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Minutes of Town Board Meetings

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Minutes of 9/19/2012 APPROVED

October 1st, 2012


Committee Members present: Linda Dowling, Chairman; Jane Ikasalo, Secretary; Joan Karpf; Dan Walker; Sue Kraabel; Jack Catalano; Mark Catalano; Selectboard Representative
Meeting was called to order at 7:30PM by Chairman Dowling with a quorum present.
Chairman Dowling read Public Service announcement regarding watching the tapes of the Selectboard meetings and Budget Committee meetings.
A reminder of the LGC Budget Committee Workshop on September 20,2012 was made.
Budget Presentations
Mark Catalano has advised that theSelectman’s Budget has been changed since being given to Chairman Dowling. This will be discussed at a future Budget Committee Meeting.
The Chamber of Commerce budget was presented by the Treasurer of the Chamber. An increase of $1,000.00 for Beautification was added and also July 4th Fireworks of $2,500 was added as well as an additional Music Series costing $500. Total Budget proposed for 2013 is $15,600. 2012 budget was $11,600.00. An increase of $4,000.00. Jack Catalano questioned why Chamber would like to display fireworks on 4th of July when Mt. Washington Resort has them. Jim Covey replied that the last time the Town of Carroll hosted the fireworks (funded by Mt Washington Resort) there was a large crowd and well received and he is being asked by townspeople if we will do them again. Jim also told the board that the Music Series was well attended and that the additional of additional concerts would benefit the town. Jack Catalano feels that if the money is not in the budget at this time that due to hard economic times, he does not feel this should be added.
A discussion on the Cog Train at the Information Booth was held and Jim Covey explained that some of the $1,000.00 for beautification would be for the decoration of the Cog Train Area to make it more eye appealing to the public. Joan Karpf asked if the Train would be in place for 2013 and would be ready for planting plants for the “beautification project” if the $1,000.00 were approved. Jim Covey responded that yes, it would be. Jim will be looking for grants and other resources of monetary funds to be sure the Cog Train is installed without any cost to taxpayers. Sue Kraabel asked if Jim is going to submit a warrant article for the funding of this project and Jim stated that he will try to get grants.
Chairman Dowling presented the Budget Committee Budget. Asking for $69.00 for expenses and the training budget is $360.00 for 6 people.

Chief Trammell presented the Police Department Budget.The Police Department Budget will be the same amount for 2013 as it was for 2012, $250,313.00. The budget for gas will not be known until November. Chief Trammell would like to move $500 out of Office Supplies and move $100 to Prof Assoc; $100.00 for Accurint; and $300.00 for Uniform cleaning. Chief also submitted a warrant article to obtain new Information Management System soft ware for police reporting, hoping to raise $17,800.00. With the departure of Rick Brown, Chief suggested that Rick Brown’s position could be cut if his budget needs to be reduced but he asks that decision of the position be put back to the voters. There are some line items that have not been used yet but they are there for in the event that use is needed, such as PD Travel. Three telephones were eliminated last year. The PD is using one cell phone. Bullet proof vest can be zeroed out. The PD received 2 new ones and Officer Brown’s vest was returned and they are hoping for a refund on that. Joan Karpf asked about the software reporting system in the warrant article. Chief Trammel explained the use of this software. The article would cover only the software. Ms Karpf asked what “office supplies” are used in the PD. Chief Trammel explained the various forms that are needed in the daily use of the PD. Chief Trammel invited all to come to the PD to see how the day to day operations at the PD work. Jack Catalano questioned the amount for maintenance and what the number has been over the past few years. Chief Trammel advised that the numbers have remained the same over the past few years. This is mainly due to the vehicles being under warranty. Chairman Dowling commented that the maintenance use is down compared to previous years when the PD had older vehicles. The cars are being shut down when the officers are out of the cars to conserve on fuel. Dan Walker asked if the numbers received are as of today and Sue Kraabel advised that they are. Chief feels the PD is in good shape and that they have cut back on everything that they have too. Capital Reserve Fund is for vehicles. Sue Kraabel stated the PD revolving fund has about 5,000-$6,000 in it to be used for anything police related. This is funded from Police details. Chief Trammel said that overtime will be reduced over the next few months. Joan Karpf asked if there will be a warrant article prepared for the Capital Reserve Fund. Chief Trammel will write one and also explained the rotation of the Police Department vehicles. All vehicles are kept for four years. Chief Trammel had an agency that donated cages for the vehicles but they are for a different brand so he has been donating these to other towns. Chief Trammel’s five year vision is to “float”. Next big purchases will be 2 handguns. Town of Carroll owns the handguns. Chief Trammel received two grants of 1,000.00 and bought two radios with the grant money. Crime rate is about the same this year as last year.
Meeting Minutes of August 15,2012 were reviewed. Chairman Dowling requested changes, page 2, under new business 2nd paragraph to add Miscellaneous line of budget committee was revised to $490; Under Revenues and Expenditures- It should read Board of Adjustment not Board of Adjusters; 4th paragraph of that page regarding tax distribution, it should read ,”This is for the White Mountain School District”; next paragraph regarding abatements, the second sentence should be a new paragraph. Joan Karpt motioned to accept with changes, Dan seconded motion, Sue Kraabel abstained as she was not present at that meeting. Meeting minutes were approved with a vote of 6-0-1 abstain.
Chairman Dowling sent an email to all Department Heads for 5 year plans but has not received any back to date.
Discussion by the Budget Committee was held regarding how the Departments are submitting their budgets without an itemization of what the costs are for. Jack Catalano feels that the Budget Committee should be receiving monthly detailed reports for each department on what the departments spent each month. Sue Kraabel explained that this would not be able to be done due to the software that is being used and that the information may not be as accurate because the bills do not get paid as soon as they come in. Chairman Dowling stated that she would like to see each entity submit a monthly report on expenditures.
Chairman Dowling will send out a second memo to Department Heads in regard to Five Year Plans.
User fees for Town Hall discussion-Chairman Dowling presented a rough draft of information that she had accumulated from other towns. Fees are totally arbitrary. Jack Catalano suggests that the committee take some time and review this document and discuss at a later meeting. Joan Karpf would like to have a copy of the Town Rules for Use of Town Hall.
A memo from Lori Hogan of the Rec Committee was reviewed. The Rec Committee would like to use the Gym on Friday nights. Joan Karpf expressed concern of the additional heating cost of using the Gym on Friday nights. Ms Karpf requested confirmation that when the heat is on, the heat is on in both the kitchen area and gym. Sue Kraabel stated that the kitchen area is heated all the time but the gym is on thermostat and the thermostats are presently locked.
Sue Kraabel had old business to discuss- The tax collector does not send School District money to the State. The money is sent to the School District by monthly payments. Chairman Dowling was under the impression that the money’s were sent to the State. It is now understood that payments are to the School District.
The newsletter prepared by Chairman Dowling was reviewed by the board with suggestions for change being made. Chairman Dowling will amend the newsletter and submit it to the Budget Committee for further discussion.
Sue Kraabel advised that some of the School District warrant articles ask to appropriate money to come from their surplus. Since the School Districts are not allowed to retain a surplus, if these warrant articles are defeated, that money is used to lower the tax rate for the towns. This information should be shared with the public. A discussion was held on the different avenues to do this. This will be discussed at a future meeting.
A motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Joan Karpf and seconded by Dan Walker . By a vote of 7-0 the meeting was adjourned by Chairman Dowling at 9:45PM.

Minutes prepared by Jane Ikasalo 9/23/12.