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Minutes of 10/10/2012 APPROVED

October 22nd, 2012

OCTOBER 10,2012
In attendance: Linda Dowling, Chairman; Jane Ikasalo, Secretary; Joan Karpf; Dan Walker; Sue Kraabel; Jack Catalano; Mark Catalano, Selectman Representative
The meeting was called to order at 7:30PM by Chairman Dowling
Chairman Dowling read the “Voter Encouragment” announcement.
Moderator Budget presented by Ben Jellison
• There will be only 2 elections in 2013 so there will be less money required for the Moderator
• Ben would like to eliminate line 135 and 136 out and have one line for Supervisors.
• There are new Supervisors that would like training.
• Chairman Dowling asked what the Advertisements included and Ben responded that this is for advertisements for ballot counters and to publish when Supervisors sit.
Water Department
Water Department Budget presented by Scott Sonia
• The heading of the Water Department budget should read 2013 not 2011
• There is an increase in Retirement of $400
• Scott would like to add line items for clothing of $500 which is being taken out of Water Supplies Line item and property taxes on Little River Storage shed which is in Bethlehem and Carroll has to pay property taxes of $600 to Bethlehem.
• Joan Karpf asked about clerical and would the balance of 2012 be needed. Scott said that it is for Kelly’s salary and that it would be needed as the final water bills have to be sent out. She receives a weekly paycheck.
• Scott was asked by Joan Karpf what Part time labor included and he explained this is for hiring part time labor for help with work to be done such as hydrant replacement, water main breaks, electrical work and work that is unanticipated. Contract Labor is also for these jobs. Some are anticipated and some are not anticipated.
• Scott replaces 3 hydrants per year at a cost of over $2,000 per hydrant
• Sue Kraabel advised that the Water Department has a savings account (unsure of the amount) and also approximately $19,000 in Capital Reserve.
• Scott is having problems with easement rights on Little River Tank. He is waiting to hear on this. There is no easement for power.
• Scott is asking for $9,500 for power poles for 2012. This is also being held back waiting for easement rights.
• Scott’s goal is to get power up at the tank in 2012.
Scott discussed the operations of Cherry Mountain and Little River Tanks showing pictures of the inside and also the water line that is in the Ammonoosuc River by St Patricks Church. Scott has upgraded his computer hardware so that he is able to remote control operate the tanks. If they need to be shut off he can do it remotely as well as if they need to be turned on. This is of value to the Town so that if there is an emergency Scott can address it immediately.
• Water bills are sent out quarterly to residents.
• Scott is unable to add the cost of power to the Water Tanks until he receives the easement rights.
• Scott will let Chairman Dowling know when he finds out.
• Joan Karpf entered motion to add two new lines to Water Department Budget, Dan Walker seconded the motion and all approved 7-0.
Water Department Five Year Plan
• Water main that crosses Ammonoosuc sits on the river floor. Scott questions its longevity. He has an estimate from Enterprise Technology for a new water main line of $40,000. This is to bury the pipe 20 feet under the river. This does not include any of Scott’s labor. Joan Karpf feels that this is a very reasonable price.
• Scott would also like to purchase a circulator for each tank at a cost of $8,000 each. He would like one for Cherry Mountain Tank for next year. This tank holds 160,000 gallons. Sue Kraabel asked what the cost of a new tank would cost . Scott replied between $200,000 and $250,000 per tank. Looking at that, circulators make sense! Scott advised that circulators cannot be added until there is power.
• Parquette Drive needs another 200 feet of water line
• Birch Road needs additional water line.
• Scott emphatically stated he does not want to increase water rates to get these projects done.
Treasurer Budget was presented by Sue Kraabel
• There is no increase in the Treasurer’s budget
Travel includes 62 trips to the bank in one year. By law, Sue has to go to the bank one time per week. When there is extra money she will go two times per week.
There is no Five Year Plan for the Treasurer Budget.
Review of Meeting Minutes of October 3,2012
• Page 1, change Chairman Darling to Chairman Dowling
• Page 1, Highway Dept budget is 6% over and on page 2 is states 11%-(this was not changed by the secretary because of after review, the 6% on page 1 is for Highway and 11% on page 2 is for Government Buildings)
• Page 1, 3rd bullet down “316 feet of sidewalk that can be replaced with 2013 budget money.
• Page 1, 8th bullet down, add (See 5 year Plan)
• Page 2, 4th bullet down, add transfer station and that 2013 budget will include Transfer Station electricity
• Page 2, 8th bullet down, add 2 systems were pumped and inspected and both were satisfactory.
• Page 2, 15th bullet down, add Town of Carroll is mandated to maintain its roads, cross out keep its Towspeople safe
• Page 2, 17th bullet down, add or if it is on a State road or not
• Page 3, 1st bullet, add “crack sealed” twice
• Page 4, Chairman Dowling submitted a Warrant Article for consideration on estimated tax effect to be on “the” Warrant, cross out articles.
• Page 4, Chairman Dowling received a “five year plan” from Chief Trammel but the plan is from 2006 and is not applicable. Remove remaining sentence.
Joan Karpf made motion to accept minutes as corrected, Sue Kraabel seconded motion and motion was accepted by all 7-0.
• Chairman Dowling asked Selectman Catalano about emails sent to the Selectboard regarding their budget. Selectman Catalanto will present to Selectboard at next meeting which will be on Monday October 15,2012.
• LGC sent info on Five Year Templates. Chairman Dowling looked at some and found them to be cumbersome. She suggests the committee take a look at them.
• Joan Karpf would like to have a better idea of what revenue’s are received. ie, are all tax bills being paid, ? what actually is not being paid?
• DOT Block Grants go to the General Fund. Sue Kraabel suggests this go to the Capital Reserve Fund. Joan Karpf suggest that the committee contact LGC to see what they suggest. Sue Kraabel will contact LGC.
Review of Budgets Already Presented
• Memorial Day-it is suggested to keep the amount at $450 and to invite Andy to come and talk to Committee
• Emergency Management Budget-Joan Karpf made a motion to accept the budget as is, Jane Ikasalo seconded the motion and all were in favor 7-0.
• Treasurer Budge-Joan Karpf made a motion to accept the budget as is, Dan Walker seconded motion and all were in favor 7-0
• Moderator budget-Dan Walker made a motion to accept the budget as is, Joan Karpf seconded the motion and all were in favor 7-0
Discussion on User Fees
Joan Karpf would like to see the gym portion of Town Hall shut down to see if there would be a savings. Sue Kraabel stated that the heat is on in the gym no matter what. Sue Kraabel feels that the user fees suggested are too high. Jane Ikasalo agrees. Joan Karpf suggests that this be presented to the Selectboard. Chairman Dowling will submit letter to Selectboard with the high and low amounts received from other towns.
Chairman Dowling brought up concern that the Town of Carroll, with a population of 700-1,000 and median income of $27,000 per year, is expected to provide services to 10,000 + tourists with the taxes that the town is receiving from its residence. This is mainly the Fire and Police services. The ambulance service has revenue from its use. There is none for Fire and Police. There is no additional revenue that could be put toward this expense. Jack Catalano feels that there is no problem as we have not heard from Chief Trammel for additional patrolmen or cruisers. Sue Kraabel feels there is nothing that can be done to solve this problem. Dan Walker feels that it is the larger businesses in Town that are drawing the tourists and they are paying a larger amount of taxes. Dan Walker feels that the level of services based on the size of the Town are a good feature. Without tourism we probably would not have a full time fire and police department.
Joan Karpf made a motion to adjourn the meeting, Sue Kraabel seconded the motions,all were in favor 7-0 Chairman Dowling adjourned the meeting at 9:35PM.

Minutes prepared by Jane Ikasalo October 15,2012