Selectboard Meeting Minutes

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Minutes of 3/10/2021

March 15th, 2021

Carroll Board of Selectmen
Meeting Minutes
March 10, 2021

“These minutes of the Town of Carroll Select Board have been recorded by its Secretary. Though believed to be accurate and correct they are subject to additions, deletions and corrections by the Select Board at its next meeting when the Board votes its final approval of the minutes. They are being made available at this time to conform to the requirements of New Hampshire RSA 91-A:2.”

Due to the COVID-19/Coronavirus crisis and in accordance with Governor Sununu’s Emergency Order #12 pursuant to Executive Order 2020-04, this Board is authorized to meet electronically and did so through Zoom.

Minutes recorded by Heather Brown, Secretary
Board Members: Robert Gauthier Jr., David A. Scalley, Kenneth D. Mills

Members of the Public: Tadd Bailey, Imre Szauter, Greg Hogan, Lori Hogan, Melissa Jellison, Josh Basnar

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Chairperson Gauthier.

Pledge of Allegiance

APPROVAL OF MINUTES 2/23/2021 – Selectperson Scalley made a motion to approve the minutes of 2/23/2021 as written. Chairperson Gauthier seconded, all in favor, Selectperson Mills abstained. The motion passed.

APPROVAL OF MINUTES 3/3/2021 – Selectperson Scalley made a motion to approve the minutes of 3/3/2021 as written. Chairperson Gauthier seconded, all in favor, Selectperson Mills abstained. The motion passed.

APPROVAL OF MINUTES 3/8/2021 – Selectperson Scalley made a motion to approve the minutes of 3/8/2021 as written. Chairperson Gauthier seconded, all in favor, Selectperson Mills abstained. The motion passed.

OATHS OF OFFICE – Chairperson Gauthier read each of the oaths out loud.
Bonnie Moroney – Treasurer, one-year term, 2022
Peter Brouillette – Trustee of the Trust Fund, three-year term, 2024
Chris Pappas – Trustee of the Trust Fund, one-year term, 2022
Rebecca Pederson – Town Clerk/Tax Collector, three-year term, 2024
Kenneth Mills – Selectman, three-year term, 2024
Michael Gooden – Cemetery Trustee, three-year term, 2024

Selectperson Scalley made a motion to sign the oaths of office. Chairperson Gauthier seconded, all in favor. The motion passed.

ELECT A CHAIRMAN – Selectperson Mills nominated David Scalley to be the Chairman of the Select Board, Selectperson Gauthier seconded, all in favor. The motion passed.
COMMITTEE ASSIGNMENTS – Chairperson Scalley reviewed the committee assignments and the Board discussed. The following was assigned:

Planning Board – Chairperson Scalley would like to continue as the Select Board Representative, Selectpersons Gauthier and Mills had no objection
Parks & Recreation – Selectperson Gauthier
Conservation –Selectpersons Mills and Gauthier will share, depending on schedules
Safety – Chairperson Scalley
Zoning Board – Selectperson Gauthier will continue as the Select Board Representative
Airport – Selectperson Mills

Selectperson Mills explained that after discussing with the ZBA Chairperson and researching, he would like to continue to be on the ZBA as a ZBA voting member. Chairperson Scalley and Selectperson Gauthier had no objection.

ELECTION RESULTS – Chairperson Scalley read the results.
ARTICLE 02 – To raise and appropriate operating budget: 128-YES, 149-NO
ARTICLE 03 – To pave 1.3 miles of road: 194-YES, 85-NO
ARTICLE 04 – To purchase and equip dump truck w/ plow: 209-YES, 71-NO
ARTICLE 05 – To offset Transfer Station expenses: 220-YES, 56-NO
ARTICLE 06 – To place money in the Road Improvements CRF: 175-YES, 97-NO
ARTICLE 07 – To place money in the Water Department CRF: 200-YES, 79-NO
ARTICLE 08 – To purchase and equip police cruiser: 208-YES, 73-NO
ARTICLE 09 – To offset Property Inspector-Code Enforcement Officer: 111-YES, 165-NO
ARTICLE 10 – To put money in the New Land & Building CRF: 122-YES, 152-NO
ARTICLE 11 – To put money in the Police Cruiser CRF: 175-YES, 104-NO
ARTICLE 12 – To place money in the municipal Truck CRF: 155-YES, 121-NO
ARTICLE 13 – To place money in the Highway Equipment CRF: 150-YES, 120-NO
ARTICLE 14 – To offset ambulance medical transfers: 228-YES, 48-NO
ARTICLE 15 – To purchase speed limit signs: 133-YES, 143-NO
ARTICLE 16 – To add money to Employee Benefits Fund: 135-YES, 136-NO
ARTICLE 17 – To put money in the Landfill Closure CRF: 149-YES, 123-NO
ARTICLE 18 – To place money in the Computer Technology CRF: 164-YES, 105-NO
ARTICLE 19 – To contribute to Caleb: 205-YES, 67-NO
ARTICLE 20 – To contribute to North Country Home Health & Hospice: 219-YES, 55-NO
ARTICLE 21 – To place money in the Library Improvement CRF: 180-YES, 93-NO
ARTICLE 22 – To contribute to Tri County Community Action: 192-YES, 78-NO
ARTICLE 23 – To contribute to Ammonoosuc Community Health: 206-YES, 66-NO
ARTICLE 24 – To contribute to Northern Human Services: 211-YES, 61-NO
ARTICLE 25 – To contribute to MWRA: 135-YES, 128-NO
ARTICLE 26 – To contribute to CASA: 217-YES, 58-NO
ARTICLE 27 – To donate to NH North Country Veterans: 231-YES, 47-NO
ARTICLE 28 – To contribute to The Center for New Beginnings: 197-YES, 81-NO
ARTICLE 29 – To contribute to the American Red Cross: 202-YES, 78-NO
ARTICLE 30 – To adopt RSA 41:14-a: 148-YES, 123-NO
ARTICLE 31 – Sale of the Fire Station Building: 237-YES, 41-NO
ARTICLE 32 – To implement pay-per-bag and put money in SRF: 55-YES, 222-NO
ARTICLE 33 – To direct the School District: 214-YES, 58-NO
ARTICLE 34 – To declare opposition to landfill in Dalton: 202-YES, 75-NO

Chairperson Scalley stated that because the article failed, the Town would be on the default budget of $2,428,072. There was no questions or discussion from the Board or the public.

RIGHT TO KNOW LAW (Bailey) – Police Chief Bailey reviewed with the Board RSA 91-A, requests that the Police Department has been getting more often and wanted to inform the Board that social media platforms are also part of it. Chief Bailey gave an example. Chief Bailey explained that he researched a company that monitors and archives 24/7, up to 12 accounts for $250 a month, to keep social media pages in compliance. Chief Bailey reviewed another example of an instance in a Southern NH town. Chief Bailey explained that without having someone monitoring social media pages 24/7 and/or taking screenshots every minute.

Selectperson Mills clarified with Chief Bailey that this specific company monitored up to 12 social media platform accounts for $250 per month, Chief Bailey confirmed and explained that this was just one company he looked into and this was the economy package. Selectperson Mills further asked if anyone had done a cost benefit analysis, example, what benefit does the Police Department and the community get from the social media page and is it necessary for the Town to have social media pages, given the additional cost of liability. Selectperson Mills stated that the Town has a website and the departments can have things announced on there, rather than a social media page and avoid the additional liability to the Town. Chief Bailey pointed out the ease of departments being able to get notices out to the town via social media, but agreed and understood Selectperson Mills’ concerns. Selectperson Gauthier suggested the possibility of not allowing comments on the social media pages. Chief Bailey said he would look into it, but with the social media pages being a public page there may be other logistics and suggested reaching out the Attorney General’s office for clarification.

Chairperson Scalley acknowledged Selectperson Mills’ point and then further asked if the Town’s insurance company knows that the Town’s departments have these social media pages and if the Town is covered for the potential liability?

Selectperson Mills reminded everyone that since the Town was on the default budget and suggested that it should be more looked into it if it is really necessary to have social media pages and also have to have a company monitor and archive live 24/7 social media pages to cover right-to-know at a cost. Selectperson Mills expressed that he does not see any benefit in having social media pages and noted there are other ways to get the information out.

MELISSA JELLISON (sidewalks) – Chairperson Scalley read a letter received from Melissa Jellison on March 1, 2021 concerning sidewalk insufficiency per RSA 231:90 and RSA 231:91, as well as the Town’s duty to act.

Selectperson Scalley gave an overview to Selectperson Mills of what was discussed on February 23, 2021, in reference to Melissa Jellison’s letter, since he was not part of the Board at that time.

Chairperson Scalley noted that he took pictures of the sidewalks Melissa Jellison referenced after the meeting and passed the pictures around to the Board to look at. Selectperson Scalley also noted that on March 3, 2021, Greg Hogan informed the Board that the highway crew applied approximately 12,700 pounds of salt to the Town’s sidewalks and in the process of treating the sidewalks, one of the windows on the sidewalk machine was broken due to oversized chunks of ice from over articulation.

Selectperson Scalley noted that Greg Hogan asked to go out the day prior. Chairperson Scalley stated that he told him not to because it was 30 below with a windchill factor, noting the safety of the crew and equipment and suggested he wait until the next day. Greg Hogan confirmed that was correct.

Chairperson Scalley stated that he spoke with Greg Hogan and Scott Sonia today regarding things around Town Hall, as well as the sidewalks and noted that they had every intention and were scheduled to go out tomorrow (March 4), but due to illness, three highway department crew members are not available Thursday or Friday. Chairperson Scalley went on to note that he was going to get in touch with Greg on Friday to see what’s left to clear on the sidewalks for ice after the warm temperatures.

Melissa Jellison appreciated the salt that was put down, and was sorry that the window was broken. She further stated that she understood that she knows what it’s like being behind from a public service standpoint, just like them. Melissa Jellison stated that she had a couple of clarifying questions.

Melissa Jellison stated that in the RSA there is some language in there about signs being placed in the sidewalks. She noted that she drove around and did not see any signs. She also noted in RSA 231:91 it states that within 72 hours there needs to be a plan. Melissa Jellison stated that she asked to see that plan and noted that on March 3rd was when salt was put out. Melissa Jellison stated that she delivered the letter to Bonnie (Moroney), but noted that Select Board did not see it until March 1st. Melissa Jellison is wondering if and when signs were put up and if and when the plan was created, and why she did not get the plan sent to her.

Greg Hogan stated that they did not put any signs up and that they are working on a plan for the future, it is in the process of being drafted, but it has not been approved by the Selectmen, noting that the plan is something the Town has not had, but will moving forward. Greg Hogan went on to state that they made reasonable efforts to do the sidewalks, noting the machine wouldn’t throw slush. He further stated that they were not ignoring them, as it seems, but it’s not the case and that they have made reasonable efforts and are continuing to, noting the sun is helping. Greg Hogan expressed that he didn’t like this either and assumed responsibility, noting in the future it wouldn’t happen again and thought that up until that point there were no problems prior and that the sidewalks were clear all year.

Melissa Jellison stated that she has no ill will towards Greg Hogan, but more the questions are directed to the Selectmen. She stated that the RSA’s were pretty clear about a plan being created and she is wondering where the shortcomings are in terms of the Selectmen.

Selectperson Gauthier stated as the Chairperson then, that on February 23rd they did not discuss the RSA’s and what the requirements were going to be and felt that maybe the ball was dropped on not following up on what the RSA’s said. Melissa Jellison responded that she had to look up the RSA’s on her own and then wrote the letter to the Board, going through all the protocols and doing her due diligence. She then asked the Board where their due diligence was. Chairperson Scalley responded that their due diligence was on the temperatures they have had, noting that it’s been below zero with a windchill factor and further explained that they have been in contact with Greg Hogan daily regarding when it’s a good time to do it and when was the best time in terms of cost. Chairperson Scalley noted that the Board has been in communication with Greg Hogan daily since it was addressed at the meeting.

Melissa Jellison stated that it’s not so much the Board’s communication with Greg, it’s the RSA with the 72-hour plan. She continued to explain that the plan was supposed to be laid out/rectified at that moment for the sidewalks and then rectify the letter within 72 hours so she would know something was happening. Melissa Jellison further stated that she’s just following the RSA’s.

Chairperson Scalley apologized that the Board’s did not respond to her within a timely manner, noting that they didn’t put anything in writing and that he was verbally communicating with Greg, as well as the Board. Chairperson Scalley noted that since having the snow thrower, this is the first instance that it has frozen up and they have not been able to clear the sidewalks in two seasons. He further stated that he felt the department was doing a good job and apologized that the Select Board dropped the ball on the 72-hour response, per the RSA, and the Board will strive to do better in the future. Chairperson Scalley stated that they are in the process of putting together a policy, Greg has taken some time to put it together, and got it to us the other day, the Select Board needs to review it and once approved the policy will be in place.

Melissa Jellison appreciated Greg Hogan putting a plan together for the future, but asked the Select Board to confirm if the Board had read her letter on March 1st. Selectperson Gauthier confirmed that he received it via email on the 1st. He further explained that he contacted Greg Hogan after receiving the email, to formulate a plan for the 2nd, but because of below zero temps, it was attacked on the 3rd. He further apologized for not getting back to her.

The Board reviewed the WATER WARRANTS – MARQUIS, MARTIN. Selectperson Mills made a motion to approve and sign. Selectperson Gauthier seconded and the motion passed unanimously.

The Board reviewed the ABATEMENTS – HOGAN, PASCAL. Selectperson Gauthier made a motion to approve and sign. Chairperson Scalley seconded and the motion passed unanimously.

The Board reviewed the GIS INTERNET SERVICES ANNUAL MAITENANCE AGREEMENT. Chairperson Scalley stated this is a year contract and confirmed the yearly cost is $2,400 total. Selectperson Gauthier made a motion to approve and sign. Selectperson Mills seconded and the motion passed unanimously.

LAND USE SECRETARY POSITION APPLICANTS – Chairperson Scalley stated that there has been two applicants (Lisa Harley and Holly Benson) that have applied for the Land Use Secretary position. Chairperson Scalley asked the Board that he would like to review the applications with Heather and to follow up with the applicants to see if either of the candidates would be a good fit for the position, Selectpersons Gauthier and Mills agreed. Chairperson Scalley also stated that he would like to further discuss this under “other” in reference to the default budget.

The Board reviewed the DRIVEWAY PERMITS – ARRUDA, PERRY, MARQUIS. Selectperson Mills made a motion to approve and sign. Selectperson Gauthier seconded and the motion passed unanimously.

The Board reviewed the LETTER TO EDWARD JONES FROM THE TRUSTEES OF THE TRUST FUND. Chairperson Scalley explained the purpose of the letter is to allow the members listed to have access, as there are new members and it’s required by Edward Jones. Selectperson Mills made a motion to approve and sign. Selectperson Gauthier seconded and the motion passed unanimously.


TAX DEEDED PROPERY – ROUTE 3 NORTH – Chairperson Scalley confirmed that there has been nothing new to report from Bob Carey or the State. Chairperson Scalley further explained that this is in reference to the Wright property. The State has interest in it, as well as the Town and the Board is working with the State to come to a compromise to have authority to take it down.

SOUND PANNELS – COMMUNITY ROOM – Chairperson Scalley stated that the sound panels are at the trucking company, but the trucking company is having a difficult time getting them here. He continued to state that the last time he spoke with WallBoard, Russ and Harris was Monday and he plans to reach back out to them Thursday or Friday. Chairperson Scalley noted that he and Imre are working on it together. He also stated that once the panels do arrive, they have a company lined up to install the sound panels in the Community Room.

AD IN NEWSPAPER FOR LAND USE POSITION – Chairperson Scalley explained that at the last meeting it was decided that the ad would run for another couple of weeks and the Board would readdress at the next meeting. He noted that there have been two applications received. Selectperson Gauthier suggested in light of the vote and with the cost of an ad to hold off on publishing, Chairperson Scalley suggested reviewing the applicants that have applied and discussing further under “other”, as he has other ideas he would like to discuss.

Chairperson Scalley explained that at a previous meeting, authority was given to Heather to be able to run the ad whenever, noting a meeting is not needed. Selectperson Mills asked if it was delegated formally for her to do so, Chairperson Scalley confirmed.

The Board agreed to hold off on advertising and review the applicant that have applied.

WATER REPORT – Greg Hogan stated that there was nothing new to report and is still waiting for more information.


Selectperson Mills voiced his concern with listing items under “other” and how the Board conducts what is under “other”. Chairperson Scalley explained that anything that is listed under “other” would also be noticed at the following meeting on the agenda and to also further discuss items that are on the agenda. Selectperson Mills acknowledged.

CAMPAIGN SIGNS (Gauthier) – Selectperson Gauthier informed the Board of a situation that was brought to his attention yesterday at voting concerning a sign that was placed on Town property. Selectperson Gauthier stated that he went to the Moderator for clarification. He and the Moderator reviewed the RSA, and he then brought it to both Selectpersons attention that morning to try to get it rectified to make sure it was done properly. Selectperson Gauthier noted, for transparency, that he tried not to say too much to Chairperson Scalley because his wife was involved with the election, but in discussing with the other Selectperson, it was mentioned that it may have been done in the past, which is what the Moderator also confirmed. After revisiting with the Moderator, Selectperson Gauthier stated that he was directed to the electioneering rules and further stated in the Moderators thought process, in regards to the voting that day happening at the Fire Station, and the sign being at Town Hall parking lot, it was not in the perimeter of where voting was taking place. If voting was happening at Town Hall, the sign would not be allowed because it would be within the perimeter.

Selectperson Gauthier explained that he did go to the Moderator because he had an issue, and stated that the Moderators philosophy and reasoning seemed sound, but going forward, Selectperson Gauthier feels that there should be some sort of policy/guidance pertaining to any campaign signs being put on Town property.

Selectperson Mills briefly explained electioneering rules concerning the distance from the voting area that is allowed and not allowed, including campaigning, signs, etc. He also reviewed sign postage on private property and public property. Selectperson Mills thinks it’s covered in the RSA and is concerned with implementing a policy.

Chairperson Scalley readdressed the Land Use Secretary position, noting that there have been two applicants and that Heather is currently doing both positions (admin. for the Select Board and Land Use Secretary). He also pointed out that Judy Ramsdell has been helping, by doing the minutes for the land use boards (planning and zoning), while Heather is filling both positions. Chairperson Scalley reminded the Board that with the vote falling back to the default budget and in discussions with Heather, he suggested the possibility of having Judy Ramsdell continue to do the minutes for the land use boards and not have Heather attend the land use meetings, if Judy is available, which would help Heather, since this is very time consuming.

Selectperson Mills wanted to confirm what was being presented—Segregate minute taking and attendance of land use meetings to Judy Ramsdell, if available. All other land use secretarial tasks would be handled by Heather, as well as administrative assistant tasks for the Select Board, including minute taking for the Select Board.

The Board agreed and Chairperson Scalley also suggested that it be readdressed once the Board decides the next steps for the position, noting the vote to the default budget and the possibly of making the position a part-time position or a mixed position.

Chairperson Scalley stated that he would like to discuss with the Board at a future meeting, the PTO buy outs what lines they come out of. He would like to discuss more once the budget gets put together on Monday.

Selectperson Mills requested a side-by-side comparison of the 2020 budget and 2021 budget.

Chairperson Scalley stated that he would like to discuss with the Board at a future meeting, the cutting the check for the Warrant articles, noting that the budget didn’t get approved. He would like to discuss more once the budget gets put together on Monday.

Imre Szauter presented updates to the card access system, noting Selectperson Mills received a card tonight and they are meeting tomorrow to do a walkthrough of the buildings. Imre also wanted to point out that there is a library trustee that is no longer a trustee (Claire), and noted that a card was issued to her, but never delivered, so they are going to deactivate the card. Imre questioned if Annette Marquis still needed a key, because it was his understanding that she is going to be transitioning with the new treasurer. The Board agreed that Annette Marquis would keep her card until the new treasurer is trained.

The Board asked Imre to follow up with Chief Oleson to confirm if Claire got a key or not and determine if it was picked up or not, this will be followed up at the next meeting.

Chairperson Scalley announced the next meeting will be Monday, March 15, 2021 at 7:00 p.m.

At 8:17 p.m., Chairperson Scalley made a motion to go into non-public session per RSA 91-A:3 personnel. The motion was seconded by Selectperson Gauthier and polled; Gauthier – yes, Scalley – yes, Mills – yes.

At 10:20 p.m. Chairperson Scalley made a motion to return to public session and seal the minutes. The motion was seconded by Selectperson Gauthier and polled; Gauthier – yes, Scalley – yes, Mills – yes.

At 10:22 p.m. Chairperson Scalley made a motion to adjourn. Selectperson Gauthier seconded and the motion passed unanimously. Chairperson Scalley declared the meeting ended at 10:22 p.m.