Selectboard Meeting Minutes
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Minutes of 2/27/2024
February 29th, 2024
Carroll Board of Selectmen
Meeting of the Select Board
Meeting Minutes
February 27th, 2024
“These minutes of the Town of Carroll Select Board have been recorded by its Secretary. Though believed to be accurate and correct they are subject to additions, deletions, and corrections by the Select Board at its next meeting when the Board votes its final approval of the minutes. They are being made available at this time to conform to the requirements of New Hampshire RSA 91-A:2.”
Minutes recorded by: Meg Basnar
Board Members: Jules Marquis, Bonnie Moroney, John Greer attending via Zoom
Members of the Public: Bobbi Amirault, Imre Szauter, Joan Karpf, Stephen Soscia and Gardiner Kellogg
Pledge of Allegiance
Meeting of the Select Board called to order at 5:05 p.m. by Chairperson Marquis. Roll call completed, Selectperson Moroney present, Chairperson Marquis present, Selectman Greer attending via Zoom from Cape San Blas, F.L.
Signing of bills and manifests completed prior to this meeting.
Selectperson Moroney motioned to approve the minutes of 2/13/2024, Selectman Greer seconded this motion, all in favor none opposed. Selectperson Moroney voted Aye, Selectman Greer voted Aye, Chairperson Marquis voted Aye. Motion to approve minutes of 2/13/2024 passed three Aye none opposed.
The Select Board was presented with Supplementary Water Warrant Rent Tax for Furney, Martin & Pilotte. Selectperson Moroney made a motion to approve and sign. Selectman Greer Seconded this motion. By roll call vote Selectperson Moroney voted Aye, Selectman Greer voted Aye, Chairperson Marquis voted Aye. Motion to approve and sign passed three Aye none opposed.
The Select Board was presented with the 2024 update to the Carroll NH Hazard Mitigation Plan. Selectperson Moroney made a motion to approve and sign. Selectman Greer Seconded this motion. By roll call vote Selectperson Moroney voted Aye, Selectman Greer voted Aye, Chairperson Marquis voted Aye. Motion to approve and sign passed three Aye none opposed. Selectperson Moroney provided Selectman Greer with additional information regarding the work put into creating this update and what the purpose of this plan is.
The Select Board was presented with a Release of Current Use for DS Contractor, Inc. regarding 203-009-009-009. Selectperson Moroney informed on background information and made a motion to approve and sign. Selectman Greer Seconded this motion. By roll call vote Selectperson Moroney voted Aye, Selectman Greer voted Aye, Chairperson Marquis voted Aye. Motion to approve and sign passed three Aye none opposed.
Gardiner Kellogg spoke to the Select Board on behalf of property owner Steve Soscia requesting information on restrictions related to the Livingston Conservation. Kellogg informed that the property owner would like to put a building, possibly two, on the land behind the Livingston Conservation. Kellogg presented the Select Board with a map of the property and the surrounding area as well as additional paperwork and copies of the deed. Selectperson Moroney informed that the only concern of the Town is the Conservation. Mr. Soscia informed the Select Board that he does not intend to do anything with the conservation land but wishes to build a “single family retirement home on the back land”. Kellogg informed that there have been two easements, one is for what was Brown Company, now Oxford Paper, that would allow access to the back property for “forest management and gravel hauling purposes only” dated in 1977. Soscia informed that before the Livingston Conservation was created in October of 1989 the 1977 agreement was already in place. Discussion followed regarding the history of the property and the two easements, one on the Whitefield side of the property and one on the Twin Mountain side of the property.
Conservation Chair Joan Karpf requested that the Town contact legal for guidance or clarity regarding the questions raised during this meeting. The Select Board and property owner agreed this would be beneficial. Selectmen’s Admin will reach out to legal for clarity regarding the questions raised in tonight’s meeting and follow up with the Select Board as well as Conservation and the property owner. Stephen Soscia provided the Selectmen’s Admin with his contact information.
Conservation Chair Karpf was thanked for her time and she, Gardiner Kellogg and Stephen Soscia left the meeting.
The Select Board discussed the need for a meeting on March 5th and determined that a meeting on that date is not needed at this time. The Select Board will meet again on the 19th of March following the meeting of the Water Commission scheduled for 5 p.m. that evening in the Community Room.
Selectperson Moroney informed that following a discussion with the Finance Clerk Kelly Trammell she would like to rescind her motion regarding the investment of the Bridge Funds made at the Select Board Meeting on 2/13/2024. Selectperson Moroney made a motion to rescind the previous motion to invest the Bridge Funds. Selectman Greer Seconded this motion. By roll call vote Selectperson Moroney voted Aye, Selectman Greer voted Aye, Chairperson Marquis voted Aye. Motion to rescind the motion to invest the Bridge Funds passed three Aye none opposed.
Selectperson Moroney discussed with the other Selectmen that an honor student would like to complete their community service hours with the Town and she suggested this student work with the Highway Department and sweep the walkways of several Town buildings. Selectmen Greer and Marquis agreed with this.
Selectperson Moroney discussed the resignation of the Land Use Secretary and informed Selectmen Greer and Marquis that advertisements for this position have been placed in local papers as well as posted on Facebook. Arrangements have been made to have the Whitefield Select Board Admin attend the Planning and Zoning meetings to take notes until this position is filled. The current Select Board Admin for Carroll will also help out with some of the Land Use Secretary duties and track the time spent on Land Use. Selectperson Moroney also informed she is willing to assist as needed.
Imre Szauter reminded all in attendance that the Supervisors of the Checklist will be meeting on Saturday March 2nd from 11 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. in the Community Room, and that Town Elections will be held on Tuesday March 12th from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. Szauter also reminded the Select Board that they do not all have to be present all day, however their assistance at the end of voting would be welcome. The Select Board made arrangements to be present throughout the day and help if needed in the evening.
Szauter also informed that ballot testing will be announced with 24-hour notice and will be completed by Town Clerk Bailey and himself. Currently the ballots are in transit to Carroll.
Bobbi Amirault requested permission to announce the Town Vote on the sign by the Post Office. The Select Board appreciated her taking the time to remind residents to vote.
The next meeting of the Select Board will be held following the meeting of the Water Commission on Tuesday March 19th, 2024 at 5 p.m.
At 5:54 p.m. Selectperson Moroney made a motion to go into non-public for legal. Selectman Greer seconded the motion. By roll call vote Selectperson Moroney voted Aye, Selectman Greer voted Aye, Chairperson Marquis voted Aye. Motion to go non-public for legal passed with three Aye none opposed.
At 6:04 p.m. Selectperson Moroney made a motion to return to public session and seal the minutes. The motion was seconded by Selectman Greer. By roll call vote Selectperson Moroney voted Aye, Selectman Greer voted Aye, Chairperson Marquis voted Aye. Motion to return to public session and seal non-public minutes passed unanimously with three Aye, none opposed.
Selectperson Moroney made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 6:05 p.m. Selectman Greer seconded this motion. By roll call vote Selectperson Moroney voted Aye, Selectman Greer voted Aye, Chairperson Marquis voted Aye. Motion to adjourn passed unanimously with three Aye none opposed. Meeting adjourned.