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Minutes of Town Board Meetings

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Minutes of 12/5/2012 DRAFT

December 7th, 2012

December 5, 2012
Committee attendance: Linda Dowling; Chairman, Joan Karpf, Dan Walker, Sue Kraabel, Jack Catalano, and Mark Catalano; Select Board Liaison.
Also in attendance: Al Strasser, Dave Scalley, Bill Dowling, Greg Hogan. Evan Karpf on camera.
The meeting was called to order at 7:00pm by Chairman Linda Dowling.

Review of minutes: 11/28/12
Linda requested a correction on the Street Lighting vote to read, Motion was approved 4-1. Sue made a motion to accept the minutes as amended. Mark seconded the motion. Motion was approved 6-1.

New Business:
There was a continuation on the discussion of budget requests.
Highway: Conflicting Road Agent Salary figures in revised budget were in question. Greg Hogan confirmed the figure to be $28,280.00 which did not include his salary from the water department. The Highway Maintenance and Resurfacing line was adjusted to $5,500 to reflect anticipated sealing road crack work. Total Highway Expense was adjusted to $91,527.00.
Transfer Station: Bill Dowling informed the Committee that he anticipated stepping down from his position as Supervisor and seeking a full time replacement. He would remain as a part time attendant. He requested an additional $20,995.00 be added to the salary line to cover this change . He requested the Total Expense be amended to $93,925.59. He stated the new Supervisor will be hired to work 40hours/wk. He will continue to work part time (32hrs/wk) at his salary of $24,311.00. Discussion followed. Clarification was requested on total expense for next meeting.

Sue went through the recent operating expense handout to update the information.
• pg 3, Personnel Administration budget total $253,785.00 passed
• pg 4 Sue followed up on the ZBA & PB Land Use Regulation Handbook expense . She stated it had been listed under Travel& Training. It was too late to order new books for next year. ZBA& PB budgets remained the same.
• pg 7 Police Department: Detective Salary was reduced to $1.00, Patrolman Salary increased to $47,549.00, gasoline reduced to $10,000. Total Police expense $208,378.00 passed.

• pg 8, FD Ambulance: Officer's Salaries reduced to $750.00. Total expense reduced to $42,081.00 passed.
• pg 9, Fire Dept. total operating expense $81,571.00 passed.
• pg 11, Street Lighting passed the $16,000 total expense however, Sue felt we should revisit this since 2012 costs are showing higher figures. Discussion followed. The Town will be expecting a %5 increase in cost. Sue anticipates Total expense to reach $20,000 in 2013. Al Strasser suggested changing companies to reduce costs. Mark offered to investigate other options. Mark made a motion to amend the Total expense to $18,000. Dan seconded the motion. Motion passed 5-1.
• pg 14, Patriotic Purpose total of $1,000.00 passed
• pg 14, Culture: Beautification increased to $1,000., Entertainment increased to $2,000, Total increased to $13,100 and passed.
• pg 17, Water Total of $118,067.00 passed
• Total operating budget for 2012 at $1,441,634.00 which is a -4%. This is a $66,569.00 reduction from last year's budget of $1,508,203.00.

Highway Budget revisited: Joan made a motion to accept the highway budget as amended with a total expense of $91,527.00. Dan seconded the motion. Motion was approved 6-0.

Financial Administration: Sue informed the committee that the Town Clerk and Treasurer's expenses were separated from the Financial Administration budget and listed in General Government in detail. The Selectman's 2013 budget column under Town Officer and FA showed the updated line item breakdown. This was done to better reflect these department expenses. Discussion followed. The Budget Committee's Town Officers line item budget was updated to reflect the SB's line item budget for the Treasurer and Town Clerk. Joan made a motion to accept the amended Town Officers total operating expense to $70,960.00. Sue seconded the motion. Motion was approved 6-0.
Changes were then made to exclude the Treasurer and Town Clerk's expenses from the Financial Administration budget. Joan requested the job description for the Administrative Assistant. Mark handed out a first draft of an unapproved copy of the job description. Joan requested the discussion on the Administrative position be tabled to further review the draft job description but the vote on the budget could follow. Jack made a motion we vote on the whole budget. Mark seconded the motion. The motion was approved 4-2. Sue made a motion to accept the amended Financial Administrative Total expense budget of $90,552.00. Dan seconded the motion. The motion was approved 4-2.


Property Assessing: Mark presented the new contract to the Committee. The new Revaluation with no increase in costs is $120,000. The three year schedule would start in 2015 with 50% of the data collected, 50% in 2016 and then the Update of Values in 2017. The cost could be divided evenly into $40,000 each year. Sue informed theCommittee that there were additional costs of approximately $60,000 over 5 years for things such as abatements. Discussion followed regarding best method to budget the expense. Vote was tabled to investigate RSA's.

Water Personnel Administration: Dan made a motion to accept the operating total expense of $22,877.00. Mark seconded the motion. Motion was approved 6-0.

Insurance revisited: Sue is unsure of Town Insurance figure. Workers comp number changed to $19,681.00 to include the credit from Primex. Vote was tabled.

The Committee decided to meet again next week to address tabled items. Sue also wanted to begin discussion on Revenues.

Other Business: Joan revisited the discussion from the previous meeting regarding development and revenue to the Town. According to the handout from the Ohio University titled Costs of Community Services, " Virtually all studies show that for residential land, Cost of Community Service is substantially above 1. That is, residential land is a net drain on local government budgets." A second handout from the Eagle Tribune titled "Deep Impact Towns say development fees help offset taxes", explains how several Towns in Southern NH use impact fees to offset the cost burden. Discussion followed. Joan stated that if someone had literature that was contrary to this information she would be interested in reading it.

With no other business before the Committee, Sue made a motion to adjourn. Mark seconded the motion. Motion carried. Meeting was adjourned at 9:30pm.

Respectfully submitted by Joan Karpf.