Selectboard Meeting Minutes

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Minutes of 7/6/2020


July 16th, 2020

Carroll Board of Selectmen
Meeting Minutes
July 6, 2020

“These minutes of the Town of Carroll Select Board have been recorded by its Secretary. Though believed to be accurate and correct they are subject to additions, deletions and corrections by the Select Board at its next meeting when the Board votes its final approval of the minutes. They are being made available at this time to conform to the requirements of New Hampshire RSA 91-A:2.”

Minutes recorded by Kelly Trammell, Secretary
Board Members: Robert Gauthier, David A. Scalley, Bonnie Moroney

Members of the Public: Jeremy Oleson, Vern Amirault, Bobbi Amirault, Mike Hogan, Dianne Hogan, Tadd Bailey, Imre Szauter, Mike Gooden, Andy Smith, Alex Foti, Aaron Foti

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Chairman Gauthier.

Pledge of Allegiance.

Chairman Gauthier announced the approval and signing of the manifests.

Selectman Moroney made a motion to approve the minutes of 6/29/2020 as written. The motion was approved by Selectman Scalley and the motion passed unanimously.

Imre Szauter spoke on behalf of the Building Committee. He said the final meeting was held on July 2 where a vote was cast to disband the Committee. Szauter thanked members and several other individuals. (See attached letter.) There was a round of applause in the room thanking Imre for his time and effort.

Selectman Scalley said he believes there should be a Selectman representative involved with the Hazard Mitigation planning. Selectman Gauthier said he would do it and he’d be in contact with June Garneau.

Vern Amirault spoke on behalf of the Historical Society. He asked the Board what the Society’s access will be for the building, if there would be access to the building for meetings and if they would be given keys to their room. There was a discussion and the Board advised that there are still things that need to be worked out with the alarm panel that will take a little time. Once things are squared away then access could better be determined. In the meantime, the Board advised the Society to advise when they need access and arrangements would be made.

Follow Up:

Fire Station Bldg – Deed Restrictions – The Board reviewed a list of possible deed restrictions on the Fire Station Building. Selectman Moroney addressed each item individually.

• No unlawful purpose or in any way which would constitute a legal nuisance to an adjoining owner or occupant.

Moroney said she believes this would come under State or local law and shouldn’t be in the deed. Chief Bailey stated the wording seemed wrong and should be checked.

• No use that would emit a strong, unusual, offensive or obnoxious odor, fumes, dust or vapors or any sound which can be heard outside of any building(s).

Moroney stated that something like a woodworking shop would be fine in that location and she wouldn’t want to discourage a business like that. She said she believes a lot of this is covered by the Planning and Zoning regulations. Selectman Scalley stated we should put the restrictions in the deeds for future Planning and Zoning decisions. Selectman Moroney said the Planning and Zoning Boards currently do not look at deeds in making decisions now.

• No assembling, manufacturing, distilling, refining, smelting, agricultural or mining operation.

Selectman Moroney said this is currently handled by the zoning now.

• No “second hand” store or liquidation outlet.

Selectman Moroney said she feels if someone wanted an indoor flea market at the location, she would be fine with that. Chairman Gauthier agreed. Selectman Scalley said he wants to make sure the Fire Station is something desirable and appealing. Selectman Moroney said she sent an email to NH Municipal Association to ask if they have any suggested guidelines. Chairman Gauthier asked if she notified the Board that she was corresponding with them. Selectman Scalley said it would only help move the process along.

• No mobile home park, trailer court, labor camp, junk yard, recycling facility or stock yard; any dumping, disposing, incineration or deduction of garbage

Moroney said there is no space there for a mobile home park. She said she understands not wanting a junk yard. Mike Hogan said in the zoning ordinance, junk yards are not allowed. Selectman Scalley referred to the ordinance and said junk yards are allowed by special exception in the Industrial zone. The location of the Fire Station is Residential- Business so a junk yard would not be allowed. Selectman Scalley said he’d like to see as many restrictions placed in the deed as possible in case zoning changes in the future.

• No automobile, truck, trailer or recreational vehicle sales, leasing, storage, display or body shop repair or towing or wrecking operation.

Moroney said she was o.k. with it.

• No animal raising facilities.

Moroney said she was o.k. with it.

• No establishment selling or exhibiting paraphernalia for use with illicit drugs, any establishment selling or exhibiting materials or devices which are adjudicate to be pornographic by a court of competent jurisdiction, and any adult bookstore, adult video store or adult movie theater.

Moroney said she was o.k. with it.

• No use in which creates fire, explosives or other hazards.

Selectman Scalley asked Fire Chief Oleson if he had and problems with it such as fireworks. Chief Oleson said many of those activities are heavily regulated by the State.

Chairman Gauthier asked that it remain on the agenda to follow up with next week.

Tax Deeded Property – Route 3 North – Selectman Moroney said the Attorney is still working on it. She said there are two properties that are to be taken by tax deed this year but because of the Governor’s orders due to Covid, those activities were suspended until July 1. She said the tax collector is beginning the process now. Moroney said with the property on Little River Road, the tax collector is working on putting the numbers together and notifying the past owner. Moroney said she asked the tax collector about the property on Route 115 and it’s still showing owned by the State of NH. It hasn’t been switched to the abutter. The Secretary advised that the abutter was in the office that day speaking with the tax collector but she wasn’t sure of the outcome of the discussion. The Board asked her to follow up.

Sound Panels – Imre Szauter stated that acoustic testing of the community room is scheduled for Monday, July 13.

Dedication Ceremony – Imre Szauter stated that the sub-committee met last Thursday. As a result of the meeting, Mike Finn is putting together a packet for the Selectmen for the next meeting. Right now, it looks like a target date of Saturday, Sept. 12th has been chosen.

Street Light Removal – The Secretary said she was waiting to hear back from the Police and Fire Chiefs if they thought that specific light was a safety issue. Chief Bailey asked for the specific pole number to verify which pole. Selectman Scalley said he is headed to that area for an inspection and would get the pole number.

Trash Removal – Further discussion was held on managing the trash at the Town Hall without increased costs. It was decided that the Highway Dept. will take the trash on Tues. and Thurs. The cleaning company will place the trash in the storage room off the community room until it can be removed.


Selectman Moroney said she put the Veteran’s pictures in three new frames. She said her husband fixed the wooden plaque. She said the case which holds the flag needs a small nail to hold it shut. She requested that the items now be hung along with the Women’s Discussion Group quilt. Selectman Scalley said he could have one of his employees hang things up.

The Board reviewed a letter with regards to the roadway for the Echo Lake Subdivision. The road had been reviewed by an engineering firm and as a result it was suggested to remove 6 inches of unsatisfactory material from the road. This would be replaced by 6 inches of compacted gravel meeting NH DOT specifications. Chairman Gauthier made a motion to approve the letter and have Greg Hogan sign as Road Agent. Selectman Scalley seconded and the motion passed unanimously.

Selectman Scalley asked the Board for permission to contact Cathy Conway as a reminder about funding the Echo Lake Motel escrow so the project can continue. The Board agreed.

Mike Gooden asked that if the Veteran’s pictures are hung in the Town Hall prior to the newsletter going out, could mention be made of it. He said this would ease people’s minds. Selectman Moroney said she would.

Mike Hogan presented the Board with a copy of Section 504 of the zoning ordinance dealing with Temporary Uses and Structures. He said he’d like to be put on the agenda for it next week after the Board has a chance to review. Mike said a registered camper is allowed on a property for 14 days without a permit and anything longer is required to get a permit. Hogan said the ordinance doesn’t say who will enforce it. He also mentioned Section 705 which mentions that campers and manufactured homes can’t be used as accessory dwellings. Mike said the concern is what campers are doing with their waste. He said the Board needs to review the ordinance and decide what is to be done. Aaron Foti said there are two issues that needs to be addressed. The first is if the ordinance needs to be changed, it should go to the Planning Board. Foti said the enforcement issue should be handled by the Building Inspector. There was discussion on how many people are using campers on their property for more than 14 days and the lack of resources to be able to identify them all. Chairman Gauthier said people need to bring complaints forward and it will be dealt with in that manner. Mike Hogan said he no longer needed to be on the agenda if the matter had to be handled at the Planning Board.

Police Chief Bailey gave an overview of calls for the holiday weekend. He asked the Board if they had given any more thought to enforcing engine brakes and posting signs. The Board had a brief discussion and it was decided that Chief Bailey would look into the cost of purchasing signs.

Chairman Gauthier announced the next meeting would be Monday, July 13 at 7 p.m.

At 8:11 p.m., Chairman Gauthier made a motion to go into non-public session per RSA 91-A:3 for legal. The motion was seconded by Selectman Scalley and polled; Gauthier – yes, Scalley – yes, Moroney – yes.

At 9:48 p.m., Selectman Scalley made a motion return to public session and seal the minutes. Chairman Gauthier seconded and the motion passed unanimously.

Selectman Scalley made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Chairman Gauthier seconded and the motion passed unanimously. Chairman Gauthier declared the meeting ended at 9:48 p.m.