Selectboard Meeting Minutes
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Minutes of 6/11/2024
June 18th, 2024
Carroll Board of Selectmen
Meeting of the Select Board
Meeting Minutes
June 11th, 2024
“These minutes of the Town of Carroll Select Board have been recorded by its Secretary. Though believed to be accurate and correct they are subject to additions, deletions, and corrections by the Select Board at its next meeting when the Board votes its final approval of the minutes. They are being made available at this time to conform to the requirements of New Hampshire RSA 91-A:2.”
Minutes recorded by: Meg Basnar
Board Members: Bonnie Moroney, John Greer, Jules Marquis
Members of the Public: Jeff Duncan, Tadd Bailey, John Trammell, Bobbi Amirault, Rena & Bill Vecchio, Chris Pappas, David Scalley, Donna Goettler,
Pledge of Allegiance
Signing of bills and manifests completed prior to this meeting.
Selectperson Moroney motioned to approve the minutes of 5/28/2024 as written. Selectman Marquis seconded this motion, all in favor none opposed. Motion to approve minutes of 5/28/2024 passed.
The Select Board was presented with a Supplementary Water Warrant for 0 Ruth Road and 812 Route 302 West. Selectperson Moroney made a motion to approve and sign. Selectman Marquis seconded this motion. All in favor, none opposed. Motion to approve and sign Supplementary Water Warrant passed.
The Select Board was presented with Property Warrant First Issue. Selectperson Moroney made a motion to approve and sign. Selectman Marquis seconded this motion. All in favor, none opposed. Motion to approve and sign Property Warrant First Issue passed.
The Select Board was presented with a driveway permit for Ruth Road. Selectperson Moroney made a motion to approve and have the Chair sign. Selectman Marquis seconded this motion. All in favor, none opposed. Motion to approve and have Selectman Greer sign Ruth Road driveway permit passed.
The Select Board was presented with a denial letter regarding an abatement request from NNETO for 2023. The Select Board was advised to deny this abatement by Sansoucy Associates due to insufficient information provided by the applicant. Selectperson Moroney made a motion approve and sign. Selectman Marquis seconded. All in favor, none opposed. Motion to approve and sign passed.
The Select Board was presented with a One Source Security contract to address the Safety Building door. Selectman Greer discussed the issue with the door and informed those in attendance that this was the most practical solution. Police Chief Tadd Bailey informed that a similar arrangement works well for the Police Department and thinks this will appropriately address the problem. Select Person Moroney made a motion to approve and move forward. Selectman Marquis seconded. All in favor, none opposed to the repair contract. Selectperson Moroney made a motion to have the Chair sign. Selectman Marquis seconded. All in favor, none opposed. One Source contract to address the Safety Building door signed by Chairman Greer.
Chairman Greer informed he requested emergency preparedness be on the agenda because he is “concerned about a few things from a geo-political standpoint.” Greer continued with a story about first grade and getting under his desk during the Cuban Missile Crisis. Greer stated he feels we are in a similar situation today and spoke about Russia arming American enemies. Greer continued by discussing the Hazard Mitigation Plan (HMP) and praising Chief Duncan, Chief Bailey and Emergency Management Director Trammell for their work on this. Greer noted that there is no mention of a plan for nuclear attack in the HMP and stated that he felt there is nothing that the town can do to prepare for this. Greer stated he wants residents to be aware of this since it is not being discussed in the media. Emergency Management Director Trammell informed that the purpose of the HMP is to keep the town on track regarding reimbursements from the federal government. Fire Chief Duncan stated a concern would be how to prepare for a mass influx of people following an event like Greer mentioned. Duncan informed that there are plans in place regarding evacuation of the population following a natural disaster, but no plan to address a large increase in the population.
Chairman Greer moved on to discuss the parking lot behind the Safety Building and coring samples of the parking lot area taken by an engineer, which indicated the contractor was not to blame for the parking lot flooding. Greer stated there are plans to install a catch basin in the low area to mitigate flooding in the parking lot. Greer continued, stating the only thing to be aware of was the propane line buried in this area. Building Inspector Scalley reminded Chairman Greer to contact Dig Safe regardless of the contractor used for this job. Chairman Greer made a motion to proceed with the catch basin in the area discussed. Selectperson Moroney reminded Chairman Greer the first step would be to find a contractor, determine a price, then determine funding. Chairman Greer informed that if this is expensive it could go in the budget for 2025. Greer stated he would reach out to Public Works Director Sonia and see what he wants to do. Greer withdrew his motion to proceed.
Chairman Greer began discussion of the Recreation Department’s use of the Bandstand/Info Booth for their upcoming summer concert series. Greer stated the issue with the gazebo is that it is not up to code and needs improvements prior to use. Selectperson Moroney suggested constructing a platform for the concerts this year that can be disassembled and moved when not in use. Donna Gothier requested use of the Community Room in the Town Hall as an alternate location in case of inclement weather. Chief Duncan informed that there is nothing stipulating that the Community Room can not be used but advised that it would require determining how many people would be allowed in the room and is it worth doing looking at the limited number of people who could attend a concert inside the Community Room. Gothier stated the Rec Department is holding off on distributing fliers in hopes of holding the concert in the Community Room. Selectman Greer recognized Dave Scalley who recommended using a platform for the concerts since the gazebo is not suitable at this time. Scalley informed that when he was Selectman donations were obtained from Home Depot to support the construction of a platform for summer concerts and donation of an easy-up to cover the performers. John Trammell suggested using the Recreation Area for these concerts noting that there is a field as well as bathroom facilities. Gothier informed that Rec wanted to use the Recreation Area last year but stated “there was not enough space for them.” Gothier requested the building be brought up to code for the concerts then blocked off. Selectperson Moroney requested the floor to address the safety issues of the bandstand/info booth at present. Moroney informed that following a safety inspection, as well as inspection by the Building Inspector, several issues were identified. These include the width and condition of the stairs to the upper level, which are currently 31” and should be 36”, the condition of the railings on the stairs to the upper level, the height of the stairs to the upper level, which vary from step to step, and the height of the railings on the upper level. Selectperson Moroney expressed her concern for these safety issues at present and recommended second floor access continue to be restricted. Moroney suggested obtaining a price for repairs to the building and planning for repairs to be completed in 2025 however, she felt the upper level should remain closed due to the safety issues presented. Gothier asked why the repairs were not completed previously. Moroney informed that this was in part due to confusion over who was responsible for the structure since it was built by the town and the town completes some of the maintenance but it is used by the Chamber of Commerce as an info booth. Chairman Greer recognized Rena Vecchio who suggested building a platform that can be broken down and moved when not in use and to get a cover for the platform so Rec can move forward. Rena also stated that in the future the Historical Society is looking to construct a bandstand/pavilion type structure but would need to source funding and would need support from the community if this project is to be completed. After much discussion about building a platform, it was determined that Dave Scalley would provide a trailer for the bands to perform on and will move the trailer into position for weekends of the concerts and move the trailer away when the concert is done, if the Town provides insurance coverage. Scalley instructed Gothier to reach out to a contact at Home Depot to seek donation of an easy-up for the event. Selectman Greer provided the dates of the summer concert to Scalley. Selectman’s Assistant reminded Gothier to complete the Food Truck Application.
Selectperson Moroney informed on the last meeting of the Conservation Commission and stated that signing the Wetlands Application previously presented would only assist in shortening the application process for the applicant. Moroney stated should the Conservation Chair not sign the application it would not prevent the application from being submitted to DES. Moroney reported that Conservation Chair Joan Karpf chose not to sign the Wetlands Application due to not being familiar with the details of the project and not having time to thoroughly review the proposed project. Moroney informed that the Conservation Commission is looking into how to make this process smoother for future applications.
Selectperson Moroney reported on her work on the short-term rental warrant article. Moroney stated that she is looking at how towns like Sunapee and Conway have implemented their registration process and selecting parts from each that would work for Carroll. Moroney informed on speaking with legal to determine if the town can move forward in putting a registration program together and to determine if the way the article was written would require the inspection of all rentals or just short-term rentals. Moroney is waiting to hear back from legal on this, is working with Chief Duncan, and has spoken to the Planning Board. Moroney informed she will continue working on this and hopes to have a program completed to present to the voters in March of 2025.
Chaiman Greer moved on to the topic of private roads. Greer informed that he has heard back from legal and read their response into the minutes. “The town’s interest is being able to provide emergency services. The town doesn’t want to maintain those private roads. I think the letter is the best approach. It should say that their private road is not being adequately maintained, which could jeopardize the town’s ability to provide emergency services. But I would add a “stick” to the letter to motivate them: tell them that if they don’t make the repairs in 120 days or 180 days, for example, the SB will record a notice of non-compliance with the registry of deeds.” Greer paused for comments, there were none and he continued “Now, if you’re dealing with a subdivision, you will want to check the PB’s approval to see what road maintenance obligations were agreed to. Same with the fire pond requirement. If the approvals require them to maintain their private roads and fire ponds, it should be added to the letter. But before any letters are sent, the condition of the road must be documented with notes and photos. You want some objective standard. You don’t want to get into a battle where you claim it’s in bad shape (or the fire pond hasn’t been maintained) and the owner contests this and sues you for it. I think the letter is the best approach.” Greer stated if the Select Board agrees legal will draft a template. Selectman Marquis stated that if it is a private road and the home owner does not have the funds to repair it the repairs will not be completed. Greer agreed. Chief Duncan stated that if there are numerous property owners on the private road there may be more compliance than if there is just one property owner, and inquired who would be doing the documentation of these roads on behalf of the town. Chief Duncan cited an example of a road which was put in years ago with the stipulation that there must be a fire pond for fire protection. Duncan continued, stating that the pond has not been maintained and is no longer functioning, and asked who will be going back to find the documentation requiring the fire pond. Dave Scalley recommended one could start by looking at the deeds to the properties on that road, and if there is a HOA it would be recorded with the deed. Selectman Marquis recommended reaching out to the property owners with the letter drafted by legal to inform the property owner that there may be issues providing emergency services due to the condition of the road. Selectperson Moroney agreed and suggested keeping a copy of the letter on file in the office. Moroney informed the office is waiting for a list of roads which need to be addressed.
Chairman Greer recognized Paul Martin who came before the Select Board to inquire about 16 Michael’s Way. Martin informed his property, lot 14, was adjacent to lot 59 which he was under the impression was Common Land. Martin voiced his concern regarding sale of this land and read from the property card where a correction had been made in 2023 listing this parcel as Town Owned not Common Land. Martin expressed his concern with what he understood to be a private sale of town land without proper notice, or an opportunity to purchase the property. Selectperson Moroney informed Martin that originally this property was to be used for an Ammonoosuc River Project, this project never happened and the parcel was overlooked until it was brought to the attention of the town and needed to be returned to the original owners. Moroney informed that legal counsel presented the town with a Quitclaim Deed to address this and the property should have been deeded to Palmer not Bear Den. Moroney assured Martin that nothing was sold by the town and there was no money exchanged, the property was returned because it was not used by the town for its intended purpose. Moroney informed she has contacted legal regarding this and the town is seeking a corrective deed to address this issue which will then be filed with the Register of Deeds. Martin followed with an additional question regarding merging lots. Martin reported on the river taking part of the property involved in a merger, resulting in the property not being continuous. Moroney informed on river erosion, property lines and merging lots. Martin had questions regarding notification to abutters when a lot is being merged. Moroney informed she would investigate this and have the Selectman’s Assistant follow up with Martin.
Chairman Greer recognized Bill Vecchio of the Energy Commission (EC). Vecchio informed that the EC obtained approval from the Library Trustees to place a meter in the library for residents to borrow. The device will allow borrowers to assess their residential electrical use and determine if there are devices which can be unplugged to reduce electrical use and help residents understand their electrical use and determine phantom loads such as phone chargers. Vecchio reported the meter will come with an instruction manual and a chart to enter data and will be available to borrow for two weeks from the library. Vecchio also informed the Energy Commission is hosting a presentation by Clean Energy NH the following night at 4pm at the Town Hall.
Dave Scalley had questions on three town-owned properties Twin View Drive, Little River Road and the Red Store. Moroney reported the property on Little River is above an aquifer and may be used, she would like additional information before making decisions on this property. Moroney reported on speaking with the Town Clerk regarding the other two properties and will make sure the town is on top of this.
Selectperson Moroney would like the next meeting of the Select Board to open as a meeting of the Water Commission to discuss a letter received from the Department of Environmental Services regarding the town’s water system. Greer stated the letter was to Cathy Conway not to the town. Moroney informed she is aware, but would like to discuss the contents of the letter as the Water Commission to go over the presented issues and be prepared going forward.
Selectperson Moroney discussed a letter received from a veteran resident of the town regarding the Disabled Veteran’s Tax Credit. Moroney will be working on a warrant article to address this at the 2025 March town vote.
The next meeting of the Select Board will be held on Tuesday, June 25th, 2024 at 5 p.m. The Select Board will meet first as the Water Commission.
At 6:22 p.m. Selectman Greer made a motion to go into non-public for legal. Selectman Marquis seconded the motion. Roll call vote to enter non-public. Motion to go non-public for legal passed unanimously.
At 7:01 p.m. Selectperson Moroney made a motion to return to public session. The motion was seconded by Selectman Marquis. Motion to return to public session passed.
Selectperson Moroney made a motion to seal the minutes. This was seconded by Selectman Marquis. Roll call vote to seal the minutes passed unanimously.
The Selectmen discussed weather and climate change for several minutes. No decisions made or votes taken.
Selectperson Moroney made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:10 p.m. Selectman Marquis seconded this motion. All in favor, none opposed. Motion to adjourn passed, meeting adjourned at 7:10 p.m.