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Minutes of 10/3/2012 APPROVED

October 16th, 2012

OCTOBER 3,2012
In attendance: Linda Dowling, Chairman; Jane Ikasalo, Secretary; Joan Karpf; Dan Walker; Sue Kraabel; Jack Catalano
The meeting was called to order at 7:30PM by Chairman Dowling
Chairman Dowling read the “Voter Encouragement” announcement
Highway Department presented by Greg Hogan
• Highway Department 2013 budget is about 6% increase over 2012
• Largest expense is sidewalk repair.
• Jack Catalano asked if the sidewalks could be repaired or do they need to be replaced? Greg stated that the sidewalks would need a complete replacement that should last 20+ years and that there is about 316 feet of sidewalk that can be replaced with 2013 Budget money.
• Joan Karpf asked what is included in line item Equipment Repairs and Maintenance for $10,000. Greg explained that this is for wood chipper, chain saw, all vehicles, basically any running equipment that the Highway Department has could need some sort of repair or maintenance.
• Jack Catalano asked if the remaining $6,000 in the 2012 Equipment Repairs and Maintenance line item will be used. Greg responded that “anything can happen to use that amount between now and the end of the year”.
• Dan Walker asked when Greg purchases winter sand and salt. Greg responded he will purchase these soon and is waiting to be sure there is a roof on the storage shed.
• Chairman Dowling asked what the duties of the Highway Department Helper are. Greg advised that this position helps with mowing lawns, etc. By using this position, it helps to cut down on overtime costs.
• Joan Karpf asked if Greg had any plans on Warrant Articles for the Highway Department. Greg does not right now.(see 5yr plan)
• Greg stated that he does not let vehicles idle to try to save on cost of fuel.
• There are two training classes that Greg attends and they are usually in the spring.
• Chairman Dowling asked Greg to explain what the Miscellaneous line item included. Greg said it is for bug spray and various items needed during the course of Highway business.

Presented by Greg Hogan
• There is an 11% increase in the 2013 budget over the 2012 budget.
• An increase of $2,500 in electricity is from looking at bills in the past. Sue Kraabel said that there is an expected increase in rates by PSNH.
• An increase of $19,500 in heating oil is expected.
• The Buildings that fall under this budget are Town Hall, Fire Department, Police Department, Highway Department and Transfer Station. 2013 Budget will include Transfer Station Electricity.
• Dan Walker stated that he noticed the 2013 budget numbers are almost the same as 2012 numbers. Greg will look into this.
• Repairs and Maintenance line item went down to $5,000 from $21,500 due to buildings being in good condition and not in need of repair.
• Sue Kraabel asked if Town Hall would be sided and Greg replied that this is on hold.
• Joan Karpf asked about the Septic system for Town Hall and Greg replied this is also on hold and that there are 2 septic systems that have and inspected and both systems are in good working order.
This Five Year Plan was presented by Greg Hogan.
• 2013-trade in 6 wheel truck to purchase new truck which would cost $130,000. This price does not include what a trade in of current truck would be. Greg will have a bumper to bumper appraisal of the old truck and get the value of it
• The truck purchased in 2012 is a smaller truck and is used for day to day operations of the Highway Department. It is used for small jobs, has a dump body and is used a lot.
• The larger truck that would be purchased would be used in winter, has a wing and spreader and would be used mainly for plowing.
• Chairman Dowling asked if it was possible to contract plowing out and Greg stated that through his research, it would cost about $80,000 for 1 winter to do that.
• Greg stated that the life of the new truck should be 10 years.
• Jack Catalano feels that if you look at the longevity of the truck then perhaps the cost of $130,000 really wouldn’t be that much over all.
• Chairman Dowling stated that The Town of Carroll is mandated to maintain its roads which would include plowing the roads.
• Greg will come back to the Budget Committee with more information and figures.
• Sidewalks are the responsibilities of the town and that it does not matter whether the sidewalk is close to the street or not or if it is on a State road or not.
• Greg passed out a proposal for a Tractor to plow sidewalks at 29,800 and a snowblower at $5,795 for a total of $35,595.
• Jane Ikasalo asked what the warranty on this equipment would be and Greg said it is usually 2 years. Greg also stated that this equipment should last quite a while with proper use and care.
• All roads in Carroll need to be redone. There are only a very few that can be crack sealed. To crack seal the roads would cost $4,975.
• Greg will have Pike Industries come in to assess roads. Pike is the company that reconstructed New Straw Rd and did a great job. The cost of New Straw Rd was $110,000 with unforeseen problems costing extra.
• Greg was invited back to the Budget Committee when he has further information.
The Emergency Management Budget was presented by Dan Walker
• The Emergency Management Budget is the same as it has been in previous years, $103.00
• Dan told the Budget Committee that the Fire House is the Emergency Management Center.
Presented by Dan Walker
• Dan’s five year plan would be to develop a shelter that would be large enough to house residents that needed to leave their homes in the event of an Emergency. This would have to have a generator for electricity and be one level. Dan would like to inquire with the owners of the local motels/hotels.
The following corrections were asked to be made
• Page 1, bullet 2, add there is a walk in gate to the cemetery during winter but the drive in gate is locked
• Next bullet, take out “not”
• Page 2, paragraph on discussion of budgets presented, Chairman Dowling said that on November 14th to make a Preliminary Non Binding Vote.z
• Under discussion on Chamber Budget, 1st bullet, Joan Karpf would not want to see $1,000 beautification be approved and the Budget Committee would not want to approve the additional $4,500 for entertainment be approved.
• Page 3, 3rd bullet, Joan Karpf asked about “Call” Firefighters
• Add that Jack Catalano left the meeting at 8:10PM
• Under Use of Town Hall, 2nd bullet, take out newsletter and add “fees for use of Town Hall”
• In paragraph about Budget Committee Workshop, should read, The School Districts amount of surplus money that can be retained is now 2.5%. The School District will now be able to write a warrant article that will only be for the amount over 2.5%.
Joan Karpf made a motion to accept these changes, Dan Walker seconded the motion and all approved 6-0.
Chairman Dowling sent an email to Jim Covey explaining the Budget Committees decision to not accept The Chamber of Commerce 2013 budget as presented and that the Budget Committee would encourage Jim to write Warrant articles for these items and to present them to the board next year.
Chairman Dowling submitted a Warrant Article for consideration on estimated tax effect to be on Warrant Articles. Joan Karpf motioned to approve this Warrant Article, Sue Kraabel seconded the motion and all were in favor 6-0.
Joan Karpf went to the Police Department at the invite of Chief Trammel. She reported that the PD is very organized and efficient. Ms Karpf also stated that there is an enormous amount of paper work that is done at the PD.
Chairman Dowling has not received the budget from the Selectboard yet. She has sent an email reminding the board that this is overdue and will send another to them.
Chairman Dowling received a “five year plan” from Chief Trammel but the plan is from 2006 and not applicable.

Joan Karpf made a motion to adjourn the meeting, Sue Kraabel seconded and all were in favor 6-0.
Chairman Dowling adjourned the meeting at 9:50PM.

Minutes prepared by Jane Ikasalo 10/7/12