Selectboard Meeting Minutes

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Minutes of 1/25/2022

February 1st, 2022

Carroll Board of Selectmen
Meeting Minutes
January 25, 2022

“These minutes of the Town of Carroll Select Board have been recorded by its Secretary. Though believed to be accurate and correct they are subject to additions, deletions and corrections by the Select Board at its next meeting when the Board votes its final approval of the minutes. They are being made available at this time to conform to the requirements of New Hampshire RSA 91-A:2.”

Minutes recorded by Heather Brown, Secretary
Board Members: David Scalley, Ken Mills, and Robert Gauthier

Members of the Public: Tadd Bailey, Imre Szauter, Bobbi Amirault, Verne Amirault, Mike Gooden, Rena Vecchio, Jeff Duncan

The meeting was called to order at 5:00 p.m. by Chairperson Scalley.

Pledge of Allegiance.

APPROVAL of 1/18/2022 SELECT BOARD MINUTES – Selectperson Mills motioned to approve the 1/18/2022 Select Board minutes as written; Selectperson Gauthier seconded. Discussion-none. Gauthier-AYE, Mills-AYE, Scalley-AYE.

APPROVAL of 1/20/2022 SELECT BOARD MINUTES – Selectperson Mills motioned to approve the 1/20/2022 Select Board minutes as written; Selectperson Gauthier seconded. Discussion-none. Gauthier-AYE, Mills-AYE, Scalley-AYE.

APPROVAL & SIGNING OF MANIFESTS – The Board all confirmed they had signed.

SUPERVISOR OF THE CHECKLIST OATH OF OFFICE (VECCHIO) – The Board reviewed the oath of office for William Vecchio, year term March 2022. Selectperson Mills motioned to approve and sign the supervisor of the checklist oath of office for Vecchio; Selectperson Gauthier seconded. Discussion-none. Gauthier-AYE, Mills-AYE, Scalley-AYE.

2022 MS-DTB – The Board reviewed the 2022 MS-DTB (Default Budget) for $2,440,365. Selectperson Mills motioned to approve and sign the 2022 MS-DTB; Selectperson Gauthier seconded. Discussion-none. Gauthier-AYE, Mills-AYE, Scalley-AYE.

2022 MS-636 – The Board reviewed the 2022 MS-636 (Proposed Budget) for $2,782,757. Selectperson Mills motioned to approve and sign the 2022 MS-636; Selectperson Gauthier seconded. Discussion-none. Gauthier-AYE, Mills-AYE, Scalley-AYE.

2022 WARRANT – The Board reviewed the 2022 Warrant (2022 warrant articles). Selectperson Mills motioned to approve and sign the 2022 Warrant; Selectperson Gauthier seconded. Discussion-none. Gauthier-AYE, Mills-AYE, Scalley-AYE.

Rena Vecchio asked how many warrant articles there were this year. The secretary responded 30.

2022 CAI TAX MAP MAINTENANCE – The Board reviewed the CAI tax map maintenance proposal. Discussion regarding CAI no longer doing 911 mapping. The Board would like to table this until the next meeting, after reviewing the previous year’s contract.

2022 AMERIGAS CONTRACT – The Board reviewed the AmeriGas contract. Chairperson Scalley explained that in speaking with AmeriGas, the rate they are providing is from 1/1/2022 to 12/31/2022, noting they have agreed to credit us for the difference from 12/1/2021 to 12/25/2021 for any propane purchased, once the contract is signed. Selectperson Mills motioned to approve and sign the AmeriGas contract; Selectperson Gauthier seconded. Discussion-none. Gauthier-AYE, Mills-AYE, Scalley-AYE.

TAX DEEDED PROPERTIES: 422 ROUTE 3N & 97 LITTLE RIVER RD – Chairperson Scalley explained that he had been in contact with Greg Hogan about plowing both properties prior to the open house and the auctions. The Board announced that the open house at the properties is this Friday 1/28/2022 from 1:00pm to 3:00pm. Selectperson Mills made the Board aware that there needs to be a Selectperson at each of the properties, as requested by St. Jean’s. Discussion regarding the open house. Chairperson Scalley confirmed that he would be at 422 Route 3 North and Selectperson Mills confirmed he would be at 97 Little River Road.

SCHOOL WITHDRAWAL – Selectperson Gauthier stated that there is a School Withdrawal Committee meeting tonight at 6:00pm, following the Select Board Meeting.


Selectperson Gauthier wanted to make the Board aware that he would be out of Town for the next few days.

Chairperson Scalley inquired about the snowmobile club, noting that they have meetings every month on the 3rd Thursday in the Community Room. This past Thursday, there was no meeting, but believes that no one was notified. The Board asked the secretary to reach out to the snowmobile club to find out if the club still needs the use of the Community Room for their monthly meetings or if they are having their meetings elsewhere.

Fire Chief Jeff Duncan announced that Josh Basnar completed the advanced abbreviated EMT course and is now a nationally registered EMT. The Fire Chief also wanted to thank the Police Chief with coordinating the availability for Basnar to take the course. The Fire Chief explained that the course is normally 4-5 months, but was completed in 3 weeks.

The Board thanked both Chief’s for coordinating their schedules so Basnar could take the course.

Discussion regarding recognizing Basnar for completing the intense course. Chief Baily explained that he already had something started for recognition, through the awards program on behalf of the PD. Bailey explained that once it’s generated, he would share with the Select Board for presentation approval. The Board thanked Chief Bailey.

The Board reiterated that it’s a huge accomplishment for the Town, the departments, and Basnar, further commending him for completing the intense and advanced course.

Discussion regarding the desire to continue recognizing anyone who succeeds with training on behalf of the Town, moving forward.

Chief Duncan explained that they do the advanced abbreviated course every 3-4 months, further noting that it is intense and the person needs to be very dedicated.

Rena Vecchio asked if the line for the 250th Anniversary Celebration in the budget was left open, because she was not able to attend the budget hearing, nor had no other information from the vendors she reached out to at the time. The Board confirmed that it was not left open because there was no money added to the line this year, noting nothing was presented from the previous conversation on banners. Discussion regarding banners and vendors and money still in the account. Chairperson Scalley explained that the line is in the Rec. Budget, but has its own specific line and if Vecchio would like to add money to it, it would have to be done a deliberative session. Vecchio acknowledged and further confirmed that she has spoken to a vendor who is interested in doing the banners.

The next Select Board meeting will be Tuesday, February 1st, 2022 starting at 5:00 p.m.

At 5:37 p.m., Chairperson Scalley made a motion to go into non-public session per RSA 91-A:3 II
legal and personnel. The motion was seconded by Selectperson Mills and polled; Mills-AYE,
Gauthier-AYE, Scalley-AYE.

At 5:57 p.m. Selectperson Mills made a motion to return to public session and seal the minutes.
The motion was seconded by Selectperson Gauthier seconded and polled; Mills-AYE,
Gauthier-AYE, Scalley-AYE. The motion passed unanimously.

Selectperson Mills made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Selectperson Gauthier seconded. Mills-AYE, Gauthier-AYE, Scalley-AYE; and the motion passed unanimously. Chairperson Scalley declared the meeting ended at 5:58 p.m.