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Minutes of May 15, 2013

July 17th, 2013

Meeting Called to order at 7:02PM
Members present: Joan Karpf, Dave Scalley, Mike Hogan, Rob Gauthier
Members of the public present and video taping-Linda Dowling
Minutes from April discussed and tabled . Motion made by Joan, seconded by Rob
Discussion about adding the motions and second's for the election of Chair, Vice Chair, and Secretary.
Review of Carroll Budget Committee Policies and Mission Statement
Chair Hogan made motion to accept previously written meeting by-laws and policies.
Second by Joan, Motion passed
Chair Hogan discussed a possible pay scale format for Town Employee's. Mike suggested submitting to the selectman a pay scale format. Mike went into depth of discussing a possible review and pay scale based on steps and performance, with the department heads input. Dept. Heads would know their respective budgets and this would allow a set policy for increases each year. Similar to a military pay scale. The employee would know at time of being hired their possible pay increases.
Joan mentioned that the administration of salaries is not the budget committee's role and is that of the selectboard.
Joan stated we could make a recommendation to the selectboard.
Discussion about a current format for salary increases, which does not exist and the employees that had not had raises in the past years, because of no set policy.
Discussion about employee yearly reviews, and schedule for the these reviews.
Discussion about the positives about establishing such a policy for budgeting purposes and employee retention.
Rob stated the problems faced in a neighboring town when trying to have employees receive raises and that this system would assist in future budgeting.

Revenue and expenditures review by the committee through April. 2010 through 2012 Actual revenues and expenditures were also reviewed.
Dave mentioned that the Parks and Rec budget from 2012 and what was spent and the 2013 budget there is more than $5634 dollars that went into the general fund is what the P & R are being told.
There was a balance of $5634 in Sept. 2012 and the P & R was told that money was put back in the General Fund.

Email discussions were discussed and protocol was explained. Joan stated one-way questions only.
Joan brought to the committee's attention about Bill SB197. Bill was passed in the Senate not passed in the house yet.Our water dept is based on 400 users. Joan's concern is that if this bill passed, and how this town has neglected it's water system, would put a burden on the 400 users.
Discussion about the actual language of the bill and that SB2 towns would be "authorized" to separate Water and Sewer from the regular budget, and that the Towns would then have the option to do so.
Dave mentioned that he had discussed with Scott (Water Dept Head) about failing water lines and the issue that the town will be faced with in the near future.
Discussion about when the Dept. Heads will meet with the Budget Committee.
Joan made the Committee aware of a situation that is at the Selectboard's level, that there is a $90,000 that could go back into the water dept.'s budget. Joan stated that money was put in the general fund for a bond payment, that the water dept was not responsible to pay for.
Joan asked the new members about what their concerns are. Dave stated his are the infrastructure of the town and that the town needs to improve the infrastructure to attract businesses.
The lack of a sewer system for the town hinders restaurants and new commercial businesses from coming to town.
Options about looking to the future about bringing in some sort of sewer system set-up. Joan stated there are people actively trying to have businesses come into town and that this is a reason they have not come to Carroll.
Dave also stated that another reason to join the budget committee other than to help the town and do his part is that over the last 3 years it has been "cut, cut, cut" and acknowledged Mike's earlier offering about a pay scale to help the employee's drive and motivation to stay in the employment of the Town of Carroll rather than looking elsewhere in surrounding towns. Creating incentive and that the ton is very fortunate that we have the employees that we have. Further Dave added that a part time employee that has to come to work and put a bulletproof vest on should get more than $15 an hour.
Chair Mike Hogan felt his finance and accounting background could assist the Town. Mike was a Lead 6 Sigma in the military and to look at a better way in doing task's. Efficiency was a key and looking at the departments and looking to see if there is a different way to run the town more effectively.
Dave mentioned the current balances that we have in numerous funds could be pooled together and have the money working for us.
Discussion about the numerous funds that are established.
Rob stated his history as a selectperson and a budget committee member in the Town of Groveton could assist in the pitfalls that Groveton faced. Agreed with Dave's statement of "cut cut cut" mentality and Mike's approach of a pay-scale as that was a large sore spot and a point of contention each year in the budgeting process. Employee retention and an attempt to make it not an emotional issue because a pay scale has been created and a built in incentive.
Joan stated LGC had done a comparison for Town wages, and that the budget committee could request a copy.
Motion to adjourn made by Dave and seconded by Joan.
Meeting adjourned at 7:53
Respectfully submitted by Rob Gauthier