Selectboard Meeting Minutes

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Minutes of 2/7/2023

February 10th, 2023

Carroll Board of Selectmen
Meeting Minutes
February 7, 2023

“These minutes of the Town of Carroll Select Board have been recorded by its Secretary. Though believed to be accurate and correct they are subject to additions, deletions and corrections by the Select Board at its next meeting when the Board votes its final approval of the minutes. They are being made available at this time to conform to the requirements of New Hampshire RSA 91-A:2.”

Minutes recorded by Heather Brown, Secretary
Board Members: David Scalley, Ken Mills, Brian Mycko

Members of the Public: Imre Szauter, Bobbi Amirault, Vern Amirault, Mike Gooden, Rena Vecchio

The meeting was called to order at 8:04 p.m. by Chairperson Scalley.

The Board met to vote on amendments at Deliberative Session to warrant articles #2, #17 and #18.

ARTICLE 2 originally had the amount of $2,830,196 for the operating budget, which was increased by $4,000 at the Deliberative Session and will now read:

“Shall the Town of Carroll raise and appropriate as an operating budget, not including appropriations by special warrant articles and other appropriations voted separately, the amounts set forth on the budget posted with the warrant or as amended by vote of the first session, for the purposes set forth therein, totaling $2,834,196?

Should this article be defeated, the default budget shall be $2,807,340, which is the same as last year, with certain adjustments required by previous action of the Town of Carroll or by law; or the governing body may hold one special meeting, in accordance with RSA 40:13, X and XVI, to take up the issue of a revised operating budget only.”

The Board voted on their recommendation – Scalley (yes), Mills (yes), and Mycko (yes).
The Board of Selectmen recommends this appropriation 3-0.

ARTICLE 17 originally requested $39,130 and was increased to $60,000 at Deliberative Session and will now read:

“To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of Sixty Thousand Dollars ($60,000) to offset the Property Inspector-Code Enforcement Officer's salary and expenses with said funds to come from the Planning Special Revenue Fund. No money to be raised by new taxation.”

The Board voted on their recommendation – Scalley (yes), Mills (yes), and Mycko (no).
The Board of Selectmen recommends this appropriation 2-1. No money to be raised by new taxation.

ARTICLE 18 had additional language added at Deliberative Session and will now read:

“To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of Fifteen Thousand Dollars ($15,000) for the purpose of off-setting expenses related to ambulance operations, specifically hospital to hospital medical transfers of the sick and injured, as well as the participation in area Mobile Integrated Health programs, with said funds to come from the Fire Department and Ambulance Equipment, Apparatus and Personnel Special Revenue Fund. No money to be raised by new taxation.”

The Board voted on their recommendation – Scalley (yes), Mills (yes), and Mycko (yes).
The Board of Selectmen recommends this appropriation 3-0. No money to be raised by new taxation.

APPROVAL OF SELECT BOARD MEETING MINUTES 1/18/2023 – Selectperson Mycko motioned to approve the 1/18/2023 Select Board minutes as written; Chairperson Scalley seconded. Discussion-none. Mills-AYE, Scalley-AYE, Mycko-Abstain.

APPROVAL OF SELECT BOARD MEETING MINUTES 2/2/2023 – Selectperson Mycko motioned to approve the 2/2/2023 Select Board minutes as written; Chairperson Scalley seconded. Discussion-none. Mills-AYE, Scalley-AYE, Mycko-AYE.

UPGRADE TO FIBER INTERNET (BWTC) – Selectperson Mycko motioned to move forward with the Bretton Woods Telephone Co. (BWTC) fiber internet upgrade; Selectperson Mills seconded. Discussion-none. Mills-AYE, Scalley-AYE, Mycko-AYE.

ALL VETERANS TAX CREDIT (THOMPSON) – The Board reviewed the All Veterans Tax Credit for Thompson. Selectperson Mycko motioned approve and sign the All Veterans Tax Credit for Thompson; Selectperson Mills seconded. Discussion-none. Mills-AYE, Scalley-AYE, Mycko-AYE.


LAND USE POSITION – The Board indicated that they have received an application and would be conducting an interview soon.

FOOD TRUCK PERMIT FEES – The Board is still reviewing the proposed application from the Planning Board.

CLOCK IN THE COMMUNITY ROOM (AMIRAULT) – Bobbi Amirault approached the Board about purchasing a clock for the Community Room. Discussion regarding battery operated vs. plug-in. The Board was OK with a clock in the Community Room, as long as it is quiet. Selectperson Mycko volunteered to look into a clock that would sync with our network and would follow up at the next meeting in terms of pricing.


Chairperson Scalley commented that Deliberative Session went very well.

Rena Vecchio suggested that the reasoning for the two Veterans Exemption warrant articles be publicized for the public to be aware.

CLEANING TOWN HALL & PUBLIC SAFETY BUILDINGS – The Secretary informed the Board the cleaner had given their notice today and would no longer be cleaning the Town Hall or Public Safety Building. The Board discussed the option of putting a bid out for a cleaner. Imre Szauter suggested the idea of making the cleaning position a part-time employee position and merging the duties with another position like the Land Use Secretary position. Discussion regarding the pros and cons.

Bobbi Amirault thanked Greg Hogan for his Deliberative Session acknowledgement of the recently-repainted Welcome sign.

Discussion regarding the next Select Board meeting and availability.

The next meeting is: February 21, 2023 at 5:00 p.m.

Chairperson Scalley made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Selectperson Mycko seconded. Mycko-AYE, Mills-AYE, Scalley-AYE; and the motion passed unanimously. Chairperson Scalley declared the meeting ended at 8:38 p.m.