Planning Board Minutes

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Minutes of 10/6/2022

October 20th, 2022

Carroll Town Hall 92 School Street
Twin Mountain, N.H. 03595
Oct 6, 2022
7:00 P.M.

“These minutes of the Town of Carroll Planning Board have been recorded by its Secretary. Though believed to be accurate and correct, they are subject to additions, deletions, and corrections by the Planning Board at its next meeting when the Board votes its final approval of the minutes. They are being made available at this time to conform to the requirements of New Hampshire RSA 91-A:2.”

Planning Board Member Present: Austin Alvarez (Vice Chairman), Tom Godfrey, Alex Foti (Chairperson), Rena Vecchio, Brian Mycko (Select Board Rep.)

Public Present: Gary Ravinski, Cathy Ravinski, Gardner Kellogg, Les Apple, Debra Saunders
Minutes taken by Pam Kathan, Recording Secretary

1. Call Meeting to Order by Alex Foti (Chairperson)
2. Pledge of Allegiance said by all.
3. Approval of Minutes – Alex looking for approval on several sets of minutes.
July 7, 2022: Alex asks if there is a quorum to approve. Yes. Brian makes motion to approve minutes, Rena seconds, all in favor, 4-0 (Alex abstains, not at that meeting).

Aug 4,2022: Brian makes motion to approve, Tom seconds, all in favor, 4-0 (Rena abstains, not at that meeting)

Sep 1, 2022: no quorum, tabled until next meeting

4. Old Business: Tiny Ventures, LLC Application
Gardner Kellogg and Les Apple appear.
Alex Foti recuses himself from this discussion and vote as he has an existing business relationship.

Les Apples asks if the Planning Board received the maps
Austin Alvarez replies “yes”.

Discussion ensues with Planning Board, Kellogg and Apple on the previous meeting conditions that had to be met.

1. Provide documentation supporting the merger of the 2 lots. Information was provided for merger support.

2. Identify the motel basement foundation structure as existing and foundation structure to be retained. Motel basement foundation shown as retained.

3. Snow removal and storage areas to be added to the plan
Snow removal and storage areas to be in the back over grade and in the front.

4. Document approvals. Show distance of proposed sewer system to abutting properties within 200’ – The septic has been approved by the State. Each cabin to have a septic tank which all will flow into a pump tank.

5. Provide information on meeting with the Fire Chief and Road Agent, both okay with plans but signed approval for records will be obtained.

6. Add lighting, signs, natural features and landscaping to the plan. Solar lighting on building entrance, trees and bushes to fill space between cabin and road.

7. There will be a “bear proof” dumpster provided as suggested by Donna Foster at the previous meeting.

8. A sign location has been added and comment by the owner that a large sign would not be appropriate for the location unless parallel to the road, a decision to come later.

Further discussion of waiver for storm drainage and slow release of storm water. Road frontage is insufficient, soil topography has not changed since it was a hotel, it is well drained, no need for this waiver. Fix with Crystal to change to completed.
Some discussion on curb cuts, the State is in agreement with the existing curb cuts.

All contingencies are satisfied, need to see Crystal for finalizing.

Brian makes motion to accept the application with all contingencies satisfied, Tom seconds, all in favor, 5-0.

Austin makes note that there was no public comment.

5. New Application: Gary Ravinski, Minor Subdivision at Map 405, Lot 5
Alex rejoins the meeting conversation and introduces the new application for a subdivision for Gary Ravinski. Gary notes that he did not bring a copy of the map. Planning Board has a small copy that is being gone over for requirement satisfying. Several items such as storm drainage and a sewage proposal are mentioned, but not deemed necessary as it currently has no building. Some discussion on Town or State road, the access, which is shown on the drawing. A future “cabin” may be placed and State approval will have to be obtained. Abutters are present with no objections.

Brian makes motion to accept this minor subdivision as complete. Rena seconds, all in favor, 5-0.

6. Food Truck Regulations – Alex has followed up with Whitefield and Lancaster on food truck regulations finding that Whitefield uses the State Peddler rules and that Lancaster requires a simple application to the Town Manager. Conway which has regulations for food trucks has only one time frame and charges $250, considered expensive. A suggestion of time frame to include 2 weeks per 365-day period. Will need to go to the Select Board for review and decision. If a license is more than 2 weeks there should be a simple consultation with the Planning Board who would have the discretion to decide if a project looked more complicated. There should also be an application designed, and how to enforce time frames for compliance. A specific application with guidelines on time frames. Rena asks if guidance can be sought from NHMA. Further discussion of sporadic use, use at certain events, schedule confirmation. Food trucks are good to have and should be promoted and encouraged with possibly having a designated area and picnic table. It is for certain that an action plan for food trucks be developed and presented before the next summer season begins.

7. Continuation of discussion on timing of approvals –Alex went over timing of approvals and previous discussion amongst board members. If application is not particularly intense that they could approve the application in the same night. Brian makes motion, Tom seconds, all in favor 5-0.

8. All Other Business

Alex brings up budget.
For the Recording Secretary there needs to be a budget.
A Master Plan budget needs to be made, Master Plan is up for review. Perhaps the same person who was involved last time could help. Assistance may also come from the North Country Council and Carroll Conservation Commission.
Question arises about when the Economic Development Commission would begin. Many items to work on, funding, budget, looking for grants and other monies from outside of the town budget.

9. Adjourn
Brian makes motion to adjourn at 7:50pm, Tom seconds, all in favor, 5-0.