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Minutes of 2/14/2024
February 20th, 2024
Carroll Energy Commission Minutes
Meeting of February 14, 2024
The Carroll Energy Commission mission is to advise, encourage, and facilitate energy conservation, energy efficiency, and clean energy solutions for public buildings and properties, businesses, and resident homes. The Committee shall provide leadership and direction for community education relating to energy and shall propose and explore funding for local energy projects.
These minutes of the Town of Carroll Energy Commission have been recorded by its Secretary. Though believed to be accurate and correct they are subject to additions, deletions, and corrections by the Energy Commission at its next meeting when the Commission votes its final approval of the minutes. They are being made available at this time to conform to the requirements of New Hampshire RSA 91-A:2.
Minutes recorded by Imre Szauter, Secretary
Commission members in attendance: Member Vern Amirault, Member and Select Board Representative John Greer (via Zoom), Member Brian Mycko, Vice Chair Imre Szauter, and Chair Bill Vecchio
Members of the public in attendance: none
The meeting was called to order at 5:05 p.m. by Chair Vecchio.
Chair Vecchio invited all attendees to rise and join in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Chair Vecchio stated he would entertain a motion on the February 2, 2024 meeting minutes. Member Amirault motioned to accept the minutes as written. Member Mycko seconded the motion. With no discussion, a roll call vote was taken. Chair Vecchio: AYE; Member Mycko: AYE; Vice Chair Szauter: AYE; Member Amirault: AYE; Member Greer: AYE; the motion passed unanimously.
Under New Business, Chair Vecchio opened a discussion on the January 24, 2024 Informational Session. Chair Vecchio summarized the session, adding he wished attendance had been better. All members agreed the Information Session was worthwhile and praised Chair Vecchio for his preparation and presentation.
Chair Vecchio opened a discussion on the February 5, 2024 Deliberative Session. Member Greer offered explanation and clarification regarding his actions related to the street light conversion article (Article 11). Chair Vecchio stated his thoughts regarding Member Greer’s actions, accepting that Energy Commission members will not always agree on everything. He highlighted the importance of the Energy Commission speaking with one voice on matters of importance to the public to avoid confusion.
Member Amirault outlined his concerns in light of the outcome of the February 2, 2024 Energy Commission meeting that resulted in Chair Vecchio’s Deliberative Session amendment to the warrant article. He emphasized the Energy Commission should strive for cohesiveness, using our public regular and special meetings to discuss, debate, and decide our recommendations and actions.
Member Mycko stated that although he was unable to attend the Deliberative Session, he recalled the Energy Commission had agreed at its February 2, 2024 meeting to the amendment offered by Chair Vecchio. He did not believe further amendments were called for, in light of the original warrant article crafted by the Energy Commission being reviewed and modified by town counsel and/or DRA (Department of Revenue Administration).
Member Amirault stated that he felt Chair Vecchio’s explanation of the street light conversion warrant article was clear and concise, adding that the handouts provided voters with the facts they needed to make an informed decision.
Chair Vecchio opened a discussion on the Eversource Midnight Service Option for street lights. Vice Chair Szauter displayed the All-Night Service Option and the Midnight Service Option information pages for LED street lights, provided by Eversource Energy. The information highlighted the nearly 50% reduction in energy usage under the Midnight Service Option. Chair Vecchio suggested contacting Eversource Energy for additional information, although having energy-efficient LED street lights installed but turned off for a portion of the evening hours may not be acceptable in Carroll. Additionally, Affinity LED Lighting may have information on the pros and cons of the Midnight Service Option.
Chair Vecchio reported he received an email from a Town of Bristol representative in response to his inquiry regarding the Verizon Intelligent Street Light option. The representative didn’t provide any information on the town’s selection of this option. Since the Energy Commission voted to craft the warrant article based on the Affinity LED Lighting non-networked street light proposal, this is now a moot point.
Chair Vecchio opened a discussion on the IRA (Inflation Reduction Act) Direct Pay option and pre-filing requirements. He stated that Member Greer has agreed to undertake the pre-filing process in which the town would be eligible for a payment of up to 30% of qualified energy-efficiency projects completed, even though the town is not a federal tax-paying entity. Vice Chair Szauter will send Member Greer the IRS guidelines for this program.
Chair Vecchio opened a discussion on Clean Energy New Hampshire (CENH) Gold Municipal member benefits. It was discovered that Member Mycko wasn’t receiving updates from CENH, due to an incorrectly-registered email address. Vice Chair Szauter will correct this with CENH.
Chair Vecchio opened a discussion on future Energy Commission projects and priorities. Working from a preliminary list he drafted, Chair Vecchio identified the following possible opportunities:
1) Assuming approval of the street light conversion warrant article in March, review of current street light locations and intensities based on the Affinity LED Lighting audit with a goal of removing unnecessary street lights. The Improving Efficiency in Municipal Street and Public Space Lighting guide from Efficiency Vermont provides useful information the Energy Commission should utilize during the conversion process.
2) Research grant opportunities, using CENH as a primary source of information.
3) Community Power
4) Solar PV, including group net metering
5) Battery storage
6) Energy efficiency projects, including audits and updates for the Carroll Water Department pump house and possible replacement of the Highway Garage
7) Removal or temporary disconnection of low-usage meters for the two recreation area Eversource accounts
8) Replacement of St. Margaret’s flagpole lighting with a solar rechargeable unit and closure of low-usage Eversource account
9) Outreach, including the NHSaves Button Up workshop and other residentially-focused energy-efficiency programs
Chair Vecchio stated he would distribute his preliminary list to members for discussion and priority-setting at the March meeting.
Chair Vecchio opened a discussion on developing an Energy Commission logo. He circulated several preliminary designs to stimulate debate. Members agreed a logo would be appropriate to help identify the commission.
Chair Vecchio opened a discussion on promotion of the street light conversion warrant article outside the transfer station on Straw Road. Given Town Vote is March 12, members agreed that March 2 and 9, between 9:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m., would be appropriate. Members agreed that displaying the loaner Affinity LED Lighting street light, along with a poster or banner, could stimulate discussion on the merits of LED street lights among transfer station visitors, particularly those who were unable to attend the January 24 Informational Session.
Chair Vecchio along with Rena Vecchio, and Member Amirault along with Bobbi Amirault will cover March 2, while Member Mycko and Vice Chair Szauter will cover March 9.
Vice Chair Szauter provided a draft handout, a slightly-modified version of the Information Session handout created by Chair Vecchio, for use at the transfer station. Members agreed that the handout was appropriate.
Members agreed that a poster or banner would be useful; Chair Vecchio will draft and circulate via email a suggestion for members to review. Chair Vecchio and Member Amirault agreed to develop a mounting apparatus for the LED street light.
Chair Vecchio opened a discussion on the NHSaves Button Up workshop. Member Mycko made a motion to schedule the workshop for Thursday, April 11, 2024 at 6:00 p.m. in the Town Hall Community Room. Chair Vecchio seconded the motion. Members discussed the proposed start time to accommodate more attendees.
At the close of discussion, a roll call vote was taken. Chair Vecchio: AYE; Member Mycko: AYE; Vice Chair Szauter: AYE; Member Amirault: AYE; Member Greer: AYE; the motion passed unanimously.
Chair Vecchio opened a discussion on modifications to the NHSaves Button Up promotion flyer provided by the Plymouth Area Renewable Energy Initiative (PAREI). Members discussed changes, and suggested additional information for inclusion.
Members also discussed changing the regular monthly meeting in April so as not to conflict with the NHSaves Button Up workshop. Any date and/or time change proposed for the regular April meeting will be finalized at the March 13 meeting.
Chair Vecchio stated that providing space in the Town Hall Community Room for the NHSaves Button Up workshop, along with any refreshment, would be the Energy Commission’s responsibility. He will inquire about any required audio/visual aids needed by the presenter.
Members discussed providing each NHSaves Button Up workshop attendee with some energy-efficiency-related item, such as an LED lightbulb. Chair Vecchio stated that he would explore this option with his utility contacts and PAREI.
Under Old Business, Chair Vecchio invited items for discussion; nothing was offered.
Under Other, Chair Vecchio invited items for discussion; nothing was offered.
With no other agenda items to discuss, Chair Vecchio entertained a motion for adjournment. Member Amirault motioned to adjourn. Member Mycko seconded the motion. With no additional discussion, a roll call vote was taken: Chair Vecchio: AYE; Member Mycko: AYE; Vice Chair Szauter: AYE; Member Amirault: AYE; Member Greer: AYE. The motion passed unanimously and the meeting was adjourned at 6:43 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Imre Szauter, Vice Chair and Secretary