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Minutes of Town Board Meetings

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Minutes of 7/2/2012 APPROVED

July 18th, 2012

Carroll Board of Selectmen
Meeting Minutes
July 2, 2012
"These minutes of the Town of Carroll Select Board have been recorded by its Secretary. Though believed to be accurate and correct they are subject to additions, deletions and corrections by the Select Board at its next meeting when the Board votes its final approval of the minutes. They are being made available at this time to conform to the requirements of New Hampshire RSA 91-A:2."

Minutes recorded by Maryclare Quigley, Secretary

Board members present: Bill Dowling, Paul Bussiere. Mark Catalano arrived later and apologized explaining he had an issue at his place of business.

The meeting was called to order at 7 PM by Chairman Dowling

Members of the public present: Joan Karpf, Evan Karpf, Linda Dowling, Ike Ikasalo, Carmine Fabrizio, Ann Fabrizio, Mike Gooden, Marc Brodeur, John Trammell, Jim Covey, Greg Hogan, Tom Watson, Lori Hogan, Ben Jellison

Pledge of Allegiance

The meeting was filmed by Linda Dowling

The Board announced the approval of bills and signing of checks.

Selectman Bussiere made a Motion To: Approve the minutes of 6/18/2012 as written. Chairman Dowling seconded and the Motion passed unanimously.

The first order of business was regarding the bond reduction for CNL/CLP Bretton Woods Development Co., being represented by Attorney Thomas R. Watson. It was noted this has been through the process with the Planning Board who approved it and made the recommendation that the Select Board also approve the reduction. Chairman Dowling explained the amount of 5.7 million dollars was set in 2008 when they were anticipating developing the Dartmouth Brook Subdivision with construction of streets, installation of water lines and other infrastructure associated with Phase I of the project. Horizon Engineering had presented a plan on how to have it put back together and to stabilize the land to be completed by September 1. The reduced bond would be released by June 1, 2013, with all complete and inspected in the spring, and all is outlined in Attorney Watson’s letter dated June 14, 2012. The engineering company feels $41,500 is a reasonable amount to do any work that may be needed should something happen during the winter. It was also noted that the name changed in January or February, from CNL to CLP, but it was missed in the paperwork. As it is the same company and has no bearing on the matter, Town Counsel simply requested that this be recorded under both names so it may be followed for any changes in the future. Selectman Bussiere made a Motion To: Reduce the amount of the bond to $41,500 as outlined in Attorney Watson’s letter. Chairman Dowling seconded and the motion passed unanimously.

Attorney Watson said the second half of the bond is changing the purpose from securing the land to stabilization of the land and again will remain in effect until June 1, 2013. After a brief discussion, Selectman Bussiere made a Motion To: Change the purpose of the bond from Phase I infrastructure to the stabilization plan. Chairman Dowling seconded and the motion passed unanimously.

At this time, Selectman Bussiere asked to speak and said he was speaking only for himself, not for the rest of the Board. He said at the last meeting a resident voiced concern about a plan that someone else in town had and it was felt that he did not listen to him. He said he called him on it during the week and as he’s always willing to admit when he makes mistakes, which he believes he did; not that he didn’t hear the concern, but that he didn’t listen and recognize it. Therefore, Selectman Bussiere wanted to apologize in public to Jim Covey.

Chairman Dowling said they have not had a meeting yet about the water debt and will keep that on the agenda until they do.

Chairman Dowling then spoke of the Water Policy. He said Monica Scales had been at the last meeting to say she felt their water had been wrongly turned off. (Chairman Dowling said the town has the green card and the receipt from the certified letter mailed by the town.) Chairman Dowling said Mrs. Scales wanted a phone call and our Attorney said phone calls are no good for numerous reasons such as the answer machine did not record, the message got erased, a wrong number got called, etc.; notice must be by registered mail, which is in the Policy, on page 7. Selectman Bussiere concurred with this. After brief discussion, there was no change made in the Policy. Chairman Dowling then read the letter he wrote to the Scales and said he would accept a Motion To: sign the letter, Selectman Bussiere seconded and it passed unanimously. Chairman Dowling asked the Secretary to mail the letter and said it did not have to be registered.

Chairman Dowling went on to the property tax abatement denial about which Ron Turcotte had been to the previous meeting. The Chairman explained that Mr. Turcotte wanted to separate his house and the land around from the remainder of his land so the land could have a lower assessment. When it was denied because land cannot be separated from the building, Mr. Turcotte asked what RSA governed that. Chairman Dowling said he had emailed the appraiser, Phil Bodwell and Mr. Bodwell said there is no specific RSA, but the Board of Tax and Land Appeals (BTLA) in Concord has ruled “In making a decision on value, the board looks at the property’s value as a whole (i.e., as land and building together) because this is how the market views value. Moreover, the Supreme Court has held the board must consider the taxpayer’s entire estate to determine if abatement is warranted.” This is based on an appeal with the Town of Sunapee, 126 N.H. 214,217(1985). Chairman Dowling read the letter he wrote to the Turcottes and made a Motion To: Sign the letter. Selectman Bussiere seconded and it passed unanimously.

Chairman Dowling announced that as Boards in this town are elected, vacancies are filled by appointment by the remaining members of the board, per RSA 673:12.

Chairman Dowling said Selectman Catalano asked that the Town Hall Furnace/Energy Audit, but as he’s not here, he’s not sure what he wanted. He did say that an energy audit was done this year and we have to look at it, as prices may be down now but we don’t know what the future will bring. In 2010-2011the Town Hall used 11,275 gallons of oil, the Fire Station used 7,047 gallons, the Highway Garage used 3,460 gallons, the Police Station used 3,236 gallons and the Transfer Station used 1,129 gallons. He said this is something we have to look at so we can bring something to the voters in March.

Reviewing insurance was left as this was put on the agenda by Selectman Catalano and he’s not here.

The budget schedule was next with the Budget Committee presented by Linda Dowling.

2011 2012 2013
01-4150.10-113 Clerk Salary 1 1 1
-806 Supplies 69 69 69
-807 Miscellaneous 200 240 240

TOTALS 251 310 310

Mrs. Dowling said she’s not sure why the clerk salary line is there, but as it was already in it, she left it. She said the supplies line is basically paper for copies and the miscellaneous is for the LGC workshop, without mileage, as they will pay their own. There was no further discussion and the Board thanked Mrs. Dowling.

Police Chief John Trammell presented the Police budget. He said there are no major changes thus far and that he has moved $500 from the office supplies line to three other lines. Chief Trammell said he is proposing a warrant article for IMC computer software update which will also allow for two users rather than just the current one user. He said the proposal he received is $17,845 and also advised that this has not been upgraded for twelve years. When asked, he said the Accurint line is for small yearly upgrades. Selectman Bussiere noted the budget was the same as last year and Chief Trammell said it’s still too early to put real numbers in as he can’t get them until later in the year – but that he’s not planning changes. He noted the ammunition line covers practice, which they purchase at the state bid, also covers targets, and that they must be certified and qualified to carry a firearm. Chairman Dowling said that’s not a state law. Chairman Dowling also asked about using the range at the old landfill which he said is ready. It was noted they have at least 300 feet which is far enough even for a long gun. The Board said they had no further questions now but may have some later and thanked Chief Trammell.

Ben Jellison, Moderator, then presented his budget. He said there will be fewer elections next year, so his budget is less. He noted there are two lines ending 135 and 136 which have always been in the budget, but to his knowledge are not used, so he would like to delete them. They will be combined with line 130 as all Supervisor sittings have always come from that line. The two lines will remain on the books for the next few years as they have been used until 2012, and will show zero amounts until they can come off.
2011 2012 2013
01-4140.10-130 Supervisors Sittings 250 300 400
-135 Town Meeting Supervisors 1 1 0
-136 Supervisors Elections 150 150 0
-150 Moderator 300 300 300
-200 Supervisor Expenses 100 100 100
-201 Advertisements 300 400 400
-202 Moderator Expenses 250 500 250
-203 Moderator Travel/Training 150 150 100
-204 Elections Training 250 250 200
-300 Ballot Clerks 750 1,500 750

TOTALS 2,501 3,651 2,500

The Secretary to the Board that Andy Martel had to work, but he had left copies of the budget for Memorial Day with her. She gave each Selectman a copy and noted that Mr. Martel had also included Veteran’s Day as he said he would like to have at least a small observation on that day.
Mr. Martel noted that from what he has seen, the current budget of $450 does not cover the costs for Memorial Day. Chairman Dowling read the budget.

Previous Cost Amount Requested
12 X 18 Headstone Flags 185.40 200
(1 Gross)
3 X 5 American Flags 204.07 250
And POW/MIA for Annual Replacements
4 Wreaths 100.00 100
(3 Memorial Day, 1 Veteran’s Day)
ROTC Participation 100.00 100
Refreshments 250.00 300

TOTAL 1,000

Mr. Martel had a category for equipment repair, i.e. flag pole rope and hooks, at $50, but it was removed as those types of things are taken care of by the Highway/General Buildings budgets.

The following items were approved and signed:

Property Tax Abatement – Vecchio, Eames Partnership, Whitehall Management, Werner,
Johnson, Walsh, Cobalt Properties NH Corp.
It was noted these have already been approved, and this is paperwork to complete the
transaction. Selectman Catalano said he will abstain as Cobalt Properties is the owner of his
Bretton Woods store.
Yield Tax Warrant – Stapleton Properties, Inc.
Property Tax Abatement – U.S. Government
Application for FY 2013 Payment of State Water Grant
Town Hall Use Permit Application –Szabo


Lori Hogan had a letter outlining her son, Coleton Hogan’s volunteer work with the Town for the Memorial Day observances and parade. It is a requirement of the National Honor Society at the High School that students put in a certain number of volunteer hours in the community each year, so she asked the Selectmen to sign the letter documenting the time. Selectman Bussiere made a Motion To: Sign the letter. Selectman Catalano seconded and it passed unanimously.

Selectman Catalano apologized for being late which was due to his businesses, and said there were two things he had put on the agenda from the Budget Committee. One was a review of insurance and Chairman Dowling said he had called our LGC representative to ask about increasing the deductible and having the town pay; basically if the town can self-fund this. She is looking into it and will be getting back to him about how much money we may save.

The second thing Selectman Catalano spoke about was the energy audit. They feel they want a quote on the old boiler in the Town Hall. There was brief discussion that quotes were received several years ago from several companies. Chairman Dowling said he would give his colleagues copies of the audit and suggested they need to sit down at a work session some time and figure out what they want to do. He said he feels the most work and biggest amount of money would have to be here at the Town Hall. It was stated the furnace put in a few years ago was to only fix a problem, not to solve a problem. After a brief discussion regarding the energy audit and possible improvements, Greg Hogan said one of the main things would be the windows. He said replacing the furnace would be an immediate saving also. Mr. Hogan said because of costs, etc., things could be done in phases and would still be very helpful.

Chairman Dowling advised there was an article in the Sunday paper that New Hampshire officials cannot continue to ignore the camper tax. He said he has sent an email to Phil Bodwell to see how he’s handling this in other communities.

Regarding energy costs, Ike Ikasalo suggested getting our oil company to come in and give an assessment of heat loss, etc. He felt we might get this done at no cost because we are their customers rather than having to hire a company to do it. The Board agreed and stated they are taking advantage of various offers that out there.

Joan Karpf asked if the Select Board plans to continue working with the land boards. They said they do and Selectman Catalano said he feels this is very valuable and important.

Jim Covey asked if the Chamber of Commerce could have an alternate date to present their budget since they weren’t here tonight, and he was told yes. The Secretary will give them a new date.

Evan Karpf said the Planning Board is working on their budget so they wanted to get their financials including expenditure and special revenue fund and wondered when he could expect to receive them. The Secretary said he had emailed her, which she responded to and had hoped to have them out by now, but said he would have them the next day.

Mike Gooden said the Historical Society is gearing up for their annual yard sale on Labor Day weekend and they will appreciate any goods people wish to donate to them.

Lori Hogan said she has secured a bugler for next Memorial Day and asked if there could be money in the budget for a gift or some sort of compensation. Chairman Dowling asked her to give this request in writing and she said she would.

Greg Hogan said it came to his attention when he was getting the markings/signage for the new truck that the town does not have a seal. He said there are two different ones in use currently and thinks there should be one at least for vehicles, so all the town ones would be the same. He gave copies of the two seals to which he was referring to the Board. Selectman Catalano asked Mike Gooden if there were any that he knew of and he said there weren’t. Chairman Dowling thanked Mr. Hogan.

Joan Karpf said she was not at the last meeting but had viewed the tape and was surprised at the discussion of the ZBA. She said Bonnie Moroney said she was confused that someone who volunteered was turned down and she wanted to say it was not the first time, as a board she was involved in turned a volunteer down. She said she was also surprised at the Select Board’s reaction. She felt a judgment call was made on the decision and said she couldn’t speak for the whole Board but she had personally looked at criteria that land use boards used and she based her decision on that. She wasn’t sure that what was projected at the meeting by the Select Board was very positive toward working together as boards. She said at the least they could have listened to the ZBA and understood their reasons, whether or not they agreed with them.

Selectman Catalano said he believed they had all ready the minutes of the ZBA and while we can’t get into other people’s heads, felt they had an idea of their thoughts, so he felt they were not uninformed. He said he was the one who spoke and will continue to speak as he believes the town has been divided for some time. He said he has been accused of “jury tampering” by what he said or that he was “scolding” the Zoning Board and likened it to the President scolding the Supreme Court. He said he disagrees and noted that the Select Board was not trying to put undue influence on the ZBA. He also said it’s been suggested that he is naïve to suggest that the town could work together to solve problems. He doesn’t think he’s naïve and feels because it’s a fairly small group of people involved in town politics, said it can start small – it only takes a few to start change. He stated that he said at the meeting he felt the ZBA may have missed an opportunity where perceived opposite sides could get together to move the town forward. Whether or not this could have happened and though the ZBA may have had legitimate reasons for voting the way they did, he felt he needed to say what he said. He still feels the town is divided and if it appears to him they still are not working together he’s going to say it.

Marc Brodeur, Acting Fire Chief, was in with paperwork to be signed as he has appointed two new Deputy Wardens, Tadd Bailey and Michael Rouillard. Selectman Bussiere made a Motion To: Sign for the Deputy Wardens. Selectman Catalano seconded and it passed unanimously.

Acting Chief Brodeur also had paperwork that he said missed on his desk and should have brought in some time ago. This is a bill for reimbursement to the town from a forest fire they helped fight in Bartlett several months ago. Selectman Catalano made a Motion To: Sign the bill. Selectman Bussiere seconded and the Motion passed unanimously.

Linda Dowling asked to respond to Selectman Catalano and said she thought he was targeting the wrong subset, that it’s not the group at this meeting. She said she feels his response and reaction has caused more division and was accusatory by the tone of his voice. Selectman Catalano said he was elected by people who said they were enraged at the way they were treated; they weren’t given an opportunity to participate, they couldn’t speak at meetings, they didn’t like what was going on in town and felt they didn’t have a voice in. Therefore, if he finds something that he feels could be perceived by others that any boards in this town could be doing the same thing that should be taken into consideration. When asked if he thought the Zoning Board was trying to divide the town by their vote, he reiterated that it was if anything could be perceived. He said people from all walks of life should be involved in all the boards and he believes “perception management” is important. Getting people to work together is extremely important. He said he didn’t feel that he did anything divisive and if Mrs. Dowling felt that way, he is sorry. Mrs. Dowling said this was a vote by the people on the Board and they did not know how it was going to turn out. Selectman Catalano said he knows there are some trying to polarize the town one way and others trying to polarize it the other way – it’s not about polarizing but about bringing the people together and that is what everyone must take into consideration.

Jim Covey said it’s upsetting to see one freely-elected board come under attack by another freely-elected board and feels this should not be happening. He said all three of the Select Board had cast aspersions upon the ZBA by questioning their decision-making. He said he has faith in the board that elected and he stands behind them. Chairman Dowling responded saying he did not do anything wrong at that meeting and did not look down on that board for the way they voted. He said he did not have the RSA in front of him and tried to explain that it was their decision and no one else’s how they made it. Mr. Covey said he thought the Chairman had disagreed with it and Mr. Dowling said he had not. Evan Karpf said he tries for fair and objective treatment and that is what everyone should do. Discussion ensued and Selectman Catalano reiterated that he was not targeting, but suggesting the need to improve ways so we can all work together.

As there was no further business, Selectman Bussiere made a Motion to: adjourn the meeting. Chairman Dowling seconded and the Motion passed unanimously. Chairman Dowling declared the meeting ended at 8:50 p.m. The next meeting will be on Monday, July 16, 2012.