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Minutes of 7/24/2024
July 24th, 2024
Carroll Energy Commission Minutes
Meeting of July 24, 2024 @ 5:00 p.m.
Carroll Town Hall Conference Room
The Carroll Energy Commission mission is to advise, encourage, and facilitate energy conservation, energy efficiency, and clean energy solutions for public buildings and properties, businesses, and resident homes. The Committee shall provide leadership and direction for community education relating to energy and shall propose and explore funding for local energy projects.
These minutes of the Town of Carroll Energy Commission have been recorded by its Secretary. Though believed to be accurate and correct they are subject to additions, deletions, and corrections by the Energy Commission at its next meeting when the Commission votes its final approval of the minutes. They are being made available at this time to conform to the requirements of New Hampshire RSA 91-A:2.
Minutes recorded by Imre Szauter, Secretary
Commission members in attendance: Member and Select Board Representative John Greer, Member Brian Mycko, Vice Chair and Secretary Imre Szauter, and Chair Bill Vecchio. Member Vern Amirault was absent and excused.
Members of the public in attendance: None
The meeting was called to order at 5:01 p.m. by Chair Vecchio.
Chair Vecchio invited all attendees to rise and join in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Chair Vecchio stated he would entertain a motion on the July 10, 2024 meeting minutes. Chair Vecchio motioned to accept the minutes as written. Member Mycko seconded the motion. With no discussion, the motion passed with 4 AYES to 0 NAYS.
Under New Business, Chair Vecchio asked if there was any new business to come before the Commission. Vice Chair Szauter reported that Member and Select Board Chair, John Greer signed the Eversource Energy Efficiency Incentive Offer, provided by Jason Wiggins of Affinity LED Lighting on July 18, 2024. The document regards the $12,500 incentive offer from Eversource Energy for the street light conversion project. Select Board Chair, John Greer brought the offer before the Select Board at their July 23, 2024 meeting, where a motion was passed authorizing him to sign it. A scanned copy of the offer was sent via email on July 24, 2024 to Affinity LED Lighting by Administrative Assistant, Megan Basnar.
Under Old Business, Chair Vecchio opened a discussion on the NH DOE Municipal Solar Grant Program. Vice Chair Szauter called attention to a July 24, 2024 updated solar PV array proposal from Barrington Power, provided as an attachment to a July 24, 2024 email from Ted Vansant. The email stated that because the project estimated cost exceeds $125,000, a bond must be created to cover the project.
Vice Chair Szauter pointed out that Ted Vansant offered an option to reduce the size, and therefore the cost, of the project so it would come in under $120,000.
After much discussion on accepting the new proposal versus scaling back the project size, members agreed it made more sense to submit the new proposal with the application. Member Mycko motioned to submit the updated Barrington Power proposal for $151,766 with the NH DOE Municipal Solar Grant Program application and modify the previously approved grant amount requested to $86,236. Chair Vecchio seconded the motion. Discussion took place to identify and estimate other potential sources of project funds, include IRA Elective Pay, the NH DOE Commercial and Industrial Solar Incentive Program [for which municipalities appear to be eligible], and the Energy Efficiency Capital Reserve Fund [created by voter approval in 2024]. With no further discussion, the motion passed with 4 AYES to 0 NAYS.
Chair Vecchio suggested members review the NH DOE Municipal Solar Grant Program checklist and the checklist provided by Ted Vansant of Barrington Power. Vice Chair Szauter opened the electronic folder containing PDF files that will be submitted as attachments to the grant application to verify what has been obtained to date. In addition, the PDF application form started by Chair Vecchio was opened for review.
Items requiring modification or those yet to be provided by the Commission or by Barrington Power, were identified for follow up.
The required Davis-Bacon Assurance letter from the town would need to be approved for signature by the Select Board. Member Greer stated that he would request a brief Select Board meeting on Monday, July 29, 2024 to place the letter before the Board and request approval to sign it.
Members discussed setting another Energy Commission meeting to review the final application and attachments, and agreed to meet on Tuesday, July 30, 2024 at 5:00 p.m. in the Town Hall conference room. Vice Chair Szauter will send a website calendar meeting request and provide an agenda to Administrative Assistant, Megan Basnar.
Chair Vecchio highlighted that Item 5 in the grant application under Section IV Energy Savings states, “Describe any energy efficiency measures that will be implemented as part of, or alongside of, the project. Explain the anticipated energy savings, in both kWh and dollar amounts, from these completed measures.” He stated there are likely few, if any, improvements that could be made to the Public Safety building to further reduce electricity use. Members agreed that the newness of the building, completed in 2020 and constructed to meet or exceed building and energy-efficiency code standards at that time, would likely negate additional efficiency expenditures. Chair Vecchio suggested including information on the Eversource Energy New Equipment & Construction Program, under which the town received a $22,598.75 rebate on August 3, 2020 for installation of energy-efficient products, such as LED lighting and air source heat pump (ASHP) systems, in the newly-constructed Public Safety building.
Chair Vecchio announced we have received five letters of support for the solar project, including Executive Councilor – District 2, Cinde Warmington; NH State Senator – District 1, Carrie Gendreau; NH State Representative – Coos 4, Seth King; Twin Mountain – Bretton Woods Chamber of Commerce – Vice President, Carol Carlson Cunningham; and the Town of Carroll Select Board, Chair John Greer, Member Bonnie Moroney, and Member Jules Marquis.
Chair Vecchio suggested skimming through the grant application. Chair Vecchio highlighted the box on page 1 titled Authorized Representative For Project and stated he thought the Select Board Chair should be listed there. Members agreed. Member Greer stated that he thought he should bring this before the Select Board for discussion and approval at the to-be-requested July 29 meeting. In addition, he thought the block titled Section XI Signature Section should be reviewed and approved for the Chair’s signature by the Select Board.
Chair Vecchio identified three other areas of the application where information provided by Melissa Elander of Clean Energy New Hampshire should be included.
Under Other, Chair Vecchio asked if there were any items for discussion. Chair Vecchio reported that the loaner Kil-A-Watt meter, along with detailed instructions for its use, has been provided to the Town of Carroll Library for patrons to sign out.
With no additional agenda items for discussion, Chair Vecchio entertained a motion for adjournment. Chair Vecchio motioned to adjourn. Member Mycko seconded the motion. With no discussion, the motion passed unanimously with 4 AYES and 0 NAYS and the meeting was adjourned at 6:39 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Imre Szauter, Vice Chair and Secretary