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Minutes of Town Board Meetings

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Minutes of 8/13/2012 APPROVED

September 11th, 2012

Carroll Board of Selectmen
Meeting Minutes
August 13, 2012
APPROVED 9/10/2012
"These minutes of the Town of Carroll Select Board have been recorded by its Secretary. Though believed to be accurate and correct they are subject to additions, deletions and corrections by the Select Board at its next meeting when the Board votes its final approval of the minutes. They are being made available at this time to conform to the requirements of New Hampshire RSA 91-A:2."

Minutes recorded by Maryclare Quigley, Secretary

Board members present: Bill Dowling, Mark Catalano. Paul Bussiere was excused.

The meeting was called to order at 7 PM by Chairman Dowling

Members of the public present: Ann Fabrizio, Carmine Fabrizio, Jane Ikasalo, Tadd Bailey, Scott Sonia, Ed Martin, Mike Gooden, Claire Gritzer, Maureen Philbin, Georgia Brodeur, Bill Smalley, Evan Karpf, John Gardiner, Dave Scalley

Pledge of Allegiance

The meeting was filmed by Jane Ikasalo

The Board announced the approval of bills and signing of checks.

Chairman Dowling announced that Rick Brown has resigned as a Police Officer as he is going to Whitefield. He said he’ll be missed and asked that a letter be sent to Mr. Brown.

Chairman Dowling also announced that a Selectmen’s newsletter will be done this fall and asked that a memo be sent to department heads and committee chairmen. He noted any news may be sent to the Office.

Chairman Dowling tabled the minutes of 7/30/2012 as Selectman Catalano had not been able to read them.

Claire Gritzer presented the budget for the Trustees of the Trust Funds. She said it is the same as last year with no changes at $1,415. Mrs. Gritzer went on to say that she understands there were across-the-board raises last year but they did not get one and as they are the only board that makes money for the town, they would like to be considered for next year. Chairman Dowling said they are elected officials, so the Select Board has no jurisdiction over them, but if there is any extra money, they will consider it. Mrs. Gritzer said with interest rates as they are not much money is being made and she submitted the information on each account including those in PDIP. Selectman Catalano asked if they had heard from a bank that does investing, etc. Mrs. Gritzer said these institutions are looking to be paid for their services. John Foster, one of the Trustees, said they had heard from investment firms who charge 4% but gave no other information. He said Mrs. Gritzer does a great job checking with all the firms and banks and getting the most money that she can. Selectman Catalano then said a local bank had put a proposal together with supposedly better rates and were sending it to the Treasurer and asked if they had seen it. He said he would get a copy to the Secretary and she will give it to the Trustees. Mr. Foster said they tend not to use banks except for looking at the CD list as they can get the most interest in an investment company or PDIP. Mrs. Gritzer said she had communication with the department heads earlier regarding investing. She said it would be good if they could get plans for three years so they could know when they might be looking for access to their funds. Chairman Dowling thanked Mrs. Gritzer.

John Gardiner was next with the Library budget. He said he did not use the new form as most did not pertain. He said the budget request is $3,960, and is essentially the same as 2010, ’11 and ’12; in fact, he said research will show that it’s been level funded for the last six years. He went on to say they take advantage of any grants and funds which they can to enhance their programs. Mr. Gardiner said they are trying to strengthen their role in the community and gain new patrons. He also explained they take advantage of inter-library purchasing at little or no cost. He said they are requesting a modest increase in the Librarian’s salary as they believe it is very much deserved. Mr. Gardiner thanked the Board and the Town for their support of the Library. The Board thanked Mr. Gardiner for his presentation.

Library 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013

-201 Books 1,800 1,800 1,800 1,800 1,800
-202 Subscriptions 100 100 60 60 50
-205 Miscellaneous 100 100 100 100 110
-208 Capital Items 500 500 500 500 500
-210 Computer/Software 500 500 500 500 500
-215 Audio/Video 250 250 350 350 300
-218 Dues/Training/ 100 100 100 100 100
-220 Office Supplies 300 300 300 300 400
-222 Mileage 250 250 250 250 200
Totals 4,350 3,900 3,900 3,960 3,960

-100 Librarian Salary 8,774 8,774 8,774 8,774 8,973
-200 Telephone 750 750 500 500 500

Grand Totals 13.424 13,174 13,234 13,234 13,433

Ed Martin presented the budget for the Cemetery Trustees and said it’s the same as last year’s, though he noted they had had reductions for the last five years. He also said they expect reductions in the future. He reviewed it and said that any improvements will depend on any surplus. Mr. Martin explained they are doing most repairs in-house at much reduced costs than if they were to hire out. He said they maintain the roadway which was put in two years ago at Straw Cemetery, on a yearly as-needed basis and they negotiate for that. He also said they will be relocating plantings within the Straw Cemetery as they get grown in. Mr. Martin spoke of some things they are hoping to do such as putting in a large flagpole at Rosebrook Cemetery and installing granite posts at the Straw Cemetery like those at Rosebrook. Chairman Dowling thanked the Trustees and said the cemeteries look good. Mr. Martin said the Rouillards do a very good job and also expressed appreciation to the townspeople for their cooperation when doing any work as they do so for “next to nothing.”

Bill Dowling gave the Transfer Station budget. He said he had spoken with several good-sized companies to see if they would bring their recyclables and if they do it would mean a little more work and a lot more revenue.
Transfer Station 2010 2011 Actual 2013
-100 Salary 29,2443.80 30,115.00 29,857.36 24,311.04
-101 Salary 12,8203.50 12,285.00 14,217.00 16,380.00
-102 Salary 574.27 1,260.00 42.00 708.75
-515 Supplies 2,454.31 4,500.00 483.44 1.00
-403 Gas/Oil 150.00 50.00 41.81 50.00
-402 Equipment Repair 1,107.86 0.00 0.00 1.00
-401 New Equip(under 3K) 1,533.54 0.00 0.00 1.00
-203 Utilities 1,240.37 1,200.00 1,421.70 1,285.20
-404 Electricity 6,300.00 2,469.00 2,166.91 2,353.20
-30-100 Miscellaneous 2,164.96 0.00 0.00 1.00
-200 150.00 100.00 200.00 150.00
-202 992.76 750.00 1,034.02 750.00
-300 5,000.00 4,340.00 4,294.08 5,006.88
-301 1.00 1.00 0.00 1.00
-302 700.00 0.00 0.00 1.00
-303 1.00 1.00 0.00 1.00
-304 20,000.00 16,221.00 18,919.09 20,240.00
-400 500.00 0.00 0.00 1.00
-500 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00
-516 0.00 600.00 744.21 900.00
-505 2,610.06 653.00 813.15 737.52

Totals 87,595.43 71,496.00 74,284.77 72,930.59

Mr. Dowling reviewed each line; he increased lines 101 and 102 due to the work load this year and for holidays and extra summer mowing. Lines 515, 402, 401, and 301, 302, 303 all come from Special Revenue. Line 300, the hauling fee, is increased based on 27 trips at $185.44 per trip. Line 304, is based on $80/ton and there were 253 ton in 2011, which was up 20 ton from 2010. Mr. Dowling said if this goes up again, we’ll have to look at pay-per-bag. 516, clothing line is up based on $300/person, jeans, shirts, and safety boots. 505 is the container lease for MSW for 12 months, the lease for containers for C&D and bulky waste come from Special Revenue.

Chairman Dowling said they expect to meet with the auditor next month regarding the Water Department debt.

As Selectman Bussiere was not in attendance, Chairman Dowling suggested the Employee Manual be tabled until the next meeting. Selectman Catalano agreed.

The Avery Sweeping Contract was brought up next. Chairman Dowling said he wants it changed to show that the cost is $3,600 for each of the next three years, 2013, 2014, 2015. He feels the way it reads now is that it could be construed as $3,600 is the total for the three years. He noted there is a 5% fuel charge if gas exceeds $5 per gallon. Chairman Dowling also wants it stated that the work will be done during normal business hours of the Highway Department. He asked the Secretary to write a letter to the Company. Selectman Catalano made a Motion to: Sign the letter when it is completed. Chairman Dowling seconded and the Motion passed unanimously.

Also due to Selectman Bussiere’s absence, the Meeting Policy item was tabled until the next meeting.

Chairman Dowling read the ad for the Fire Chief. The Board decided to post it in-house and after a week, Chairman Dowling said to place one ad in the Manchester Union Leader. John Gardiner asked about residency requirement and the Chairman said there wasn’t any, but they could choose to put mileage limits on such as 20 minutes or so. Selectman Bussiere thought the Rochester paper would be good to use also and he will get the details for that. It was decided to place a one-time ad in each paper.

Chairman Dowling said they were told by the County that only a portion of the grant they applied for would be awarded. (He reminded all that the grant was to pay for an energy audit for the Town Hall.) He said the award was not enough money to cover the audit, so he declined it.

Chairman Dowling went on to say he had applied for a grant for the Transfer Station for a dock leveler and he has been advised we will receive $300.

Chairman Dowling said the way the Parks & Recreation Commission has been working is a liability to the town. He read RSA 35 which says that the governmental body can appoint a commission and he said he could not find where this has been done in the past. Selectman Catalano asked if not having a formed commission meant that employees are not necessarily covered by insurance and Chairman Dowling said they are covered because they work for the town. He said it’s the committee members that were not under insurance so it will limit the liability to the town. It was also noted that it is no longer the Recreation Committee – it is now Parks and Recreation Commission. Chairman Dowling made a Motion To: Establish a Park and Recreation Commission. Selectman Catalano seconded and it passed unanimously.

Chairman Dowling then made a Motion To: Appoint Megan Rouillard and Nate Smith each to three year terms. Selectman Catalano seconded and the Motion passed unanimously.

Chairman Dowling made a Motion To: Appoint Janet Nelson to a two year term. Selectman Catalano seconded and the Motion passed unanimously.

Chairman Dowling made a Motion To: Appoint Lori Hogan to a one year term. Selectman Catalano seconded and the Motion passed unanimously.

Chairman Dowling announced they should be a seven-member board, so they are looking for three more volunteers.

The following items were approved and signed:

Town Hall Use Permit Application – Fabrizio
NH DRA Form Appl. Reimbursement for Property Taxes (Federal and State Forest Land) It was
noted this category includes 16,181.46 acres.

Ann Fabrizio thanked Mike Gooden for putting up the Historical display at the stamp show on August 4, and she hopes he will do so in the future.


Chairman Dowling read from a prepared statement that encouraged townspeople to attend Selectmen and Budget meetings and to watch these on TV – to take the opportunity to become informed about town business.

Mike Gooden asked the Selectmen for permission to use the town property on both sides of the road up by the gazebo for the Historical Society Yard Sale and Antique Tractor Show on the Saturday of Labor Day weekend. He was told it would be fine to use it.

Dave Scalley asked if permits for yard sales on Labor Day were needed and he was told they were not.

As there was no further business, the Board was polled and went into non-public session for town aid at 7:50 p.m.

At the close of Non-Public Session, Chairman Dowling moved to return to Public Session and seal the minutes from Non-Public Session. Selectman Catalano seconded and the Motion passed unanimously.

There being no further discussion, Chairman Dowling made a Motion to: adjourn the meeting. Selectman Catalano seconded and the Motion passed unanimously. Chairman Dowling declared the meeting ended. The next meeting will be on Monday, August 27, 2012.