconded this motion. All in favor none opposed. Motion to approve minutes of 9/24/2024 passed.

The Select Board was presented with a Water Warrant for 2024. Selectperson Moroney made a motion to approve and sign. Selectman Marquis seconded. All in favor, none opposed. Motion to approve and sign Water Warrant for 2024 passed.

The Select Board was presented with a Supplementary Water Warrant for 2024. Selectperson Moroney made a motion to approve and sign. Selectman Marquis seconded. All in favor, none opposed. Motion to approve and sign Supplementary Water Warrant for 2024 passed.


Chairman Greer recognized Public Works Director Scott Sonia. Sonia began with the presentation of the 2025 Transfer Station budget. Sonia reviewed expected expenses for 2025 which include repairs to the glass crusher which will cost around $2,000 as well as an increase in the cost for hauling tires. Sonia informed overall his requested budget for the Transfer Station for 2025 is around $4,000 less than the 2024 budget. Sonia did state this may increase due to the cost of the repairs to the glass crusher. Sonia provided explanations and answered questions regarding his proposed Transfer Station budget for 2025, as well as discussed the impact of the Bretton Woods facility on the Town Transfer Station.

Sonia continued and presented his 2025 budget for General Building. Sonia reported on increased expenses for 2025 due to plans to repair the Info Booth/Gazebo roof and stairs as well as the roof of the recreation building, which was damaged by the weather in 2024. Sonia informs he does not have a specific date for the repairs as he still needs to obtain a contractor, but hopes to have the repairs to the gazebo completed by the summer of 2025 if all goes well. Chairman Greer reported the Recreation Committee plans to host another summer concert series, and would like to use the gazebo. Selectperson Moroney informed that the timeline of the repairs depends on the availability of contractors and the town will work to get the repairs completed as they are able. Sonia informs he will adjust the line for these repairs as information becomes available. Sonia informs that the line for heating plant maintenance will need to be adjusted once the costs of maintenance are in. The line for GB Janitor Supplies has been eliminated with those supplies to be ordered from the FA Office Supplies line. Sonia answered questions from the Select Board, clarifying lines and expenses. The overall proposed 2025 budget for General Building is $119,400 which has decreased from the approved 2024 budget of $122,500.

Sonia continued, presenting the proposed 2025 budget for the Highway Department. Sonia informed on changes and expected expenses, which include the addition of a line for mowing, which was not budgeted for in 2024. Sonia reported on the increased cost of sand and salt with prices going up for both expenses. Sonia discussed the cost of repairing sidewalks and the need to continue addressing these in 2025. Sonia will revisit this if the anticipated cost is over $10,000. Chairman Greer inquired if the cost of inflation for this department is over 3%. Sonia informed it is and cited the cost of materials, asphalt, gas/oil, rates of contractors have all gone up. Selectperson Moroney also noted that for several years work to address issues, such as sidewalk maintenance, had not been done and now the department is working to address those repairs. Sonia anticipates the cost of street lighting to be reduced in 2025 due to the installation of LED streetlights completed in September of 2024.

Sonia presented the proposed 2025 budget for the Water Department. Sonia informed on plans to replace a pump in well 3 which he anticipates will cost $18,000 and will be reflected in the water tank repairs/maintenance line. Sonia answered questions from Chairman Greer regarding the pumps and maintenance. Sonia informed he increased the line for contract labor from 2024 by 33%, as well as the line for water supplies which increased due to cost of materials. Sonia informed that he had removed the line for Office Supplies from the Water budget for 2025, with plans to add this cost to FA Office Supplies, but needed to add that line back in. Sonia informed the increase in the line for water meter software support increased due to the increase in cost from the company providing support/software.

Sonia informed on Sewage Disposal and stated he needs to obtain an updated price for the cost of emptying the tanks. Sonia also informed that the separator for the Fire Department tank needs to be removed and disposed of, and he is waiting on a quote from White’s Septic and Clean Harbors to address this.

Sonia moved on to discuss warrant articles. These include placing $50,000 in the Road Improvement Capital Reserve Fund (CRF), placing $30,000 in the New Land & Building CRF, placing $30,000 in the Municipal Truck CRF, raise and appropriating $15,000 to purchase a new lawn tractor for mowing, placing $20,000 into the Highway Equipment CRF, and placing $10,000 into the Landfill Closure CRF. Sonia elaborated on a new warrant article for this year which read “To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of Eighty-Six Thousand Eight Hundred and Thirty-Six Dollars ($86,836) for the upgrades and labor needed for the Town Water System. This includes incorporating a SCADA System using iFix for graphics and control, upgrading the pump house to today’s standards, repairs to some equipment, installation of VPN for cyber communication with the Cherry Mountain tank, the well house and in-town tank. Funds to come from the Water Department Capital Reserve Fund. No money to be raised from new taxation.” Sonia briefly explained the SCADA system and the benefits, which include continuous monitoring of the water in the tank on Little River as well as information on all the sensors, solar panels to provide electricity, alarm system and cellular communication with the ability to read both tanks at any time. Information on the recommended upgrades, with quote, was provided to the Select Board. Sonia answered questions from the Select Board about the benefits of this upgrade as well as knowing the water level in the tanks to assist with informed decisions by the Fire Department. Sonia continued with an additional warrant article which read “To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of Fifty-One Thousand Four Hundred Dollars ($51,400) to remove the steepness of the grade that constitutes a danger for people mowing in front of the Carroll Town Hall. Cutting away the severity of the slopes to maintain safety by removing soil from the front and moving it to the other side of School Street in order to modify both of the slopes.” Sonia discussed safety concerns faced in 2024 when mowing the slope and provided a quote to the Select Board to address this. Dave Scalley recommended increasing the requested amount to $60,000 to not go over the amount approved by the voters before a contractor for the job can be selected.

Sonia discussed the proposed catch basin to address the flooding in the Public Safety building parking lot. The Select Board was provided with a quote for $7,800. Scalley informed the issue is ultimately to address a collection of water which may not eliminate the problem. The Select Board determined to add the proposed amount to the GB Repairs & Maintenance of Town Buildings line, and the Select Board will continue to discuss this as the parking lot can present a safety issue in winter when the water freezes.

Chairman Greer recognized Selectperson Moroney who discussed Poplar Lane. Moroney asked what the status of this was. Selectman’s Assistant reported on communication with contractor and property owner via email, which included photos. Dave Scalley informed the contractor had reached out to him to inform it was not his equipment which damaged the road. Chairman Greer stated he took photos of the tracks which damaged the road, as well as the equipment parked on the property. Scalley informed he would provide information to the Select Board regarding an RSA and share this with the Selectman’s Assistant.


Chairman Greer recognized Imre Szauter who informed that One Source Security would be doing some work at the Fire Department the following day to install a button to address the issue with the door, which had been damaged during previous heavy winds.

Chairman Greer recognized Dave Scalley who requested the Selectman’s Assistant include the repair work being done to the Town Hall building in the meeting minutes. The Select Board informed that this was discussed at the prior Select Board meeting. Assistant confirmed this was in the notes which were posted earlier that day. The Select Board clarified that the repairs being done to the siding of the Town Hall building were completed at no additional cost to the taxpayers and were covered as part of the agreement with the original contractor Ricci Construction.

Chairman Greer recognized Selectperson Moroney who informed on the status of the installation of the sign for the Public Safety Building, Town Hall and Library. Moroney stated Barlo Sign, where the town purchased the sign has gone out of business. Moroney stated Public Works Director Sonia is now working with Granite State Sign who will complete the installation, and Sonia is currently waiting on a quote from them to install the sign this fall.

Chairman Greer informed he is working to reach out to the State to address the potholes in Route 3. Sonia informed the state planned to address the potholes this summer but are short-staffed and due to severe storms, they needed to focus their efforts on repairing damages. Chairman Greer informed he will stop calling to discuss this.

Selectman Marquis inquired if there was anything the board could do regarding the use of “jake breaks”. Sonia informed that he does not believe so since this constitutes a safety issue but stated he would look into it.

Chairman Greer informed that the Recreation Committee requested the use of the Town Hall Community Room on the evening of December 13th to set up and the morning of December 14thfor the event, stating that the committee requested they be allowed to put up the tree on December 12th and remove it from the Town Hall on the 13th. The other members of the Select Board had no objection.

Chairman Greer discussed a letter received by the town from the NH Department of Environmental Services (NH DES) discussing the town’s water infrastructure and the work the town is currently doing to improve the water system to serve an increasing demand. Selectperson Moroney informed this followed a call she made responding to a previous letter sent containing incorrect information. Moroney informed on her conversation with NH DES regarding the town’s water infrastructure. Chairman Greer discussed the paragraph regarding water pressure as well as the suggestion from NH DES to paint the hydrant caps to indicate the pressure provided at that hydrant. Public Works Director Sonia informed this would not be effective in Twin Mountain. Chairman Greer praised Public Works Director Sonia, as well as Andrew Shaheen who was not present, on their hard work and vast knowledge of the town’s water system.

At 6:28 p.m. Chairman Greer made a motion to enter non-public for legal. Selectman Marquis seconded, roll call vote to enter non-public for legal passed unanimously.

At 6:43 p.m. Selectperson Moroney made a motion to leave non-public and return to public. Chairman Marquis seconded. All in favor, none opposed. Motion to return to public session passed.

At 6:43 p.m. Selectperson Moroney made a motion to seal the minutes. Selectman Marquis seconded. Roll call vote to seal the minutes passed unanimously.

Selectperson Moroney made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Selectman Marquis seconded. All in favor, none opposed. Motion to adjourn passed at 6:44 p.m.

Next meeting of the Select Board is scheduled for Tuesday October 8st 2024 at 5:00 p.m. in the Community Room of the Carroll Town Hall.