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Minutes of Town Board Meetings

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Minutes of 11/14/2012 APPROVED

December 3rd, 2012



November 14, 2012
In attendance: Linda Dowling, Chairman; Joan Karpf, Dan Walker, Sue Kraabel, Jack Catalano and Mark Catalano, Select Board Liaison.
The meeting was called to order at 7:30pm by Chairman Linda Dowling .

Review of minutes: 11/7/2012
Sue requested the quote figure for the sidewalk plow/tractor be added under Other Business. The figure of $31,945.00 was added. Joan made a motion we accept the minutes with the addition. Sue seconded the motion. Motion was approved 5-0 with 1 abstention from Mark who was absent.

Notice of Public Hearing: The Notice with corrections was reviewed. Linda informed the Committee that the Notice would be submitted to the Democrat on December 12,2012 for posting.

New Business: The voting procedure for the budget was discussed . The Committee decided to review the budget by each line under a department and then vote on the department budget. The Select Board's budget would be the default budget.

General Government, Town officers: Review and Discussion .
The position of Deputy Town Clerk was discussed. Sue explained that in addition to covering the Town Clerk when absent, the Deputy Town Clerk does DMV registrations. Linda suggested the position's hours be reduced to 8 hours a week which could be accumulated to cover when needed hours. That salary comes to $5,948.00. Discussion followed whether the budgeted number of $8,000.00 for that line could be reduced considering the Actual Spent as of date reflected $5,820.00. It was decided that the part time position could be reduced to $7,000.00. Total Operating Expense would be reduced to $51,874.00. Mark made a motion to accept the reduced Deputy Town Clerk line to $7,000.00 and the reduced Total Operating Expense of $51,874.00. Sue seconded the motion. The motion was approved 6-0.
Linda reminded the Committee that if there is a tie vote the motion would not carry.

Election & Registration: Dan made a motion to accept the Operating Expense of $2,500.00. Mark seconded the motion. The motion was approved 6-0.
Financial Administration: Review and discussion followed.
Sue informed the Committee that the Administrative Assistant (AA) line increased because it now reflects the addition of the Welfare salary which was removed from another line in the budget. Mark stated this had been done as an attempt to reduce the confusion of employee salaries that show up in different lines in the budget. The AA position is full time. Linda suggested the AA hours be reduced to 25 hours at $15.36/ hour. A discussion on job descriptions followed. Mark will follow up on obtaining a job description for the AA. Discussion followed as to whether or not responsibilities of the AA could be shifted to the Finance employee. The Finance employee's job description was reviewed. Sue stated that the AA reviews accounts payable which needs to be done for audit purposes , a job that can't be done by the Finance employee. Sue stated it had to do with a system of checks and balances something not unique to this Town. Discussion followed regarding further shifts of responsibility. Mark stated that Assessing should be shifted away from the Tax Collector for obvious reasons. Linda questioned whether or not the Finance employee could do the water billing. Other possibilities were brought to the table. Discussion shifted to the new tax rate and managing spending. The new tax rate was stated as being $19.05 an increase from $13.55. Committee members had concerns as to whether or not taxpayers would understand why taxes went up when assessment went down. Linda felt if we don't make an effort to reduce the budget now the voters will be upset. The taxpayers need to be assured that every effort was made to reduce the budget. Suggestions were made to improve efficiency at Town Hall. Joan mentioned that another Town she came across used only e-mail for communication. Sue suggested that the phone not be answered on Wednesday which is the day the office is closed to the public. It was decided that the vote on this department would be tabled until requested information was received.

Property Assessing: Review and discussion followed.
Sue asked if we received the contract. She said the method of assessing would have an effect on the budget line. Mark said the topic is before the Select Board but a decision hasn't been made yet. It was decided to table a vote until the method of assessing had been determined.

Legal Expense: Review and discussion followed.
Joan made a motion to accept the $10,000 budgeted for that line. Sue seconded the motion. The motion passed 6-0.

Personnel Administration: Review and discussion followed.
Sue said the retirement number is based on the number of full time employees and the hiring of a Fire Chief. Employee Insurance is based on new rates and whether or not the Town hires a Fire Chief. Mark stated that 2 applications are before the Select Board. The Committee decided to table the vote until further information on the Fire Chief position was presented.
Planning Board: Review and discussion followed.
There was a discussion on which department the Code Enforcement Officer line should be, The Select Board or the Planning Board. Sue reminded the Committee that a Warrant Article has to be written to access the money in the SRF for the Officers salary. There is $10,000 in the SRF for next year. There is $1,800 left in the budget for this year. Linda suggested $500.00 be placed in that line to cover additional salary expense over the $10,000. That would increase the PB Total Expense line to $9,584.00.
There was a discussion on Legal Expense. This line would cover questions beyond LGC assistance and reimbursement by the applicant. The $4,628.75 in Actual Expense includes costs from the Rines case.
Sue requested clarification on the increase in PB Secretary salary. Linda explained that the PB is in the process of getting the site plan and subdivision regulations along with the Town Ordinance in electronic form. She stated that this is time consuming and she wasn't able to address the process totally this year and stay within budget so she made adjustments in next year's budget.
Joan made a motion to accept the $500.00 in the Code Enforcement Officer budget line and the PB Total Expense as $9,584.00. Dan seconded the motion. The motion was approved 5-0. Linda abstained. Linda requested a clarification on the $137.50 under Registration Fees.

Board of Adjustment:
Sue made a motion to accept the ZBA Total Expense of $2,692.00. Dan seconded the motion. Motion was approved 5-0. Linda abstained.

General Government Buildings: Review and discussion followed.
All Town electricity and heating oil expenses were moved into this department. Mark questioned the reduction of $10,000.00 in the Repairs and Maint. Town Building line. Sue stated that Greg had brought the number down . Greg had stated that the septic at Town Hall didn't need repair. Mark motioned to accept the Total Operating Expense at $105,690.00. Linda questioned whether the Janitor line could be reduced. Discussion followed. Sue stated that the cleaning mostly included the common areas. Mark said the $6,240.00 is a significant cut from the previous year. Jack suggested the cleaning be done once every 2 weeks. The Committee agreed to table the vote until further information was received regarding the Janitor budget line.

Cemeteries: Joan made a motion to accept the Total Operating Expense of $4,651.00. Sue seconded the motion. Motion was approved 6-0.


Insurance: Review and discussion followed.
Sue informed the Committee that the reduced Workers Comp budget is a onetime only deal due to some previous credits. It may very well go back up in the coming years.
Joan motioned to accept the Total Operating Expense of $43,590.00. Sue seconded the motion. Motion was approved 6-0.

Other General Government:
Sue made a motion to accept the Total Operating Expense of $150.00. Mark seconded the motion. Motion was approved 6-0.

Property Inspections: Review and discussion followed
Sue reminded the Committee that we were adding $500.00 to cover the Code Enforcer's salary. Sue motioned to accept the amended Total of $2,450.00. Dan seconded the motion. Motion was approved 6-0.

Emergency Management:
Sue made a motion to accept EM Expense Total of $103.00. Mark seconded the motion. Motion was approved 6-0.

Street Lighting: Review and discussion followed.
Linda suggested we look into the possibility of shutting some of the street lights off to reduce costs.
Sue will follow up on the idea. The vote was tabled.

Sewage Disposal:
Sue motioned to accept the budget of $750.00. Mark seconded the motion. The motion was approved 6-0.

Public Assistance: Review and discussion followed.
The Welfare Administration line was reduced to zero since the salary was moved to the Administrative Assistant line. The total would be reduced to $20,875.00. The $20,000 in the DA Welfare line reflected potential fuel needs during the winter. Joan made a motion to accept the amended Total of $20,875.00. Sue 2nd the motion. The motion was approved 6-0.

Culture and Recreation: Review and discussion followed.
Sue questioned the $500.00 in the Transportation line. Review of notes confirmed reduction to one dollar. Joan made a motion to accept the total of $11,872.00. Sue seconded the motion. Motion was approved 6-0.

Library: Review and discussion followed.
Joan questioned whether a new Librarian was hired and at what salary. Sue stated that no one had been officially hired. Joan stated that John had mentioned that the salary may be lowered. Sue suggested we use the salary figure from this year of $8,774.00 which would decrease the total to $13,234.00. Joan made a motion to accept the amended total of $13,234.00. Mark 2nd the motion. The motion was approved 6-0.

Patriotic Purposes: Review and discussion followed.
Linda suggested that, since Memorial Day and July 4th are both patriotic days, we reconsider budgeting money for the 4th. She felt if we give one budget $1000.00 we should do the same for the other. Mark volunteered to solicit funds for the 4th of July event. The vote was tabled.

Culture: Review and discussion followed.
The vote was tabled.

Conservation Commission:
Mark made a motion to accept the total of $450.00. Sue 2nd the motion. The motion was approved 6-0.

Debt Service Long Term Notes:
Joan made a motion to accept the total of $91,336.00. Mark seconded the motion. The motion was approved 6-0.

Personnel Administration-Water: Review and discussion followed.
Sue noticed that Greg's portion wasn't included. The vote was tabled.

Water Distribution and Treatment: Review and discussion followed.
• The Clerical line was reduced from $7,436 to $5,000.
• Postage line was increased from $750 to $1,100 because of price increase.
• Electricity line was reduced from $14,500 to $13,000 due to decrease in pump service and increase in leak repairs.
The Committee decided to table the vote.
Other Business:
Joan made a motion to change the time that we start the meeting to 7:00pm since we are all able to attend at that time. Sue seconded the motion. Motion was approved 6-0.

Linda reminded the Committee that the next meeting will be held on November 28th at 7:00pm.

Mark stated that as he gets the information that was requested he will send it to Linda who will distribute it to the Committee.

Dan made a motion to adjourn. Sue seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Meeting was adjourned at 9:58pm.

Respectfully submitted by Joan Karpf