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Minutes of 8/4/2022

August 9th, 2022

Planning Board Minutes of 8/4/2022

Town of Carroll Planning Board
Meeting Minutes
August 4, 2022
7 PM

“These minutes of the Town of Carroll Planning Board have been recorded by its Secretary. Though believed to be accurate and correct, they are subject to additions, deletions, and corrections by the Planning Board at its next meeting when the Board votes its final approval of the minutes. They are being made available at this time to conform to the requirements of New Hampshire RSA 91-A:2.”
Planning Board Members present: Chairperson, Alex Foti, Vice Chairperson Austin Alvarez, Donna Foster, Tom Godfrey and Selectmen’s Representative, Brian Mycko. Absent: Rena Vecchio, Alternate Member.
Public present: Gary and Kathy Ravinsky, Mark Vander-Heyden, David Scalley, Jeff Duncan.
Austin Alvarez took minutes.
1. The meeting was called to order by Chairperson, Alex Foti, at 7:00 PM.
2. Alex led in the Pledge of Allegiance.
3. Austin Alvarez was appointed as Acting Secretary for this meeting.
4. The minutes of the July 7, 2022, meeting were reviewed by Tom Godfrey, who noted that the previous minutes posted on the website, had not included comments that were to be posted as an update, prior to the meeting. Tom read the changes from the posted minutes as an update and Donna Foster commented that in addition, the location of a bear-proof dumpster should have been noted as a condition to approval of the application. A discussion ensued, and since copies of the updated minutes were not available for all members, the approval of the minutes was deferred until the September meeting. Tom agreed to update the minutes and have them posted as an updated version.
5. Old Business: Tiny Ventures, LLC, Application Update: Les Apple, Co-Manager of Tiny Ventures LLC, called Austin Alvarez to inform him that, due to a misunderstanding with his support team, he was unable to attend the meeting and would defer his update to the September 1 Planning Board Meeting.
6. Consultation: Gary and Kathy Ravinsky were recognized by Chair Ales Foti to present information on their proposed application for a minor subdivision of Lot 405-005-000-000 at 1277 Old Cherry Mountain Road. Gary had provided a draft survey for Board Member review. He explained that their intention was to subdivide the lot into two equal lots for his children. The lot has an A-frame structure that is currently used as a camp. He noted that his surveyor was Stephen Heyliger of Whitefield. Chair Alex Foti asked him if he had any specific questions and Gary responded that he was working with the surveyor to develop an application for a minor subdivision. Chair Foti agreed that the application for a minor subdivision seemed to be the correct approach, wished him well and noted that his application had to be submitted 21-days prior to the next Planning Board Meeting on September 1, which did not allow much time. Gary said he would take that into account in his planning.
7. Consultation: Mark Vander-Heyden, a surveyor, on behalf of the Shirley Grassie Estate for a subdivision of Lot 410 Parcel 34, presented full size preliminary prints of his work to subdivide the lot to allow access to the rear portion of the lot. He noted that he was working with Eric Grassie, the brother of the deceased, on the 5-acre lot to add details, including the well and septic system. He described the approach to allow access to Lennon Road, a state road, using existing curb cuts, for both portions of the lot. A “hammer head” will be used to allow space for vehicle turnaround on the proposed driveway with the proper frontage requirement. Chair Foti thanked Mark for the information and is anticipating his application in the future.
8. Update on Foster’s Crossroads Status: For Planning Board information, David Scalley presented plans showing a change in location of the building to allow access to existing services for gasoline and propane. He noted that the building was moving several feet and would be recorded on “as-built” drawings. He noted that the Bethlehem Building Inspector will be acting on this project.
9. Other Business: Secretary for Recording Minutes: Austin Alvarez asked if the Select Board Members had hired a part-time Secretary for the Planning Board that could record the minutes. It was suggested that in the meantime, until a Recording Secretary could be hired, a recording device could be used to assist members in the transcription of the meeting minutes. That would be only a stopgap measure, since the Board expects to become busy in the coming months and minute taking could be more intensive, requiring a part-time town employee. It was also suggested that the Select Board may be able to determine if funds are available to hire a Secretary soon. This would be a critical issue to resolve as soon as possible to preclude problems that would interfere with Planning Board activities. Currently, Board Members, Austin Alvarez and Tom Godfrey have shared Acting Secretary duties.
10. Other Business: Food Trucks: Jeff Duncan, Fire Chief, requested guidance from the Planning Board on permits for Food Trucks. In the meantime, because of a lack of a documented process, he has been referring inquiries to the state regulations. A discussion ensued regarding food trucks that have recently operated on town property, private property, and state property. Dave Scalley mentioned that permits are granted by the Select Board for $225/year, but there were no provisions for seasonal or daily permits. Donna Foster questioned whether food trucks on private property represent a change of use. Do Food Trucks have the same regulations as restaurants? Chair Foti suggested that some research from the state and other towns, such as Bethlehem, might yield some pertinent information.
11. Adjourn: The meeting was adjourned at 7:45 PM by Chair Foti on a motion by Brian Mycko, seconded by Austin Alvarez.

Respectfully submitted for Board Member Review, Austin Alvarez