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Minutes of Town Board Meetings

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Minutes of 11/19/2012 DRAFT

November 26th, 2012

Carroll Board of Selectmen
Meeting Minutes
November 19, 2012
"These minutes of the Town of Carroll Select Board have been recorded by its Secretary. Though believed to be accurate and correct they are subject to additions, deletions and corrections by the Select Board at its next meeting when the Board votes its final approval of the minutes. They are being made available at this time to conform to the requirements of New Hampshire RSA 91-A:2."

Minutes recorded by Maryclare Quigley, Secretary

Board members present: Bill Dowling, Mark Catalano, Paul Bussiere

The meeting was called to order at 7 PM by Chairman Dowling

Members of the public present: Mike Gooden, Ike Ikasalo, Bonnie Moroney, Jeremy Oleson, Dave Scalley, Donna Foster, Steven Hilliard

Pledge of Allegiance

The meeting was filmed by Ike Ikasalo

The Board announced the approval of bills and signing of manifests.

Selectman Bussiere made a Motion To: Accept the minutes of 11/05/2012 as written. Selectman Catalano seconded and the Motion passed unanimously.

Selectman Catalano advised no meeting about the water debt yet but they still plan to have it.

Chairman Dowling announced he had finally heard from a lady with the Federal Government regarding the Fair Labor Standard Act. He said the way the Town is handling the overtime now is fine and they will keep it as is – there will be no changes.

Dave Scalley spoke about his sign permit and asked if he would be able to retain the larger size for possible future use if he installs a new, smaller one on his property on Route 3 south. Chairman Dowling said he had read the Ordinance and believes it is not in the scope of the Select Board’s authority to allow it. After brief discussion, it was agreed that he should get a regular permit and keep sizes the same.

Chairman Dowling brought forth warrant articles for the Highway Department, Planning Fund, Town Hall Energy Audit and Highway Block Grant, all attached. He will check with Barbara Reid at LGC about wording for the Highway Block Grant. The Secretary said after a recent deposit, the Planning Fund Special Revenue Account will have enough money it for a warrant article of $11,000 to fund the Building Inspector/Code Enforcement Officer’s salary and ask the Board for their approval to write the article. They concurred it would be fine. The Highway article is for a sidewalk plow and a brief discussion was held during which it was noted the amount was based on a quote received by the Road Agent. It was noted the Selectmen will vote on these at a later time.

Chairman Dowling said that the Fire Department had received bids on a pickup truck from McMulkin Chevrolet for $34,155 and Twin State Ford for $32,739. After confirmation from Jeremy Oleson, Selectman Bussiere made a Motion to: Approve purchasing the truck from Twin State Ford for $32,739. Chairman Dowling seconded and it passed unanimously. Selectman Catalano said this is based on the fact that it was approved by a majority vote in 2011 and will be paid for from the capital reserve fund specifically for this.

Chairman Dowling read a thank you letter to Linda Dowling thanking her for her participation on the Cable TV Committee, from which she resigned (attached). Selectman Catalano made a Motion to: Sign the letter. Selectman Bussiere seconded and it passed unanimously.

The following items were approved and signed:

Property Tax Warrant -- $3,214,221.38 (Selectman Catalano said this year’s taxes are based on
the voting in March, 2012)
Oaths of Office – Mary Devine, Karen Moran
Town Hall Use Permit Application – Smalley
Water Warrant – Various

The Parks & Recreation Committee nominated Bobbie Amirault to be a new member of their committee. Selectman Catalano made a Motion to: Appoint Bobbie Amirault to the Parks and Recreation Committee. Selectman Bussiere seconded and it passed unanimously. It was noted Mrs. Amirault will have to go to the Town Clerk to be sworn in.


Selectman Bussiere asked about the updated flood zone maps and was reminded there will be a public hearing at the next meeting about the resolution to adopt the revised Flood Insurance Rate Maps.

Selectman Catalano spoke on behalf of the Budget Committee, and requested a copy of the contract for the cleaners in the town buildings. It was noted there are no contracts and Chairman Dowling said an ad had been placed but the only responses we received were from the same cleaners. The Secretary said we have a description of duties which she was asked to send to the Budget Committee along with a copy of the advertisement.

Selectman Catalano asked about the money to cover the salary for the Building Inspector/Code Enforcement Officer. It was reconfirmed that as that comes from the Planning Special Revenue Fund, there will be a warrant article.

Selectman Catalano then said he would like a copy of the warrant article from last year that had to do with the acceptance of Mahlyn Drive and the other two roads in that subdivision. Though it was a petition article previously, he wants the Selectmen to discuss it and put it forth if that’s what they decide. The Secretary said she will have a copy of it for the next meeting.

Selectman Catalano also spoke about the next revaluation of the Town and said they would have to make a decision soon about how it would be handled. It is State law that this takes place every five years, so whether it would be on the cyclical basis as the one just completed, or by putting money away each year and having the work done in the last two years. Whether this should be put to bid was also brought up by Selectman Catalano. Chairman Dowling said our current company has been doing a good job and there have been few if any complaints that we are aware of. We have also recently installed new tax software developed by our appraisers, Commerford, Nieder, Perkins. We will try to have a warrant article written for the next meeting.

Selectman Catalano proceeded to speak about an issue that he had been asked to get involved with regarding a subdivision, though he said this should actually be with the Planning Board. He had extensive conversations with one or two Planning Board members and Town Counsel as well as the developer, Dave Scalley, about a bond. Selectman Catalano asked if the bond, referred to as a “street opening” bond, required all of the terms and conditions that a subdivision bond would have to have, therefore increasing the complexity and the cost of the bond, when the Planning Board had tried to break that out at Mr. Scalley’s request, so he could start the street opening under the cover of that bond. Mr. Scalley said he had gotten a typical street opening bond for Ruby’s Way and that the wording the Planning Board was looking for on this was well over what it should have – his insurance company said it was well overboard. Selectman Catalano reiterated he was working on this at the request of both boards, and was only trying to move things forward. There was confusion about the initial bond but that seems to have been taken care of at this point. New wording was being forwarded today to the Planning Board and Town Counsel. Mr. Scalley said he had been able to get Ruby’s Way entrance and up to 125 feet completed but he was hoping to get the water line and tar the apron on Paquette Drive cut and needs the bond to cover that.

Selectman Catalano said according to the Planning Board there is an ordinance that subdivision requires bonding and believes the precedent has been set. Mr. Scalley said that the ordinance reads as long as no lot has been sold, he doesn’t need a subdivision bond. After further discussion, Mr. Scalley asked who gave the authority to write the Cease and Desist letter – he also asked who on the Planning Board knew about it and gave the authority to write as he spoke with Town Counsel who did not give the authority to do so. He continued by asking why they can’t simply communicate by picking up the phone or sending an email. He said there were those who were complaining about spending 45 cents on a letter; but here’s the Planning Board spending $6 “a pop” on Certified letters to him. Selectman Catalano said he believes communication does take place – and advised Mr. Scalley that he should take these issues to the Planning Board. Mr. Scalley said he had spoken with the Planning Board secretary and she told him he was to make no more phone calls – that he should contact her by email only. Donna Foster said as a member of the Planning Board, she knew Mr. Scalley was going forth with his project, etc., and along came the Cease and Desist order which she knew nothing about. She reiterated as a member of the Planning Board she still did not know who gave the authority to write it. Bonnie Moroney asked who the Select Board representative is and said the Planning Board should be reminded that no one person has the authority to make decisions. Mr. Scalley said he gave a bond to the Planning Board secretary and he hasn’t heard anything from anybody. Chairman Dowling said they could put a petition warrant article in to do away with the Planning Board and ZBA. Selectman Catalano said he wants the Town to be considered friendly and that it works together and believes it is.

Steven Hilliard, the new Managing Director at the Mount Washington Hotel attended and said he just wanted to introduce himself. He told the Board he grew up in Lancaster and that “it’s good to be home.”

Dave Scalley said he just wanted to say he had viewed the tape of the Budget Committee from several weeks ago and did not find Selectman Catalano to be abusive in any way. He said he did find it disturbing that a member of the committee would take it upon herself to write a letter and send it to the Select Board without the approval of the committee.

As there was no further business, the Board was polled and went into non-public session for legal and personnel matters at 7:45 p.m.

At the close of Non-Public Session, Chairman Dowling moved to return to Public Session and seal the minutes from Non-Public Session. Selectman Bussiere seconded and the Motion passed unanimously.

There being no further discussion, Chairman Dowling made a Motion to: adjourn the meeting. Selectman Catalano seconded and the Motion passed unanimously. Chairman Dowling declared the meeting ended at 8:20 p.m. The next meeting will be Monday, November 26, 2012.