Planning Board Minutes

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Minutes of 3/2/2023

March 10th, 2023

Planning Board Minutes of 3/2/2023

Town of Carroll Planning Board
Meeting Minutes
March 2, 2023
7 PM

“These minutes of the Town of Carroll Planning Board have been recorded by its Secretary. Though believed to be accurate and correct, they are subject to additions, deletions, and corrections by the Planning Board at its next meeting when the Board votes its final approval of the minutes. They are being made available at this time to conform to the requirements of New Hampshire RSA 91-A:2.”
Planning Board Members present: Vice Chairperson Austin Alvarez, Donna Foster, Rena Vecchio, Tom Godfrey and Selectmen’s Representative, Brian Mycko. Chairperson Alex Foti was absent. Alternate Don Jones was called forward to serve on the board after the Pledge of Allegiance.
Public present: Greg Dorsey, Paolo Wieser, Judy Pappas, Chris Pappas, Betty Boudle, Alfred Boudle, Ansh Singh, Kathy Conway. Zach Stoltenberg appeared remotely via Zoom.
Minutes were taken by Tom Godfrey.
1. The meeting was called to order by Vice Chairperson Austin Alvarez at 7:00 pm.
2. Austin lead in the Pledge of Allegiance.
3. Don Jones was called forward to serve on the board by Vice Chair Alvarez. Mr. Jones had been appointed as an alternate by the board at the February meeting and sworn in by the Town Clerk
4. Vice Chairperson Austin Alvarez read comments received from the Chair via email regarding quorum requirements and recusal prompted by the Bretton Woods Trash and Recycling Facility situation. The Chair pointed out that for the board to have a quorum requires four eligible voters - members or appointed alternates that are not recused. With regard to the Bretton Woods Trash and Recycling Facility specifically, the criteria for recusal are strict: a direct interest in the application (such as a financial interest, an abutter, etc.). If the impact on the member is general as a part of the community, for example as a resident of Bretton Woods served by the facility recusal is not necessary. However, Vice Chairperson Austin Alvarez will recuse himself from planning board business regarding the Bretton Woods Trash & Recycling Facility, as he serves as President of the Bretton Woods Property Owners Association, and, as such, is officially charged with execution of a solution for its relocation and permitting issues.
5. A motion was made to approve the February 2, 2023 minutes by Brian Mycko, seconded by Rena Vecchio. Vice Chair Austin Alvarez provided amendments to the draft minutes as follows: in paragraph 9.b. reference is made to “thirteen member HOA’s of BWPOA and three additional HOA’s in Bretton Woods.” This should be changed to read “ten member HOA’s of BWPOA and three additional HOA’s in Bretton Woods.” Also in paragraph 9.b. the sentence starting with “Mr. Penner suggested Steve LaFrance, Horizons Engineering…” the terminology “liquid waste facility” should be changed to “waste water facility.” Brian Mycko amended his motion to approve the minutes with Mr. Alvarez’s modifications, Rena Vecchio seconded the amended motion. The modified minutes were approved unanimously with one absention by Don Jones (Mr. Jones was not serving on the board for the February meeting).
6. The board considered an application for voluntary merger of two abutting lots Tax Map 207 lot 14 and 15 at 1029 Rte 302 West, owned by the Michael A. and Donna L. Matz Joint Revocable Trust. It was determined that no individual was in attendance to present the application. Vice Chair Alvarez read aloud the application, which was found to be in order and not to present any impact on the public. The voluntary merger application was approved by unanimous vote on a motion by Brian Mycko, seconded by Rena Vecchio.
7. The application for Lot Line Adjustment for two lots on Arianna Way (Tax Map 418 Lot 79-7 and 79-8) was presented by the owner, Chris Pappas. Brian Mycko recused himself as he is an abutter to one of the lots in question. The lot line adjustment is to accommodate the future erection of a shed on the property. The final plat checklist was reviewed and found to be in order. The application was accepted as complete by unanimous vote on a motion by Rena Vecchio, seconded by Tom Godfrey. Comments were solicited from the public; none were forthcoming. The application was approved by unanimous vote on a motion by Donna Foster, seconded by Rena Vecchio.
8. It was determined that no one was in attendance to present the Maher site plan review. Abutters Betty and Alfred Boudle, and Fire Chief Jeff Duncan, were present to provide comments on the Maher site plan application. As there were significant issues raised with regard to parking, septic, and fire safety, without representation from the applicant, the application was tabled.
9. Paolo Wieser, attorney from Primmer Piper Eggleston & Cramer and Greg Dorsey of 16 Bear Den Twin Mountain LLC consulted the board with regard to a lot on Michael Way (Map 207 Lot 20-14-016) and an abutting landlocked lot, Map 207 Lot 20-59. Mr. Dorsey explained his goal of merging the landlocked lot with the lot on Michael Way to relieve set back requirements on its backside, enabling a more advantageous siting of the home to be built. Mr. Wieser reviewed a synopsis relative to the title of landlocked property. It was determined that the matter needs to be examined by Town Counsel and, as such, should be brought before the select board.
10. Ansh Singh and Zach Stoltenberg (Clockwork Architects, Kansas City, MO) consulted the board on their Quaint Glamping project which they propose to develop on land off Rte 3 North opposite Twin View Drive, Map 205 Lots 43, 46 and 47. Lot 43 is 55 acres, lot 46 is 0.2 acres and lot 47 is 0.92 acres. Mr Stoltenberg gave a remote presentation of the preliminary design. They intend to come before the board with a master plan for the full development of the campground but seek approval for phase 1 initially. Phase 1 will consist of a base camp building, providing registration and camp store, and six camping units. Eventually full development will comprise 40 to 45 units. The camping units will be dome structures; the board was shown pictures of models from Ekodome that are under consideration. Roads will provide for access throughout the campground for maintenance and emergency vehicles but campers will park their vehicles in a common parking lot and walk on trails throughout the campground; the roads will make use of some existing logging roads that were placed for logging of the property last summer. Dark skies compliant lighting is envisioned so that guests can stargaze outside. In phase 2, camping units will total up to fifteen and be served by one septic system. As the campground expands reaching higher terrain a booster pump will be required for water service and additional septic. The adequacy of town water service was discussed – Mr. Stoltenberg indicated that campground standards of water usage are appropriate here – fifty to sixty gallons per day per unit. As such, in their entirety the camping units will have water usage equivalent to five single family homes. Mr. Stoltenberg and Mr. Singh were urged to contact the fire chief and public works to discuss the campground roads with regard to emergency vehicles as well as the adequacy of water flows and pressures. Mr Singh and Stoltenberg related that they plan to offer a network of hiking paths on the property and that for winter sports they will provide Moon Bikes (electric bike fitted with a front ski and back track), or possibly Snowdogs, for use on the paths, including a closed loop trail. The Moon Bike loop trail concept was discussed with enthusiasm; moon bikes have a battery life of thirty to forty minutes, so using them in a fairly contained area is ideal. Mr. Stoltenberg indicated that they also would like to open a restaurant / brewpub serving finger foods, likely on lots 46 and 47, primarily to serve guests but open to the public as well. The adequacy of curb cuts on Rte 3 to serve the campground and restaurant, and restaurant parking requirements, were discussed. Mr Stoltenberg and Singh were urged to get in touch with NH DOT and lay out their plans to get direction on the number and placement of curb cuts on Rte 3 that would best serve the site and DOT’s public safety requirements. The Quaint Glamping developers hope to have an application submitted by March 16th in order to come before the board at the April meeting.
11. Kathy Conway, Horizons Engineering, consulted the board regarding Echo Lake Investments LLC phase 2 in the area of Solar Spring Rd and Geodessy Way, Tax Map 206 Lot 53, Rte 3 South. Phase 2 will consist of duplex homes and bring the total number of lots up to fifteen. Ms Conway had a question interpreting the zoning ordance regarding the minimum lot size to apply for duplex homes, as the ordance refers only to single family and multi-family dwellings; sizing of lots has been based on the one acre plus additional an 10,000 sqft per 1,000 sqft of dwelling space multi-family requirement. Ms. Conway will talk to the fire chief and road agent regarding road requirements based on increased number of daily trips for expanded neighborhood. She may seek a waiver regarding a curve radius on Solar Spring Road but is aware of the importance of getting approval from the fire chief and road agent. Ms. Conway hopes to be before the board with an application in May.

12. Follow ups:
a. Bretton Woods Trash Facility. Austin Alvarez updated the board. Mr Alvarez is waiting for a response from Omni as to whether a site for relocating the trash facility can be leased or transferred to BWPOA. This may be the preferred approach given the concerns expressed by Resort Waste Services regarding siting the trash facility on RWS property. It was remarked that the cost of manning the relocated facility, as is required by NH DES for a permitted facility, will be roughly the same as the cost of the current contract with Cassela for hauling trash and recyclables away, so the total cost for operating the permitted facility can be roughly estimated to double. Mr Alvarez will appear before the zoning board March 9th and is due to give up update to NH DES on April 1st.
b. Food Trucks. Jeff Duncan had earlier indicated his satisfaction with the modified food truck application that the planning board had come up with. A copy of this permit form will be sent to Heather Brown to institute use of the form for food truck permitting.
c. Later in March, the select board will interview one or possibly more candidates for the part time land use secretary position.

13. Other Business: This was Donna Foster’s last night serving on the planning board. The Vice Chairperson expressed his gratitude for Donna’s service on the board during his tenure, and her long history of service to the Town of Carroll. Other board members gave their thanks and reminisced. Brian Mycko recalled seeing Donna on the board at meetings about the time he graduated college; it was estimated that Ms Foster has given the town more than twenty years of service. Tonight was Donna Foster’s second retirement from the planning board. Thank you, Donna!
14. Adjourn: The board voted unanimously to adjourn at 9:16 on a motion by Brian Mycko, seconded by Rena Vecchio.