Selectboard Meeting Minutes

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Deliberative Session Minutes

February 3rd, 2025

FEBRUARY 3, 2025

Moderator Ben Jellison called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. with the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag. He also asked for a moment of silence in remembrance of Town residents who passed away in 2024.

Moderator Jellison went over the ground rules for the first Session and reminded everyone that the next Session will be Tuesday, March 11, 2025, in the Carroll Town Hall Community Room, when polls will open at 8:00 a.m. and close at 7:00 p.m.. Moderator Jellison asked the Select Board as well as the Department Heads, and Town Clerk to introduce themselves. Jellison then opened the floor for questions, of which there were none.

The Moderator began with reading the Non-Partisan Official Ballot:

ARTICLE 01: Election of Town Officers.

Selectman 3 year term (vote for one): Aaron Foti
Brian Mycko

Treasurer 1 year term (vote for one): Annette L. Marquis

Library Trustee 3 year term (vote for one): Nancy Mitiguy

Trustee of the Trust Fund 3 year term (vote for one): Lisa Gemmer

Cemetery Trustee 3 year term (vote for one): Vernon Amirault

Planning Board 3 year term (vote for not more than two): Alessandro Foti
Ryan Peffer

Zoning Board of Adjustment 3 year term (vote for not more than one): Andrew Smith

Article 01 will appear as written on the official ballot.

ARTICLE 02: To Raise and Appropriate Operating Budget
Shall the Town of Carroll raise and appropriate as an operating budget, not including appropriations by special warrant articles and other appropriations voted separately, the amounts set forth on the budget posted with the warrant or as amended by vote of the first session, for the purposes set forth therein, totaling $3,073,638?

Should this article be defeated, the default budget shall be $3,003,317, which is the same as last year, with certain adjustments required by previous action of the Town of Carroll or by law; or the governing body may hold one special meeting, in accordance with RSA 40:13, X and XVI, to take up the issue of a revised operating budget only.

A motion was made by Selectperson Moroney to amend this article to reflect the correct default town budget which would be $3,011,745. A motion was made by Selectperson Moroney to approve this article as amended. Selectmen Marquis seconded this motion. The Moderator opened for discussion. No discussion.

Article 2 will appear as amended on the official ballot.

To purchase and install a Solar PV Array on the Town Public Safety Building
To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of One Hundred Fifty-One Thousand, Seven Hundred Sixty-Six Dollars ($151,766) to purchase a Solar PV array (solar panels) for the roof of the Public Safety Building that will be installed by a licensed contractor.
The funds will be taken from the following sources:
1. Up to $143,766 from the Town’s New Land and Building Capital Reserve Fund.
2. Up to $8,000 from the Town’s Energy Efficiency Capital Reserve Fund.
Additional funds are expected to be received from the following resources and will be used to defray the cost of the project and replenish funds used from the New Land and Building Capital Reserve Fund:
1. A grant awarded to Carroll from the United States Department of Energy, Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant, Municipal Solar Grant Program in an amount not to exceed $86,236.
2. An IRA Elective Pay investment tax credit in an amount not to exceed $45,530.
3. $10,000 NH Department of Energy Commercial and Industrial Solar Incentive.
The solar array is expected to offset 100% of electricity usage of the Public Safety Building. This will be a non-lapsing appropriation per RSA 32:7, VI and will not lapse until the Solar PV Array installation is completed or by December 2027, whichever is sooner.
The Board of Selectmen recommends this appropriation 3-0.
No money to be raised from new taxation. (Majority vote required)

A motion was made by Bill Vecchio, to read as follows:
To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of One Hundred Fifty-One Thousand, Seven Hundred Sixty-Six Dollars ($151,766) to purchase a Solar PV array (solar panels) for the roof of the Public Safety Building that will be installed by a licensed contractor.
The funds will be taken from the following sources:
1. Up to $143,766 from the Town’s New Land and Building Capital Reserve Fund.
2. Up to $8,000 from the Town’s Energy Efficiency Capital Reserve Fund.
Additional funds are expected to be received from the following resources and will be used to defray the cost of the project and replenish funds used from the New Land and Building Capital Reserve Fund:
1. A grant awarded to Carroll from the United States Department of Energy, Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant, Municipal Solar Grant Program in an amount not to exceed $86,236.
2. An IRA Elective Pay investment tax credit in an amount not to exceed $45,530.
3. $10,000 NH Department of Energy Commercial and Industrial Solar Incentive.
The solar array is expected to offset 100% of electricity usage of the Public Safety Building. This will be a non-lapsing appropriation per RSA 32:7, VI and will not lapse until the Solar PV Array project is completed or by December 2028, whichever is sooner.
The Board of Selectmen recommends this appropriation 3-0.
No money to be raised from new taxation. (Majority vote required)

Imre Szauter seconded this amendment. The Moderator opened for discussion. Bill Vecchio provided information on the reasoning for the change in the article language. The Moderator called a vote, the eyes have it. Article will appear as amended.

Article 3 will appear as amended on the official ballot.

Upgrade Town Water System
To see if the town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of Eighty-Six Thousand Eight Hundred and Thirty-Six Dollars ($86,836) to upgrade the Town Water System including incorporating a SCADA System using iFix for graphics and control, upgrading the pump house, equipment repairs, VPN installation for communication with Cherry Mountain tank, the well house, and in-town tank and authorize the withdrawal of Eighty-Six Thousand Eight Hundred and Thirty-Six Dollars ($86,836) from the Water Department Capital Reserve Fund. This special article is a special warrant article per RSA 32:3 VI (d) and RSA 32:7 V.
The Board of Selectmen recommends this appropriation 3-0.
No money to be raised from taxation. (Majority vote required)

The Moderator opened for discussion. Discussion followed with residents asking questions regarding the need for this article. Public works Director Sonia responded. A motion was made by Selectperson Moroney to approve this article as written. Selectmen Marquis seconded this motion. No further discussion.

Article 4 will appear as written on the official ballot.

To Modify the Slope of the Town Hall
To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of Sixty Thousand Dollars ($60,000) to remove the steepness of the grade that constitutes a danger for people mowing in front of the Carroll Town Hall. Cutting away the severity of the slopes to maintain safety by removing soil from the front and moving it to the other side of School Street in order to modify both of the slopes. This special article is a special warrant article per RSA 32:3 VI (d) and RSA 32:7 V.
The Board of Selectmen recommends this appropriation 3-0.
Tax Impact: $0.09

A motion was made by Selectperson Moroney to accept this article as read. Selectmen Marquis seconded this motion. The Moderator opened for discussion. Residents asked questions on the need to address the slope and offered alternative suggestions such as planting wild flowers to eliminate the need for mowing. Public works Director Sonia responded with his recommendation regarding this article. Selectperson Moroney to approve this article as written. Selectmen Marquis seconded this motion.

Article 5 will appear as read on the official ballot.

To place money in the Road Improvements CRF
To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of Fifty Thousand Dollars ($50,000) to be added to the Road Improvement Capital Reserve Fund previously established.
The Board of Selectmen recommends this appropriation 3-0.
Tax Impact: $0.08

A motion was made by Selectperson Moroney to accept this article as read. Selectmen Marquis seconded this motion. The Moderator opened for discussion. Selectperson Moroney informed residents on the need for these funds. No further discussion.

Article 6 will appear as written on the official ballot.

To Place Money in the Water Department CRF
To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of Fifty Thousand Dollars ($50,000) to be added to the Water Department Capital Reserve Fund previously established. This sum to come from the Water Unassigned Fund Balance.
The Board of Selectmen recommends this appropriation 3-0.
No money to be raised from new taxation.

A motion was made by Selectperson Moroney to accept this article as read. Selectmen Marquis seconded this motion. The Moderator informed on the balance of this CRF as of November 2024 and opened for discussion. No discussion.

Article 7 will appear as read on the official ballot.

To Put Money in the New Land & Building CRF
To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of Thirty Thousand Dollars ($30,000) to be added to the New Land & Building Capital Reserve Fund previously established.
The Board of Selectmen recommends this appropriation 3-0.
Tax Impact: $0.05

A motion was made by Selectperson Moroney to accept this article as read. Selectmen Marquis seconded this motion. The Moderator informed on the balance of this CRF as of November 2024 and opened for discussion. No discussion.

Article 8 will appear as written on the official ballot.

To put money in the Police Cruiser CRF
To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of Thirty Thousand Dollars ($30,000) to be added to the Police Cruiser Capital Reserve Fund previously established.
The Board of Selectmen recommends this appropriation 3-0.
Tax Impact: $0.05

A motion was made by Selectperson Moroney to accept this article as read. Selectmen Marquis seconded this motion. The Moderator opened for discussion. No discussion.

Article 9 will appear as written on the official ballot.

To Place Money in the Municipal Truck CRF
To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of Thirty Thousand Dollars ($30,000) to be added to the Municipal Truck Capital Reserve Fund previously established.
The Board of Selectmen recommends this appropriation 3-0.
Tax Impact: $0.05

A motion was made by Selectperson Moroney to accept this article as read. Selectmen Marquis seconded this motion. The Moderator informed on the balance of this CRF as of November 2024 and opened for discussion. No discussion.

Article 10 will appear as written on the official ballot.

To Place Money in the Highway Equipment CRF
To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of Thirty Thousand Dollars ($30,000) to be added to the Highway Equipment Capital Reserve Fund previously established.
The Board of Selectmen recommends this appropriation 3-0.
Tax Impact: $0.05

A motion was made by Selectperson Moroney to accept this article as read. Selectmen Marquis seconded this motion. The Moderator informed on the balance of this CRF as of November 2024 and opened for discussion. No discussion.

Article 11 will appear as read on the official ballot.

To Offset Ambulance Medical Transfers
To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of Twenty Thousand Dollars ($20,000) for the purpose of off-setting expenses related to ambulance operations, specifically hospital to hospital medical transfers of the sick and injured, with said funds to come from the Fire Department and Ambulance Equipment, Apparatus and Personnel Special Revenue Fund.
The Board of Selectmen recommends this appropriation 3-0.
No money to be raised by new taxation.

A motion was made by Selectperson Moroney to accept this article as read. Selectmen Marquis seconded this motion. The Moderator opened for discussion. No discussion.

Article 12 will appear as written on the official ballot.

New Lawn Tractor
To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of Fifteen Thousand Dollars ($15,000) for the purpose of purchasing a Gravely Pro Turn 660 Lawn Tractor.
The Board of Selectmen recommends this appropriation 3-0.
Tax Impact: $0.02

A motion was made by Selectperson Moroney to amend this article to read as follows:
New Lawn Tractor
To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of Fifteen Thousand Dollars ($15,000) for the purpose of purchasing a Lawn Tractor.
The Board of Selectmen recommends this appropriation 3-0.
Tax Impact: $0.02

Selectmen Marquis seconded this motion. The Moderator opened for discussion. No discussion.

Article 13 will appear as amended on the official ballot.

To Put Money in the Landfill Closure CRF
To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of Ten Thousand Dollars ($10,000) to be added to the Landfill Closure Capital Reserve Fund previously established.
The Board of Selectmen recommends this appropriation 3-0.
Tax Impact: $ 0.02
A motion was made by Selectperson Moroney to accept this article as read. Selectmen Marquis seconded this motion. The Moderator opened for discussion. No discussion.

Article 14 will appear as written on the official ballot.

To put money in the Energy Efficiency CRF
To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of Ten Thousand Dollars ($10,000) to be added to the Energy Efficiency Capital Reserve Fund previously established.
The Board of Selectmen recommends this appropriation 3-0.
Tax Impact: $ 0.02

A motion was made by Selectperson Moroney to accept this article as read. Selectmen Marquis seconded this motion. The Moderator opened for discussion. No discussion.

Article 15 will appear as written on the official ballot.

To Place Money in the Computer Technology CRF
To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of Four Thousand Dollars ($4,000) to be added to the Computer Technology Capital Reserve Fund previously established.
The Board of Selectmen recommends this appropriation 3-0.
Tax Impact: $0.01

A motion was made by Selectperson Moroney to accept this article as read. Selectmen Marquis seconded this motion. The Moderator informed on the balance of this CRF as of November 2024 and opened for discussion. No discussion.

Article 16 will appear as written on the official ballot.

To Modify the Totally Disabled Veteran Tax Credit Amount
Shall the town modify the Totally Disabled Veteran’s Tax Credit in accordance with RSA 72:35 from its current tax credit of Two Thousand Dollars ($2,000) per year to Four Thousand Dollars ($4,000).
The Board of Selectmen recommends this appropriation 3-0.
No funds to be raised from new taxation. (Majority vote required)

A motion was made by Selectperson Moroney to amend this article as follows:
To Modify the Totally Disabled Veterans’ Tax Credit Amount
Shall the town modify the Totally Disabled Veterans’ Tax Credit in accordance with RSA 72:35 from its current tax credit of Two Thousand Dollars ($2,000) per year to Four Thousand Dollars ($4,000).
The Board of Selectmen recommends this appropriation 3-0.
No funds to be raised from new taxation. (Majority vote required)

A motion was made by Selectperson Moroney to approve this article as amended. Selectmen Marquis seconded this motion. The Moderator opened for discussion. No discussion.

Article 17 will appear as amended on the official ballot.

A motion was made to restrict reconsideration on articles 1-17 by Karen Moran. This motion was seconded by Imre Szauter. A vote was taken and the body was in favor of restricting reconsideration for articles 1-17.

To Contribute to North Country Home Health & Hospi
To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of Two Thousand Sixty-Five Dollars ($2,065) for the purpose of being the Town's contribution to the North Country Home Health & Hospice Agency Inc., to help offset the support of the home health care, supportive care, medical hospice and community health programs and services of North Country Home Health & Hospice Agency, Inc., and Hospice of the Littleton Area for the residents of our community.
The Board of Selectmen recommends this appropriation 3-0.
Tax Impact: $0.01

A motion was made by Selectperson Moroney to amend this article as follows:
To Contribute to North Country Home Health & Hospice Agency, Inc.
To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of Two Thousand Sixty-Five Dollars ($2,065) for the purpose of being the Town's contribution to the North Country Home Health & Hospice Agency Inc., to help offset the support of the home health care, supportive care, medical hospice and community health programs and services of North Country Home Health & Hospice Agency, Inc., and Hospice of the Littleton Area for the residents of our community.
The Board of Selectmen recommends this appropriation 3-0.
Tax Impact: $0.01

A motion was made by Selectperson Moroney to approve this article as amended. Selectmen Marquis seconded this motion. The Moderator opened for discussion. No discussion.

Article 18 will appear as amended on the official ballot.

To Contribute to Tri County Community Action
To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of Two Thousand Fifty Dollars ($2,050) for the purpose of being the Town's contribution for Tri County Community Action Program in support of their services for residents in our community.
The Board of Selectmen recommends this appropriation 3-0.
Tax Impact: $0.01

A motion was made by Selectperson Moroney to approve this article as written. Selectmen Marquis seconded this motion. The Moderator opened for discussion. No discussion.

Article 19 will appear as written on the official ballot.

To Contribute to Ammonoosuc Community Health
To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of One Thousand Two Hundred Fifty Dollars ($1,250) for the purpose of being the Town's contribution to help offset the cost of preventative and primary health care services of Ammonoosuc Community Health Services, Inc. provided to the residents of our community.
The Board of Selectmen recommends this appropriation 3-0.
Tax Impact: $0.01

A motion was made by Selectperson Moroney to approve this article as written. Selectmen Marquis seconded this motion. The Moderator opened for discussion. No discussion.

Article 20 will appear as written on the official ballot.

To Donate to Second Chance Animal Rescue
To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of One Thousand Dollars ($1,000) for the Second Chance Animal Rescue.
The Board of Selectmen recommends this appropriation 3-0.
Tax Impact: $0.01

A motion was made by Selectperson Moroney to approve this article as written. Selectmen Marquis seconded this motion. The Moderator opened for discussion. No discussion.

Article 21 will appear as written on the official ballot.

To Donate to the Weathervane Theatre
To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of One Thousand Dollars ($1,000) for the purpose of providing support to the Weathervane Theatre for performances, summer theatre camp, workshops and educational programs.
The Board of Selectmen recommends this appropriation 3-0.
Tax impact: $0.01

A motion was made by Selectperson Moroney to approve this article as written. Selectmen Marquis seconded this motion. The Moderator opened for discussion. Rena Vecchio informed on the need for this warrant article to allow the theatre to continue operating. No further discussion.

Article 22 will appear as read on the official ballot.

To Contribute to CASA
To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of Five Hundred Dollars ($500) for the purpose of being the Town’s contribution to Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASA) of NH for recruiting, training and supervising volunteers who advocate in NH’s courts for the best interests of abused and neglected children.
The Board of Selectmen recommends this appropriation 3-0.
Tax Impact: $0.01

A motion was made by Selectperson Moroney to approve this article as written. Selectmen Marquis seconded this motion. The Moderator opened for discussion. No discussion.

Article 23 will appear as written on the official ballot.

To Contribute to the Center for New Beginnings
To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of Five Hundred Dollars ($500) for the purpose of being the Town’s contribution to the Center for New Beginnings in Littleton, which provides counseling and mental health services to individuals throughout the North Country.
The Board of Selectmen recommends this appropriation 3-0.
Tax Impact: $0.01

A motion was made by Selectperson Moroney to approve this article as written. Selectmen Marquis seconded this motion. The Moderator opened for discussion. No discussion.

Article 24 will appear as written on the official ballot.

To Donate to American Red Cross
To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of Three Hundred and Fifty-Six Dollars ($356) for the purpose of being the Town’s contribution to the American Red Cross of New England, which provides relief and support to individuals throughout the region.
The Board of Selectmen recommends this appropriation 2-1.
Tax Impact: $0.01

A motion was made by Selectperson Moroney to amend this article to read as follows, changing donate to contribute and correcting the recommendation of the Select Board made at the Select Board meeting on 1/14/2025:
To Contribute to American Red Cross
To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of Three Hundred and Fifty-Six Dollars ($356) for the purpose of being the Town’s contribution to the American Red Cross of New England, which provides relief and support to individuals throughout the region.
The Board of Selectmen recommends this appropriation 3-0.
Tax Impact: $0.01

Selectmen Marquis seconded this motion. The Moderator opened for discussion. No discussion.

Article 25 will appear as amended on the official ballot.

To Donate to Pathways Pregnancy Care Center
To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of One Hundred Dollars ($100) for the purpose of being the Town's contribution to Pathways Pregnancy Care Center in Littleton which provides educational services to individuals throughout the North Country.
The Board of Selectmen recommends this appropriation 3-0.
Tax Impact: $0.01

A motion was made by Selectperson Moroney to approve this article as written. Selectmen Marquis seconded this motion. The Moderator opened for discussion. A resident made a motion to increase the donation amount and amend the article as follows:
To Donate to Pathways Pregnancy Care Center
To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of Five Hundred Dollars ($500) for the purpose of being the Town's contribution to Pathways Pregnancy Care Center in Littleton which provides educational services to individuals throughout the North Country.

The Moderator called a vote, the ayes have it.

Article 26 will appear as amended on the official ballot.

Short-Term Rental Registration and Life Safety Inspection
To see if the town will vote to accept a Registration and Life Safety Inspection for all Short-Term Rentals of 30 days or less.
These inspections are vital to the safety of the occupants and are required by the State of New Hampshire Life Safety Code. The registrations and inspections will be done every three years, with a processing fee to be determined by the Town of Carroll Selectboard, with the fee not to exceed Two Hundred Dollars ($200) every three years. The inspections will include, but are not limited to, smoke and carbon monoxide detectors, fire escape routes and emergency exits, fire suppression systems, electrical safety and general property safety.
The Board of Selectmen recommends this article 2-1.
Tax Impact: No money to be raised from new taxation.

A motion was made by Selectperson Moroney to approve this article as written. Selectmen Marquis seconded this motion. The Moderator opened for discussion. A resident made a motion to amend the article as follows:
Short-Term Rentals
To see if the town will vote to accept a Safety Contact Information signup and attestation for all Short-Term Rentals of 30 days or less. The purpose of this is to provide the Carroll Police and Fire Departments with accurate contact information to be used in the event of a safety concern or nuisance, and to inform property owners of applicable safety standards, ordinances and best practices. The registration will be at no cost, valid until cessation of rental activity or sale of the property, and subject to updates in the event of a change in contact information.

Moderator Jellison recognized residents as they discussed this proposed amendment. Fire Chief Duncan discussed the importance of the life-safety inspection part of the original article. Moderator Jellison called a vote regarding the amendment to this article.

The Moderator called a vote, the ayes have it.

Article 27 will appear as amended on the official ballot.

At 8:25 p.m. Moderator Ben Jellison declared the Town Meeting recessed until 8:00 a.m. on March 11th, 2025 when all are notified to vote by Official Ballot at the Town of Carroll Town Hall Community Room.

Respectfully Submitted,

Crystal B. Bailey

Crystal B. Bailey
Town Clerk