Selectboard Meeting Minutes
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Minutes of 1/14/2025
January 14th, 2025
Carroll Board of Selectmen
Public Budget Hearing & Meeting of the Select Board
Meeting Minutes
January 14th, 2025
“These minutes of the Town of Carroll Select Board have been recorded by its Secretary. Though believed to be accurate and correct they are subject to additions, deletions, and corrections by the Select Board at its next meeting when the Board votes its final approval of the minutes. They are being made available at this time to conform to the requirements of New Hampshire RSA 91-A:2.”
Minutes recorded by: Meg Basnar
Board Members: Brian Mycko, Bonnie Moroney, Jules Marquis
Members of the Public: Imre Szauter, Alex Foti, Bill Vecchio, Mike Gooden, Jeff Duncan, Tadd Bailey, John Gardiner
Meeting called to order at 5:00 p.m.
Pledge of Allegiance
Selectperson Moroney began a review of proposed budgets for 2025 for each department, discussing any major changes. Beginning with Town Officers, the 2024 budget for Town Officers was $105,206, actual for 2024 was $99,481.47, proposed for 2025 is $108,427. No questions or discussion.
Selectperson Moroney moved on to Election & Registration which was budgeted as $19,488, actual for 2024 was $14,163.02, proposed for 2025 is $8,437.50. Major decrease for Election and Registration is due to the purchase of the voting tabulator purchased in 2024 and decrease in elections in 2025. No questions or discussion.
Selectperson Moroney moved on to Financial Administration which was budgeted as $246,925 for 2024, actual was $210,557.43, proposed for 2025 as $243,450. Major decrease in the line for rental admin, increase in the line for office equipment as this will cover all departments except from water, and include janitorial supplies. Moroney discussed an increase in postage due to the current meter service agreement and informed the town is working to find an alternative service arrangement. No questions or discussion.
Selectperson Moroney discussed Property Assessing which was budgeted as $69,375 for 2024, actual was $53,202, proposed for 2025 is $70,000. Moroney informed on costs related to assessing and revaluation. No questions or discussion.
Selectperson Moroney continued with Legal Expenses which was budgeted as $60,000 in 2024, actual was $20,272, proposed for 2025 as $50,000. No questions or discussion.
Selectperson Moroney moved on to Personnel Administration which was budgeted as $401,262 in 2024, actual was $411,530. Correction needed in the line for Medicare, which was reported by the administrative assistant as $15,840 which would bring the proposed personnel administration budget for 2025 to $428,476. No questions or discussion.
Selectperson Moroney discussed the Planning Board proposed budget which was $39,927 for 2024, actual $20,184, and proposed for 2025 as $4,847. Major decrease is due to the expense of updating the Master Plan for the town which, was budgeted for in 2024. Remaining funds for the cost of the update to the Master Plan were encumbered at the last meeting, so no additional expense for this in 2025.
Selectperson Moroney moved on to the Board of Adjustment which was budgeted as $1,900 in 2024, actual was $1,030 and proposed for 2025 as $2,350. No expenses for training or travel in 2024 and a decrease in this line and an increase in the line for zoning ord. review/updates requested for 2025. No questions or discussion.
Selectperson Moroney discussed General Government Buildings which was budgeted as $122,500 for 2024, actual was $105,399 and proposed for 2025 as $131,150. Increase in this department mostly due to repairs and maintenance of town buildings and rec area maintenance which accounts for repairs to the roof of the gazebo and the upper floor, railings and stairs, as well as the roof to the rec building which lost shingles in 2024 and needs repair. Imre Szauter asked about street lighting costs which Moroney informed are further down in the budget. No other questions or comments.
Selectperson Moroney reported on the Cemetery budget, which was budgeted as $5,100 for 2024, actual was $4,375, and proposed for 2025 with no changes as $5,100. No comments or discussion.
Selectperson Moroney reported on town insurance which includes workers compensation which was budgeted as $61,000 in 2024, actual was $62,592 and proposed for 2025 as $68,390 due to the increased cost. No questions or comments.
Selectperson Moroney continued to Other General Gov’t, which includes the Energy Commission as well as the Mount Washington Airport, was budgeted as $3,276 for 2024, actual was $1,762, and proposed for 2025 as $2,872. Selectperson Moroney asked Chief Bailey about the line for other dog costs, which he informed has decreased due to the closure of the Whitefield Animal Hospital and has prevented the town from accepting strays as there is no shelter accepting strays from the Town of Carroll PD. No other questions or discussion.
Selectperson Moroney continued to the Police Department which was budgeted as $408,471 for 2024, actual was $379,348 and proposed as $428,442 for 2025. Moroney informed on 3% raises to salaries and staff. Chief Bailey informed that the largest increase to the PD budget for 2025 was the addition of the Secretary position with 5 hours on Monday and Friday. Moroney informed this addition has assisted with allowing the officers to spend additional time in the community and reducing the amount of time spent on administrative work.
Selectperson Moroney moved on to the Fire Department which was budgeted as $396,572 in 2024, actual was $395,473 and proposed as $408,272. Chief Duncan informed increase is due to increase in per diem employees and increase in call volume. No questions for the Police Department or Fire Department and no further discussion.
Selectperson Moroney continued to Property Inspections which was budgeted as $66,700 in 2024, actual was 70,946 and proposed as $73,400 for 2025. Moroney reported this is due to an increase in inspections and mileage.
Selectperson Moroney discussed Emergency Management which was budgeted as $1,800 for 2024, actual was $1,798 and proposed as $7,103 for 2025.
Selectperson Moroney moved on to the Highway Department which was budgeted as $160,927 in 2024, actual was $158,946 and proposed as $181,407 for 2025. Moroney informed on 3% raises for employees in this department, accounting for the cost of roadside moving in the warmer months, which was not accounted for in 2024, as well as the cost of sidewalk repair.
Selectperson Moroney proceeded to Streetlighting which was budgeted at $24,000 in 2024, actual was $18,487, and proposed as $4,000 less for 2025 at $20,000. Selectperson Moroney asked Imre Szauter if he felt the cost should be reduced due to the installation of the LED streetlights. Szauter stated the town should be seeing a reduction in the cost for streetlighting as this project is completed. Admin Assistant Basnar informed that she would follow up and provide Szauter with a comparison. Moroney informed that should there be a need to reduce this line it can be done at the Deliberative Session. No additional questions or discussion.
Selectperson Moroney reviewed the Transfer Station, which was budgeted as $151,735 for 2024, actual was $134,334 and proposed for 2025 at $156,887. Increases for this department in the cost of hauling, which may result in increased cost for residents at the Transfer Station. A line was added for Freon evacuation, and there was an increase in the line for equipment repairs and maintenance due to the bobcat needing work as well as the glass crusher, which needs new blades.
Selectperson Moroney discussed the budget for sewage disposal which was not budgeted for in 2024, actual was $350, and proposed for 2025 at $4,000. Moroney reported that some of the buildings had not been done in a while and the town is getting on a schedule to maintain the systems of each building.
Selectperson Moroney moved on to the budget for Public Assistance which was budgeted at $16,410 in 2024, actual was $1,514 and proposed for 2025 at $16,310. This department includes the salaries, dues travel and training for Health Officer and deputy Health Officer as well as the line for direct assistance. No questions or discussion.
Selectperson Moroney continued to the Parks and Recreation Department budget which was budgeted at $16,100 in 2024, actual was $8,272, and proposed for 2025 with no overall increase at $16,100. Moroney informed there is no summer program and this department includes the Garden Club and a new line was added for the Fishing Derby for 2025 which was previously taken from the line for town entertainment.
Selectperson Moroney discussed the Library budget, which was budgeted at $17,266 in 2024, actual was $17,261 and proposed for 2025 at $18,150. Moroney reported on an increase to Librarian salary as the only change. No questions or discussion.
Selectperson Moroney reported on the budget for Patriotic Purposes which INCLUDES THE Memorial Day Parade, and was budgeted at $1,600 for 2024, actual was $1,999, and proposed for 2025 as $2,000. Moroney reported the increase is due to the cost of food for the cookout and replacing the flags where needed.
Selectperson Moroney moved on to the budget for the Chamber of Commerce, which was budgeted at $11,400 in 2024, actual was $11,400 and proposed for 2025 at $12,200. Moroney stated this is due to the request to place an additional portable toilet with handicap access at the information booth.
Selectperson Moroney reviewed the Conservation Commission budget which was $440 in 2024, actual was $310, and proposed for 2025 at $440 with no changes from 2024.
Selectperson Moroney continued to review the principal and interest on the town’s loans which was budgeted at $418,084 for 2024, actual was $390,024 and proposed at $388,000 for 2025.
Selectperson Moroney moved on to discuss the Water Department, which was budgeted at $160,024 in 2024, actual was $146,860, and proposed for 2025 as $193,276. No questions or comments.
Admin Assistant informed that the only additions or changes since the last review was the addition of a warrant article for the Red Cross and the change in language to the Short-Term Rental warrant article. The Select Board offered to review all warrant articles to the residents present. Those in attendance declined. Selectperson Moroney began a review of the 2 new warrant articles, starting with reading the Short-Term Rental WA into the minutes:
To see if the town will vote to accept a Registration and Life Safety Inspection for all Short-Term Rentals of 30 days or less.
These inspections are vital to the safety of the occupants and are required by the State of New Hampshire Life Safety Code. The registrations and inspections will be done every three years, with a processing fee to be determined by the Town of Carroll Selectboard, with the fee not to exceed Two Hundred Dollars ($200) every three years.
The inspections will include, but are not limited to, smoke and carbon monoxide detectors, fire escape routes and emergency exits, fire suppression systems, electrical safety and general property safety.
Alex Foti was recognized who reported on concerns with the cost of potential litigation regarding short-term rentals as the towns of Madison and Conway have experienced. Foti continued, stating that short-term rentals would be the only business in town required to pay a fee. Foti reported that this article unfairly targets non-residents and vacation homeowners who use short-term rentals to cover the cost of having a vacation home. Foti reported on his 4th concern which he stated was other towns have moved away from inspections and towards self-certification to avoid any responsibility the town may have should there be an issue with a short-term rental that has been inspected by the town. Foti discussed difficulty with finding information on septic systems, and again mentioned litigation in Conway and Madison and cautioned the Select Board on this warrant article. Chairman Mycko informed that the warrant article does not change anything related to zoning and that letters would be sent out and owners would be asked to register. Foti voiced concern regarding the fee, which is proposed as being set by the Select Board and is not to exceed $200 every 3 years, stating this is singling out short-term rentals. Fire Chief Duncan informed that the program was built using programs already in effect in other towns, and asked for input on how to increase participation. Foti again recommended self-certification. Another resident asked what problem the town is attempting to solve with this warrant article. Chief Duncan discussed safety concerns related to short-term rentals as the property owner may do their own work and be aware of all issues but the renter will not have this same knowledge. Duncan informed the problem the town is attempting to address is related to safety and the ability to contact property owners or managers of the property. Discussion followed regarding this article with all in attendance. Chairman Mycko recommended moving the meeting along to the next warrant article. Selectperson Moroney made a motion to accept the short-term rental warrant article as written. Chairman Mycko seconded; Selectman Marquis recommended further discussion. Selectperson Moroney recommended reaching out to legal and following up with the article at the Deliberative Session where anyone who will be voting will be able to view the entire packet for the program.
Selectperson Moroney read the Red Cross WA:
To Donate to American Red Cross
To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of Three Hundred and Fifty-Six Dollars ($356) for the purpose of being the Town’s contribution to the American Red Cross of New England, which provides relief and support to individuals throughout the region.
Selectperson Moroney made a motion to approve the Red Cross warrant article. Selectman Marquis seconded. All in favor, none opposed, roll call vote 3-0. Motion to approve the Red Cross warrant article passed.
Signing of bills and manifests completed prior to this meeting.
Selectperson Moroney motioned to approve the minutes of 12/30/2024, Selectman Marquis seconded this motion. All in favor, none opposed. Motion to approve minutes of 12/30/2024 passed.
The Select Board was presented with a Supplementary Water Warrant for 2025. Selectperson Moroney made a motion to approve and sign. Selectman Marquis seconded this motion. All in favor, none opposed. Motion to approve and sign Supplementary Water Warrant for 2025 passed.
The Select Board was presented with a 2025 Property Tax Abatement for 2024 to reflect the removal of a camper. Selectperson Moroney made a motion to approve and sign. Selectman Marquis seconded this motion. All in favor, none opposed. Motion to approve and sign the 2025 Property Tax Abatement for 2024 passed.
Selectperson Moroney informed that the next meeting for the Master Plan will be on the 21st of January. The committee has met with several departments as well as businesses in town as they work to update the Master Plan.
Chairman Mycko informed on a meeting held by the Energy Commission regarding light shields for the LED streetlights. Mycko reported the EC is looking to purchase two of the shields at a cost of $20 to address a concern raised by a resident at a previous meeting. Mycko informed that the town would need to cover the cost of installation. Imre Szauter informed that it may be possible to have these addressed when Eversource comes to change out the 5 remaining streetlights to LED, otherwise the town would have to cover the cost of installation entirely. Selectperson Moroney made a motion to move forward with this. Selectperson Marquis seconded, all in favor, none opposed. Motion to move forward with the purchase of two LED light shields and seek installation from Eversource when changing remaining 5 streetlights passed.
Selectperson Moroney presented the Selectmen with copies of the Selectmen’s Report for the 2024 Annual Town Report to the Board and asked for input from the other Selectmen. Moroney also discussed dedication of the 2024 Annual Report, and suggested dedication of the 2024 Annual Report to town historians. Members of the Selectboard reviewed both documents and was in favor of both these submissions.
Selectperson Moroney asked Szauter if he had heard anything from Dave Scalley regarding status of the remaining repairs needed to the Public Safety Building per the agreement with Ricci Construction. Szauter informed he has not, and would reach out to Scalley.
Chairman Mycko informed the Energy Commission would be at the Transfer Station on January 18th and January 25th to provide information on the Solar Array WA, as well as inform residents about the Public Information session regarding this warrant article being held at the Town Hall on January 24th at 6:00 p.m. Snow date for the informational session February 1st.
At 6:23 p.m. Selectperson Moroney made a motion to enter non-public for legal and personnel. Selectman Marquis seconded, roll call vote to enter non-public for legal passed unanimously.
At 7:00 p.m. Selectperson Moroney made a motion to leave non-public and return to public. Selectman Marquis seconded. All in favor, none opposed. Motion to return to public session passed.
At 7:00 p.m. Selectperson Moroney made a motion to seal the minutes. Selectman Marquis seconded. Roll call vote to seal the minutes passed unanimously.
At 7:00 p.m. Selectperson Moroney made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Selectman Marquis seconded. All in favor, none opposed. Motion to adjourn passed, meeting adjourned at 7:00 p.m.
Next meeting of the Select Board is scheduled for Tuesday January 28th, 2025 at 5:00 p.m. in the Community Room of the Carroll Town Hall.