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Minutes of Town Board Meetings

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Minutes of 6/3/2013 DRAFT

June 10th, 2013

Carroll Board of Selectmen
Meeting Minutes
June 3, 2013
"These minutes of the Town of Carroll Select Board have been recorded by its Secretary.
Though believed to be accurate and correct they are subject to additions, deletions and corrections by the Select Board at its next meeting when the Board votes its final approval of the minutes. They are being made available at this time to conform to the requirements of New Hampshire RSA 91-A:2."

Minutes recorded by Maryclare Quigley, Secretary

Board members present: Paul Bussiere, Bill Dowling, Bonnie Moroney

The meeting was called to order at 7 PM by Chairman Bussiere

Members of the public present: Frank Maturo, Mike Gooden, Evan Karpf, Joan Karpf, Stephen Hilliard, Jeremy Oleson, Susan Kraabel, Michelle MacCorisin, Dave Scalley, Ann Fabrizio

Pledge of Allegiance

The meeting was filmed by Joan Karpf

The Board announced the approval of bills and signing of manifests.

Selectman Moroney made a Motion to: Accept the minutes of 5/20/2013 as written. Selectman Dowling seconded and it passed unanimously.

Chairman Bussiere recognized Stephen Hilliard, who spoke on behalf of the Omni Mount Washington Hotel as he wanted to give an update of their plans for the Fourth of July celebrations. First, however, Mr. Hilliard advised that they are happy to contribute $500 toward the Family Fun Day being planned by the Parks and Recreation Commission for July 4th. The Selectmen thanked Mr. Hilliard for this kind donation.

Mr. Hilliard went on to briefly outline that there will be an event with fireworks on the Fourth of July for Hotel guests only. Saturday, July 6th, a second event will be held at the Ski Area with a barbeque, band and fireworks which will be open to the community at large and they hope the public will come. He outlined various offerings that are being discussed such as the scenic lift ride later in the evening and maybe a limited canopy tour at sunset. He said they have to figure out traffic and parking control and said this may be a fund raising opportunity for an organization, though it is still in the works. Mr. Hilliard also spoke of the possibility of getting a fire truck for display – though again, everything is still in the discussion phase. He advised there is a meeting about the new State Overlook project at the end of the week, which may also work into their plans for the Holiday. Any group or organization interested in possibly parking and/or policing the area should contact Mr. Hilliard at the Hotel. The Board also advised Mr. Hilliard to contact the Fire Chief and the Police Chief regarding their plans. The Board thanked Mr. Hilliard for coming and updating them on the plans at the Hotel.

Chairman Bussiere read a letter from the Town of Littleton thanking the Town and our Fire Chief, Jeremy Oleson, for the Fire Department’s response and service to them in fighting a forest fire on May 8. (Letter attached). Applause was given and the Board thanked Chief Oleson for their professionalism and hard work.

Chairman Bussiere spoke of the debt to the Water Department. The Secretary said the auditors were here last week and they will be setting up a date for a meeting.

Susan K. Kraabel, Town Treasurer told the Board that two years ago she moved money from the regular Ambulance and Recycling Special Revenue Funds into 2-year CD’s for each because she was able to get a good deal on interest. She said both will mature on June 16, and it’s her inclination to renew the CD’s unless the Board has any objections. Mrs. Kraabel said the current rate is .20% and she looked into NH PDIP which is the only alternative and that rate is .02%. This time it will be for one year only because of the rates, though she will try for something a little better if she can. She said she’s hoping there may be a better rate next year. When asked, Mrs. Kraabel said when she received the notice, the Recycling balance was $52,750 and the Ambulance balance was $95,158, which would be a little higher as another month’s interest would be added since that time. She said the Treasurer does not have the options that the Trustees of the Trust Funds have as the State is pretty stringent on what they allow. Selectman Dowling made a Motion to: Purchase the CD’s for one year. Selectman Moroney seconded and it passed unanimously.

Chairman Bussiere brought up the water issue that was discussed previously by Cheryl Gorbich and her husband of Twin Mountain Motor Court. He said he is not aware of any relief the Town has given on anything in the past and couldn’t find that any precedent had been set. Selectman Dowling said as this has been going on for two years it’s not new and he feels that it might have been in their “ballpark.” He said Scott Sonia is willing to put in the new meter and backflow preventer and they need to set up with him. Selectman Moroney said she believes this showed up on the last billing so this particular issue is new. She feels if we could maybe give something off since they came right away, with the understanding this will be the only time, as she said we are not sure if there was a communication glitch or what. Chairman Bussiere reiterated that he’s concerned about setting a precedent. It was suggested that we check on the house on Twin View Drive that had a huge leak several winters ago and also for any other possibilities. The Chairman wondered if we’ll be opening a can of worms about who is responsible, etc. The Board agreed to table this until the next meeting and hopefully they’ll have more answers/information. The Secretary advised that she had spoken with Scott Sonia and he advised the repair is in the works as Mr. Gorbich is in the process of getting the digging done. Mr. Sonia suggested they complete the project between Memorial Day and the Fourth of July to hopefully avoid busy times at the property.

Regarding water service as requested on Little River Road, Chairman Bussiere said in 2007 the Town applied to the PUC to expand the water franchise to include the existing services on Little River Road. Therefore, the Town would have to apply for further expansion before they could even consider granting this request, but more importantly, the town voted in 2006 not to allow water service to properties in other towns, so before they do anything else, the Board needs to know if this vote can be waived. Therefore, they will talk with Town Counsel and continue working on it until the next meeting.

The Transfer Station storage trailers was next and it was noted there had been one response to the ad for bids to provide these. Bill Dowling told the Board he called Meadow Leasing in Littleton and they do not have any of these. The one bid from NRRA (Northeast Resource Recovery Association) gave the only bid of $2,625 delivered, per trailer for three. Mr. Dowling said they could vote on this now or the next meeting – it was up to the Board. So they said they’d wait. Mr. Dowling agreed and asked for a copy of the bid information.

The Glass Crusher was next and it was stated there had not been any response to that ad for bids. Mr. Dowling said he had spoken with the company in South Carolina which is the only place he can get this. He was quoted a cost of $11,685. He said the warrant article included a cost of $16,450 which was to cover the equipment, tables and everything needed for the operation and housing of the unit. He said he went with the same company that Lancaster and Colebrook, among other towns had, as they have good service and it is a good product. Mr. Dowling said as there were no bids received, they should vote to waive the Bid Policy on the Glass Crusher, so they can buy it from this company. Therefore, Chairman Bussiere made a Motion to: Waive the Bid Policy so they can go ahead and purchase the Glass Crusher. Selectman Dowling seconded and the Motion passed unanimously.

With this vote having taken place, Mr. Dowling asked if they wanted to go ahead and vote on the storage trailers, which they said they would. Chairman Bussiere made a Motion to: Waive the Bid Policy for the glass crusher. Selectman Dowling seconded and the Motion passed unanimously.

Chairman Bussiere then made a Motion to: Authorize the purchase of up to three trailers with Bill Dowling’s inspection and approval. Selectman Moroney seconded and the Motion passed unanimously.

Chairman Bussiere made a Motion to: Accept purchasing the Transfer Station Glass Crusher for $11,685. Selectman Dowling seconded and it passed unanimously. The glass crusher is being purchased from Compactors, Inc. dba, Chicago Trashpacker.

Next was the Town Counsel Policy. Chairman Bussiere said as this is basically an on-going policy that can be updated and reworked as it is used; he wanted to amend it so it does not include the Select Board. He feels the Selectmen should be able to speak with or email Town Counsel as needed as long as all Select Board members and the Secretary are copied on an email or included in an email summary from Town Counsel of a conversation with a Selectman.

The amendment is: “The Select Board will be exempt from this Policy. All other Select Board members and the Select Board Secretary will be copied in all emails. Should a telephone call be necessary, town Counsel will be requested to summarize the Conversation in an email to the three Select Board members and the Select Board Secretary.”
Chairman Bussiere made a Motion to: Amend the Town Counsel Policy as read. Selectman Dowling seconded and the Motion passed unanimously. The Selectmen signed the amendment which will be attached to the Policy.

Selectman Dowling brought up the Town Hall Energy Audit. He said all Selectmen had received a copy of the agreement and if there is no problem with it, he would recommend they go ahead with the audit and get it done soon. Chairman Bussiere agreed so they may start implementing it if possible. Selectman Dowling said it would at least let us know if we should look at a new building for here which would be large enough to accommodate the Police Department if necessary – we can look at savings costs, return on investment, etc. But at least it’s a place to start. When asked about the cost, Selectman Dowling said it is $4,730, actually a bit lower than the warrant article stated. Selectman Dowling made a Motion to: Sign the agreement and Selectman Moroney seconded. The Motion passed unanimously.

The following items were approved and signed:

Property Tax Warrant, 1st Issue
Town Hall Use Permit Application – Parks and Recreation Commission/Janet Nelson
Water Warrants – Various
Driveway Permit – Audesse, Brian View Drive


Selectman Dowling wanted to clarify that when the Board did away with the Selectmen Representative Policy they did away with all seats on all Boards. It was reiterated that it is only the Liaison Representative Policy and therefore, Department representatives only, not the various boards and committees i.e. Planning Board, Zoning Board, Safety Committee. It was also clarified it has only been put aside for a year rather than done away with completely.

Selectman Dowling announced his department had been to the NRRA recycling conference in Manchester earlier in the day. Which as the 32nd annual conference, it is the oldest in the nation for recycling. He went on to say the Town of Carroll was awarded a Certificate for the most tonnage for a town in our size bracket. This is a great accomplishment and he said he hopes to get it again next year! All applauded Mr. Dowling and the Board thanked him for all his work on behalf of the Town.

Selectman Moroney thanked every for their help with Memorial Day – Andy Martel and Cole Hogan, the Fire, Police and Recreation Departments – she said all did a great job and expressed her appreciation again. She also thanked all who attended and participated – it was a wonderful town event.

Dave Scalley spoke on behalf of the Recreation Commission and said they have been getting prices to redo the floor in the gym and said they will hold back in view of the energy audit and future discussion of the building. He said they are coming in in excess of $10,000. The Board advised Mr. Scalley that they should put a warrant article in as the Recreation Commission should not have to cover that entire cost. They agreed they will wait and see what happens.

As there was no further business, the Board was polled and went into non-public session for personnel matters at 8:00 p.m.

At the close of Non-Public Session, Selectman Dowling moved to return to Public Session and seal the minutes from Non-Public Session. Selectman Moroney seconded and the Motion passed unanimously.

There being no further discussion, Selectman Dowling made a Motion to: adjourn the meeting. Selectman Moroney seconded and the Motion passed unanimously. Chairman Bussiere declared the meeting ended at 8:12 p.m. The next meeting will be Monday, June 17, 2013.