Selectboard Meeting Minutes

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Minutes of 5/3/2022

May 9th, 2022

Carroll Board of Selectmen
Meeting Minutes
May 3, 2022

“These minutes of the Town of Carroll Select Board have been recorded by its Secretary. Though believed to be accurate and correct they are subject to additions, deletions and corrections by the Select Board at its next meeting when the Board votes its final approval of the minutes. They are being made available at this time to conform to the requirements of New Hampshire RSA 91-A:2.”

Minutes recorded by Heather Brown, Secretary
Board Members: David Scalley, Ken Mills, and Robert Gauthier

Members of the Public: Brian Mycko, Bonnie Moroney, Karen Moran, Imre Szauter, Tadd Bailey, Greg Hogan, Evan Karpf, Jeff Duncan

The meeting was called to order at 5:02 p.m. by Chairperson Scalley.

Pledge of Allegiance.

APPROVAL of 4/19/2022 SELECT BOARD MINUTES – Selectperson Mills motioned to approve the 4/19/2022 Select Board minutes as written; Selectperson Gauthier seconded. Discussion-none. All in favor: Mills-AYE, Gauthier-AYE, Scalley-AYE.

APPROVAL of 4/26/2022 SELECT BOARD MINUTES – Selectperson Mills motioned to approve the 4/26/2022 Select Board minutes as written; Selectperson Gauthier seconded. Discussion-none. All in favor: Mills-AYE, Gauthier-AYE, Scalley-AYE.

APPROVAL & SIGNING OF MANIFESTS – The Board confirmed they had signed.

PURPLE HEART (MILLS) – Selectperson Mills updated the Board that he has been in communication with Tara Giles of the Coos County Democrat and trying to coordinate a media event. Mills further explained that he was thinking of having the Road Agent, Mike & Dianne Hogan, Nate Smith and a Select Board member, as well as have a synopsis of what the Town did. This would identify the Town of Carroll as a Purple Heart Community and promote other communities to consider, noting Carroll is one of the few in the North Country. Mills confirmed that he would continue working out the logistics and keep the Board updated, noting the event would probably be a week day and not a weekend

DRIVEWAY PERMIT (KLEIN; 405-002-000-002) – The Board reviewed the driveway permit. Selectperson Mills made a motion to approve and sign the driveway permit for Klein. The motion was seconded by Selectperson Gauthier. Discussion-none. All in favor: Mills-AYE, Gauthier-AYE, Scalley-AYE.

DRIVEWAY PERMITS / ASPHALT APRONS (SCALLEY) – Chairperson Scalley explained that with getting the roads paved, he spoke with Greg Hogan approximately a week ago, and in discussion the idea of adding to the Town’s driveway permit application, that if there is not an apron going from the current road to a new driveway, make that a requirement to the applicant, noting there are going to be some driveways that are not going to have aprons because they are still undeveloped lots. This would stop trucks going over it during construction and breaking the edge of the roads. Scalley and Hogan agreed that the apron would need to be 2-feet and paved, noting currently they only make a gravel base, so it’s flush with the road. Scalley asked for the Boards feedback on adding the requirement to the driving permit. Discussion regarding the process and that it would only apply to new driveway permits, requiring the homeowner to put the apron in, which would protect the Town’s roads. Greg Hogan explained that they would need to talk to some paving companies to see what the approx. cost would be to the applicant, noting the expense the Town has put into the roads, but didn’t want to move forward until there was feedback from the Board. The Board felt that it was going in the right direction and all agreed to look into the cost to have an idea if this was an option, but protecting the Town’s roads is vital. Scalley confirmed that with the new roads going in, any existing driveway would get an apron cut, as that is included with the cost of new roads and the proposed revision to the driveway permit would only be for new/undeveloped lots. Scalley confirmed that Greg would get more information in regards to pricing from asphalt companies and follow up with the Board. There was no comment from the public on this topic.

NO PARKING SIGNS, ROUTE 3 NORTH (KARPF) – Evan Karpf explained that his intent to prevent serious injury, to what he sees as a simple fix. Karpf re-reviewed his findings that were discussed at the last week’s Select Board meeting. Karpf is asking the Board to consider putting up the “no parking” signs on Route 3 North by Yaya’s, so trucks do not block the view from the entrance/exits of vehicles pulling out onto Route 3 resulting in accidents.

Chairperson Scalley and Selectperson Mills both explained that they spoke with Yaya’s and confirmed that they consistently tell the trucks to move if they seem them parked where they should not be.

Chairperson Scalley read correspondence that was received from a State Traffic Engineer/Administrator regarding “on street parking concerns, US 3 North of US 302” that was received August 5, 2020:
“Dear Board of Selectmen,
I was contacted by Mr. Evan Karpf, resident of Carroll, who shared his
concern with the number of tractor trailers that he has seen parked along US Route 3,
north of US Route 302, near the US Post Office and deli/convenience store. Mr. Karpf
noted that he has seen multiple traffic trailers parked near the driveways in this area
so that traffic exiting cannot see or be seen by vehicles on US Route 3.
I explained to Mr. Karpf that this is a fairly common occurrence that is driven
by the lack of locations, especially in the more rural parts of the state, for trucks to safely pull off of the road in order to take required breaks, stop for coffee or a bite to eat, and/or use a rest room.
I also explained that the NHDOT protocol for installing new NO PARKING signs is that the requests need to come from the local governing body as they are the entity that would then be required to enforce the regulation. I also explained that in the past, the NHDOT would install NO PARKING signs in this type of location at the request of the local police department or state maintenance personnel only to have business owners reach out to their selectmen and/or state representatives to express concern about the impact to their business. I noted that this is why the NHDOT requires that the request come from the local governing body.
I agreed to reach out to you to make you aware of his concern and to ask that you consider requesting a parking regulation in this area.”
Further discussion regarding the signs, including, enforcement, liability, responsibility of maintaining. Chief Bailey explained that people can park roadside, and when told to move along everyone does so, he also confirmed there have been no accidents in that specific area. Karen Moran voiced her concern about the way the “no parking” signs would be interpreted and suggested looking into a softer way of signage, because she feels the sign would give off a “not welcome” feeling to the Town.

Selectperson Mills explained that he understands the threat, as well as Karen Moran’s point and suggested the Board contact the State to discuss and find a balance for all parties involved. The Board agreed and Selectperson Mills volunteered to be the point on this topic and would communicate with the State to get further information.

MS-60A, 2022 – The Board reviewed the MS-60A. Selectperson Mills made a motion to approve and sign the MS-60A. The motion was seconded by Selectperson Gauthier. Discussion-none. All in favor: Mills-AYE, Gauthier-AYE, Scalley-AYE.

APPALACHIAN MOUNTAIN CLUB LIQUOR LICENSE EXTENSION – The Board reviewed the extension for the following dates: July 9th, July 23rd, August 6th, and August 20th. Selectperson Mills made a motion to approve and sign the Appalachian Mountain Club liquor license extension. The motion was seconded by Selectperson Gauthier. Discussion-none. All in favor: Mills-AYE, Gauthier-AYE, Scalley-AYE.

INTENT TO EXCAVATE 2022-2023 (PIKE; 4 LOTS) – The Board reviewed the four intents to excavate for Pike Industries, Inc. The lots include: 203-005-000-000, 204-003-000-000, 204-005-000-000, and 416-022-000-000. Selectperson Mills made a motion to approve and sign the four intents to excavate for Pike Industries, Inc. The motion was seconded by Selectperson Gauthier. Discussion-none. All in favor: Mills-AYE, Gauthier-AYE, Scalley-AYE.

VETERAN’S EXEMPTION (CHARRON—reapply spouse) – The Board reviewed the veteran’s exemption. Selectperson Mills made a motion to approve and sign the veteran’s exemption for Charron. The motion was seconded by Selectperson Gauthier. Discussion-none. All in favor: Mills-AYE, Gauthier-AYE, Scalley-AYE.


CLEAN-UP DAY RESCHEDULED TO SATURDAY MAY 14th – Chairperson Scalley announced that Clean-Up Day is going to be on Saturday, May 14th, meet at the Fire Station at 9:00am. Chief Bailey wanted to also note that if anyone finds needles, drug paraphernalia, or anything questionable while out picking up, to give the Police Department a call and they will come take care of it.

TOWN REVAL (MILLS) – Selectperson Mills wanted to make it known that this is the Town’s reval year and there are going to be assessors out driving around assessing properties, as well as the DRA. Mills also reassured the public that both the assessors and DRA officials do wear badges and/or apparel so they can be easily identified.

MEMORIAL DAY PARADE (DUNCAN/MORAN) – Karen Moran explained that there is a parade planned for Memorial Day, noting that if anyone wants to participate to please meet here at 10:30am on May 30th. Moran also explained that they are looking for a Reverend to do a blessing. Moran explained that she was not sure if the parade was going all the way over to the cemetery. Moran noted that there is also a BBQ at the Fire Station following the parade and highlighted that there was money in the budget for Patriotic purposes, and if it went over the budgeted amount the Fire Department Auxiliary would fund the difference.

TAX LIEN ABATEMENT (KELVIK) – The Board reviewed the tax lien. Selectperson Mills made a motion to approve and sign the tax lien for Kelvik. The motion was seconded by Selectperson Gauthier. Discussion-none. All in favor: Mills-AYE, Gauthier-AYE, Scalley-AYE.

TAX ABATEMENT (KELVIK) – The Board reviewed the tax abatement. Selectperson Mills made a motion to approve and sign the tax abatement for Kelvik. The motion was seconded by Selectperson Gauthier. Discussion-Karen Moran inquired by the individual was on multiple abatements. Chairperson Scalley explained that the person is deceased. All in favor: Mills-AYE, Gauthier-AYE, Scalley-AYE.

TAX ABATEMENT (KELVIK & SLOAN) – The Board reviewed the tax abatement. Selectperson Mills made a motion to approve and sign the tax abatement for Kelvik and Sloan. The motion was seconded by Selectperson Gauthier. Discussion-none. All in favor: Mills-AYE, Gauthier-AYE, Scalley-AYE.

WATER WARRANT (16 BEAR DEN TWIN MOUNTAIN LLC & COLANGELO) – The Board reviewed the water warrant. Selectperson Mills made a motion to accept and sign the water warrant for the aforementioned entities. The motion was seconded by Selectperson Gauthier. Discussion-none. All in favor: Mills-AYE, Gauthier-AYE, Scalley-AYE.

GAUTHIER RESIGNATION DISCUSSION (GAUTHIER) – Chairperson Scalley explained that the Board received a letter from Selectperson Gauthier this afternoon and proceeded to read the letter to the public. The letter is request to extend Gauthier’s resignation to May 14, 2022, as he would still be in Twin Mountain until that date, due to the moving process and further allowing him to attend the May 11th apportionment committee meeting for WMRSD. ***A copy of this letter is attached to these minutes.

Chairperson Scalley further explained that the Board also received communication from Ben Jellison in regards to the letter that was just read. Scalley read what Jellison had sent:

Good Afternoon All,

I will unfortunately be unable to attend tonight's meeting. I understand that Rob
is going to request an extension to his resignation. If I were able to be there, I would
let the board know that I am supportive of this request as I believe it will lead to
continuity in our quest for separation with the WMRSD. Rob's knowledge of the
process is invaluable and having him attend the meeting on 5/11 is imperative.


Selectperson Mills stated that he was in favor of continuity and Gauthier’s affiliation with the SAU; Mills whole heartedly would accept the offer. Chairperson Scalley stated that he would appreciate Gauthier staying on and being able to represent the Town at the 5/11 apportionment committee meeting for the district, as he is a wealth of information. Scalley asked if there was any discussion from the public before they voted. There was no discussion from the public.

Selectperson Mills made a motion to accept Gauthier’s extension of his resignation letter to be effective 5/14/2022 from May 9th. The motion was seconded by Chairperson Scalley. Discussion-none. All in favor: Mills-AYE, Scalley-AYE, Gauthier-ABSTAIN.

OFFICIAL APPOINTMENT OF A REPRESENTATIVE FOR THE TOWN OF CARROLL TO ATTEND THE NEWLY FORMED NON-RSA DRIVEN COMMITTEE THAT IS MEETING TO DISCUSS WITHDRAWAL (GAUTHIER) – Selectperson Gauthier explained that he crafted a letter in regards to Chris Pappas taking over as the Select Board’s Rep for the School Withdrawal. In discussions with the district, they have been insisting that that it must be a Selectman in attendance to represent the town because of the information needed. Gauthier explained that the apportionment committee is a non-RSA driven committee and a Select Board member should not be mandatory, since at the last meeting there was not information received from any of the Selectmen from other towns. Gauthier explained that the apportionment committee indicated that when Gauthier leaves, they would review the option of the Select Board appointing a representative. Gauthier read the letter that he drafted for tonight.

Selectperson Mills made a motion to sign and submit the letter of appointment for Chris Pappas. The motion was seconded by Selectperson Gauthier. Discussion-none. All in favor: Mills-AYE, Gauthier-AYE, Scalley-AYE. *** A copy of the letter is attached to these minutes.


SCHOOL WITHDRAWAL – Selectperson Gauthier explained that there was a letter sent from our attorney to Chris Bond with the NH Dept. of Education explaining our stance against, for the May 12th meeting. ***A copy of the letter is attached to these minutes and will also be added to the website for public view.

Selectperson Gauthier also updated the Board on communications from Kristen Van Bergen, apportionment committee Chair, noting that she has yet to respond to Gauthier’s reply email of her request to chat to get up to speed and understand Carroll’s point of view.

ROAD BOND – Chairperson Scalley explained that he, Greg Hogan, and the secretary have been working diligently with Bond Counsel. Scalley explained that Bond Counsel suggested that we fill out a form and adopt, noting it is not mandatory or required, but more so recommended by the IRS. Bond Counsel can prepare the documents for a fee of $450 to $750. The Board decided they would further discuss at the next meeting.

250th ANNIVERSARY UPDATE – Nothing new to update at this meeting.


Chief Bailey wanted to thank the Highway Department and the Fire Department for all of their help with the wind storm a couple weeks ago. Bailey noted that both departments were a huge help in assisting the PD with getting roads open quickly.

The next Select Board meeting will be May 10th, 2022 at 5:00 p.m.

At 6:00 p.m., Selectperson Mills made a motion to go into non-public session per RSA 91-A:3 II. The motion was seconded by Selectperson Gauthier and polled; Mills-AYE, Gauthier-AYE, Scalley-AYE.

At 6:50 p.m. Selectperson Mills made a motion to return to public session and seal the minutes. The motion was seconded by Selectperson Gauthier and polled; Mills-AYE, Gauthier-AYE, Scalley-AYE. The motion passed unanimously.

Selectperson Mills made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Selectperson Gauthier seconded. Mills-AYE, Gauthier-AYE, Scalley-AYE; and the motion passed unanimously. Chairperson Scalley declared the meeting ended at 6:50 p.m.

Attachments to 5/3/22 minutes:


Pappas Appointed as SB Rep WMRSD Apportionment Committee

School Withdrawal Update-ToC