Planning Board Minutes

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Minutes of 7/2/2020

August 19th, 2020

Carroll Planning Board
Meeting Minutes
July 2, 2020
7:00 PM

“These minutes of the Town of Carroll Planning Board have been recorded by its Secretary.
Though believed to be accurate and correct they are subject to additions, deletions and
corrections by the Planning Board at its next meeting when the Board votes its final approval of
the minutes. They are being made available at this time to conform to the requirements of
New Hampshire RSA 91-A:2.”

PLBD Members Present: Chairman Alex Foti, Vice Chairman Mike Finn, Selectmen’s
Representative, Bonnie Moroney, Julie Roesbery,
Public Present: Gardner Kellogg, Dave Scalley
Minutes taken by: Bonnie Moroney

Pledge of Allegiance


Chair Foti asked if there were any edits or comments on the June 4th, 2020 minutes. There
were no comments or edits made. Bonnie Moroney made the motion to approve the minutes
as written. Vice Chairman Finn seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.

Gregory & Carra Thomas – Mt. Adams Lane, Bretton Woods – Map/Lot 210-014-000-022 and
Map/Lot 210-015-000-023. Lot Line Adjustment. It was requested on the June 4, 2020 meeting
that one of the names on the map was incorrect and that the wrong abutter had been sent a
notice, so Gardner Kellogg had corrected the map with the right names on it and the correct
abutter had been send a notice. He came back to get the lot line accepted by the Planning

After going over the map Bonnie Moroney motioned to accept the sub division application and
Chairman Foti second and the motion was passed unanimously.

The committee said that the application had been gone over the last meeting and because of
this the motion was made by Chairman Foti to approve the lot line adjustment and second by
Bonnie Moroney. The motion passed unanimously.


Per the request of the Planning Board, Gardner Kellogg brought an updated and complete map
of the Cherry Mountain Resort Inc. with the changes that have been made over the years and
the ones being made now.
Gardner Kellogg was asked it he had gone over the seen that these camping sights had been
taken out and the new ones had been added. He said he had not that Mr. Hare had told him
that changes that had been made and he had brought the map up to date accordingly. Bonnie
asked Building Inspector Scalley if he could please check to make sure these had been done, as
they have an map on line for advertising that shows that sights still there. Inspector Scalley said
he would be happy to do that.
Bonnie Moroney motioned to accept the application to change sites and Chairman Foti second.
The motion was passed unanimously.

Again, as the application had been gone through the past meeting and the board was asking for
an updated map, Chairman Foti motioned to approve the application and Bonnie Moroney
second. The motion was passed unanimously. There were no fees paid to have a Notice of
Decision sent out, so there will not be one.

Mobile Food Service

Information in regard to how the State and other Towns and Cities in New Hampshire recognize
and regulate mobile food services, was distributed to the Board. Bonnie Moroney said that she
had been reading the information that was handed out at the last meeting and making certain
sections that seemed acceptable for what the town would be looking for. She said that she had
not completed it all but would come back at the next meeting with a better idea of what we
might like. Chairman Foti, said that he had not found time to go over the information yet.

Site Plan Review Application
Chairman Foti said that he had been doing some research on the Site Plan Application and had
also found what several other towns applications and that is appeared the we were asking for a
lot more information than they do. He said that he would try to put some of the information
together and send it out to the members to go over.

New Duties of Chairman

There had been a list of duties sent out to the Chairman and the members to go over. These
were being asked to have done while the town was without a Land Use Secretary. Chairman
Foti asked questions about who did the postage at the town hall at the present time. Bonnie
Moroney said that both Kelly and Becki used the postage machine, as needed. Chairman Foti,
said that currently he is very busy so not sure how much time he has to do a lot of the job
needed. He said that he is willing to go over any applications that come in.
Chairman Foti, said that he had been asked to come to the Select board meeting on Monday
July 6th.

With no further business, Bonnie Moroney made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Chairman
Foti seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. The meeting ended at 8:30 p.m.