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Minutes of 3/3/2022

March 10th, 2022

Planning Board Minutes of 3/3/2022

Town of Carroll Planning Board
Meeting Minutes
March 3, 2022
7 PM

“These minutes of the Town of Carroll Planning Board have been recorded by its Secretary. Though believed to be accurate and correct, they are subject to additions, deletions, and corrections by the Planning Board at its next meeting when the Board votes its final approval of the minutes. They are being made available at this time to conform to the requirements of New Hampshire RSA 91-A:2.”

Planning Board Members present: Vice Chairperson Austin Alvarez, Brian Mycko, Donna Foster, Tom Godfrey and Selectmen’s Representative, David Scalley. Chairperson Alex Foti called into the meeting remotely. Julie Rosebery was present after approval of the 2-3-2022 meeting minutes.

Public present: Mr. Jacob Burgess, Ms. Clare Humber, Mr. Tom Hildreth, and Mr. Chris Ellms.

Minutes were taken by Tom Godfrey.

1. The meeting was called to order by Vice Chairperson, Austin Alvarez, at 7:00 PM, noting that we have a quorum.

2. Austin led in the Pledge of Allegiance.

3. The minutes of the February 3, 2022 meeting were approved unamimously with one abstention (Brian Mycko, who was not present) on a motion by Dave Scalley, seconded by Donna Foster.

4. Old Business: Jacob Burgess, representing Gene and Tina Lennon, presented updates to a Minor Subdivision Application on Lennon Road in Carroll, NH, Map 407, Lot 010. Mr. Burgess distributed plans revised to delineate wetland locations, display proposed driveways, and indicate zoning designation. Mr. Burgess indicated that the driveway permit application is underway with the state DOT and is still pending; the road agent and fire chief have yet to be contacted. The Twin Mountain snowmobile club has been contacted in consideration of the existing trail on Lot 10.1 of the proposed subdivision. Mr. Mycko, speaking as club president, indicated that it appears that relocating the trail will be necessary. Dave Scalley asked whether any prior driveways existed to serve the lot. Mr. Burgess indicated that any prior driveways had been temporary only and indicated in further discussion that they are seeking state approval of two driveways on Lennon Road. Access to a buildable site on Lot 10.2 will require that a brook be bridged at an existing narrow point which appeared possible to Brian Mycko and Jacob Burgess. Mr. Burgess pointed out that evaluation of bridging the brook was outside the scope of his firm’s involvement in the project. Further discussion centered on the buildability of the two proposed lots and the impact of wet soil conditions and the prior existence of a dump on lot 10.1. Mr. Burgess indicated that considerable efforts had been made to remediate the prior dump near the center of the five-acre lot 10.1 and that the likely building site would not be near that location. Mr. Burgess estimated that for the five-acre lot 10.1 approximately four acres are dry and that for the twenty-acre lot 10.2 approximately five acres are dry. Brian Mycko and Dave Scalley on separate occasions reiterated the importance that lots are not approved by the Town of Carroll that later be determined unbuildable. Austin Alvarez read aloud two emails received from an abutter, Colin Sherry, 531 Lennon Road. The letters express Mr. Sherry’s concern about the wetlands and stream; in particular Mr. Sherry notes that proposed access to lot 10.2 requires crossing the stream and that that should be done with minimal impact (not by altering the stream with a culvert, for example) – a bridge will be required and issues with possible run off and overbank conditions must be addressed. Mr. Burgess agreed that a bridge will be the proper approach and that he believes the banks are likely sufficient to support a bridge, but again, an engineering firm is required to properly site and design the crossing, but he is confident that an acceptable location can be found for a bridge on the lot. Dave Scalley made a motion that the subdivision be approved with two conditions: that both lots are percable and that the state approves both driveways. Brian Mycko seconded the motion and the motion passed unamimously.

5. Omni Mount Washington Resort – Sprung Building permit discussion. Tom Hildreth, McLean Middleton, representing Omni, requested that Alex Foti recuse himself from the discussion. Mr. Hildreth respectfully provided copies supporting his motion for recusal with attachments. Before Vice Chair Alvarez could read the motion, Alex Foti agreed to recuse himself from the discussion. Mr. Hildreth pointed out that the five-year extension granted by the board in 2018 did not contain a condition that Omni appear before the board after three years with a plan for a permanent replacement of the Sprung building. This is a misunderstanding caused by a remark in the minutes of the 2018 board meeting where Chris Ellms indicates his desire to be back with a plan in three years’ time. Tom Hildreth distributed a chart detailing appearance before the board regarding the Alpine Club “Sprung Building” site plan. Mr. Hildreth indicated that the three-year initial permit granted in the initial site plan review in 2007 was self-imposed due to the owner’s desire at the time to return with a plan to erect a traditional permanent structure in a short time. Mr. Hildreth recounted events starting with the 2008 recession, ensuing real estate market volatility, bankruptcies, changes in ownership and management, and finally the covid pandemic have conspired to delay replacement of the structure. It was noted that the structure itself has an estimated life of forty years and is currently fifteen years old. Clare Humber, SE Group (formerly Sno Engineering) presented a brief overview of options in Omni’s current planning of “phase 2” improvements which they commenced in fall of 2021. “Phase 1” is the recently completed hotel expansion, gondola, and Rosebrook Lodge, totaling $ 60 M. Phase 2 is a complete re-development of the base of the ski area. They expect to have completed their re-development plans by this summer and get ownership approval by the end of 2022. The re-development will include a permanent home for the Alpine Club. Omni expects to be back before the planning board in 2023 with a site plan for re-development of base area. Discussion ensued about extension of the permit for the Sprung building. Ultimately it was considered that action on an extension of the Sprung building permit can wait until a year from now when better insight will be available as to timing of the base area re-development effort.

6. Adjourn: The meeting was adjourned at 8:12 PM by Vice Chair Alvarez

Respectfully submitted, Tom Godfrey