Selectboard Meeting Minutes
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- Minutes of 3/19/2024 (Water Commission & Select Board)
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Minutes of 3/19/2024 (Water Commission & Select Board)
March 28th, 2024
Carroll Board of Selectmen
Meeting of the Water Commission & Select Board
Meeting Minutes
March 19th, 2024
“These minutes of the Town of Carroll Select Board have been recorded by its Secretary. Though believed to be accurate and correct they are subject to additions, deletions, and corrections by the Select Board at its next meeting when the Board votes its final approval of the minutes. They are being made available at this time to conform to the requirements of New Hampshire RSA 91-A:2.”
Minutes recorded by: Meg Basnar
Board Members: Jules Marquis, Bonnie Moroney, John Greer
Members of the Public: Brian Mycko, Dave Scalley, Scott Sonia, Imre Szauter, Vern Amirault, Jeff Duncan, Mike Gooden, Chris Pappas, Doug Chapman, Cathy Conway
Pledge of Allegiance
Meeting of the Water Commission called to order at 5:00 p.m. by Chairperson Marquis.
Chairman Marquis recognized Cathy Conway speaking in regards to Echo Lake Phase 2. Conway presented the Select Board with plans for Phase 2 which included the same plans regarding the water line that she had presented at an earlier date. Conway informed on some of the changes in the plans since last presented to the Water Commission which include changes to drainage and other elements based on recommendations from the Town engineer as well as State AOT. Conway informed that the proposal for the water line is to connect at the end of Solar Spring Circle, run 8” water line with one hydrant at roughly station 5+00, continue around the loop, install a second new hydrant at roughly station 16+00, and then tie in at the other end of the existing turnaround to create a loop with the 8” water line. Conway states she had submitted that in October and in February received a copy of the letter from the engineers at the Dufrense Group which she says informed her the system had adequate well capacity and water storage to serve the domestic water requirements for the proposed 18 lot sub-division Phase 2. She informed that the letter stated the maximum fire flow was 1200 gpm (gallons per minute) to maintain 20 psi. Conway stated she spoke with Fire Chief Duncan who recommended 1500 gpm but informed her that the decision was ultimately up to the Water Commission. Conway informed she looked up the international fire code and the American Water Works Association (AWWA) standards. Conway continued, stating that the AWWA standards consider how far apart the buildings are. She stated that according to the standards set by the AWWA buildings less than 11 feet apart do require the 1400 gpm, but if the buildings are from 31 to 100 feet apart the needed fire flow goes down to 750 gpm. Conway informed that all of the buildings of Phase 2, based on the setback requirements of 20 feet from the sideline are at least 40 feet apart and would fall into the 750 gpm fire flow requirement. Conway then asked the Water Commission if the distance between the buildings is considered when looking at fire flow. Conway then went on to discuss the 2018 international fire code requirements and stated if a building has automatic sprinklers those codes allow for the reduction of fire flow by 50%, going from 1500 gpm to 750 gpm. Conway then asked if sprinklers were installed in the buildings what would the Water Commission consider for a required fire flow. She concluded that those were her questions and wanted to know how the Water Commission felt about 1500 gpm or 1200 gpm.
Chairperson Marquis asked Fire Chief Duncan his opinion. Duncan provided an example to Conway on how this number was determined. If there is a fire that requires a ladder truck, a ground monitor and two hand lines. The ladder truck uses 1000 gpm, the ground monitor uses 275 gpm, and each hand line uses 175 gpm and that is what would be used to put out a fire in one of the units in Phase 2, and is well over 1200 gpm (totaling 1625 gpm). He informed this is how he arrived at the recommended fire flow. Duncan also cited a prior fire at a single-family residence in Town and calculated that 150,000 gallons of water were used to put that fire out.
Commissioner Greer asked Chief Duncan if sprinklers made a difference. Chief Duncan stated they are drawing water from the same water system that the Fire Department would need as well as not detracting from the amount of water the Fire Department would be using to fight the fire on the exterior of the house.
Commissioner Greer asked additional questions on how the amount of water used during a fire is determined. Chief Duncan provided clarification for him stating the bigger the fire the more water is required, and stated that the pumps on the engines at the Fire Department are calculated for 1500 gpm, as are most of the engines in the area, resulting in a minimum of 1500 gpm.
Commissioner Greer referenced a report from the Dufrense Group regarding water capacity for the town and asked for clarification from Chief Duncan who explained that this can be impacted by the time of day as well as the time of year among other factors. Chief Duncan encouraged the Water Commission to factor this in when looking at minimum water usage and if a fire were to occur at a peak time, usage would be well over minimum. He explained that each time a new house is added to the Town’s water it decreases the available water, and adding 36 units to the water system, as requested for Phase 2, would have a large impact.
Chief Duncan discussed the growth of the Town in relation to the infrastructure in place to support that growth. Chairperson Marquis discussed beginning work with grant writers to potentially fund expansion of the Town’s infrastructure to support growth.
Chairperson Marquis recognized Commissioner Moroney who discussed her findings when looking into the study done by Dufrense Group for Phase 1. She informed that the plans were for eighteen 3-bedroom units and now appear to be mostly 4-bedroom units which would have an impact on the study’s findings increasing the projected 8,100 GPD (gallons per day) to closer to 10,800 GPD, with the maximum going from 16,200 GPD to 21,600 GPD. Commissioner Moroney went on to discuss Phase 2 which is 18 lots with two 4-bedroom units, totaling 36 four-bedroom units which would be 21,600 GPD with a maximum of 43,200 GPD of regular usage.
Commissioner Moroney also discussed this with the Head of Public Works Scott Sonia who does not agree with the findings of the 12/23 report of 134,000 GPD average of the Town, and informs the Town’s usage was approximately 144,000 GPD last during the last year.
Commissioner Moroney took the 144,000 GPD and added the 21,600 GPD for Phase 1 bringing the use to 165,600 GPD. If Phase 2 were to be added that would be an additional 43,200 GPD and would bring the daily use to 208,800 GPD on the Town’s water system.
Commissioner Moroney informed that there are currently two water tanks with 158,000 gallons each, totaling 316,000 gallons. She stated that Scott Sonia informed that the Little River tank does not always have 158,000 gallons of water so those numbers are questionable. Commissioner Moroney read from a Dufrense Group study from December 8th to Public Works which stated that “Based on the water model there is approximately 1,640 gpm available at 20 psi residual pressure within the Phase 2 portion of the subdivision. However, a flow of 1,640 gpm at this location causes locations within the water system to fall below 20 psi, which is not allowed under the New Hampshire Code of Administrative Rules. To maintain a pressure of 20 psi at all locations in the water system, the water model predicts that the maximum available fire flow is 1,200 gpm at about 50 psi within the Phase 2 portion of the subdivision. For a fire flow at the proposed subdivision, the limiting location is at the end of Tuttle Brook Road.”
Building Inspector Dave Scalley asked if any of the studies from the Dufrense Group included any of the subdivisions and houses that have not yet been built, but already have approval for Town water, including houses on Tuttle Brook as well as at other locations.
Brian Mycko referenced a fire at midnight in an empty house that resulted in a great amount of water usage to put that fire out and this was not during what would be considered peak usage. Mycko expressed concern stating that if this had happened during a time of peak use, such as fourth of July weekend, an entire tank could have been drained to put the fire out.
Chairperson Marquis stated that after touring the water system with Scott Sonia he felt the Town needed to increase its water storage. Sonia informed that when covid hit much of the property in Town sold and many began building houses which increased the amount of water required and the Town’s infrastructure did not grow with the development.
Conway informed that the fact that the numbers provided by the Dufrense Group in their study were not accurate and that makes it difficult to figure out. Conway stated that if the more conservative numbers are used it is not close to the 504,000 GPD which can be produced by the well field. Conway then went on to discuss storage and questioned the amount of water available at any given time. Sonia explained the Town’s water tanks and how they are filled and measured, as well as the presence of many campgrounds in Town and that in the summer months many of these are at capacity. Conway then confirmed Sonia’s statement regarding his reported usage of water last year as 144,000 GPD. Chairperson Marquis informed Conway that the issue is not the storage but the ability of the Town to deliver the water.
Conway again questioned if the distance between buildings is factored in when determining fire flow. Chairperson Marquis informed in this instance it is more about water delivery for the development. Conway again asked about implementing sprinklers and Chairperson Marquis reminded her, as Chief Duncan previously stated, they are drawing from the same system.
Brian Mycko discussed the reported average usage of 144,000 GPD was for the year and did not show the difference in use between peak times such as summer and holidays when all the campgrounds, hotels and short-term rentals are full and all the snow birds have returned, versus the example of mud season when there would be less use per day. Mycko stated his concern for the Town’s Fire Fighters having the necessary water resources to combat a fire during a time of peak use with both phases of the Echo Lake development on Town water.
Building Inspector Scalley highlighted that sprinkler systems are for short-term suppression of fire to get residents out of a building, not really for fighting fires. He also brought up the issue of the buildings in progress already approved for Town water which were not added into the Dufrense Group study.
Conway expressed frustration with the water study. Chairperson Marquis suggested installation of a water tower or pond in the development. Conway requested connection to the Town’s water for the sub-division for domestic water supply only. Chairperson Marquis stated he felt the sub-division was the same as connecting 36 houses to the water supply. Commissioner Greer agreed. Chairperson Marquis again discussed the need for grants to improve the Town’s water infrastructure. Commissioner Greer stated that looking at the total water usage per day including the projected use from the sub-division he felt the Town could supply water to the sub-division. Sonia again cautioned the Water Commission regarding the instance of fire last year when one tank was drained to put out a fire. Chief Duncan cautioned the Water Commission on approving domestic use only, stating that the domestic use supplied is coming from the same source as the system providing fire suppression for the Town.
Commissioner Greer stated that he felt the issue would exist regardless of approving water to the sub-division or not. Chairperson Marquis again stated delivery of water is the issue due to the growth of the Town surpassing the water infrastructure. Sonia also reminded the Commission that in the winter one of the tanks freezes, so calculating how much storage the tanks can hold would not equate the water available to use in that instance.
Commissioner Moroney inquired how much water was used when a pipe broke recently. Sonia informed that both tanks were almost emptied and residents were affected by this resulting in some not having water. Chairperson Marquis informed that he still feels that connecting the sub-division to Town water is no different than connecting 36 individual residences, but has concern for fire suppression in an emergency. All Commissioners agreed that regardless of approval the Town needs to improve the water infrastructure to meet demand.
Conway expressed her desire to find a suitable compromise for her client. She requested domestic water and an alternative for fire suppression like cisterns or individual wells.
Sonia asked Chief Duncan what the master plan predicted for growth. Duncan informed it was 8% but at the current rate the Town is 4-5 times that. He also informed that the Fire Department has no tanker because the Town planned on having available water systems. Duncan advised the Commission that they should plan to increase the Town’s water infrastructure because this is not the only development or sub-division in the next 5-7 years.
Discussion followed regarding the cost for the developer to install wells, incomplete houses that have already been approved for Town water, and fire suppression needs and solutions. Chairperson Marquis stated he did not see how the Water Commission could deny the sub-division’s request for Town water. Responding to a question from a resident about when the developments are expected to be at full capacity Conway informed that she expects to finish the 9 lots in Phase 1 before the 18 in Phase 2. Sonia inquired if water pipes would be run through wetlands. Conway showed him on the plans. Sonia informed on the difficulty of detecting water leaks and repairing pipes in wetlands.
Imre Szauter asked the Building Inspector Scalley about the impact of this project on the fire rating of the Town relative to insurance. Scalley informed the Town’s ability to put out fires and keep up with development the fire rating will drop. Fire Chief Duncan expanded on the fire rating and various factors that impact that. Szauter followed up with a question regarding the impact on the fire rating for the broad community as demand on the water system is increased and more and more developments are connected. Chief Duncan it would have an impact and explained more about this. Discussion regarding improvement of the water infrastructure followed. Chief Duncan informed there are other locations in Town where he cannot get 1500 psi, but stated adding to an already stressed water system would only make things worse. Discussion followed regarding possible solutions, warrant articles and residents on the water system.
Conway discussed her desire to get on the calendar for the April Planning Board Meeting and her need for a decision from the Water Commission regarding Town water approval prior to being able to get on the agenda for the Planning Board. Commissioner Greer reminded Conway that each duplex will need its own shut off for water. Greer also discussed his reluctance to deny water to the sub-division and suggested making a motion. Chairman Marquis made a motion to approve domestic water connection if the conditions set by the Fire Chief regarding fire pond are met, and the hydrants in the plans dated 2/27/24 are included. Chairman Greer seconded. All in favor, none opposed. Motion approved. Cathy Conway left.
Imre Szauter provided info regarding no cost audit from NH DES to inventory current energy consumption. This will only involve some time from Sonia and a member of the Energy Commission. Meeting of the Water Commission closed at 6:49 p.m.
Meeting as the Select Board called to order at 6:50 p.m.
Signing of bills and manifests completed prior to this meeting.
Selectperson Moroney motioned to approve the minutes of 2/27/2024, Selectman Greer seconded this motion, all in favor none opposed. Motion to approve minutes of 2/27/2024 passed.
The Select Board recognized all Warrant Articles voted on during the Town vote on 3/12/2024 passed with no recounts. Selectperson Moroney informed she would touch on Article #2 later in the meeting.
Doug Chapman came before the Select Board regarding Boulder Motor Court. Selectmen Greer discussed a letter from Northpoint regarding pipes and catch basin. Copies of this letter were provided to Chapman and the Building Inspector by the Selectman’s Assistant, and will be sent to the owner by Selectmen Greer. This will be followed up with at the April 2nd Select Board meeting.
Building Inspector Scalley presented the Select Board with an email from Meredith Bussiere allowing him and Clarence Rusty Bakes permission and authorization to speak on her behalf to the Town of Carroll’s Planning, Zoning and Select Board. Scalley informed on the history of Old Town Rd and Woods Rd and requested that the name Woods Rd be changed to Pauls Path. Selectperson Moroney reminded all that there is a Town water line and a shut off right along the driveway that goes to the cottages down back and that the Town will need continued access to that. Chief Duncan raised an issue with 175 Jache Rd, which will also need to change following a name change for Woods Rd. Scalley will be returning to the Planning Board to continue working on the name change for Woods Rd. Selectman Greer made a motion to allow for the name change of Woods Rd to Pauls Path. No discussion, all in favor. Motion to allow name change to Pauls Path passed.
Chief Duncan discussed issues regarding private road maintenance and potential emergency access. He informed that himself and the Building Inspector went to a residence on Pine Tree Lane which had no access for any vehicles aside from those with 4-wheel drive. Chief Duncan informed that the Town has sub-division regulations (14.04 and 8.04). Chief Duncan quoted regulation 14.04 which states: “Responsible Entity: The applicant shall demonstrate that an entity (e.g. developer, landowners, or homeowners association) will be in place having the responsibility and financial substance to ensure maintenance and repair of proposed stormwater facilities, shared utilities, and roads in a manner which provides safe access for the residents,
visitors, delivery and emergency vehicles. Proposed covenants will be in a form approved
by the town attorney at the applicant's expense.” Duncan informed that this should have been done when the sub-division was originally created. He goes on to read regulation 8.04 which states: “Private Road Maintenance and Repair: The developer, land owners, or homeowners
association shall be responsible for maintenance and repair of private roadways. The
Planning Board's approval of a proposed road as part of a subdivision application does
not constitute or imply any future acceptance of the road by the town. The applicant shall
demonstrate that an entity (e.g. developer, landowners, or homeowners association) will
be in place having the responsibility and financial substance to ensure maintenance and
repair of proposed roads in a manner which provides safe access for the residents, visitors, delivery and emergency vehicles.
Selectperson Moroney inquired if this was a sub-division with one owner and Duncan informed that it was one property owner originally and then the property was sub-divided into several owners. Chief Duncan voiced his concern regarding access for emergency vehicles. Chief Duncan asked how the Town enforces these regulations and whose purview this would fall under, expressing concern since the Echo Lake sub-division will also be a private road. The Select Board will investigate this issue further. The Select Board will reach out to Legal for information and recommendations on how to proceed regarding enforcement.
Chairman Marquis recognized Scott Sonia who presented the Select Board with an invoice for water meters and requested $13,797 to purchase. Selectperson Moroney made a motion to take this money from the water fund. Selectmen Greer seconded, all in favor, none opposed. Motion passed to take $13,797 from the water fund to cover the purchase of water meters as requested by Scott Sonia.
The Select Board was presented with an Oath of Office for Town Clerk/Tax Collector Crystal Bailey. Selectperson Moroney made a motion to approve and sign. Selectman Greer seconded this motion. All in favor, none opposed. Motion to approve and sign Oath of Office passed.
The Select Board was presented with an Oath of Office for Selectman Bonnie Moroney. Selectperson Greer made a motion to approve and sign. Selectman Marquis seconded this motion. Selectman Moroney abstained from voting. All in favor, none opposed. Motion to approve and sign Oath of Office passed.
The Select Board was presented with an Oath of Office for Trustee of the Trust Funds Peter Brouillette. Selectperson Moroney made a motion to approve and sign. Selectman Greer seconded this motion. All in favor, none opposed. Motion to approve and sign Oath of Office passed.
The Select Board was presented with an Oath of Office for Deputy Treasurer Karen Moran. Selectperson Moroney made a motion to approve and sign. Selectman Greer seconded this motion. All in favor, none opposed. Motion to approve and sign Oath of Office passed.
The Select Board was presented with an Oath of Office for Treasurer Annette Marquis. Selectperson Moroney made a motion to approve and sign. Selectman Greer seconded this motion. All in favor, none opposed. Motion to approve and sign Oath of Office passed.
The Select Board was presented with an Oath of Office for Supervisor of the Checklist Judith Pappas. Selectperson Moroney made a motion to approve and sign. Selectman Greer seconded this motion. All in favor, none opposed. Motion to approve and sign Oath of Office passed.
The Select Board was presented with an Oath of Office for Supervisor of the Patricia Cobb. Selectperson Moroney made a motion to approve and sign. Selectman Greer seconded this motion. All in favor, none opposed. Motion to approve and sign Oath of Office passed.
The Select Board was presented with an Oath of Office for Planning Board member Paula Murphey. Selectperson Moroney made a motion to approve and sign. Selectman Greer seconded this motion. All in favor, none opposed. Motion to approve and sign Oath of Office passed.
The Select Board was presented with an Oath of Office for Planning Board member Austin Alvarez. Selectperson Moroney made a motion to approve and sign. Selectman Greer seconded this motion. All in favor, none opposed. Motion to approve and sign Oath of Office passed.
The Select Board was presented with an Oath of Office for Zoning Board member William Curtis Briggeman. Selectperson Moroney made a motion to approve and sign. Selectman Greer seconded this motion. All in favor, none opposed. Motion to approve and sign Oath of Office passed.
The Select Board was presented with an Oath of Office Cemetery Trustee Michael Gooden. Selectperson Moroney made a motion to approve and sign. Selectman Greer seconded this motion. All in favor, none opposed. Motion to approve and sign Oath of Office passed.
The Select Board was presented with an Oath of Office Library Trustee June Roger. Selectperson Moroney made a motion to approve and sign. Selectman Greer seconded this motion. All in favor, none opposed. Motion to approve and sign Oath of Office passed.
The Select Board was presented with the MS-232, Report of Appropriations Actually Voted. Selectperson Moroney made a motion to approve and sign. Selectman Greer Seconded this motion. All in favor, none opposed. Motion to approve and sign MS-232 passed.
The Select Board was presented with the MS-535, Final Report of the Budget certified by auditor. Selectperson Moroney made a motion to approve and sign. Selectman Greer Seconded this motion. All in favor, none opposed. Motion to approve and sign MS-535 passed.
The Select Board was presented with a Property Tax Abatement. Selectperson Moroney made a motion to approve and sign. Selectman Greer seconded this motion. All in favor, none opposed. Motion to approve and sign passed.
The Select Board was presented with an Application for Veteran’s Tax Credit. Selectperson Moroney made a motion to approve and sign. Selectman Greer seconded this motion. All in favor, none opposed. Motion to approve and sign passed.
The Select Board was presented with a Water Warrant for 84 Ruth Rd. Selectperson Moroney made a motion to approve and sign. Selectman Greer seconded this motion. All in favor, none opposed. Motion to approve and sign passed.
The Select Board was presented with a Supplementary Water Warrant for 105 Twin View Drive. Selectperson Moroney made a motion to approve and sign. Selectman Greer seconded this motion. All in favor, none opposed. Motion to approve and sign passed.
The Select Board was presented with a Certificate of Occupancy for 155 Little River Rd. Selectperson Moroney made a motion to approve and sign. Selectman Greer seconded this motion. All in favor, none opposed. Motion to approve and sign passed.
The Select Board was presented with a Certificate of Occupancy for Paquette Dr. Selectperson Moroney made a motion to approve and sign. Selectman Greer seconded this motion. All in favor, none opposed. Motion to approve and sign passed.
Selectperson Moroney discussed upcoming changes following the passing of Article 2 on 3/12/2024. She informed she is working with the Treasurer regarding the PDIP. All fees will now go into the general fund under one or two line numbers. Selectperson Moroney also informed she will continue to track this to have data available for the next Deliberative Session should voters have any questions regarding this article.
Selectperson Moroney also discussed the upcoming eclipse happening on April 8th. A suggestion was made to order some porta potties to place in town to assist with the expected influx of people. Selectperson Moroney made a motion for Selectman Greer to order porta potties for the eclipse. Selectman Greer seconded, all in favor, none opposed. Motion for Selectman Greer to get porta potties for the eclipse passed.
Selectperson Moroney nominated Selectman Greer as the new Chairman of the Select Board. Selectman Marquis seconded, all in favor, none opposed. Motion to appoint Selectman Greer to Chairman passed. Selectman Greer now Chairman of the Select Board.
The Select Board determined their committee representation. Selectperson Moroney will continue with the Conservation Commission and Safety Committee. Selectman Marquis will continue with Planning Board. Selectman Greer will continue with Zoning Board and Energy Commission.
Selectperson Moroney discussed several topics which need addressing during the year. Moroney suggested the Select Board begin to consider Employee Manual revisions, review and update the water regulations, move forward with the Fieldstone Lane ending, work on revising the building permit. Each member of the Board was provided a copy of the current building permit and Selectperson Moroney requested they take time to familiarize themselves with it and discuss their thoughts on the April 2nd meeting of the Select Board.
Building Inspector Scalley brought up Zoning ordinance #9 from December 19th, 2006. Selectperson Moroney read these minutes. Scalley informed this is dealing with the same issue as the amendment #10 passed in 2024.
Chairman Greer brought up a contract from Affinity Lighting which will need to be signed by the Chairperson. Chairman Greer requested the contract be sent to all embers of the Select Board. Imre Szauter requested that the Energy Commission also have the opportunity to review the contract as well to assist the Select Board with their review. Chairman Greer approved this request.
Chief Duncan informed on an audit he had completed regarding all aspects to the Fire Department.. He informed he has signed off on this and needs someone from the Town to certify this. Selectperson Moroney made a motion to appoint Jeff Duncan as a certified signer for this. Chairperson Greer seconded the motion, all in favor, none opposed. Motion passed.
Imre Szauter expressed his thanks for everyone who turned out to assist with the election and praised the work of Town Clerk Crystal Bailey and Moderator Ben Jellison.
Selectman Greer thanked the Board as well as Imre Szauter and Meg Basnar for helping things run smoothly during his absence.
The next meeting of the Select Board will be held on Tuesday April 2nd, 2024 at 5 p.m.
At 7:49 p.m. Selectperson Moroney made a motion to go into non-public for legal. Selectman Greer seconded the motion. Motion to go non-public for legal and personnel passed.
At 8:21 p.m. Selectperson Moroney made a motion to return to public session and seal the minutes. The motion was seconded by Selectman Greer. Motion to return to public session and seal non-public minutes passed unanimously.
Selectperson Moroney made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:22 p.m. Selectman Greer seconded this motion. Motion to adjourn passed, meeting adjourned at 8:23 p.m.