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Minutes of Town Board Meetings

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Minutes of 3/12/2012 DRAFT

March 21st, 2012

Carroll Board of Selectmen
Meeting Minutes
March 12, 2012
"These minutes of the Town of Carroll Select Board have been recorded by its Secretary. Though believed to be accurate and correct they are subject to additions, deletions and corrections by the Select Board at its next meeting when the Board votes its final approval of the minutes. They are being made available at this time to conform to the requirements of New Hampshire RSA 91-A:2."

Minutes recorded by Maryclare Quigley, Secretary

Board members present: Mark Catalano, Bonnie Moroney, Bill Dowling

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM by Chairman Catalano

Members of the public present: Mike Gooden, Rena Vecchio, Ike Ikasalo, Judy St. Croix, Jane Ikasalo, Jeremy Oleson, Roy Ramsdell, Chris Pappas, June Garneau, Bill Smalley, Evan Karpf, Dave Scalley

Pledge of Allegiance

The meeting was filmed by Jane Ikasalo.

The Board announced the approval of bills and signing of checks.

Chairman Catalano made a Motion to: Accept the minutes of February 27, 2012, as written. Selectman Dowling seconded and the Motion passed unanimously.

Stan Borkowski’s report was received and posted.

There were two Ordinances from the previous meeting that needed clarification: #7 regarding the fine for improper dumping at the Transfer Station, which Det. Brown said is within the parameters as the State statute lists a maximum of $3,000; and #11, regarding missing words, which have been put in. The Selectmen had voted at the earlier meeting to approve signing with the clarifications, so they signed those in question.

Chairman Catalano brought up the Water Department debt and said he had called the auditors and was awaiting a return call on the proper way to handle this. He explained the process that will be done and said it would actually be “balancing the checkbook.” He went on to say the books will be reviewed to get the exact amount of money owed.

Hazard Mitigation update was brought up and Chairman Catalano said at the last meeting he had asked Evan Karpf (the Town’s representative to NCC), who spoke on behalf of North Country Council, what might be lost or gained if the Town chose to have a company other than North Country Council do the update. He said he wanted to know if it would hurt the Town to change from them to a local business and referred to a list he had received from Evan Karpf. He went on to say that he didn’t see anything that the Town would lose by making the change. It was reiterated that the Town pays a membership fee to North Country Council for the services we receive.

June Garneau, owner of the company which is being considered for the update, spoke as a former employee of NCC said that while our dues do go to the various services we receive, they do not cover the match for this project as had been speculated previously. Mrs. Garneau explained this comes from the number of people working on the project, which she believes should be made in about four meetings. When it was asked if it would cost more for the Town if we go with her, she said it won’t cost anything as the grant covers all anyway. She said basically the only difference is the tracking of time for the match and she will do that as well as the reporting. Selectman Dowling said his only question was how long the process is. Mrs. Garneau answered the town portion would depend on the spacing of meetings, such as if it takes four meetings and they have one a month and so on. Once this portion is completed it goes to FEMA and she anticipates less than a year, but no one would really be able to answer that. Ike Ikasalo asked if we leave NCC and something happens that Mrs. Garneau’s company cannot finish it, can we go back to NCC. Chairman Catalano said we would not be leaving NCC, just that this particular project will not be done by them. Mrs. Garneau said she sees no reason why that would happen and plans to complete the project herself. She went on to say that her company’s focus is only on emergency planning. She said she has done about thirty and is currently working on many others; she would be available for future updates, and said they could actually meet yearly so in the fifth year when the update is required, it would already be underway. She said she does GPS mapping and she is dedicated to making plans “local” rather than “generic” – but in the process also must maintain FEMA requirements. Selectman Dowling made a Motion To: Hire June Garneau for the update project and to sign the paperwork connected with it. Selectman Moroney seconded and the Motion passed unanimously.

The following items were approved and signed:

Intents to Cut – Dowling, Piccolo, Pagliarulo
Certificate of Occupancy – Panarello, Bretton Woods Tel. Co., Inc.
Water Warrant – Fannie Mae, Harden Rev. Trust
Letter to State Hazard Mitigation Planner re Multi Hazard Mitigation Plan update
Grant Agreement for Local Hazard Mitigation Plan update
Planning Scope of Work & Agreement for Hazard Mitigation Plan – Mapping and Planning

Chairman Catalano explained there was an issue with the Intent to Cut on the Route 115 property. The owner had been asked to use an approach other than the driveway as the town water line from the Cherry Mountain tank is there and for which the Town has a legal right-of-way. If this is not the case, the Town has the right to request a bond or insurance to protect us against any damages, but not the right to require the same. However, we do have the right, based on RSA to hold the property owner responsible and liable for any damages or problems up to triple the amount of costs. To this end, the Board wrote a letter to the owner explaining this and Chairman Catalano said he felt in keeping with the Board’s wanting to work with the people that they should meet face-to-face, and since the owner could not be at this meeting, suggested setting another date. Selectman Dowling said they had spoken with the owner and Town Counsel had spoken with him and he felt that was sufficient, so we should just mail the letter and the signed Intent. It was decided this would be sent by Certified Mail.

A contract for $3,500 from Avery’s Sweeping in North Woodstock, NH, was presented for signing. It was noted in keeping with the Bid Policy for items in excess of $3,000, this was put out to bid and there were no other responses. It was also noted this is the company which has done the Town sweeping for the past several years and they have held the cost at the same for the past three years. Chairman Catalano made a Motion To: Sign the contract. Selectman Moroney seconded and it passed unanimously.


Chairman Catalano read two complaint forms regarding campaigning by a candidate for office that had been done at the Transfer Station the previous Saturday. Selectman Dowling spoke to these and said there is no law against soliciting votes on Town property and said a number of people have done it since the Station opened in 2005. He went on to say the only RSA is for political advertising, RSA 47:17XLV-A, which cannot be posted on Town property.

Rena Vecchio said as Bonnie Moroney did not run for re-election, this is her last meeting as a Selectperson, and she wanted to thank her for her six years of service to the Town – for all that Mrs. Moroney had done for the employees and for all that she had done for the Town. All in attendance joined Mrs. Vecchio in applauding Mrs. Moroney.

Evan Karpf said they had set May 19, as the annual clean-up day and the JROTC will participate this year. He said they usually start around 9 a.m. and finish by 2 p.m. with lunch. More details will be available as they are made.

Dave Scalley asked if they are planning to get someone to take minutes for the ZBA and the Planning Board as a member took them at the last ZBA meeting. Chairman Catalano said with Rena Vecchio getting done, the Boards had been put on notice that they will be responsible for finding a replacement. It was noted an ad had been placed and two responses have been received. Mrs. Vecchio asked if the Boards will be allowed to use the recorder as she noticed it had not been used at the last ZBA meeting. She was assured they would be able to use it.

As there was no further business, the Board was polled and went into non-public session for personnel matters at 7:58 p.m.

At the close of Non-Public Session, Selectman Dowling moved to return to Public Session and seal the minutes from Non-Public Session. Selectman Moroney seconded and the Motion passed unanimously.

There being no further discussion, Chairman Catalano made a Motion to: adjourn the meeting. Selectman Moroney seconded and the Motion passed unanimously. Chairman Catalano declared the meeting ended at 9:00 p.m. The next meeting will be on Monday, March 26, 2012.