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Minutes of Town Board Meetings

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Minutes of 9/6/2012 APPROVED

December 10th, 2012


September 6, 2012


Members Present: Chairman, Dr. Evan Karpf, Vice Chairman, Erik Bergum, Selectmen Representative, William Dowling and members Kenneth Mills, Donna Foster, and Richard Nelson. Also present was David Scalley.

7:00 PM A quorum being present, Chairman Karpf called the meeting to order.

Minutes Review:
Minutes of August 2, 2012
Mr. Dowling offered a motion to approve the Minutes of August 2, 2012 as written. Mr. Mills seconded the motion. The vote was 6 – 0. The motion carries.

The Code Enforcement Officer’s monthly report was available in the meeting folders for all members.

Special Revenue Fund – Chairman Karpf said he received the report of this Planning Fund from the Treasurer who stated all the expenditures were for the Code Enforcement Officer and all the revenues were from permits and fees. Chairman Karpf said his intent was to use the Fund for some budget items that were reimbursed by applicants such as postage, engineer’s fees and some legal expenses. He said using this process with the Fund would not require raising money through taxes.

The Secretary told the Board she had contacted LGC for assistance in amending the Fund to do what the Board wishes, capture applicants’ fees and pay applicant expenses. LGC advised her that the original creation of the Fund may not have been done correctly and advised that DRA should be contacted. The Secretary sent an e-mail to DRA explaining the issue and is awaiting a response.

Chairman’s rescinding of his resignation – Ms. Foster said she contacted LGC by phone regarding this and received nothing definite.
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Planning Board
September 6, 2012

Ms. Foster offered a motion to accept Chairman Karpf’s resignation given at the August meeting and not to accept his rescinding of that resignation which was given by e-mail. Ms. Foster said her reason for this is, if a developer is looking at Twin, he would look up information and see that the chairmen of the Planning Board and the ZBA are married. She said the perception could cause less people to come in and develop businesses in the Town.
There was no second and the issue was tabled by Chairman Karpf pending an opinion from LGC.

Municipal Law Lecture Series- Chairman Karpf read the titles of the individual lectures in the series. He advised the members to contact the Secretary if anyone wished to attend and the Secretary would register them.

Drummond and Woodsum – Chairman Karpf read a letter from Attorney Watson regarding the Dartmouth Brook stabilization. (attached) A copy of the letter will be sent to Provan and Lorber.

Town of Carroll vs William Rines – Chairman Karpf read two (2) documents regarding the ongoing Supreme Court case. (attached)

Report of Officers and Committees:

Update on Master Plan – Preliminary Phase

Mr. Mills told the Board he went to Lincoln and because of technological difficulties he received hard copies (as opposed to digital copies) of most of their Master Plan. He said information is still coming in and his goal is to gather information from 5 -7 towns.
Mr. Nelson said he has been in contact with Susan Griffin of Jefferson and she is mailing hard copies of their Master Plan.
Chairman Karpf offered that he has copied a tutorial CD on how to do a master plan for the sub-committee. He also reminded the sub-committee that it must keep minutes and post meetings.

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Planning Board
September 6, 2012

Unfinished Business:
Approval of Rules of Procedure

Mr. Bergum offered a motion to accept the Rules of Procedure with the spelling correction on page 4, third paragraph from the bottom – sib-division should be sub-division. Mr. Dowling seconded the motion. The vote was 6 – 0. The motion carries.

Driveway Regulations

The Secretary told the Board she has inputted the approved Driveway Regulations into the Subdivision Regulation as 4.18. This will cause all the subsequent sections to be re numbered. She said, if the Board would rather have the Driveway Regulations inserted at the end of the Regulation, it could be easily done. Chairman Karpf said he had told the former Secretary to insert the Driveway Regulations before “Roads” in the Subdivision Regulation, which is where the present Secretary inserted it.

Chairman Karpf asked the Secretary to forward a copy of the Driveway Regulations to the Road Agent. The Secretary said she has already sent a copy to the Code Enforcement Officer along with the Board’s request that he develop an application and fee structure for it. The Secretary was asked to contact the Code Enforcement Officer in another two (2) weeks if she has not heard from him on the matter.

Applicant’s Guide

Action on the Applicant’s Guide was tabled until October to give the members a chance to review it.

Other Business (public comment):
David Scalley asked the Board for clarification regarding his sub-division (Hunt Properties LLC). Mr. Scalley’s question was regarding the bond for work he wants to do at the entrance to the sub-division. The work will include opening the entrance and cutting across Paquette Drive to bring the waterline to the sub-division entrance. He does not anticipate doing any other work on the sub-division road itself, this year.

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Planning Board
September 6, 2012

After discussion it was the consensus of the members and Mr. Scalley that Mr. Scalley will have Headwaters Engineering, the engineering company he is using and who is familiar with the project, give documentation regarding the amount of the bond for the road opening. The Board agreed to let Mr. Scalley proceed once that documentation and bonding is in place.

Chairman Karpf offered a motion that David Scalley obtain a bond for the description of work as it relates to the Hunt Properties, LLC Subdivision. Mr. Bergum seconded the motion. The vote was 6 – 0. The motion carries.

Further discussion took place regarding section 4.19 of the Subdivision Regulation and the need to bond a private road. Chairman Karpf said all subdivision roads are private roads initially. He said if it is in the property owners’ deed that the road will always be a private road, perhaps a bond is not needed. Mr. Scalley said it is the intent that the road will be private, however if the property owners vote to bring it to the town for acceptance, they could do that.

It was consensus of the Board to contact Town Counsel for his opinion on the questions of ; can a portion of a road be bonded or must the entire road be bonded and does a private road need to be bonded.

Mr. Bergum offered a motion to adjourn. Mr. Dowling seconded the motion. The vote was 6 – 0. The motion carries.

7:55 PM the meeting was adjourned.

Respectfully submitted,
Linda J. Dowling
Carroll Planning Board