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Minutes of Town Board Meetings

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Minutes of 4/19/2012 APPROVED

June 27th, 2012


These minutes should be reviewed in conjunction with the subsequent meeting minutes, at which a review is conducted and any approved amendments recorded.

Members in attendance: Chair Sue Kraabel, Joan Karpf, Dan Walker, Mark Catalano, Jack Catalano, Jane Ikasalo, Linda Dowling (7:30 pm)

Dave Ikasalo set up the video camera to record the meeting, then departed. No other members of the public present.

Chair called the meeting to order at 7:15. It was determined that a quorum was present, and discussion began about electing a new chairman and secretary. Linda was not yet present, but Joan said Linda had expressed an interest in being the chair. Motion was made and seconded to name Linda as chair. It passed unanimously at 6-0. Jane agreed to be secretary, and motion was made, seconded, and passed unanimously at 6-0.

Discussion then took place about a meeting time. Jane is unable to make a 7:00 pm meeting on Wednesdays, and since other days were ruled out by various members, it was decided to meet on the third Wednesday of the month at 7:30 pm.

Joan distributed copies of several pages of the March issue of LGC Town & City. The two articles deal with economic realities for towns and an explanation of how the NH property tax system works. She thought these would be helpful to the Budget Committee and residents alike. A copy was placed on the bulletin board.

Discussion took place regarding some things the last committee had talked about reviewing in this next season. Included were duplication of accounts for Recreation Area labor, building janitorial service, and other building expenses. Mark will talk to Scott/Greg about how the heating system works in the town hall, and possible reduction of costs. There are currently two boilers in the basement, and no one was sure what heats various areas in the building. We also need to determine if we can make changes suggested by the energy audits that were done recently. Sue said she will be examining heating and electricity expenses that currently are all lumped together into one general building account for heating and one for electricity, so that we can determine costs for each building. Initially we talked about adding new accounts in each department budget, but then decided that they would best be presented individually in the “General Building” category.

Mark said that the equalization tax rate has been determined, and when the revaluation is completed before the final 2012 tax bill, there will be 24.3% less assessed value in the town. Discussion took place about how this would affect the tax rate and individual tax bills. The bottom line is that the amount appropriated is what ends up determining how much the tax bill will be. It’s possible for the tax rate to go up and an individual tax bill does not. Once again it was noted that the only thing the town can control is the municipal portion of the tax bill, and the Budget Committee and the Town Meeting vote will determine how much money will be appropriated for town government. Mark said the selectmen will be starting their budget process in May, and plan to have department budgets come down. He said they think this can be done without eliminating essential services. Mark also said he would speak to the other selectmen about the energy audit options.

With nothing further, Dan motioned to adjourn at 9:40; Linda seconded, all in favor.

The next meeting will be Wednesday, May 16, at 7:30 pm.