Selectboard Meeting Minutes

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Minutes of 3/23/2020

March 26th, 2020

Carroll Board of Selectmen
Meeting Minutes
March 23, 2020

“These minutes of the Town of Carroll Select Board have been recorded by its Secretary. Though believed to be accurate and correct they are subject to additions, deletions and corrections by the Select Board at its next meeting when the Board votes its final approval of the minutes. They are being made available at this time to conform to the requirements of New Hampshire RSA 91-A:2.”

Minutes recorded by Kelly Trammell, Secretary
Board Members present: Bonnie Moroney, David A. Scalley, Robert Gauthier Jr. (participated by phone)

Members of the Public present: Jeremy Oleson, Annette Marquis

The meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m. by Chairwoman Moroney.

Pledge of Allegiance

The Chair announced the approval of bills and signing of manifests.

Selectman Scalley made a motion to approve the minutes of 3/9/2020 as written. The motion was seconded by Chairwoman Moroney and passed unanimously.

The Board reviewed Oaths of Office. Selectman Scalley made a motion to sign and approve all but his. Chairwoman Moroney seconded and the motion passed unanimously. Chairwoman Moroney made a motion to approve Dave Scalley’s Oath of Office. The motion was seconded by Selectman Gauthier and passed. Selectman Scalley abstained.

Town Treasurer, Annette Marquis, addressed the Board with her concern for a future drop in the economy and tax flow. She said traditionally there is usually 10% delinquent taxes but she is anticipating this may increase to 20% or 30%. She said the Board may need to request T.A.N. funds unless they are careful with discretionary funding. She also advised that with the economic situation, Bank of NH’s interest rates have dropped to .05%. from 1.75% interest. She looked into moving our money to another bank that would give us almost 2% interest but found out that when the Board signed the loan agreement for the new town buildings, that tied our money to Bank of NH. We can’t remove our funds without causing our loan rate to increase.

Selectman Scalley said he’d like to advise all department heads to only purchase what is necessary for the next 30 days. Selectman Gauthier agreed and said all budgets should be put on hold unless absolutely essential. Selectman Gauthier made a motion to suspend all expenses unless absolutely essential for the next 30 days. Selectman Scalley seconded and the motion passed unanimously. The Board agreed to review in 30 days.

Election of a Chair was addressed. Chairwoman Moroney nominated Selectman Scalley to be the Chair. There was no second to the motion. Selectman Scalley made a motion that Selectman Gauthier be the Chair. Selectman Gauthier seconded the motion which passed with 2 ayes and Moroney opposed. Because Gauthier was participating by phone, it was decided that Moroney would continue running the meeting.

Committee assignments were reviewed. It was agreed that Selectman Moroney will continue as representative on the Planning Board, Selectman Gauthier will be representative on the Parks & Recreation Committee and Selectman Scalley to be representative on the Conservation Commission. Selectmen Scalley and Moroney will split the duties with the Safety Committee. Selectman Scalley said he’d like a Selectman to start attending the Zoning Meetings as a member in the audience to advise the Select Board. Selectman Gauthier said he would do that.

Election results were reviewed. Selectman Moroney advised that the only contested seat was for Supervisor of the Checklist and Susan Kraabel won the position. The remaining warrant articles all passed. The Secretary advised that Ben Jellison was inquiring if the Board would authorize him to move forward on forming a Committee to study the school membership. The Board approved. The Secretary also asked the Board if they were approving budgeted raises at this time. The Board agreed.

Selectman Moroney read both a Building Committee Report and Dedication Ceremony Report provided by Imre Szauter and Mike Finn respectively. (Attached). Both respectfully submitted reports and did not attend due to Covid-19 precautions.

The following items were reviewed:
Town aid lien release
Veteran’s Credit – Grassie
Water Warrant – 1st Quarter bills
Water Warrant – Dorsey, Burgo

All items were reviewed separately with Selectman Scalley making a motion to approve and Selectman Moroney seconding the motion. All passed unanimously.

The Board reviewed the paperwork for the rescue-pumper truck. Chief Oleson advised there is now a 425 day build time on the truck. It is anticipated to be received in June 2021. Selectman Scalley asked if the payment at this time would affect the budget. He was advised it would not. The payment is coming from the Special Revenue Fund for that purpose. Selectman Scalley made a motion to approve and sign. Selectman Moroney seconded and the motion passed unanimously.

The Board reviewed correspondence with regards to extending the lease on the building the Police Department occupies. The terms are $2200/month with $100 discount if paid by the first of the month. Any remaining time would be pro-rated. Selectman Scalley made a motion to accept. Selectman Gauthier seconded and the motion passed unanimously. The Board asked the Secretary to check with the owner if email correspondence would suffice or if a formal lease was going to be drawn up.

The Secretary advised that Vern and Bobbi Amirault had requested to address the Board about holding the fishing derby again this year. They too were observing the Covid-19 precautions and staying home. The Board reviewed their letter and approved hosting the fishing derby. Bobbi said the anticipated date is May 24th and changes would be made depending on any virus advisories at that time.

The Secretary advised that Cohos Advisors was scheduled to come and assist in a review of the ledgers. The Secretary asked the Board for permission to make any recommended adjustments to the ledgers to reconcile the accounts. The Board agreed.

Follow Up:

Echo Lake – They were sent a letter requesting funds to replenish the escrow held for third party review.

Razing building – Presby is waiting for the ground to thaw before they can finish. There is ice in the basement that is preventing the oil tanks from being removed. As soon as possible, it will be completed and back-filled. Chief Oleson asked whose job it is to secure the site. Selectman Scalley advised it was Presby. Scalley will get in touch with the company.

Cleaning companies - Selectman Moroney made appointments for both prospective cleaning companies to come in on Tuesday for a walk-thru to give prices. Moroney made a list of areas and what is expected to be done to assist with the quote.

Northern Border Regional Grant – Selectman Gauthier hasn’t had time to review it. He will try to get to it but he thinks the deadline may have passed.

Other –

Selectman Scalley spoke with Heidi Lawton from NH Homeland Security. We will be awarded a grant for office furniture for the police, fire and EOC. He is checking to see if chairs for the community room can be included and also if the building cost can be the match to the grant. It may be a little time before we hear back as she is very busy with the pandemic.

Selectman Gauthier said the Board should start planning for the weirdest situations that might occur in the next few months. He said he and Selectman Scalley had tested out a tele-communications system for possible future use. Gauthier urged patience and diligence. He said we need to start thinking outside the box. He also said he is concerned about the upcoming building move.

Selectman Scalley said they are discussing small teams for the moving project. It will be reviewed further at the upcoming task force meeting. Chief Oleson said a written protocol needs to be established. He said putting things in the drop box is ok but what is the screening process for entry? Procedures were discussed. Selectman Gauthier will work on developing procedure with Chief Oleson.

Selectman Moroney stated the next meeting will be April 6th at 6 p.m. in the new Town Hall building.

At 7:22 p.m., Chairwoman Moroney made a motion to go into non-public session per RSA 91-A:3 for legal. The motion was seconded by Selectman Scalley and polled; Moroney – yes, Scalley – yes, Gauthier – yes.

At 7:26 p.m., Selectman Scalley made a motion return to public session and seal the minutes. Selectman Moroney seconded and the motion passed unanimously. Selectman Scalley made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Selectman Moroney seconded and the motion passed unanimously. Selectman Moroney declared the meeting ended at 7:26 p.m.