Planning Board Minutes

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Minutes of 6/4/2020

June 10th, 2020

Carroll Planning Board
Meeting Minutes
June 4, 2020
7:00 PM

“These minutes of the Town of Carroll Planning Board have been recorded by its Secretary. Though believed to be accurate and correct they are subject to additions, deletions and corrections by the Planning Board at its next meeting when the Board votes its final approval of the minutes. They are being made available at this time to conform to the requirements of New Hampshire RSA 91-A:2.”

PLBD Members Present: Chairman Alex Foti, Vice Chairman Mike Finn, Selectmen’s Representative, Bonnie Moroney, Donna Foster, Julie Roesbery, Terry Penner

Public Present: Fire Chief Jeremy Oleson, Gardner Kellogg, Ben Jellison, Dave Scalley

Minutes taken by: Sara Marvin, Secretary

Pledge of Allegiance

Chair Foti asked if there were any edits or comments on the May 7th, 2020 minutes. There were no comments or edits made. Bonnie Moroney made the motion to approve the minutes as written. Vice Chairman Finn seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.

Ben & Melissa Jellison – 323 Route 3 North-Map/Lot 205-006-000-000. Ben Jellison has an approximately 14-acre lot that he is proposing to divide into two lots. One acre will be used for the current house to make it a separate entity. The current driveway will be used for the access to the back lot as well. Mr. Jellison attempted to add another driveway further up Route 3 but the State denied the application because it’s a controlled access highway. The State has given approval to use the current driveway. Bonnie Moroney asked if the frontage requirement was met for the Residential Business zone. The 124.91 feet of frontage meets the requirement. Chairman Foti asked Gardner Kellogg to walk the Board through the application. Mr. Kellogg went through the checklist to review for completeness. All requirements were met. Mr. Jellison met with the fire chief and the public works director. There were no concerns from either of them. Chair Foti asked if there were any questions. There were no questions. Chair Foti made a motion to accept the application as complete. Julie Roesbery seconded the motion. The application was accepted as complete unanimously. Fire Chief Oleson addressed driveways servicing more than two houses. He wants to be sure the regulations are being followed. Chair Foti asked that the regulation be clarified. The regulation can be found on page two of the Town of Carroll Subdivision Regulations under Driveways, amended May 8, 2018. The fire chief indicated this property was not concerning for him. The question was asked if there was any intent to subdivide anymore of the property. Mr. Jellison said no. The intent is to build a single-family home. The original home was literally on Route 3. Back in the day before Route 3 was moved the driveway went in the front of the house. The side driveway came after Route 3 was moved and had to happen. While Mr. Jellison understands the regulations limiting driveway access to 2 homes, in this instance a fire engine would not have to use the driveway to access the first house. Also, there’s a hydrant about 300 feet away. Chair Foti asked if there were any other questions. Bonnie Moroney asked to recognize the fact that Mr. Jellison tried to put in another driveway but the State would not approve it. Chair Foti agreed. Chair Foti made a motion to approve the subdivision application. Bonnie Moroney seconded the motion. The motion was approved unanimously.

Gregory & Carra Thomas – Mt. Adams Lane, Bretton Woods – Map/Lot 210-014-000-022 and Map/Lot 210-015-000-023. Lot Line Adjustment. Before the application presentation Vice Chair Finn asked that it be on record that he also Chair’s the Architectural Committee for Dartmouth Ridge and they were involved with the Thomas property when the driveway proposal was being considered. The driveway will be off the main road and not off the hammerhead. The issue was resolved. Vice Chair Finn felt that he could be objective in reviewing the current Planning Board application and would not need to excuse himself. The Dartmouth Ridge Committee did give the Thomas’ approval to build a new home with the condition that the driveway would come off the main road and not off the hammerhead. The location of the house needed to be adjusted in order to accommodate the driveway. The lot line adjustment would be necessary in order to accommodate the building of the house. The Thomas’ own both lots and want to keep each lot separate. Chair Foti asked Gardner Kellogg to walk the Board through the application. Fire Chief Oleson pointed out that better documentation is necessary. No one had spoken to him about the application. The nature of discussions is not always the same when applications are being processed. Different questions are sometimes asked. He is familiar with the property and is comfortable with the proposal but the application process needs to be reviewed. Chair Foti said he was in the process of revising the application.
Chair Foti asked the Board if there were questions or concerns in regard to the application. Terry Penner asked about the abutter listing. There were property owners listed that were not abutters (GIS lists them as abutters) and there was an abutter that was not on the list and was not notified. Because all abutters were not notified, the Board made the decision to continue the application to the July 2nd, 2020 meeting. The secretary will send an abutter notice so that the abutter is given the opportunity to attend the next meeting and voice concerns if there are any.
Mr. Kellogg indicated the owners wanted to start the project on Friday, June 5th. He was told that a building permit application would need to be submitted before building could begin. The owners could start digging and clear the land but no building can begin until the Subdivision Application and Building Permit Applications are approved.

Chair Foti asked the secretary to update the Board in regard to Mr. Hare’s project. The project will eliminate camp sites 29 and 64 and add sites 12 and 13. In 2018 Mr. Hare proposed the elimination of camp site 38 and the addition of camp site 11. In 2018 the New Hampshire Municipal Association had been contacted requesting guidance in regard to how the proposal should be processed. According to the recollection of the secretary in 2018, NHMA did not feel the transaction fell under the requirements of either a site plan review or subdivision application. No type of application was submitted but the agent for Mr. Hare came before the Board with the proposal. Minutes were recorded and a Notice of Decision was prepared. NHMA was again contacted to request guidance in processing the current proposal. NHMA said that as long as there is no change of use, no expansion or new development then they did not feel the proposal needed to go before the Planning Board. There was no decision to be made by the Board because no applications were submitted.
Bonnie Moroney said there is no map showing where the old sites were located. Fire Chief Oleson said it’s important to have documentation to show requirements such as setbacks are being met. Chair Foti asked that an updated map of the entire campground be supplied to the Board showing sites that have been removed and added. Dave Scalley said that Gardner Kellogg may be able to supply a map that would give the Board the information they are requesting.


Chair Foti informed the Board that effective immediately John Gardiner has resigned from the Board.

Mobile Food Service
Information in regard to how the State and other Towns and Cities in New Hampshire recognize and regulate mobile food services, was distributed to the Board. Chair Foti asked the Board to start thinking about how and if mobile food services should be part of the ordinances, should a permit be required, should private and public land be included? There is need for a more in-depth discussion. Fire Chief Oleson said that having multiple food services creates challenges in regard to control. Chair Foti asked that the subject be put on the agenda for the next meeting.

Site Plan Review Application
Chair Foti reported that he will begin working on the review and revision of the application.

With no further business, Vice Chair Finn made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Bonnie Moroney seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. The meeting ended at 8:20 p.m.