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Minutes of Town Board Meetings

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Minutes of 7/16/2012 APPROVED

July 31st, 2012

Carroll Board of Selectmen
Meeting Minutes
July 16, 2012
APPROVED 7/30/2012
"These minutes of the Town of Carroll Select Board have been recorded by its Secretary. Though believed to be accurate and correct they are subject to additions, deletions and corrections by the Select Board at its next meeting when the Board votes its final approval of the minutes. They are being made available at this time to conform to the requirements of New Hampshire RSA 91-A:2."

Minutes recorded by Maryclare Quigley, Secretary

Board members present: Bill Dowling, Mark Catalano, Paul Bussiere

The meeting was called to order at 7 PM by Chairman Dowling

Members of the public present: Evan Karpf, Greg Hogan, Jane Ikasalo, Ike Ikasalo, Carmine Fabrizio, Ann Fabrizio, Mike Gooden, Leo Charrette, Joyce Charrette, Dave Scalley, Allen Strasser

Pledge of Allegiance

The meeting was filmed by Jane Ikasalo

The Board announced the approval of bills and signing of checks.

Selectman Catalano said he had a couple of corrections on the minutes. The first line on the last page should say “did” not “day” and Marc Brodeur is “Acting” Fire Chief, not “the” Fire Chief. Selectman Catalano then made a Motion To: Approve the minutes of 7/2/2012 as corrected. Selectman Bussiere seconded and the Motion passed unanimously.

Stan Borkowski’s report was received and posted.

Greg Hogan, Road Agent, presented the Highway and the Town Buildings budgets. He said the Buildings budget is reduced, but that if it remains so is questionable because of current and new prices. When asked, he said the labor for the Recreation Area was the town crew, not contract labor. It was noted the price for heating oil last year was $3.199 per gallon.

Mr. Hogan said the Highway budget had increased somewhat because he put in $5,000 for repair of sidewalks particularly in the south end of town. He also said he had increased overtime as they had very little because of the lack of snow this past year. Chairman Dowling advised that under state law, the town must maintain the sidewalks even though they are on state roads. Mr. Hogan said he is working on prices for equipment, etc. for the best way to handle doing the sidewalks and will bring in a warrant articles when he has more information. He was asked about the telephone/computer line item and asked if Water pays any of it. He said not so far, but he may have a portion charged to them.

Highway Budget Exp. as
2011 2012 of June 2013
Road Agent 29,278 29,995 18,150 33,280
Overtime 3,000 2,000 1,546 3,000
Highway Helper 5,000 2,240 1,882 2,240
Part Time Labor 4,972 1,304 5,000
Shop Expense/tools 1,000 1281 1,500
Field Tools 200 218 300
Clothing 1,500 954 1,000
Training & Travel 1,000 150 1
Gas & Diesel 4,000 7,500 2,073 7,500
St. Signs & posts 500 500
Sidewalk Repair 1,000 5,000
Equipment Repair
Eq. Repair & Maint. 20,000 10,000 2,297 10,000
HwMnt.-Cold Patch 500 1,200 1,200
Roadside Mowing 2,400 2,400 2,400
Culverts 1,000 1,000 955 1,000
Winter Sand 5,000 5,000 5,000
Winter Salt 5,000 5,000 5,000
Gravel 500 500 500
Sweeping 3,500 3,700 3,500 3,700
Telephone-Computer 1,200 1,400 777 1,500
Office Supplies 100 100 7 1

Exp as
General Buildings 2011 2012 of June 2013

Janitor 6,000 6,240 3,008 6,240
Town Buildings Labor 5,000 2,400 269 2,400
Rec. Area Labor 500 1,000 500
Contract Labor 2,000 1,000 1,000
Water Consumption 1,500 2,200 248 2,200
Electricity 12,000 20,500 5,001 20,500
Heating Oil 22,000 41,587 29,224 41,587
Heating Plant Maint. 1,200 1,500 5,196 2,500
Repairs & Maint. 15,000 21,500 4,102 15,000
Rec Area Maint. 500 700 350 700
Rentals & Leases 18,300 18,325 9,261 18,783
Janitor Supplies 800 600 411 700
Alarm System 1,000 927 273 927
Miscellaneous 300 300 300

Chairman Dowling said we can revisit any items as necessary later on and thanked Mr. Hogan for his budgets.

Jim Covey had brought an Encroachment Agreement with the State of New Hampshire Department of Transportation (attached) regarding the train cars that will be placed near the intersection of Routes 3 and 302 and the Information Booth at the top of the hill. The Selectmen were asked to sign this and have it notarized and returned to the State for their signatures. Selectman Catalano noted there will be some cost associated with it due to the sign requirements as noted in 7) and Chairman Dowling said he plans to send the bill to the Chamber. Brief discussion was held regarding insurance in 13) and it was noted that through the process we have been assured of coverage as comparable to playground equipment. Chairman Dowling made a Motion to: Sign the Agreement. Selectman Catalano seconded and it passed unanimously.

Evan Karpf was next and said that at the meeting on April 9, Dave Scalley had made accusations about him and his wife. He went on to say that the Planning Board has seven members and named them, and said they all vote on items; that it’s not just one vote. He read from Planning Board regulations that included information about applications, time and other requirements and payment. He showed an application submitted by Mr. Scalley and which he asked the Secretary to verify the date of receipt, March 27, 2012, which was on it. He said they should be filed 15 days prior to a meeting. He gave an iteration of the history of Mr. Scalley’s apartment project which began with October 6, 2011, when Mr. Scalley went to the Planning Board and was told he had to go to the ZBA because of changing the number of apartments and also to the Planning Board for a site plan review. Dr. Karpf said he also advised him to speak with Stan Borkowski. He continued with the date of an application which was February 27, 2012, reading RSA 675 about posting at least ten days prior to a public hearing. He said the ad would have been posted on March 30, for a meeting on April 5, which was not within the time frame and the Planning Board heard the case when they legally could in May. He said he spent time with Mr. and Mrs. Dowling on the application so it could be heard and neither he nor his wife held it back. When the vote was taken, he said all were in favor and none opposed it. He said the ZBA approved the application April 12, 2012, and repeated what had been told in October. When told time was nearly up, Dr. Karpf said he was just presenting facts and they can be documented by watching films of the Planning Board and ZBA meetings and reading the minutes.

There was a brief discussion of the cost of oil and pricing received from Stiles Fuel as we can lock in now at $3.289 per gallon. It was noted that we have received very good service from Stiles which is also extremely important. Selectman Catalano made a Motion to: Lock in with Stiles fuel at $3.289 per gallon. Selectman Bussiere seconded and it passed unanimously.

The Bond for Dartmouth Brook was received since the last meeting as it had not been available when the Board approved the reduction. It was noted the Town engineer signs off in 2013 after being able to assess the area once winter is over. Chairman Dowling made a Motion to: Sign the Bond. Selectman Catalano seconded and it passed unanimously.

Chairman Dowling spoke of taxation of campers and referred to a newspaper article on July 1, “Towns Can’t Ignore Camper Tax” which law goes back to 1999. The article noted that the Town of Carroll does not tax owners and when DRA saw this, they contacted our appraiser to come up with a plan. Mr. Dowling read the letter which the campground owners will receive signed by CNP and our Tax Collector requesting a list of names and addresses of people who keep their campers in the campground year round. The letter stated this is in preparation for beginning taxing in 2013 rather than 2012 as it is still new and to allow time to get all in order as well as to get used to the fact.

Chairman Dowling said the water department debt discussion has not yet taken place and will thus remain on the agenda. Selectman Catalano said this will most likely not take place until September.

Along with discussions of an energy audit, Chairman Dowling said he had received numbers for fuel used in this building as well as the Highway Garage, Fire Department and Pump House. He said the Select Board needs to sit down and give serious thought about what should be done. We can replace the boiler and save some money but we need to do other things such as insulate, replace doors and windows, etc. He went on to say many towns don’t have time to do it right but have time to do it again! Selectman Catalano concurred that we would install a more efficient boiler but we need to deal with the “envelope.” Chairman Dowling said Bill Vecchio has been very good looking into Public Service to help save money and we need to keep going with it. He also said to do a thorough audit of the Town Hall would cost $1,200. He said they do not need to make a decision tonight but they do have to make one. He said he had called NH Carbon Challenge with UNH twice and hadn’t heard back so he will send an email to see if they can help. He asked that the Selectmen read through the audit report before the next meeting.

Chairman Dowling said he sent an email to our insurance representative, Patti Beek, at LGC and she is willing to come and talk to the Board. He said they should at least look to see if the town could save a substantial amount of money by raising the co-pay and having the town pay the difference between what the amount is now and what the new one might be. He asked the Secretary to invite Ms. Beek to the meeting on July 30.

The following items were approved and signed:

Property Tax Abatement – CNL Income Bretton Woods, LLC (2)
Property Tax Denials – CNL Income Bretton Woods, LLC (2)
It was noted that no information had been provided with these requests.
Water Warrant – 2nd Issue, 2012
Water Warrant – Rosati
Water Warrant – Hayes, Wheeler, Westphal

New Hampshire the Beautiful Grant – Transfer Station
Mr. Dowling noted this was for a dock leveler and if approved, we can get up to half of the
cost of $1,311.41.
Town Hall Use Permit Application – Fahey/White


The Secretary said Acting Fire Chief Marc Brodeur had come to the previous meeting and among his items was a bill for the fire engine, which she told him he could just put in their file in the office. She said she did not realize it was for payment from Capital Reserve which had to be approved by the Selectmen so she brought it to this meeting. Selectman Catalano said he was aware of this from his discussions with Jeff when they were making the changes in budgets, etc. Chairman Dowling made a Motion to: Approve the final payment for the Fire Department engine from the capital reserve fund. Selectman Catalano seconded and the motion passed unanimously.

Selectman Catalano said Janet Nelson had asked him about the Recreation Committee using fireworks for Labor Day weekend. She said they’d be talking with the Fire Department, etc. Chairman Dowling said to put it on the agenda for the next meeting. Selectman Catalano said he would follow up with Mrs. Nelson.

Al Strasser thanked the Board for the beautiful flowers and the donation to the Lancaster Hospice when his wife passed away.

Mr. Strasser went on to say in April or May he had picked up a copy of the new employee manual and noticed the Fair Labor Act was not included. He said it should be and said to put it back. Chairman Dowling said they would take that under advisement and bring it back to the next meeting. Mr. Strasser also said the call-out pay needs to be included at 2 hours -- it was previously 3 hours. Though it was in the old one it is not in the new manual. The Board thanked Mr. Strasser.

Jim Covey thanked the Board for signing the Agreement for the train. He also asked, as the largest payer of taxes to the County per capita, if we could ask for one of their energy grants for $5,000. Chairman Dowling said we’d look into that.

Ann Fabrizio said there will be a stamp show at the Town Hall on August 4, and asked for town support. She also said there will be luncheon served which will benefit our Food Pantry. Mrs. Fabrizio had inquired if an ad could be put on the town website and Chairman Dowling advised that we cannot do that, as this is strictly for town business. It was suggested that she speak with Veronica Francis at Notchnet as she may be able to put it on the Twin Mountain site which is different from the Town’s. He also said she may put a poster on the bulletin board in the Town Hall though that is only for town business also, and they will be addressing that at another meeting. Selectman Catalano said this was a repercussion of voting the TV station down, that now there is no place to advertise town events, etc. Mrs. Fabrizio was told that she should be able to put it on Channel 2 and she could get the information from the office.

David Scalley referred to the party at Skeet’s earlier in July and said they would like to do it again. He said they were downsizing to around 65 as they were approved for more at the first one and they didn’t really need to be. He said the first one ended by 10 p.m. and they had not heard of any complaints and felt it went well. Selectman Catalano suggested speaking with Jim Covey and Mr. Scalley said he had already planned to do that. He didn’t want another conflict and just hadn’t even thought about it for their first party.

As there was no further business, the Board was polled and went into non-public session for town aid at 8:30 p.m.

At the close of Non-Public Session, Chairman Dowling moved to return to Public Session and seal the minutes from Non-Public Session. Selectman Catalano seconded and the Motion passed unanimously.

There being no further discussion, Chairman Dowling made a Motion to: adjourn the meeting. Selectman Bussiere seconded and the Motion passed unanimously. Chairman Dowling declared the meeting ended at 8:45 p.m. The next meeting will be on Monday, July 30, 2012.