Selectboard Meeting Minutes

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Minutes of 1/4/2022

January 7th, 2022

Carroll Board of Selectmen
Meeting Minutes
January 4, 2022

“These minutes of the Town of Carroll Select Board have been recorded by its Secretary. Though believed to be accurate and correct they are subject to additions, deletions and corrections by the Select Board at its next meeting when the Board votes its final approval of the minutes. They are being made available at this time to conform to the requirements of New Hampshire RSA 91-A:2.”

Minutes recorded by Heather Brown, Secretary
Board Members: David Scalley, Ken Mills, and Robert Gauthier

Members of the Public: Tadd Bailey, Imre Szauter, Jeff Duncan, Mike Rouillard, Art Nicholson, Mike Hogan

The meeting was called to order at 5:00 p.m. by Chairperson Scalley.

Pledge of Allegiance.

At 5:01 p.m., Chairperson Scalley made a motion to go into non-public session per RSA 91-A:3 contracts. The motion was seconded by Selectperson Gauthier and polled; Gauthier-AYE, Mills-AYE, Scalley-AYE.

At 6:12 p.m. Chairperson Scalley made a motion to return to public session and seal the minutes. Selectperson Gauthier seconded and the motion passed unanimously.

APPROVAL of 12/28/2021 MINUTES – Selectperson Mills motioned to approve the 12/28/2021 minutes as written; Selectperson Gauthier seconded. Discussion-none. Gauthier-AYE, Mills-AYE, Scalley-AYE.

APPROVAL & SIGNING OF MANIFESTS – Board confirmed that they had all signed.

THANK YOU LETTER TO LOWE’S – Chairperson Scalley explained that Lowe’s graciously donated the fencing and stakes that were used at the sledding hill at the Town Hall. The Board reviewed the letter expressing our appreciation to them for helping on short notice and donating the materials for free. Chairperson Scalley also asked the Board’s permission to include a picture with the letter as well, also noting he had the parents’ permission already. The Board fully agreed and Scalley signed the letter as the Chairperson. Selectperson’s Gauthier and Mills thanked Scalley for all the work he did with getting everything taken care of in a short amount of time so the hill could be used.

DRIVEWAY PERMIT: DENHAM – The Board reviewed the driveway permit for Denham 410-005-000-002. Selectperson Mills motioned to approve and sign the driveway permit for Denham; Selectperson Gauthier seconded. Discussion-none. Gauthier-AYE, Mills-AYE, Scalley-AYE.

NORTH COUNTRY COUNCIL 2022 MEMBERSHIP – The Board reviewed an invoice from North Country Council for 2022 membership renewal. Discussion regarding membership in the past, noting last year the membership was not renewed either.

Discussion regarding the Master Plan. Mike Hogan informed the Board that when he was on the Planning Board, they had decided to review each section of the Master Plan on a yearly basis, to keep up with it, however he is not sure if that is still happening. Discussion regarding the Master Plan line item in the budget, noting that it is part of the Planning Board. The Planning Board’s budget presented earlier in the budget process indicated that their recommendation was not to do it, as the line is $0 for this year.

The Board all agreed to not renew membership for 2022.

BUDGET DISCUSSIONS INCLUDING POTENTIAL CHANGES – The Board discussed Rena Vecchio’s request from last week asking for money to be put in the budget for banners for the 250th Anniversary. Chairperson Scalley explained that he had reached out to Rena after the last meeting with contact information to a website to help Rena with estimating a cost of banners, noting he quickly looked and the price range was $70-$250, depending on the size and design. Scalley also stated that he was not sure what exactly Rena was looking for in terms of the banners (design, size, one or two sided, where they would be displayed, etc.). Vecchio was not in attendance, but the Board acknowledged an email she sent this afternoon, noting that she did not have any pricing. The Board also acknowledged two years ago there was $10,000 added to the 250th budget for the Anniversary and that the 250th account currently has almost $13,000 in it and is unsure of what that money is being used for. The Board agreed that they would not be adding any money to the line for banners, as there was not any information provided, as far as an idea of what was needed, and to leave the line as is.

The Board also acknowledged that there has been discussion of the Select Board’s pay for the 2022 budget, noting the increase, but further explained that if a warrant article for a Town Manager/Town Administrator was approved, the current Board agreed that they would go back to the same rates as last year ($2,100 for the Chair, and $1,800 each for the other two Selectmen). The Board also reminded the public that there could be a new Selectperson after March and it would that Board’s decision then on what they wanted to do regarding the rates.

PT OFFICER PAY (BAILEY) – Chairperson Scalley explained that that the current rate for part-time officers is $20/hr. and Chief Bailey is recommending the rate be increased to $21/hr., Chief Bailey confirmed, as well as the increase would not increase the line item in his budget (line 103).

Discussion regarding part-time officers, incentives, surrounding towns rates, and the rate being the same for several years.

The Board agreed that the rate should be increased from $20/hr. to $25/hr., noting that part-time officers do not get benefits.

NORTH COUNTRY FIRE 2022 MUTUAL AID CONTRACT – The Board reviewed the contract. Selectperson Mills motioned to approve and sign the North Country Fire 2022 Mutual Aid Contract; Selectperson Gauthier seconded. Discussion-none. Gauthier-AYE, Mills-AYE, Scalley-AYE.

TAX DEEDED PROPERTIES: 422 ROUTE 3N & 97 LITTLE RIVER RD – Selectperson Mills reviewed the status with St. Jean’s Auctioneers, noting the auction date has been set for Friday February 11th, 2022 at 12:00 p.m. (97 Little River Rd) and 1:00 p.m. (422 Rte. 3 N). If there is severe weather on the 11th, the auction would be on Saturday, February 12th, same times.

SCHOOL WITHDRAWAL – Selectperson Gauthier reminded everyone that SAU 36 filed for reconsideration and the hearing is on January 13th in Concord.

CLEANERS – The Board received a bid this morning and reviewed. The Board agreed that they would like to discuss more in depth in non-public. The Board also confirmed that if a decision was made, they would come out of non-public and vote, if a decision is not made it will continue to be advertised.

Selectperson Gauthier discussed the need for a Town Manager/Town Administrator, noting the differences between the two. The Board agreed that the position would be for a Town Manager. Discussion regarding interest from a member of the public doing a petitioned warrant article for a Town Manager. The Board agreed that they would like to generate a warrant article for the Town Manager position with a salary not to exceed $120,000, in the event that the petitioned warrant article did not come forward. Selectperson Gauthier volunteered to work with legal to get the logistics worked out for the warrant article.

Discussion regarding surrounding towns who have town managers. Discussion regarding doing the position as a warrant article and the people determine by vote. Discussion regarding the retention of the same person being in the Town Manager position vs. the yearly change of the Select Board.

Chairperson Scalley followed up on the discussion from last week regarding the smart tv for the community room, noting after talking with the vendor there is a shortage of chips and they are not expecting chips until at least June/July. The Board decided not to pursue the smart tv this year.

The next Select Board meeting will be Tuesday January 11th, 2022 starting at 5:30 p.m., followed by the Bond Public Hearing at 6:00 p.m., and the Budget Public Hearing at 6:30 p.m.

At 7:03 p.m., Chairperson Scalley made a motion to go into non-public session per RSA 91-A:3 II legal and personnel. The motion was seconded by Selectperson Gauthier and polled; Gauthier-AYE, Mills-AYE, Scalley-AYE.

At 7:33 p.m. Chairperson Scalley made a motion to return to public session and seal the minutes. Selectperson Mills seconded. Roll Call Vote: Mills-AYE, Gauthier-AYE, Scalley-AYE.

Selectperson Gauthier stated that he had to leave and was participating via phone so they would be doing a roll call vote.

Selectperson Mills made a motion to hire Kalei Greenlaw as the new cleaner for the Town of Carroll, pending a background check. The motion was seconded by Selectperson Gauthier. Roll Call Vote: Mills-AYE, Gauthier-AYE, Scalley-AYE.

Chairperson Scalley made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Selectperson Mills seconded. Roll Call Vote: Mills-AYE, Gauthier-AYE, Scalley-AYE; and the motion passed unanimously. Chairperson Scalley declared the meeting ended at 7:42 p.m.