Planning Board Minutes

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Minutes of 2/1/2024

February 7th, 2024

Town of Carroll Planning Board
Meeting Minutes
February 1, 2024
“These minutes of the Town of Carroll Planning Board have been recorded by its secretary. Though believed to be accurate and correct, they are subject to additions, deletions, and corrections by the Planning Board at its next meeting when the Board votes its final approval of the minutes. They are being made available at this time to conform to the requirements of New Hampshire RSA 91-A:2.”
Planning Board Members Present: Chairperson Alex Foti, Vice Chair Austin Alvarez, Tom Godfrey, Ryan Peffer, Don Jones, Select Board Rep-Jules Marquis, Alternate-Paula Murphy
Public Present-Fire Chief Jeff Duncan, Gardner Kellogg, Meredith Bussiere, Atty Rusty Banks
Minutes Taken By: Corinne Ripa
Item 1: The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Foti at 5:01 PM
Item 2: Pledge of Allegiance
Item 3: Attendance taken; Quorum met
Item 4: Approval of January 4, 2024
Alex Foti asks if there is any discussion or comments regarding last month’s minutes. Austin Alvarez asks if we should also approve the minutes from the Public Hearing meeting on January 10th. Corinne did email the board the minutes but did not bring paper copies for review. It is decided that the board should approve those minutes so Corinne will bring a hard copy to the PB meeting on March 7th. No one has any comments in regards to the January 4th meeting minutes. Austin makes a motion to approve the minutes, Jules Marquis seconds the motion. All members vote aye unanimously. Minutes approved.
Item 5: Scalley Boundary Line Adjustment Application
Gardner Kellogg is here to represent David Scalley. Dave would like to change the boundary line between Map 203 Lot 009-008-008 and Map 203 Lot 009-009-009. He is the owner of both lots. A copy of the application has been previously emailed to the board members for their review. Larger printed maps are passed out to the board. The boundary line will move, but both lots will stay the exact same size. He is adjusting the lot line because the way the boundary line is now, his driveway (on Map 203, Lot 009-008-008) goes across a portion of the other lot (Map 203, Lot 009-009-009) which is vacant. With this adjustment of the boundary line, his driveway will fully be on Map 203 Lot 009-008-008.
The Board reviews the maps and it appears to be straight forward. All abutters were notified via certified mail. No abutters expressed any concern/issues in writing or coming to the hearing this evening.
The application was reviewed for accuracy and comprehensiveness. The application appears to be complete and meet the requirements necessary. Austin makes a motion to approve the application. Tom seconds the motion. All members reply aye in favor of approval, the application is approved. Alex Foti and Corinne Ripa sign the mylar which will be mailed to the Coos County Registry of Deeds and officially recorded.

Item 6: Bussiere Consult-would like to amend the tax map to eliminate the portion of Old Town Rd on her property back to Woods Rd (which is a private rd. on her property) if allowed, what is the best way to go about it.
Meredith Bussiere of 398 Rt 3 South (Map 206 Lot 095-000-000) is here with her friend (Licensed NY Attorney)
It is determined that it is actually not the town amending the tax map, but figuring out how that portion of Old Town Rd can be eliminated off of her property and revert back to Woods Rd (Private Way with No Right to Others), as it shows on the plot plan from 2006.
Old Town Rd is a class VI road here in town. Meredith shows a surveyed map of her property from 2006. On this map, you can see both Old Town Road and a private road on her property called Woods Road. Somehow over the years, Woods Rd. (a private way on Mrs. Bussiere’s property) was attached to Old Town Rd and now the 2 roads show connected on the Tax Map as one road, called Old Town Rd. No one knows why or how this happened.
A discussion ensues between the board, the fire chief and the home owner. There has been a Woods Rd at Bretton Woods prior to 2006 and due to 911, there cannot be 2 roads with the same name in a town, so it is uncertain how that private road was ever allowed to be called Woods Rd. Meredith does not care what it is called, she just wants the portion located on her property to be unassociated with Old Town Rd.
There is a lot of discussion and idea’s thrown around about how to accomplish what Meredith is trying to do. Ultimately, after many things to consider (most importantly emergency vehicles being able to turn around and the Jache’s property being assigned a 911 number of 175 Old Town Rd.) It was determined by the Fire Chief and the Planning Board that the best way to go about this change would be as follows:
Fill out a Site Plan Review Application and submit a new plan and mylar. The new plan should show Old Town Rd ending at the Jache’s house and showing that portion of Old Town Rd on the Bussiere property eliminated. The portion of Old Town Rd that goes to the Jache’s property (on the Bussiere’s property) should show as a private driveway ROW. Gardner Kellogg, who has surveyed this property in the past, should be able to make a few adjustments to the information he has on file for these changes without having to re-do a full survey.
There was also discussion about a site plan that had 9 log cabins behind the Bussiere property that Paul Bussiere had been trying to get approved. They are not sure if it ever WAS approved (this was before Meredith and Paul were together) but it was back in 2004. Alex states that once approved a Site Plan has a limited number of years to be acted on before it becomes null and void. Something from 20yrs ago, even if approved, would have to be re-applied to from scratch.
Corinne get’s Meredith a Site Plan Review Application to take home. It is recommended for her to fill it out and follow through with Corinne. The Application, plans and all fees must be submitted 3 weeks prior to a Planning Board meeting to get on the agenda.
Item 7-Application Echo Lake Phase ll (continued from May 4, June 1, July 6, Aug 3, Sept 7, Oct 5, Nov 2, Dec 7, Jan 4) will continue to March meeting per Cathy Conway of Horizon’s Engineering to allow for more information to come in (Approval’s- Water from the Town, DES, DOT, State Subdivision, etc)
All Other Business
Alex states that at the March meeting, they will have the “Kick Off Meeting” with North Country Council regarding the Master Plan. The Fire Chief brings up an important point to the board with the Master Plan revision looming this year. The past few years we have experienced significant storms that have impacted our roads. There are areas of 302 that were shut down and impassable. There are areas of Rt 3 that could be affected as well under extreme weather conditions.
Alex brings up the idea of grants as well. Jules states that they have been talking about it amongst the Select Board.
Ryan motions to adjourn, Jules seconds the motion. All members vote aye, meeting adjourned at 6pm.