Selectboard Meeting Minutes
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- Minutes of 7/9/2024
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Minutes of 7/9/2024
July 9th, 2024
Carroll Board of Selectmen
Meeting of the Select Board
Meeting Minutes
July 9th, 2024
“These minutes of the Town of Carroll Select Board have been recorded by its Secretary. Though believed to be accurate and correct they are subject to additions, deletions, and corrections by the Select Board at its next meeting when the Board votes its final approval of the minutes. They are being made available at this time to conform to the requirements of New Hampshire RSA 91-A:2.”
Minutes recorded by: Meg Basnar
Board Members: Jules Marquis, Bonnie Moroney, John Greer
Members of the Public: Bryam Mycko, Bobbi & Vern Amirault, Rena & Bill Vecchio, Imre Szauter, Jeff Duncan, Chris Pappas, Dave Scalley, Ben Jellison, Joan Karpf.
Pledge of Allegiance
Signing of bills and manifests completed prior to this meeting.
The Select Board was presented with a Corrective Supplementary Water Warrant for 2024. Selectperson Moroney made a motion to approve. Selectman Marquis seconded, all in favor, none opposed. Motion to approve and sign the Corrective Supplementary Water Warrant for 2024 passed.
The Select Board was presented with a Supplementary Water Warrant for 2024. Selectperson Moroney made a motion to approve and sign. Selectman Marquis seconded, all in favor, none opposed. Motion to approve and sign the Supplementary Water Warrant for 2024 passed.
The Select Board was presented with a denial letter for an Abatement Application for 2023. Selectperson Moroney explained the tax payer requested a review of the property which they felt was over assessed. The town’s assessors completed the review and recommended a denial of the Abatement Application. Selectperson Moroney explained the reason for denial and made a motion to approve and sign the denial letter for this abatement request. Selectman Marquis seconded, all in favor, none opposed. Motion to approve and sign the abatement denial letter passed.
The Select Board was presented with a Community Room Usage Application for Badger Peabody & Smith to hold a meeting in the Community Room at the Town Hall on Wednesday, September 9th, 2024. Selectperson Moroney made a motion to approve and have the Chairman sign. Selectman Marquis seconded, all in favor, none opposed. Motion to approve and have Chairman sign passed. Chairman Greer signed the application.
The Select Board was again presented with the Driveway Permit for Billbarb Road which was tabled at the last Select Board meeting. Fire Chief Duncan explained that the Driveway Permit was presented with a map that incorrectly indicated Billbarb Rd and recommended that a corrected map be obtained prior to the Select Board signing this Driveway Permit. Building Inspector Scalley offered information regarding Billbarb Rd, and discussed with Chief Duncan who explained that his concern was the incorrect map submitted. Scalley requested the Select Board allow him to address this and obtain a corrected map and resubmit. The Select Board had no issue with this and will revisit the Driveway Application for Billbarb Rd at the Select Board Meeting scheduled for 7/23/2024.
Chairman Greer acknowledged Dave Scalley who discussed Building Permit extensions. Scalley informed that currently he has the authority to extend Building Permits for 1 year then he must come before the Select Board to extend Building Permit for an additional year. Scalley requested the Select Board give the Building Inspector the authority to extend Building Permits for a second year. Scalley provided an example of how this would be beneficial to residents if the Building Inspector or the Land Use Secretary have the ability to extend Building Permits for an additional year. Chairman Greer stated he was in favor of this, Selectperson Moroney was in favor of having the authority sit with the Land Use Secretary. Scalley informed that everything goes through the Land Use Secretary in the office anyway. Chairman Greer informed he would support an extension to 3 years, but feels 4 years may be too much. Selectman Marquis informed was in favor of 4 years, Chairman Greer then stated he was in favor of 4 years. Selectperson Moroney asked about the assessors and if extending Building Permits would incur additional fees form the assessors. Scalley informed he was not sure, but stated that once the Building Permit is created the assessors evaluate how far along the building is each year before taxes until completion. Moroney informed that every time the assessors visit the property the town is charged. Scalley informed that the increase of the Building Permit fees from $50 to $75 was to cover the assessors. Chairman Greer informed he is in favor of recovering the costs for the assessor and not burdening the other tax payers. Selectman Marquis asked how often this happens Scalley informed that he only had 12 in the last four years out of a total 300 Building Permits which needed extensions beyond his authority. Greer stated if this is not common than recovering the costs is not a major issue for him. Selectman Marquis agreed. Selectperson Moroney informed that if it goes through the office at some point then she has no problem with this. Chairman Greer made a motion to give the Building Inspector the authority to extend a Building Permit for 2 years. Selectman Marquis seconded, all in favor, none opposed. Motion to give the Building Inspector the authority to extend a Building Permit for 2 years passed.
Chairman Greer moved on to discuss the Ammonoosuc Local River Advisory Committee (ARLAC) and recognized Joan Karpf, who was the former appointee, provided some background information to the Select Board. Karpf informed that she would be willing to offer advice and help out a new appointee where needed. Karpf informed that the meetings are currently held in Littleton once per month and an appointee’s term is 3 years and each town can appoint up to 3 representatives. Karp informed that she would be willing to answer any questions and provide assistance to any interested residents. Selectperson Moroney made a motion to post that the town is seeking a volunteer representative for ARLAC on the town’s website and post on the bulletin board at the Town Hall. Selectman Marquis seconded, all in favor, none apposed. Motion post that the town is seeking a volunteer representative for ARLAC on the town’s website as well as the on the bulletin board at the Town Hall passed.
Selectperson Moroney discussed a letter to be sent to all residents of private roads and presented a draft of this letter to the Select Board. The town can then follow up with residents of private roads that are difficult for emergency services to get to. Moroney informed that the Land Use Secretary is currently working on making a list of all private roads. Dave Scalley asked if this letter would be mailed to all residents of private roads. Moroney affirmed that it would be. Moroney made a motion to move forward with mailing this letter to residents of private roads once it is signed by the Select Board. Selectman Marquis seconded, all in favor, none opposed. Motion to move forward with mailing letter to residents of private roads once signed by the Select Board passed. The Select Board will sign this letter once it is put on town letterhead at the office.
Chairman Greer recognized Selectperson Moroney who informed that she has completed the warrant article for 2025 modifying the totally disabled veteran’s tax credit to increase from $2,000 to $4,000. Moroney informed that this article has already been filed with the Selectman’s Assistant who is working on compiling warrant articles for 2025.
Moroney provided an update to the Select Board regarding her work to improve the town’s water infrastructure. Moroney informed that she has heard back from the engineering company and discussed Task 1 and Task 2. Task 1 involves retaining the engineers services, and includes attendance to meetings, site visits, funding application development or other requested engineering assistance. Task 2 would include a hydrogeologic study and mapping and engineering services focused on the best strategy to improve the town’s water infrastructure.
Chief Duncan informed that he received a call from Kevin Leonard of Northpoint Engineering regarding the hydrants at the Echo Lake development. Duncan clarified that he is adamant that the hydrants be in place. Duncan informed that he understands the limitations of the hydrants but wants to be clear, these hydrants need to be in place and functioning as he had specified. Duncan elaborated, stating that the Fire Department plans on using hydrants to a certain extent and is in “no way shape or form advocating that those be removed from any first or second phase”. Duncan informed that they will be limited in use due to the fire pond but will still be good for a car or bedroom fire. A resident asked a question regarding the fire pond and how it will be filled, voicing concern regarding drought conditions. Duncan informed that the fire pond will be filled by rain and that Echo Lake drew up a stipulation that should the fire pond go below a certain level for more than 2 days the fire pond will be filled by the homeowner’s association using water tankers with water purchased by the homeowner’s association. Chairman Greer recognized Rena Vecchio who informed that at the last meeting of the Planning Board Cathy Conway stated she did not need the hydrants because there would be a fire pond. Chairman Greer stated it was his understanding that the hydrants were a requirement as well, and brought up concerns regarding over taxing the water system noted by DES in the last letter they issued Conway. Duncan informed that is an issue that exists in that entire side of town and is something the Fire Department is aware of and continue to be mindful and work in conjunction with the Director of Public Works.
Selectperson Moroney made a motion to move forward with Task 2 by setting up a date and time for the water engineers to come up and speak to the Select Board to provide insight and a clearer picture of what the town needs. Selectman Marquis seconded. Dave Scalley questioned what the initial Task 1 payment was for and if it was capped at the initial fee. The Select Board explained. All in favor, no objections, motion to move forward with Task 2 by setting up a date and time for the water engineers to meet with the Select Board passed.
Chairman Greer recognized Bobbi Amirault who informed the Select Board that the Historical Society will be holding a yard sale on Saturday, August 1st from 10am to 2pm due to the previous date being rained out.
Chairman Greer recognized Moderator Ben Jellison who informed the Select Board that there is a new program available to purchase ballot tabulators. Jellison informed that when the budget was created for 2024 funds were allocated to purchase a new machine. Jellison informed the state will provide $3,500 towards the purchase of the new machine and requested permission to reply to the state and inform that the town will be purchasing one. Jellison recommended rolling out the new machine for Town Election 2025 and provided additional information regarding the new machine. Selectperson Moroney made a motion to allow Jellison to move forward with purchasing a new voting machine in the next 6 months. Selectman Marquis seconded, all in favor, none opposed. Motion to allow Jellison to move forward with purchasing a new voting machine in the next 6 months passed.
Chairman Greer recognized Bill Vecchio of the Energy Commission who reported to the Select Board regarding putting a solar array on the Public Safety Building. Vecchio informed there is assistance for funding this project including a 30% tax credit as well as a grant called the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant for Municipal Solar. Deadline for submission is August 1st 2024 and has the ability to provide $40,000 to $120,000 which may provide funding for the entire project. Vecchio informed that this solar array would provide electricity to the entire Public Safety Building with additional electricity to be provided to any of the Town of Carroll accounts through net metering. Chairman Greer reported part of the application process for this grant includes letters of recommendation from various groups. Greer informed he has reached out to the NH State Senator and State Representative who will also be supplying letters. Greer requested that the Select Board sign the letter he wrote supporting the efforts of the Energy Commission in pursuit of this grant. Greer read the letter into the minutes “The Select Board would like to issue a letter of strong support to the Energy Commission's efforts to apply not only for the United States Department of Energy, Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant Municipal Solar Grant Program ALN 81.128 FAIN: DE-SE0000204 but also for their overall solar installation efforts. This work promises to significantly reduce the Town of Carroll's energy costs, lessen the load on an overtaxed electrical grid, and provide environmental benefits.
Thank you for your tireless work to make the Town of Carroll an even more desirable place
to live. The Select Board enthusiastically endorses your solar efforts. Kind regards”. Chairman Greer made a motion for the Select Board to sign this letter of support for the Energy Commission. Selectman Marquis Seconded, all in favor, none opposed. Motion to sign the letter of support for the Energy Commission passed. Vecchio informed the Energy Commission is also expecting a letter of support from the Chamber of Commerce. Members of the Energy Commission answered questions from the Selectmen as well as residents and stated that even if the grant is awarded this would still have to be written into a warrant article and brought to Town Vote in March 2025.
Chairman Greer discussed an article in the Caledonian Record he was interviewed for.
Chairman Greer made a motion to enter non-public for legal at 6:05 p.m. Selectperson Moroney seconded. Dave Scalley requested being permitted to enter non-public for personnel, the Select Board did not have an issue with this. Chairman Greer entered non-public for personnel and legal at 6:05 p.m. Selectman Marquis seconded, all in favor, none opposed. Motion to enter non-public for personnel and legal passed.
At 6:44 p.m. Selectman Greer made a motion to return to public session. The motion was seconded Selectman Marquis. Motion to return to public session passed.
Selectperson Moroney made a motion to seal the minutes. This was seconded by Selectman Marquis. Roll Call Vote to seal the minutes passed unanimously.
Selectperson Moroney made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 6:45 p.m. Selectman Marquis seconded this motion. All in favor, none opposed. Motion to adjourn passed, meeting adjourned at 6:45 p.m.