Selectboard Meeting Minutes

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Minutes of 10/12/2021

October 12th, 2021


Select Board Meeting
October 12th, 2021
7:00 P.M.
“These minutes of the Town of Carroll Select Board have been recorded by its Secretary. Though believed to be accurate and correct they are subject to additions, deletions, and corrections by the Select Board at its next meeting when the Board votes its final approval of the minutes. They are being made available at this time to conform to the requirements of New Hampshire RSA 91-A:2.”
Minutes Recorded by: Elke Tonnesen
Board Members in Attendance: Chair David Scalley, Ken Mills, and Rob Gauthier
Public in Attendance: Imre Szauter, Greg Hogan



Selectperson Mills and Gauthier note they have signed the manifests, Selectperson Scalley will sign after the meeting.

Selectperson Mills moves to approve the meeting minutes on 10/05, Selectperson Gauthier seconds, all in favor, motion passes.

Selectperson Scalley notes that there were some corrections that need to be made on the last MS-535. Selectperson Mills moves to approve the MS-535, Selectperson Gauthier seconds, all in favor, motion passes.

-WATER WARRANT-Jean Monahan Stapleton
Selectperson Mills makes a motion to approve the water warrant, Selectperson Gauthier seconds, all in favor, motion passes.

Selectperson Gauthier asks the question if we should budget for this position to have this position in the future.
Selectperson Scalley states that he remembers in the past that it would have to go into a warrant article, he also states that he is not opposed to this position.
Selectperson Mills questions if we are looking for a town manager or a town administrator because they are very different positions. He states he will do some research first before they go into legal.
Selectperson Scalley states that if we do find out we need a warrant we will need it by the end of December.
Selectperson Mills agrees to this and projects the end of November.

Selectperson Scalley states that we got a break down from the Fire Chief on his detail rate.
Which matches what was proposed by the Police Chief.
Selectperson Gauthier states that the apparatus rate is low, and Selectperson Mills agrees.
Selectperson Mills states that we can ask the Chief and see if he would like to increase that section.

Selectperson Scalley states that All Demo was at the property today and took 20 samples and they will get results by the end of next week.

Selectperson Gauthier states that the draft was sent to Dean, and we are just waiting for his response, which then will be submitted to the school board and board of education.

Selectperson Mills sates he is still working on this.

Selectperson Scalley recuses himself from this discussion.
Selectperson Mills states that the town attorneys had made some corrections on the previous one from last meeting.
Selectperson Mills moves that they approve the amended sales and agreement, Selectperson Gauthier seconds, all in favor, motion passes.

Elke states that she still has some responses she is waiting for in regards to open grants.

Greg Hogan announces that the transfer station has found a new hire who will be starting on Thursday.

-Elke states that she received a message from OneSource looking to schedule a time to move around some hardware with our cameras.
Imre Szauter states that he spoke with them today and they are scheduled to come out on Friday to make the adjustments.

-Selectperson Mills notes that we had a resident complain today about a dip in his driveway from the new paving at 250 Woodcrest Lane.
Selectperson Scalley asks Greg Hogan to take a look at this.
Greg Hogan states that he will address it.

-Selectperson Scalley states that the shoulders on Little River Road have not been finished because they were not a part of Central Paving’s contract, he states that the town is still working on this. He also notes that they need to work together to find the funds for the gravel and renting the shoulder machine.
Selectperson Scalley ask Greg Hogan how long he thinks this process might take.
Greg Hogan states about a week.
Selectperson Scalley states that the price for the shoulder machine is $300.00/day and approximately 1000 yards of gravel is needed.
Selectperson Mills questions if this is just Little River or if it is Woodcrest also.
Selectperson Scalley states both.
Selectperson Mills asks when this is starting.
Greg Hogan states that tomorrow they will be starting.
Selectperson Scalley is worried that they will not have enough in the budget for this, he questions the Lights budget, because we have spent quite a bit less.
Selectperson Mills questions how the lights are metered.
Imre states that they are tariffed.
Selectperson Scalley states that Greg’s line may go over when this is done, and would like the Board to keep that in mind when they see budgets.
Greg Hogan questions the price difference between three quarter and inch and a half gravel.
Selectperson Scalley states that three quarter is more, and Central Paving advised the town to use inch and a half, which he also states meets DOT regulations.
Selectperson Scalley reiterates that Central Paving will be using their shoulder machine and will be billing the town, while DS Contracting will be providing their skid steer at no cost to the town.
Greg Hogan adds that this is a huge savings to the town, a smoking deal. Greg was not able to get the full numbers yet from Central Paving on what have it would cost the town for them to do the entire project.
Selectperson Mills requests that Greg get that amount from Central Paving so that we can make it available to the public and show the savings.
Greg Hogan is agreeable to this.

-Imre Szauter reiterates again that OneSource will be here Friday to work on our cameras.
He also notes that Ricci constrictions will be here tomorrow to start on the exterior items. Additionally, he notes that our contracted HVAC service will be at the town buildings tomorrow to conduct their semi annual major maintenance, which will address the modine heaters, boilers, cleaning, inspecting etc.
Selectperson Mills asks for an elaboration on this. He notes that we are paying $7000 a year for four inspections because it is a very thorough inspection process. He also wants to clarify that the our town employees do not hold the skill sets to perform this job.
Imre agrees, and adds that there are also very specific pieces of equipment that are used for these inspections that the town does not have. Additionally there are certain certifications and licenses that these companies hold, which our town employees to do not have. Imre also notes that we have an emergency service as a part of this contract as well, if we have an outage or failure, they will be here to fix.
Selectperson Scalley states that is is hard to find people to do this line of work, so were are very fortunate to have this contract.
Greg Hogan also notes that to have someone who is not well-trained working on this type of equipment can cost the town additionally expenses, and exceed what it costs just to maintain these major appliances.

-Selectperson Gauthier brings to our attention that the Rec Area will be holding Trunk of Treat October 23rd from 2:00pm to 4:00pm at no cost to the town.


Public meeting will adjourn at 8:47 pm.

Selectperson Scalley made a motion to go into non-public session at 8:52 pm per RSA 91-A:3, Legal and Personnel, Selectperson Gauthier seconds, all in favor, motion poses.

Selectperson Mills made a motion to return to public session and seal the minutes of the non-public session at 9:36pm selectperson Gauthier seconds, all in favor, motion passes.

Selectperson Mills made a motion to adjourn the public meeting at 9:36pm, selectperson Gauthier second, all in favor, motion passes.